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Progress Report

Summary [Linda]
 InGen is leading the scientific community by conducting cutting edge research and
attempting to produce dinosaur clones by DNA extraction. The founders of InGen have
gathered a group of researchers and scientists to lead the DNA extraction from
fossilized amber. The intention of cloning dinosaurs is to provide a theme park
experience, attract tourists, and use the results from this research to understand DNA
extraction better.
 Stage 1 (Extraction) has been completed and researchers have obtained substantial DNA
to continue. This was completed by spending three months in the field in search for
intact amber samples dated from 10 million years ago. Stage 2 (Sequencing) is in
progress, which involves measuring the slow decay rate to ensure the amount of
preserved DNA sequences to construct a genome. Constructing the genome is essential
in cloning the dinosaurs and it is the foundation to the research.

Work Completed
o Period 1 [Alex]
 Stage 1 (Extraction) was the first step to complete for the scientist to be
able to move on to the other stages. Stage 1 is a critical part for
completion because it allows the group of scientist to being their
research of the cloning of dinosaurs. The team of scientists went in the
field for three months to find and extract amber from 10 million years
ago.The team of scientist have found multiple samples that are usable
because the amber was protected in large amounts of DNA inside of
insects. With this stage complete the team of scientist can move on to
stage 2 (Sequencing) which is in progress. This stage is also critical
because the each sample of amber has to be measured at a slow rate of
decay to ensure enough of the preserved DNA sequences to construct a
genome. Without this stage being completed in a timely manner, the
DNA could be unusable and the whole stage 1 has to be completed
again. John Hammond, the CEO of InGen, has purchased the island of
Isla Nublar, Site A of Jurassic Park, which is 22 square miles off the
coast of Costa Rica. This allows the scientists the have completed stage
1, go to the research lab at Site A to being Stage 2 of the process in
cloning dinosaurs.
 Oscorp Investment and 17 million from John Hammond, CEO of InGen,
will allow the stages of this process to be funded and allow the research
of cloning of dinosaurs to continue at a growing rate.
o Period 2 [Luis]
 Within our Assembly process we have been able to focus on six of our
best assembled genomes, allowing us to to assemble a putative
karyotype of the dinosaur ancestor for each chromosome, reconstructing
evolutionary events that led to each species’ genome organization,
InGen has determined that by using amphibian and avian genomes we
have had better results in completing a nearly perfect genome of of
dinosaur species. Results suggest that mechanisms exist to preserve an
overall avian/amphibian karyotype/genomic structure, including the
microchromosomes with widespread interchromosomal changes
occurring rarely. Of the species analyzed and used for this process we
have found that ostriches, chickens, frogs, and salamanders have
undergone the fewest changes making them ideal hosts for the
reconstruction of our dinosaurs. The blueprints of the animals are easily
transferable and reconstructable if we continue to use these species as
 When our current dinosaurs were hatched we underwent a few week
process of evaluating the eggs in our incubators, examining them daily
in order to detect, possible defects, or issues with the now forming
embryos. We have found that like amphibians and current reptile
species the sex of the animals depends on the incubation temperature, in
order to maintain a strictly female population we have lowered our
incubation temperatures in order to prevent any possible mating when
put into the permanent exhibits. After the hatching has occurred
scientists and our trained veterinarians then work together to ensure that
the animals are defect free and work together to nurse the animals until
their release at their permanent enclosure, a process which takes three
months. Scientists will continue to monitor measured data of the animal
until the end of its life.
 Our purchase of Isla Sorna an island found 207 miles west of Costa Rica
will be vital investment, our cloning compound is currently being built
on the island and will be named Site B. The clones dinosaurs will be
hatched and nursed for the three month period here and then transported
to Jurassic World on Isla Nublar, an 87 mile trek from Isla Sorna.
 Dharma initiatives investment and Hartfords investment of 15 million U.S.
dollars will provide InGen with enough funding to expand our research
in the assembly process of our dinosaurs, and further expand potentially
better fits for hosts the assembly department will be granted $3 million
in order to find at the least two new hosts one being a bird species and
one amphibian, creating even closer genetically correct species of our
dinosaurs. The hatchery will be given $2 million in order to construct
larger incubators and hire more scientists who will evaluate our baby
dinosaurs. The remaining $10 million will be used in order to expand
and weather proof our cloning compound in Isla Sorna, this will provide
the staff here with protection from hurricanes and any oceanic related
weather that could otherwise prove as a major blow to our research and
expansion of our company.

Work Remaining [Jahmina]

o Period 3
 When the remainder of the eggs are hatched, we will move on to the
nursery stage. A team of scientists will conduct multiple tests once the
hatching stage is complete to ensure that the creatures are defect-free
and the vitals are good. This includes making sure the creatures are not
hostile or deformed. From there the team of scientists allow the
veterinarians to take over and assist in nurturing the creatures. This will
continue until they have reached full growth. Once this is accomplished,
the creatures will be released into the enclosure after 3 months. The
creatures will be continuously monitored throughout their growth. With
the help of our current investors, Oscorp and the DHARMA initiative.

Conclusion [Jahmina]
 Evaluation of work in this period: The goal of this project is to bring back to life what
once roamed the face of this earth. Evolution has been an one-way street and this
research can bring the past to the future. By extracting DNA from amber, sequencing it
into a genome, ensuring the organic matter assembles and grows, dinosaurs can be a
main attraction and generate massive interest and income for the company. The
transition into the hatchery stage will allow us to see affirm both our scientists and our
investors that this cause is justified. Once this is verified, we will begin the cloning
process to produce multiple dinosaurs until we have at least 150 different dinosaurs.
 Conclusions and recommendations: In the future, we will need to obtain more investor.
The sole investor of our research is currently the founder of InGen, John Hammond.
He contributes 37% of our budget. Oscorp has contributed 3% and the DHARMA
initiative has contributed 4%. Just last month, billionaire archaeologist, Andrew
Hartford, invested 15 million in our research.We are currently in the in the process of
closing an investment deal with Anton Mercer Industries in Reefside, California.
Mercer Industries is known for its restoration and exploration of dinosaur
fossils. Mercer Industries is offering 10 million dollars for the completion of this

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