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Rajeendra Lucky 1

Growth in Assessment Competence


Level: Form 2

Unit: Fundamental of Hardware and Software

Topic / Concept: Importance of the Types of Software

The concept of “The Importance of the Types of Software” is highly reflective of the big

idea of the unit which is:

The types of Software is a fundamental concept employed across almost all disciplines in

Information Technology Platforms The types of Software is importance since hardware

and software can be determined by using the definition of each term. The types of

Software can be classified using specific terms. This software can be determined by the

specific tasks they perform leading to the category of software.

As stated previously, specific criteria are carried out to determine the

classification of the types of Software. It is important that students recognize that there

are two major types of software:

I. System Software

II. Application Software

These broad areas can be further sub divided in sub groups of software. For

example, System software refers to the system files and software programs that make up

your computer complex operating system. System files include libraries of functions,

system services, drivers for printers and configuration files. The System software

programs that are part of the system software include assemblers, compilers, file
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management tools, system utilities, debuggers and antivirus software. The user does not

often interact directly with this software.

However, students can easily mix the different types of software into one group of


Application Software

Application software, or app for short, is software that performs specific tasks for

an users. Effectively, if the user is interacting directly with a piece of software it

is application software. For example, Games software, Microsoft Word or Excel

are application software, as are common web browsers such as Firefox or Google

Chrome. This type of software can be classified into many sub groups.


Purpose of the task:

This task is designed through a series of activities; and provides a practical means of

delivering content and assist in students’ understanding of concepts. The task is student-

centered; and the teacher acts as a guide. Understanding the importance of the types of

Software can be more easily understood through practical, visual, and hands-on

exercises; therefore the task provides these opportunities for the students.

Insights to be gained from performing the task:

Once students perform the task, they will be able to:

1. Appreciate the task/importance of each type of Software when using them in everyday


2. Understand how the types of Software perform specific task.

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3. Understand the importance of categorizing Software.

4. What are the characteristics of the major types of software?.

5. Create a chart to do classification of Software.

6. Identify how the types of Software can be used across various needs of individuals

and companies once the appropriate types of Software is used.

Assessment of different aspects using a rubric; and how it is used:

The rubric identifies:

I. The objectives for each activity for the task

II. Bloom’s taxonomy classification according to what is represented by each activity.

III. The allocation of marks for each objective for the various activities.

The rubric therefore highlights how knowledge, understanding, and evaluation of the

tasks are tested over a series of activities; and the actually doing the activity combines all

that is learnt so that the student can put into practice the application and analytical skills..

Marks are awarded for each objective achieved. This enables students to gain marks

according to the explanations explanation they give . Students answers are not assessed

having only a right answer or a wrong answer; instead the response in which they give to

the question determines the appropriate mark to allocated for each objective.
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Students will be organized into groups of four (4); and each student will be provided with

a worksheet for completing exercises for each activity.

Activity 1:

I. A worksheet with blank rectangles will be given to each group of students.

II. Students will be required to examine the worksheet and answer each question on

software specifications (without the use of textbooks)

III. Students are to compare their rectangle to the template on the whiteboard.

IV. On their worksheet, students are to

a. State the specifications of each software.

b. Explain how each type of Software is classified on the worksheet?

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Worksheet 1 FORM 2

Students’ Name:_____________________________




Please fill out the blank space in text box with the type of software

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Activity 2:

1. Each group will then be provided with a worksheet with different types of software.

2. Each group will be instructed to cut their software names and icons to be placed into

the correct grouping on a chart.

3. All groups will be required to stick their software names and icons on the chart.

4. On their worksheet, students are to:

a) explain why each group of software is different

b) explain how the use of the names and icons were used to categorize each type of


c) explain the importance of categorization of the types of Software.

Worksheet 2 FORM 2

Student’s Name:_____________________________

1. What is software?


2. Explain what Application Software is:


3. System Software is a very important part of the computer, what does

it do
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4. Which of the following are examples of OS Software (circle the

examples of OS Software).

MS Windows XP FIFA 18 Mac OS X Ms Word


5. Which of the following are examples of Application Software (circle

the examples of Application Software).

MS Windows XP FIFA 18 Mac OS X Ms Word


Activity 3:

Explain the importance of the types of Software with respect to daily uses.






Rajeendra Lucky 8


Activity & Objectives Classification of Allocation of Marks


Activity 1:

1. Identify what is a Knowledge 1 mark – accurate identification

Software. Give example of what is a software.

2. Explanation of how the Comprehension 3 marks – Excellent explanation

types of Software are 2 marks – Good explanation.

categorized, 1 mark – Poor explanation

0 marks – No explanation

Activity 2:

1. State the differences of Comprehension 3 marks – Excellent explanation

the major groups of 2 marks – Good explanation.

software. 1 mark – Poor explanation

0 marks – No explanation

2. Explanations of how the Comprehension 3 marks – Excellent

use of the types of Software explanation

allows for categorization of 2 marks – Good explanation.

software. 1 mark – Poor explanation

0 marks – No explanation

3. Explanations of why Evaluation 3 marks – Excellent

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categorization is important. explanation

2 marks – Good explanation.

1 mark – Poor explanation

0 marks – No explanation

Activity 3:

Explain the importance the Comprehension 3 marks – Excellent

types of Software with explanation

respect to daily activities. 2 marks – Good explanation.

Examples of software. 1 mark – Poor explanation

0 marks – No explanation


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