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Project Location

Consultant Contractor

Prepared by …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name Designation Office Date

Class of Concrete Specified Strength kg/cm2

Quantity Cu m. Structure type Member type
Possibility of surface attack – yes/no. Type of Cement used -i/v
Allowable maximum water/cement ratio
Mix temperature range C. Initial Setting time min.
Hauling distance km. Hauling time min Pump used –yes/no.

Mix design per cubic meter:

Specified minimum Cement factor ____________kg.

Specified slump range _______________mm.
Specified Nominal Max. Size _____________mm

3/4th of Min. spacing of bar ______mm:3/4th of Min cover ______mm

1/5th of Minimum dimension of the member _________mm
Used nominal maximum size ___________mm.
Expected slump _______mm. Calculated water content ___kg
Mix design strength _____kg/cm2.
Calculated water/cement ratio ______ used w/c ratio______
Calculated cement factor ___kg. Used cement factor ____kg
Calculated % air________

Fineness modulus of fine aggregate________

Calculated Dry rodded volume of coarse aggregate/concrete vol._____
Measured dry rodded unit weight of C A _______kg/cubic meter.
Weight of C A _______kg Specific Gravity of C A (oven dry)___

Absolute Volume of C A ____cu .m. Volume of cement _____ cu. m.

Volume of water ______cu m. Vol of air _____cu m.

If an admixture is used: Type of Admixture_________.

Brand Name_______________ Dose/100kg.cement__________.
Wt. Of admixture ___________Specific Gravity of Admixture______
Vol of Admixture ____________cu m.

Total vol. Of cement, water, coarse aggregate, air and admixture _________cu. m.
Volume of Fine Aggregate _______cu. m. Weight of F.A __________kg.
Design Mix(before adjustment for moisture and Absorption):

Cement ____kg. Water ____ kg. C.A ______kg F A. _______ kg.

Mix after Adjustment for Moisture and Absorption:
%Absorption: C A.________ F A____________
%Moisture: C A________ F A____________
Cement ______kg. Water ______kg. C A. ________kg. F A ______kg.

Trial mixing :Batch amount _________cu. m.

Cement ______kg. Water ________kg. C .A. ______kg. F.A. ______kg.

Unit Weight _______kg/cu. m. %Air Content __________

Time (minutes) Slump(mm) 7 days Strength(kg/cm2) 28 days strength

__________ _________ ______________ ___________

__________ _________ ______________ ___________
__________ _________ ______________ ___________
__________ _________ ______________ ___________
__________ _________ ______________ ___________
__________ _________ ______________ ___________

Used Cement factor _______ Minimum Specified Cement Factor___________

Used water/cement ratio ________ Maximum Allowable w/c ratio _________

Remarks: ________________________________________________________

Recommended – yes/no.

Contractor ___________________________
(Signature, date and name)

Material Eng’r. _______________________ Res. Eng’r. ______________


Project: Date:
Consultant: Contractor:

Location: Concrete Class: Type of Structure:

Fine Aggregate:
Obtained Specified Limit
Fineness Modulus _________ 2.3---3.1
Sodium Soundness _________ Maximum 10%
Friable Particles _________ Max. 1%
Organic Impurities ________ Lighter
Sand Equivalent ________ Minimum 75%
Sieve Size %Passing %Passing
3/8” ________ 100
#4 ________ 95—100
#8 ________ ------
#16 ________ 45---80
#30 ________ ------
#50 ________ 10---30
#100 ________ 2---10
#200 ________ Max.4%

Coarse Aggregate :
Obtained Specified Limit
Abrasion ________ Maximum 40%
Sodium Soundness ________ Max. 12%
Friable Particles ________ Max. 1%
Soft Fragments and Shales ________ Max. 5%
Thin and Elongated Pieces ________ Max. 15%
Alkali Reactivity ________ Innocuous
Use another page for Petrographic Examination and other tests, If required.
Sieve Size %Passing %Passing
2” ________ ________
1 ½” ________ ________
¾” ________ ________
½” ________ ________
3/8” ________ ________
#4 ________ _________
#8 ________ _________
#200 ________ Max. 1%

All test required in the specification have been performed and showed that the materials including
water, cement and admixture satisfied all requirements.

Name ____________ _______________ _______________
Contractor Material Engineer Res. Engineer.

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