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Date.............................. Name, Surname........................................Group...................

Q1. For the distribution of the employees according to the level of qualification we cannot compute: a. the employees
structure;b. the overall number of employees; c. the average number of employees; d.the modal number of employees

Q2. In a statistical research, data analysing activity is organized, compared to data collection: a. previously; b. after; c.
in the same time; d. the order is not important as long as both activities are organized; e. never

Q3. Interpret the relation between the profit and the cost knowing that the the average variance = 2000 and the total
variance = 4000

Q4. For the year t1 the rate of the turnover was 200% compared to the year t0. In the next year, the turnover had an
100% increase. Knowing that the absolute change of the turnover in t 2 compared to t0 was100 m.u., compute the
turnover value in the year t1

Q5. For a company the following data:

Average salary 100 130 400 410 450 600
Nb. of employees < 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 and over
Nb. of subsidiaries (%) 10 15 30 35 … 5
Nb. of clients < 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 over 70

a. Display the distribution of the statistical population according to all variables and graph its structure
b. Compute and interpret the central tendency measures characterising the statistical population: mean, median and
modal values
c. Analyse the degree of arithmetic means representativity according to all variables
d. Interpret the skewness of the distribution according to all variables
e. Estimate the percentage of subsidiaries with the number of employees larger than the average level.
f. Supposing the data are representing the results of a survey on a sample of 20% out of the overall European
subsidiaries within the same branch, construct a 95 % confidence class for the average number of employees with
Laplace function argument 1.96

Q6. For a company we know the information regarding the turnover and the profit evolution:
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Turnover mobile relative change (%) +3% +4% +2% +4% -2% +8%
Profit chain base absolute change (mill. m.u.) 6 4 -1 9 2 9
The turnover in 1990 was 80 m.u. and the average rate of profit per year was + 6.4 %.
Considering the profit evolution is influenced by the turnover evolution you are asked to:
a. reconstruct and graph the historical evolutions
b. forecast the turnover evolution for the next year, choosing the most appropriate method between the simple and the
analytical methods
c. forecast the profit in 1997 taking into account its dependency upon the turnover.
d. Measure the intensity of the relation using parametrical and nonparametric measures
e. Test the significance of the relation using the Student test (t tabel = 4.03)

Q7. For 3 companies selling the same product we know the data
Company Total Production in 1998 Price change in Quantity indexes Average number of
1998/1997 (%) (%) employees
t0 t1
A 500 +50 80 500 450
B 1200 +80 100 1500 1500
C 300 +100 90 600 580
a. Compute and interpret the individual indexes of the value, price and quantities manufactured.
b. Compute and interpret the aggregate indexes of the labour productivity as arithmetic and harmonic means
c. Graph the structure of the production in 1997 for this company.

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