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My Philosophy

My philosophy about education is based in between Essentialism and Progressivism. I

strongly believe that within our schools we need to teach the basic knowledge and skills

that the students will take with them to society. It is important that students have a

good understanding of moral standards. I believe that it is part of the school’s job to

teach responsibility as well as hard work and discipline. It is also important for schools

to teach respect. I believe that schools should not do standardized testing, it limits the

knowledge that the schools are able to teach. Children do not learn best by

standardized tests, they quickly forget what they have been taught once the test is

over. Students learn best by having the opportunity to think, feel and do. They will

learn best by active participation and experimentation to solve problems. Learning

through experience is the best possible opportunity for the students. I believe that it is

important that schools help develop social values and skills to allow them to become

thoughtful and productive citizens in our society.

What should be taught in schools are the core academics such as math, reading,

writing, science, history, and also social skills, morals, hard work, responsibility and

respect. I believe that schools need to provide more hands-on learning and

opportunities for children to learn through experiences. I believe that schools need to

remove standardized testing because it does not reflect the strengths and knowledge of

the students nor the teachers. I believe that there needs to be testing but it does not

need to be a pass or fail situation for the students or for the teachers.

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