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AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

 Car efully read the user manual before using, and keep it w ell for future
 Car efully chec k the device parts list before using. For any doubt, contact
AUTOOL distributor immediately.
 Due to the product upgrade, tiny differenc e betw een the user manual and
the device w ill not be further noticed. Take the device as standard.
AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

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AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Pr oduct Summary ................................................................................... 1

1.1 Pr oduct Pr ofile .......................................................................................... 1

1.2 Pr oduct Function ...................................................................................... 1
1.3 Technical Parameters ............................................................................... 2
1.4 Working Env ironment Requirement ........................................................ 3
Chapter 2 Tester Structure....................................................................................... 4

Chapter 3 Operation ................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Pr e-Test ..................................................................................................... 5

3.1.1 Connect Tester ............................................................................. 5
3.1.2 Key Description ............................................................................ 5
3.2 Tester Startup ............................................................................................ 6
3.3 Select Language....................................................................................... 6
3.4 Battery Test ............................................................................................... 6
3.4.1 IN-V EHICLE or OUT- OF-V EHICLE ............................................ 7
3.4.2 Select Battery Charge State ........................................................ 8
3.4.3 Select Battery Type ...................................................................... 8
3.4.4 Battery System Standard and Rating .......................................10
3.4.5 Battery Test Result .....................................................................12
3.5 Cranking Test ..........................................................................................14
3.6 Charging System and Rectifier Diode Test ...........................................15
Chapter 4 Daily Maintenance ................................................................................19

4.1 Eliminate Common Fault ........................................................................19

4.1.1 Screen Not Light ..................................................................................19
AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Chapter 1 Product Summary

1.1 Product Profile
BT-360 Battery Tester adopts currently the w orld's most advanced
conductance testing technology to easily, quickly and accurately measure the
actual cold cranking amps capability of the vehic le starting battery, healthy
state of the battery itself, and common fault of the vehic le starting system and
charging system, w hich can help maintenance personnel to find the problem
quickly and accurately, thus to achieve quick vehicle repair.

1. Test all automotive cranking lead acid battery, including ordinary lead acid
battery, A GM flat plate battery, AGM spir al battery, and Gel battery, etc.
2. Directly detect bad cell battery.
3. Polarity reverse connection protection, reverse connection w ill not damage
the tester or affect the vehicle and battery.
4. Directly test the battery w ith loss of electricity, no need to full charge before
5. Testing standards include currently the w orld's majority of battery
standards, CCA, JIS, DIN, IEC, EN, SA E, GB.
6. Support multi-languages, customer can select different language pac kage,
which includes: English, Russian, Spanish, Fr ench, Ger man, etc. Other
languages can also be customized according to user's need. if you need
such as Chinese ,Japanese etc , Pls contact w ith us,w e can OEM for you.

1.2 Product Function

Main functions of BT- 360 battery tester include: battery test, cranking test,
charging test and other additional functions.

Battery test is mainly targeted to analyze the battery healthy status to

calculate the actual cold cranking capability of the battery and the aging extent,
which provide reliable analysis evidence for the test and maintenance of the
battery. It notifies the user to replace battery in advance w hen the battery
getting aged.

Cranking test is mainly to test and analyze the starting motor. Through testing

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

the actual required cranking current and cranking voltage of the starting motor,
it can find out w hether the starting motor w orks fine. There are several reasons
why the starting motor is abnor mal: lubr icating system fault causing the
starting loaded torque increasing or rotor friction of the starting motor causing
the increasing friction of the starting motor itself.

Charging test is to chec k and analyze the char ging system, inc luding
generator, r ectifier, rectifier diode, etc., thus to find out w hether the output
voltage of the generator is nor mal, the rectifier di ode w orks fine and the
charging current is nor mal. Suppose one of the above mentioned parts is not in
nor mal situation, it w ill lead to over charge or incomplete charge of the battery,
thus the battery w ill be quic kly damaged and also greatly shorten the using life
of other loaded electrical appliance.

Additional functions include: Set language, voltmeter and screen br ightness


1.3 Technical Parameters

1. Cold Cranking A mps Measure Range:

Measure Standard Measure Range

CCA 100-1400

JIS 26A17--245H52

DIN 100-1200

IEC 100-1200

EN 100-1400

SA E 100-1400

GB 30-220Ah

BCI 100-1400

MCA 100-1400

CA 100-1400

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

2. Voltage Measure Range: 6.5-30V DC.

1.4 Working Environment Requirement

Working Env ironment Temp.: -20°C- 50°C
It is applicable for automotive manufacturers, automotive maintenance and
repair w orkshops, automotive battery factories, automotive battery distr ibutors,
and educational organizations, etc.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Chapter 2 Tester Structure

BT-360 mainly consists of battery tester main unit and testing cables.
BT-360 Battery Tester main unit cover is made of ABS acid-resistant plastic.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Chapter 3 Operation

3.1 Pre-Test
3.1.1 Connect Tester
Shake the c la mps bac k and f or th to mak e s ur e they ar e w ell
c onnec ted. Tes ter r equir es the tw o c lamps ar e w ell c onnec ted w ith
the batter y poles , otherw is e, the tes t c annot go on. Wh en enter the
batter y tes t pr ogr am, s c r een pr ompts " Ch e ck Co nn e ct io n", do c lean
the poles and r e - c onnec t in the r ight w ay.

Tes ter has r ev ers e c onnec tion pr otec t ion f unc tion. When c lamps ar e
r ev ers ely c onnec ted, tes ter s cr een w ill not light, but it damages
neither the tes ter nor the automotiv e load.

NO T E: F or par all el c onnec ted b atter i es , br eak off the c athode

c onnec ti on fi r st, then do s i ngl e tes t to eac h b atter y. Suppos e
c athode c onnec ti on is not c ut off, ther e wi ll b e er r or i n tes t r es ul t.

3.1.2 Key Description

Up / Dow n keys
Select upw ards or dow nw ards via w hite UP and DOWN keys.

Return key
Return to previous menu v ia blue RETURN key.

OK key
Confir m the selection via green OK key

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

3.2 Tester Startup

Tes ter automat ic ally s tar ts up af ter the c lamps ar e c or r ectly
c onnec ted, and dis play s the A UTOOL s tar tup int er f ac e ( Def ault
v oltmeter is O N) r ef er to f igur e 1.

Figur e 1, Star tup Inter f ac e w ith Voltmeter on

A t the midd le botto m of the s tar tup interf ac e, it dis play s the
v oltmeter v alue, w hic h c an be us ed as DC v olt meter. DC Volt meter
tes t r ange is 8 - 30DCV, out of w hic h w ill damage the tes ter.

3.3 Select Language

Pr es s UP/ DOW N key to s ele c t the Language, Inc lude Eng lis h,

Fr anc h, ger many,s panlis h,etc .

3.4 Battery Test

Af ter enter ing batter y tes t pr ogr am, tes ter dis play s the tes ter model
and v er s ion appr ox . 2 s ec onds , s ee f igur e 3.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Figur e 3, Inter f ac e w ith tes ter model and v er s ion

Tes ter w ill dis play the f ollow ing c ontents in a s equenc e, s elec t
ac c or dingly.


Pr es s UP/ DOW N key to s elec t the batter y loc ation, in v ehic le or out
of v ehic le, then pr es s OK key to c onf ir m.
IN- V EHICL E means batter y is c onnec ted w ith v ehic le gener ator or
v ehic le elec tr ic al applianc e.

When s ur f ac e c har ge detec ted by the tes ter, it pr ompts "SURFA CE


Tur n lights on as pr ompted to e li minate batter y s urf ac e c har ge,

tes ter w ill then dis play the f ollow ing mes s ages in a s equenc e:

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Now the tes ter detects the s urf ac e c har ge has been elimi nated, tur n
lights off as pr ompted, then pr es s OK key. T he tes ter w ill r ec ov er
auto matic tes t

O UT- O F- V EHICL E me ans batter y is not c onnec ted w ith any of the
v ehic le loaded, i.e. batter y c onnec tion is c ut off .

3.4.2 Select Battery Charge State

Af ter s elec ting the batter y loc ation, tester w ill pr ompt to s elec t the
batter y c har ge s tate, i.e. Bef or e Char ge or A fter Char ge.
Pr es s UP/ DOW N key to s elec t battery c har ge s tate, then p r es s OK
key to c onf ir m. In this w ay, it ens ur es a mor e ac c ur ate tes t r es ult.
In Vehic le, s elec t Bef or e Char ge f or Cold Vehic le and Af ter Char ge
f or Hot Vehic le.

3.4.3 Select Battery Type

Af ter the battery c har ge s tatus s elec ted, tester w ill pr o mpt to s elec t
batter y ty pe, i.e. Regular Flo oded, A G M Fl at Pl ate or A G M Spir al,
and Ge l batter y. Pr es s UP/ DO W N key to s elec t batter y ty pe, then
pr es s OK key to c onf ir m.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

When it's IN- V EHICL E tes t, batter y ins tallation w ay s hall als o be
s elec ted, e.g . TO P, SIDE or REMO T E ( This s elec tion is no need f or
O UT- O F- V EHICL E) , then pr es s OK key to c onf ir m. REMOT E is
adopted f or s ome in v ehic le batter y w hic h is too tightly ins talled to
us e the tes t c lamps to c onnec t the battery poles .

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

NO T E: F or REMO T E tes t, ther e wi ll b e a li ttl e tol er anc e. F or any

doub t, tak e off the b atter y and s el ec t "O UT - OF - VEHICLE" to r e - tes t.

3.4.4 Battery System Standard and Rating

BT-360 batter y tes ter w ill tes t eac h battery acc or ding to the s elec ted
s ys tem and r ating.
Us e UP/ DO WN k ey to s elec t acc or ding to the act u al s ystem
st an d ar d and r at ing mar ked on the batter y. Us e UP/ DO W N key to
s elec t ac c or ding to the ac tual sy s tem s tandar d and r ating mar ked on
the batter y . See in the below pic tur e, the ar r ow indic ated loc ation.

CCA: Cold Cr an king A mps , s pec if ied by SA E&B CI, mos t f r equently
us ed v alue f or s tar ting batter y at 0°F ( - 18°C) .
JIS: Japan Industr ial Standard, displayed on the battery as combination of
the numbers and letters, e.g. 55 D23,80 D26.
DI N: G er man A uto In dus tr y Committee Standar d
IEC : Inter nal Elec tr o technical Commiss ion Standard
EN: Eur opean Automobile Industry Association Standar d
SA E: Soc iety of A utomotiv e Eng ineer s Standar d
G B: Chi na Nationa l Stand ar d
Ther e ar e other f eatur es : B C I、 MC A、 C A

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Ratin g r ange as f ollow ing:

Measure Standard Measure Range

CCA 100-1400

JIS 26A17--245H52

DIN 100-1200

IEC 100-1200
EN 100-1400

SA E 100-1400

GB 30-220Ah

BCI 100-1400

MCA 100-1400

CA 100-1400

Input c or r ec t tes t s tandar d and r ating, pr ess OK key, t es ter star ts to

tes t, and dy namic inter f ac e "TES T ING" pr ompted. See be low :

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

It takes ar ound 3 s ec onds to dis play the batter y tes t r es ult.

3.4.5 Battery Test Result

Batter y tes t r es ult inc ludes 5 ty pes as f ollow ing:
1) Go o d Bat t er y

SOH:96% SOC:98%
12.64V 490A
Rating 500A

The batter y is w ithout any pr oblem, pleas e be r elax ed to us e!

NOT E: SOH means State of Health

SOC means State of Charge

2) Go o d , Re ch arge

SOH:78% SOC:30%
12.20V 440A
Rating 500A
AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Good batter y but low c urr ent, r ec har ge bef or e us ing.

3) Re p lace

SOH:46% SOC:80%
12.68V 340A
Rating 500A

The batter y is near to or alr eady r eac hed the end of the us ing lif e,
r eplac e batter y, otherw is e, bigger danger w ill be f ollow ed.

4) Bad Ce ll, Re p lace

SOH:0% SOC:20%
10.60V 0A
Rating 500A

Batter y inter ior damaged, br oken c ell or s hor t c irc uit, r eplac e
batter y.

5) Ch arg e, Re tes t

SOH:39% SOC:20%
12.08V 310A
Rating 500A

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Uns table batter y s hall be r ec har ged and r etes ted to av oid er r or. If
s ame tes t r es ult appears af ter r ec har ge and r etes t, the batter y is
r egar ded as damaged, r eplac e the batter y.

At te n t io n : If "Replac e" r es ulted fr om IN- V EHICL E mode, it might be

the r eas on that v ehic le c able is not w ell c onnec ted w ith the batter y.
Ens ur e to c ut of f the c able and r etes t the batter y under
O UT- O F- V EHICL E b ef or e makin g a dec is ion to r eplac e batter y.

NOT E: After tes ti ng, i f need to r etur n, pr ess RET URN k ey to di r ectl y
r etur n to the s tar tup i nter fac e.
After tes ti ng: i f i t's "IN- VEHICLE" tes t s tate, pr es s O K k ey wi l l b ri ng
to Cr ank i ng Tes t.

3.5 Cranking Test

Tes ter pr ompts as f ollow ing:

Star ting the engine as pr ompted, tes ter w ill automatic al ly c omplete
the c r anking tes t and dis play the r es ult.

Nor mal ly, c r anking v olt age v alue low er than 9.6V is r egar ded as
abnor ma l and it is O K if it is higher than 9.6V.
Tes t r es ult of the tes ter inc ludes ac tual c r anking v oltage and ac tual
c r anking ti me.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

When c r anking tes t is abnor mal, batter y tes t r es ult w ill als o be
dis play ed at t he s ame ti me.

This is f or the c onv enienc e of the maintenanc e per s onnel to qu ic kly

know the w hole s tate of the s tar ting sy s tem ac c or ding to the data.
Af ter tes ting f inis hed, do not s hut dow n the engine, pr ess OK key to
enter Char ging Tes t.

3.6 Charging System and Rectifier Diode Test

When enter the c har ging tes t, tes ter w ill pr ompt " Char ging Tes t?"

Pr es s OK key aga in to s tar t the c har ging tes t.

NO T E: Do not s hut do wn th e engi ne dur i ng the tes t. Al l el ectri c al

appl i anc e and devic e ar e i n O FF state. Tur n on/off any el ectri c al
appl i anc e i n the vehi c l e dur i ng the tes t wi l l affec t the ac c ur ac y of the
tes t r es ul t.

Tes ter w ill do the f ollow ing tests in a s equenc e:

Oper ate ac c or dingly to inc r eas e the engine r otating s peed to

3000tur ns or abov e, and keep f or 5 s e c onds.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Tes ter s tarts the c har ging v olt tes t af ter inc r eas e r ev detected.

Af ter the tes t f inis hed, tes ter dis plays the eff ec tiv e c har ging v olts ,
r ipple tes t r es ult and c har ging tes t r es ult.

NOT E: If no inc r eas e r ev detec ted, it s hall be the f ault of ge ner ator
r egulator or c onnec tion w ith batter y f ailed. Tes ter w ill tr y 3 times to
f ur ther detec t, if s till f ailed, it w ill s kip the inc r eas e r ev detec t and
the tes t r es ult dis plays "No Volt Output". See b elow :

Chec k the c onnec tion betw een gener ator and ba tter y, then r etes t.
Ch ar g in g Tes t Res u lt :
1) Ch arg in g Vo lt : No rm al
Char ging s y s tem s how s the gener ator output nor mal, no pr oble m
detec ted.

2) Ch arg in g Vo lt : L ow
Char ging v olt of the c har ging s y s tem is low .
Chec k dr iv e belt of the gener ator w hether s lip or r unning off . Chec k
the c onnec tion betw een gener ator and batter y is nor mal or not.
If both of the dr iv e belt and the c onnec tion ar e in good c ondition,
f ollow the manuf ac tur er 's s ugges tion to eliminate gener ator f ault.

3) Ch arg in g Vo lt : Hig h

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Gener ator outpu t v olt is high.

Sinc e mos t of the v ehic le gener ator s ar e us ing inter nal r egulator, the
gener ator as s embly has to be r eplac ed.( So me o ld s ty le c ar s ar e
us ing ex ter nal r egulator, then dir ec tly r eplac e the r egulator.)
The nor mal h igh v olt of the v oltage r egula tor is max imu m
14.7± 0.5V.If c har ging v olt is too high, it w ill ov er c har ge the batter y.
Ther ef or e the battery lif e w ill be s hor tened and tr oubles w ill be
c aus ed.

4) No Vo lt Ou t pu t :
No g ener ator v olt output is detec ted. Chec k the gener ator
c onnec tion c able a nd the belt w hether they ar e nor mal.

5) Dio d e Tes t :
Thr ough the tes t of c har ging c ur r ent r ipple, tes ter w ill f ind out
w hether the diode is nor mal or not. When r ipple v olt is too high, it
pr ov es at leas t one diode is damaged. Ch ec k and r eplac e the diode.
Till now , all tes ts hav e been done.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Chapter 4 Daily Maintenance

4.1 Eliminate Common Fault

4.1.1 Screen Not Light

 Chec k c onnec tion w ith the batter y w hether it's w ell or r ev ers e
c onnec ted.
 Chec k the tes t c able w hether br eak off or dr op dow n.

AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Warranty Clause
The w arranty clause is only applicable to users and distr ibutors w ho
purchased A UTOOL products via the regular process.
Within 1 years since the delivery, A UTOOL guarantee the products damaged
due to the mater ial or craft defects. Any damage to the device or part due to
abuse, unauthorized change, usage other than designed to, operation not
follow ing the user manual, etc. is out of the w arranty. Compensation for the
auto instrument damage due to the device defect is limited to repair or
replacement, A UTOOL is not responsible for any indirect or accidental loss.
AUTOOL w ill clar ify the device damage according to the specified test method.
Any distributor, employee and business representative of AUTOOL are not
entitled to do any confirmation, presentation or promise related to A UTOOL

Statem ent of Disclaim er

The above w arranty clause can substitute for any other form of w arranty

Purchase Order
Replaceable parts and optional parts are available from A UTOOL authorized
suppliers. Purchase order should include:
Order quantity
Part Number
Part Name

Custom er Service Center

Any question dur ing the operation, please call to 86-755-27807580 or email

For maintenance and repair, please send back to A UTOOL w ith Warranty Card,
Pr oduct Qualified Card, Purchase Invoice and problem description. A UTOOL
w ill maintain and repair the device for free w hen it is w ithin the w arranty.
Otherw ise, AUTOOL w ill charge the maintenance and repair and the shipping.

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AUTOOL BT-360 Battery System Tester User Manual

Statement: A UTOOL reserves the r ights to make any change to product des igns
and specifications w ithout notice. The actual object may differ a little from the
descriptions in the manual in physical appearance, color and configuration. We
have tried our best to make the descriptions and illustrations in the manual as
accurate as possible, and defects are inevitable, if you have any question,
please contact local dealer or after-sale service center of AUTOOL, AUTOOL
does not bear any responsibility arising from misunderstandings.


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