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Exercise I. Is British English better than American English?

Support your answer:

No, it isn´t, both are important. There are some differences between British and
American English according to the pronunciation or spelling; however, beginners do
not pay attention to this fact due to they just learning the language, when they
acquired or improve their skills then they realize of these differences, which allow
them to choose whether to speak one or the other, we as second language speakers
are free to select one depending on your reality and be familiar with it.
Exercise II. Write a dialogue about a visit to a mechanic (At least 20 lines).
Situation: Mike’s car had a break down, so he decides to go to the mechanic.
Mike: Hello James!! How are you?
Mechanic: Hi Mike! What brings you here?
Mike: I’m here because my car doesn´t work.
Mechanic: Do you have any idea of what could have been so?
Mike: I’m not sure, I came here for your help. Are you busy right now?
Mechanic: Don’t worry, tell me what happened?
Mike: Well, I was driving back home and the car made strange noises and
suddenly it stopped running.
Mechanic: that’s really bad. Well, let’s see what I can do for you. But you have to
wait here until I finish with two more cars, so what do you think?
Mike: It’s all right, actually I have to make some calls and buy some stuffs for
Mechanic: OK, I will call you when I finish.
Mike: that’s a good idea, thanks a lot! See you later!
Mechanic: (on the phone) Hey Mike! Can you come now? I need to talk with you.
Mike: I’m coming, I’ll there in 15 minutes.
(15 minutes later)
Mike: Hey James! what happened?
Mechanic: I have a question for you. Would you check your fuel cap after filled your
gas tank?
Mike: I’m not really sure, why?
Mechanic: that’s the problem man, you forgot to put fuel cap back on and it seems
that you were spilling gas at every turn while you were driving.
Mike: oh!! Really?? What a silly! How didn’t realize of that.
Mechanic: You have to be careful next time.
Mike: Sure I will. Thanks a lot!
Exercise III. Read very carefully and explain with your own words what it is about.
According to what I understood, this articles explains how money is made by
people in China. It describes each steps they have to follow in order to have a final
result, that means a well-design paper ready to be used by people in daily life.
Technicians have to pay attention to every detailed because any mistakes could lead
them into big troubles that cannot be fixed then.
Exercise IV. Summarize the text below in your own words. (Not less than 6 lines)
The scope of the social and economic importance of marketing expansion with every forward step
in productive or distributive technology, in social and economic organization and in cultural
achievement. Every advancement in the techniques of agricultural extractive industries and of
manufacturing resulted in the creation of additional goods to be distributed through the agencies
of marketing. Initially, the producers of such surpluses exchange them directly with the
consumers. Quite early in civilization, the idea of middlemen came into existence. Every
subsequent improvement in marketing techniques such as transportation, storage, the arts of
promoting and selling and the institution of wholesaling and retailing led to the under distribution
of goods. As society became better organized with greater domestic security, more stable
currencies and credit system, marketing possibilities broadened.

This paragraph explains how society have become well-organized in order to

meet people needs, it means that goods or products are distributed to costumers in
a way that either producers and buyers benefit from it. This happened because of
the existence of middlemen, also called Intermediaries, they stablish feedback with
producers which allow the art of marketing, that’s to say the action of promoting and
selling; now instead
Exercise V. Write an essay about a humoristic experience you had in the past. (At
least 25 lines)

I have some experiences I would like to share in this essay, consider yourself
blessed to read this because I think I have short-term memory  so in this moment
I’m taking advantage of those memories that comes to my mind right now. Recently,
I was worshiping in church rehearsal, everything was on its place, I mean,
instruments and microphones ready to start; me and other singers were worshiping
God, but while we were singing I noticed that I couldn’t listen my voice, but I didn’t
give too much importance, so I continued singing. When we finished the singer who
was beside me (who is my friend) realized that my microphone was off, then she
turned on and we looked each other and started laughing, of course I was ashamed
but she knew that it was the third time I was singing with them, I think it's a beginner's
mistake but it doesn’t matter I’m always learning, that’s part of the process until we
can laugh of those mistakes and be happy with what we are today and how far we
have come.
Another experience it comes to my mind is when I received a call phone from
an unknown number, I wasn’t sure who could be; however, I don’t remember why
but I thought in my friend Monica, it’s value to say that when she was calling, I used
to call her “Chama” with extreme enthusiasm because not all the time we talk on the
phone, so I decided to answer as I always did; but suddenly I noticed that it was not
my friend it was a man voice, I was shocked, I can’t believe it and I was very
ashamed, so I apologize to him and I was just listen to him without saying any word.
What worst is that the guy was calling me to a job offer but good news is that didn’t
accept that job. Of course I learnt to be more careful when I answer an unknown call
and also to be prudent.

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