Religion 3 22 2018

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Nick Corlew

Mr. Campbell

Religion II


Religion 108-140: 141 questions

1. Jesus Christ

2. It is the start of the other sacraments that lead to salvation.

3. She is composed of members who are involved in the mission of the Church, as well as those

united in Heaven and Purgatory

4. We all eat from Jesus for he is the Eucharist, bringing us together.

5. The twelve apostles were still around.

6. The 12 tribes of Israel.

7. When Jesus gave him the name Peter, which meant rock.

8. After Jesus’ Ascension

9. Pope Linus

10. Replacing Judas with Matthias, speaking for the Apostles at Pentecost, and defending the

Christians before Sanhedrin

11. Cardinals gather in St. Peters Basilica where one is elected by a 2/3rds majority vote, and if

the smoke of the chimney is white that means a new people is elected.

12. A community of churches, Bishops.

13. The pope is the overseer of the overseers.

14. To address important doctrinal questions facing the Church. The Second Vatican Council.

15. The council is halted

16. First successful Christian missionary in a country.

17. The Vatican Council

18. Pope, Bishop, and Priest

19. Man preparing for ordination to the priesthood and Married men

20. Our responsibility to hold tradition

21. The life and teaching of Jesus, Oral Tradition, and Written Gospels

22. When the faith is at its highest

23. Gives us the content of the official teaching of the Church

24. The ordinary is the records, the extraordinary is the history

25. The faithful are to hold fast to these teachings

26. Immaculate Conception and Assumption

27. 1. Attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation 2. Confess your sins at least once a

year, 3. Receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter Season, 4. Observe the

days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church, 5. Provide for the needs of the Church

28. The principal of the church of a diocese. Full authority of office.

29. The bishop is like a state representative to the president. They make decisions for the pope

because he cannot be everywhere at once.

30. No, those who have been baptized from similar faiths also have a chance, but we all have a

chance because God is great and merciful6

31. Even those that were baptized yet do not practice the faith are still apart of the Church.

32. Protestant and Orthodox

33. We share a common baptism and call to a service of love

34. They will come to know our Lord and savior

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