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Nama : Putri Mayasari

Class : ADC B

Tuthor : Mr. Zurhalki



Talking about the “power” to ruled the world, maybe some people make it
become their dream and of course with differents goal. Maybe some of them ruled
the world to make peaceful world or maybe just to take adventages of themselves.
It suspended of their intention.

If you ask me what will I do if I ruled the world, I’ll aswer you if I ruled the
world I don’t know what I wanna do. Actually I do not have any willing in that
position. To me that is a big responsibilities if you ruled the world. How could I
ruled the world if just now I can’t ruled myself. And maybe there’re people was
ruled me in this life but in this world I just wanna have normal life and how I will
have a good life in the future with all peoples around me.

But if I think again about what will I do if I have a chance to ruled this world ,
there’re many things I’ve thinking in my mind. I asked myself “How to make this
world to be proper place where’s all peoples can live. There’re two idea that I really
wanna do beside other things that I’ve think if I ruled the world.

First, I want there’s no more falsehood in this world. Lie is the gist and the
mother of the most problem happen in this world. Just mention like corruption, I
believe almost even all over the world corruption is happen, that make bout of
other people. It just one of consequence of lying. There’re many more if I mention
Second, I want there’s no more injustice. This is actually happen because
different status of each people. For the people who has a power is easy to
administer justice toward people who’s under them or didn’t has any power. They’ll
easily to escape form their problem because the power that they have and make
other people to take their responsibility of the problem. That’s the problem, why
injustice always happen. It is because the power and also the falsehood that I’ve
said before. Thus is why the falsehood is the important thing that we must
annihilated first.

Although there’re many things I’ve think what should I do if I ruled the world,
but just of that we must to take action. But now the problem is I don’t know the
way I make it true. That’s why I actually do not have willing to ruled this world. I
just do everything that make me live in the proper life to get what I deserve to get.

I believe who’s ruled the world can’t ruled it perfectly. Because some of their
plan will not work flawlessly as like as they want, there’s must be many obtacles to
faced. That’s why I said it was a big responsibilities if you decide to ruled the world.

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