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Radiation Safety Procedure

Prepared and Reviewed by: Approved By SOGEC

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Vaidhiya G Ziad Mohdad 13/07/2010 1 of 15

Table of Contents
1. Policy................................................................................................................................3
2. Scope................................................................................................................................4
3. References........................................................................................................................4
4. Radiological Units............................................................................................................4
5. Personnel..........................................................................................................................5
5.1. Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)....................................................................5
5.2. Authorized Persons:..................................................................................................5
5.3. Classified Persons:....................................................................................................6
5.4. Non Classified Persons:............................................................................................6
6. Personnel Monitoring.......................................................................................................7
6.1. Medical Examination................................................................................................7
6.2. Monitoring................................................................................................................7
6.3. Incident Reporting....................................................................................................7
6.4. Records.....................................................................................................................7
7. Equipment Inspection.......................................................................................................8
7.1. General......................................................................................................................8
7.2. In Correct Delivery...................................................................................................8
7.3. On Arrival at Work Location....................................................................................8
7.4. Daily Checks.............................................................................................................8
7.5. Storage of Sealed Sources........................................................................................8
7.6. Control of Sealed Sources........................................................................................9
7.7. Loss / Mislaid of Sealed Sources..............................................................................9
8. Radiation Operations........................................................................................................9
9. Site Radiography............................................................................................................11
10. Transportation of Sealed Sources:..............................................................................12
10.1. General....................................................................................................................12
10.2. Road Transportation...............................................................................................12
Annexure: 1.........................................................................................................................13
1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................13
2.0 Source struck out side of its projector................................................................13
3.0 Loss / stolen of source.........................................................................................13
4.0 Vehicle Accident..................................................................................................14
5.0 Equipment...........................................................................................................14
6.0 Medical checks for personnel involved in emergency........................................15
7.0 Calculating Intensity with the Inverse Square Law............................................15

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1. Policy

The SOGEC will ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safe ty of
members of the public, of its employees and of contractors working on the premises
who may be exposed to the hazards arising from the use of ionizing radiations (e.g. x-
ray, gamma rays etc.).

The SOGEC is committed to a policy of keeping exposures to ionizing radiation as low

as reasonably practicable, social and economic factors being taken into account.

The SOGEC will maintain a Radiation Protection management structure to implement

radiation safety requirements.

Radiation Protection Supervisors will be appointed to cover each department using

ionizing radiation (unless exempted by the Regulations) respectively to enable work
with radiation to be carried out in a safe manner.

All radiation facilities will be designed to meet the requirements of relevant

Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes and to ensure that doses to
members of the public, and staff are below relevant nationally agreed dose constraints.

Local Rules will be prepared to cover all procedures using ionizing radiation. The
Rules will contain systems of work designed to minimize radiation doses to staff, and
members of the public. Radiation doses to all radiographers working with ionizing
radiation will be monitored by means of whole body dosimeters.

Diagnostic medical examinations involving the use of ionizing radiation will be carried
within an overall management framework defined by Standard Operating Procedures
and Protocols prepared by the SOGEC

The minimizing of radiation doses to staff will be a prime factor in the selection and
use of equipment. Quality Assurance tests will be carried out at regular intervals on all
equipment involved in staff and public exposure with ionizing radiation.

Staff working with ionizing radiation will be trained to a level commensurate with the
work being performed and the degree of hazard involved and to satisfy legal

The SOGEC will ensure that the radiation protection program is implemented and
reviewed and that appropriate organizational arrangements are in place to facilitate it.

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1. Scope

This document is for the use of SOGEC personnel and its sub-contractors who are engaged
in operations using ionizing radiation.

The document covers the basic administrative, medical and operational requirements
governing the control, storage, usage and transportation of radioactive sources.

2. References

 Radiation Safety for Site Radiography OCPCA 1986

 Statutory Instrument No. 3232, Ionizing Radiation Regulations HMSO 1999
 IAEA Regulations, Code of Practice Guides

3. Radiological Units

 Radioactivity : S1 unit of radioactivity: Becquerel

Old unit of radioactivity: Curie
1 Becquerel = 1 disintegration per second
1 Curie = 37 billion disintegrations per second
37 Giga Becquerel (GBq) = 1 Curie

 Absorbed Dose: S1 unit of Absorbed Dose: Gray(Gy)

Old Unit of Absorbed Dose: Rad
1 Gray = 100 rads
1 Rad = l0 mGy

 Dose Equivalent: S1 unit of Dose Equivalent: Sievert(Sv)

Old unit of Dose Equivalent: Rem
1 Sievert = 100 rem
1 Rem = 10 mSv

 Radiation Output: Gray Per Second (Gy/s) : 412.4 X 10 mR/hr

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Rontgen per hour (R/hr) : 2.425 ':::>JGy/s

Units provided @ 1 Meter)

4. Personnel
4.1. Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)

The SOGEC shall appoint in writing one or more suitably qualified employee(s)
as Radiation Protection Supervisor (s).

The above person shall be responsible for the supervision of all aspects of work
involving the control, storage, use and transport of radioactive sources.

His main role is to provide advice in the case of an emergency involving a

radioactive source.

His duties shall include overseeing safe work practices, dealing with the
emergencies, investigation and reporting incidents.

Name, location and telephone contact number of RPS shall be available at the
work site where work involves ionizing radiation.

4.2. Authorized Persons:

SOGEC shall appoint in writing, suitable qualified employees as authorized

persons. Such persons shall be trained, qualified and certified minimum Level I
in accordance with SOGEC Written practice for personnel qualification and
certification in Non-destructive testing, meeting the requirements of SNT-TC-
1A of ASNT.

The individual shall be fully conversant to undertake the following specific


1. Safe use, control and transportation of Ionizing radiation Establishing the

shielding for the protection of the personnel where ionizing radiation is

2. Use of radiation equipment containing radioactive source, radiation survey

instruments and personnel monitoring instruments

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Other duties specified by the Competent Person regarding all aspects of safety
involved in ionizing radiation

Authorized personnel shall be registered by SOGEC with a recognized

radiological body such as British National Radiological Protection Board that
monitors the persons' radiation dose equivalent on a monthly basis with film

The personnel shall be provided with film badges for personnel monitoring
when entering to the radiation area where the radiation level exceeds 7.5 micro
Sv/hr(O.75mR/hr). They shall also be equipped with dosimeter.

4.3. Classified Persons:

SOGEC shall appoint suitably trained employees to work as assistant under the
guidance of authorized persons. Their duties require knowledge of safe
operation of ionizing radiation sources, use radiation monitoring instruments,
provide shielding and observe shielding parameters.

They shall not undertake radiation source operation and other duties involving
ionizing radiation unless so authorized in writing by SOGEC RPS.

4.4. Non Classified Persons:

Persons who are not classified in the clause A through C, are called non-
classified persons, may be general public, contract personnel or others who are
not connected with radiography activity.

They are prohibited to involve in work or passage where ionizing radiation is

present. They shall be excluded or away from restricted areas where the
radiation level exceeds 7.5µSv (O.75mR/hr). Suitable warning signs and/or
barriers shall be provided.


Considering the recommendations of the International Commission on
radiological protection (ICRP), the maximum permissible dose rates for the
personnel categories shall be as specified in Table I as follows:
Category msv/yr (Rem/yr) mSv/13wks (Rem/13wks)
RPSs 20 (2) 15 ( 1.5 )
Authorized Persons 20 (2) 15 ( 1.5 )

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Classified Persons 20 (2) 15 ( 1.5 )

Non Classified Persons 20 (2) 15 ( 1.5 )

5. Personnel Monitoring
5.1. Medical Examination

All Radiological personnel in the clause A through C shall undergo medical

examination at once in a year, arranged by SOGEC.

Whenever, the RPSs deems necessary or circumstances require, a special

medical examination shall be arranged.

5.2. Monitoring

All classified personnel shall be provided with a monitoring film badge as

supplied by an approved organization like NRPB, UK/Nuclear Department @
Ministry of Health Kingdom of Bahrain.

The film badge shall be worn on the body outside clothing and shall be replaced
on every month and the used (exposed) film returned to the organization for

The classified persons shall be responsible for the proper use and safe keeping
on his badge and film.

5.3. Incident Reporting

Any incident involving ionizing radiation where a dose rate in excess of that
permitted is suspected shall be reported immediately with full details to the
Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS).

5.4. Records

SOGEC shall maintain records of issue and return of monitoring film in respect
of individual personnel together with doses registered on same and as reported
by the laboratory by the each individual film. On occasion of employment,
personnel shall receive a transfer record containing a summary of the individual
radiation dose records.

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6. Equipment Inspection
6.1. General

The isotope shall not be examined physically. Instead, the isotope delivery note
from the manufacturer and the decay chart are to be inspected to check that the
isotope is of the correct type, size and source strength.

The serial number on the decay chart shall match that of tag attached to the
source container.

An equipment check list shall accompany the radiographic source that provided
a record of inspections carried out on the radiographic equipment.

6.2. In Correct Delivery

If the incorrect source type, size or type has been delivered, this shall be
immediately notified to the RPS for appropriate action.

6.3. On Arrival at Work Location

The source and its accessories shall be checked for damage by radiographer
upon arrival to work location and back.

6.4. Daily Checks

Whenever the radiographic equipment is in use it shall be examined for external

damage on a daily basis by the radiographer.

6.5. Storage of Sealed Sources

The radiography source, when not in use, shall always be stored in a separate
storage room/pit under lock and key.

It shall never be left at site unattended. It is important to note that there shall not
be any chance of water seepage into the room where the radiation source is

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Radiation warning signs shall be conspicuously posted on the entrance door of

the storage room.
The isotope storage room shall be suitably provided with adequate lighting and

The storage room shall preferably be located in an isolated area of minimum


6.6. Control of Sealed Sources

All gamma ray sources shall be of remote control type. Each projector shall
have a unique number to facilitate record keeping in respect of movement,
location and maintenance purposes.

The sealed source shall also have unique number for record purposed and shall
be accompanied by a decay chart at all times.

All equipments shall be checked prior to use and shall be maintained in a clean
and safe working conditions.

All sealed sources shall be purchased from the approved suppliers and shall be
supplied with test forms indicating that full testing has been performed in all
respects. As the company operates within the maximum recommended working
life of the nuclide (or Ir. 192 - 1 year) there is no statutory requirement for leak
or swap test to be performed on the sealed sources or projectors in use.

6.7. Loss / Mislaid of Sealed Sources

Daily movement of the sources shall be recorded in the store/site log book and
shall be signed in and out by the responsible person as stated in clause A
through C

All Personnel should inform immediately to RPS if there is lost or misplace the
sealed source. The RPS shall be investigating circumstances and then report to
those with a need to know informed at all times.

7. Radiation Operations

Radiation source shall only be operated by the personnel as stated clause A through C.

The full length of the driving cable shall be made use of during panoramic exposures so
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that maximum possible distance is maintained between the radiation source and the
operator. Larger the distance lesser will be the radiation source received.

The source shall always be operated from behind the projector thereby making use of the
shielding provided by the body of the projector.

The radiography personnel shall always position him as far away from the source as
possible during exposures. In addition, he may make use of the shielding provided by huge
objects usually present in the radiography area.

All the exposures shall be planned in advance and executed in the minimum possible time.
The shorter period of time the spent near the radiation source, the lesser the radiation dose

Demarcation barrier tape (of a bright colour e.g. yellow or orange) and radiation signs in
Arabic and English shall be used to cordon off unsafe areas where the radiation level is
above 7.5 microSv/hr (0.75mR/hr). This area is called restricted area.

The safe working distance shall be calculated based on the source Strength being used and
the demarcation barriers shall be positioned accordingly prior to exposing the source. The
position of the barrier may be altered after exposure subject to monitoring radiation level
by survey meter.

During operation, the radiation survey meter duly calibrated shall be used for monitoring
the radiation level. The dose rate at the barrier of any radiation area shall not exceed
7.5micro Sv (0.75 mR/hr).

When using gamma ray source, after termination of the each exposure, proper storage of
the source inside the projector shall be verified with a radiation survey meter.

Wherever practicable, collimators shall be used with isotope since shielded source is less
hazardous and the primary beam of the Collimated exposure shall be directed towards areas
of minimum occupancy.

To prevent access to any radiation area, the area shall be closed with warning signs, barriers
and flashing lights to warn hazard to radiation.
During radiography operation, apart from film badge, the personnel shall be provided with
quartz fiber dosimeter or audible alarm which gives instant assessment of the cumulative
dose received.

After completion of the radiography work, the projector and the source shall be securely
locked to avoid accidental exposure due to opening of the shutter and also to avoid the
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source dropping out of the projector.

General Directorates for the Protection of Environment and Wild Life Bahrain shall be
advised in writing of all radioactive material (Iridium 192) imported for use under contract
to construction projects. The Following Information shall be in corporate.

1. Source Reference Code or type Identification

2. Radioactive Nuclide and Activity
3. Transport Index in designated Transport Shield
4. Purpose of Use
5. Date of Receipt
6. Storage Location

8. Site Radiography

Upon receipt of written instruction to proceed to site for work involving the use of ionizing
radiation, the authorized person shall adopt the following procedures:

Proper radiography source shall be selected (gamma ray or X- ray) ensuring that the
projector and source is correct in all respects.

For safe working conditions, it ensure that all radiography safety accessories are fully
operable, the accessories include radiation survey meter, dosimeter, audible alarm monitor,
flash light with warning sign, barrier and collimator.

Ensure that a tag displaying radiation warning sign and nature and strength of source is
attached to the projector.

All accessories required for the safe use of the radiographic source such as its handling
tong shall be taken along with the projector.

Radiography personnel shall report to the responsible person on site and shall briefly
explain the requirements of safe operational area, highlighting the hazards associated with
ionizing radiation.

Warning signs, barriers and the flashing lights shall be established around the restricted
area of exposure. If necessary, trial exposure shall be performed to monitor and adjust the

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In gamma radiography, the source shall be monitored both during exposure and retraction
to ensure accurate location into the collimator and safe return to the projector.

During exposure, barriers shall be monitored particularly for any change in location in
orientation of the source.

After completion of the radiographic work, the gamma ray projector and source shall be
monitored to ensure that the source has reached its safe place inside the projector and the
projector is locked. If X-ray is used, The X-ray equipment shall be disconnected from its
power source and the operating key removed from the control panel after completion of the
radiography work.

If any emergency situation arises involving ionizing radiation, the authorized personnel in-
charge shall observe the procedure stated in Annexure - I Radiation Emergency Procedure

9. Transportation of Sealed Sources:

9.1. General

Transpiration of sealed sources shall be in vehicles specifically licenses and

registered by Bahrain Radiation Environment department. These vehicles
should have warning notices front and rear indicating relevant information. The
transportation shall be above mentioned clause A Classified personnel only.

9.2. Road Transportation

The classified personnel only can transport sealed sources. The sealed sources
container shall be monitored for safe lock and the proper sign to be labeled and
proper records to be submitted to concern authority. The radiation warning sign
boards should be displayed on the vehicle. The vehicle should not be left
unattended by any person unless the vehicle must lock.

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Annexure: 1

This procedure defines a practical plan for handling an emergency situation that may arise
involving ionized radiation from sealed sources other than those occurring under the
normal circumstances.

It describes the initial remedial action to be taken in different emergency situations such as
loss damage to source, improper functioning or damage of container during site
radiography resulting the source being left in an unknown / unshielded position.

2.0Source struck out side of its projector

When the source stuck outside the projector, the following procedure shall be followed.

Stop all the operations and inform to the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)/Site -In
charge about the incident.

Cordon-off the radiation area using survey meter and move the barrier and warning signs to
the new restricted area where radiation level less than 7.5m Sv/hr.

Try to retract the source or provide radiation shielding such as lead, steel sheets around the
source if possible.
If shielding is not available, dig a hole in the ground and put the pencil, Guide tube, camera
etc., in the hole and cover it with earth.

The Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS/Site In-charge will access the nature of incident
and plan for further action considering the source strength, shielding, Dose rates, location
and other related factors.

3.0Loss / stolen of source

For any reason a sealed source is lost or mislaid, the following course of action shall be

Inform to the SOGEC Main Office /Site In-charge immediately about the incident.

If the source is separated from the projector, search using survey meters from last known
position of the lost source.

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Once the source been located, try to put the source in lead pot using manipulator rod
considering the radiation lead.

The lead pot with source shall place in the radiation pit.

Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)/Site In-charge shall decide the further course of
action to reload in the projector.

When a sealed source is believed to have been stolen, the Site Incharge/operator shall
immediately inform to SOGEC Main Office, who will in turn inform to relevant authorities
to investigate the incident.

4.0Vehicle Accident

Where a vehicle transporting a radioactive source is involve in an accident.

The Civil defense authorities and the Police shall be informed immediately.

Radiation level shall be monitored to ensure that the source is still inside the transport
container or projector.

The location of the source has been ascertained, the Authorized Person or RPS shall
proceed to retrieve the source and container.

All reports to be completed in accordance with local rules.


The following accessories should be used for the rescue operation.

a) Lead shot
b) Handling tongs
c) Recovery container
d) Bolt cutter
e) Hacksaw
f) Screwdrivers
g) Pliers
h) Warning Signs
i) Barrier tape
j) Flash Lights
k) Radiation Survey Meter
l) Dosimeter and film badge
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6.0Medical checks for personnel involved in emergency

An emergency involving a radiation hazard, the personal monitoring badges of the

personnel involved shall be immediately sent to the appropriate radiological body (NRPB,
U.K)/Ministry of Health Nuclide Dept. for assessments.

The above person(s) shall go for a Medical Examination, to check whether there is
excessively received dose or not.

If there is any excess dosage found in the medical examination, they should consult a
medical Practitioner and follow his advice.

7.0Calculating Intensity with the Inverse Square Law

Safe Distance for Unshielded Source

Constant Out Put from Iridium 192 Source = 0.49 R/h @ 1 Meter (490mR/hr)
Maximum Permissible Dose Rate: 0.75mR/hr

I1 / I2 = D2 ² / D1 ²


I1 = Intensity 1 at D1
I2 = Intensity 2 at D2 (7. 5 μSv/hr)
D1 = Distance 1 from source
D2 = Distance 2 from source

For 10 Ci Iridium 192 Source Using: 0.49 R/hr X 10 Ci = 4.9 R/hr

49000 mSv/7.5mSv = (D2)2/ (1m)'
49000mSv/7.5mSv = (D2)2
D2 = √6533
D2 = 80meter

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