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Lists of Planets, Moons...

List of gravitationally rounded objects of the Solar System

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Solar System

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• Gravitationally-rounded
(equilibrium) objects
• Possible dwarf planets
• Moons (natural satellites)
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This is a list of gravitationally rounded objects of the Solar System, which are objects that have a rounded, ellipsoidal shape due to the forces of their own gravity
(hydrostatic equilibrium). Their sizes range from dwarf planets and moons to the planets and the Sun. This list does not include any small Solar System bodies, but it
does include a sample of planetary-mass objects whose shape has yet to be accurately determined. The Sun's orbital characteristics are listed in relation to the Galactic
Center, while all other objects are listed in order of their distance from the Sun.

• 1 Sun
• 2 Planets
• 3 Dwarf planets
• 3.1 Most-likely additional dwarf planets
• 4 Satellites
• 5 Notes
• 5.1 Unless otherwise cited:[ac]
• 5.2 Manual calculations (unless otherwise cited)
• 5.3 Individual calculations
• 5.4 Other notes
• 6 References
• 7 See also
Main article: Sun
The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star. It contains almost 99.9 percent of all the mass in the Solar System.[1]


Astronomical symbol[q]
Mean distance km ~2.5×1017
from the Galactic Center light years ~26,000
km 696,342
Mean radius
:E[f] 109.3

Surface area km2 6.0877×1012

:E[f] 11,990

Volume km3 1.4122×1018

:E[f] 1,300,000

kg 1.9855×1030
:E[f] 332,978.9
Gravitational parameter m3/s2 1.327×1020
Density g/cm3 1.409
Equatorial gravity m/s2 274.0
Escape velocity km/s 617.7
Rotation period days[g] 25.38
Orbital period about Galactic Center[3] million years 225–250
Mean orbital speed[3] km/s ~220
Axial tilt[i] to the ecliptic deg. 7.25
Axial tilt[i] to the galactic plane deg. 67.23
Mean surface temperature K 5,778
Mean coronal temperature[4] K 1–2×106
Photospheric composition H, He, O, C, Fe, S

Main article: Planet
* ° †
Terrestrial Gas Ice
planet giant giant
A planet is defined according to the 2006 International Astronomical Union (IAU) definition; as a body in orbit around the Sun that was large enough to have achieved
hydrostatic equilibrium and to have cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.[5] The practical meaning of "cleared the neighborhood" is that a planet is comparatively
massive enough for its gravitation to control the orbits of all objects in its vicinity. By the IAU's definition, there are eight planets in the Solar System; four terrestrial
planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and four giant planets, which can be divided further into two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) and two ice giants (Uranus and
Neptune). When excluding the Sun, the four giant planets account for more than 99 percent of the mass of the Solar System.

*Mercury[6] *Venus[7] *Earth[8] *Mars[9] °Jupiter[10] °Saturn[11] †Uranus[12] †Neptune[13]

Astronomical symbol[q]
Mean distance km 57,909,175 108,208,930 149,597,890 227,936,640 778,412,010 1,426,725,400 2,870,972,200 4,498,252,900
from the Sun AU 0.38709893 0.72333199 1.00000011 1.52366231 5.20336301 9.53707032 19.19126393 30.06896348
km 2,439.64 6,051.59 6,378.1 3,397.00 71,492.68 60,267.14 25,557.25 24,766.36
Equatorial radius
:E[f] 0.3825 0.9488 1 0.53260 11.209 9.449 4.007 3.883

Surface area km2 75,000,000 460,000,000 510,000,000 140,000,000 64,000,000,000 44,000,000,000 8,100,000,000 7,700,000,000
:E[f] 0.1471 0.9020 1 0.2745 125.5 86.27 15.88 15.10

Volume km3 6.083×1010 9.28×1011 1.083×1012 1.6318×1011 1.431×1015 8.27×1014 6.834×1013 6.254×1013
:E[f] 0.056 0.857 1 0.151 1,321.3 763.62 63.102 57.747

kg 3.302×1023 4.8690×1024 5.972×1024 6.4191×1023 1.8987×1027 5.6851×1026 8.6849×1025 1.0244×1026
:E[f] 0.055 0.815 1 0.107 318 95 14.5 17
Gravitational parameter m3/s2 2.203×1013 3.249×1014 3.986×1014 4.283×1013 1.267×1017 3.793×1016 5.794×1015 6.837×1015
Density g/cm3 5.43 5.24 5.52 3.940 1.33 0.70 1.30 1.76
Equatorial gravity m/s2 3.70 8.87 9.81 3.71 23.12 10.44 8.69 11.00
Escape velocity km/s 4.25 10.36 11.18 5.02 59.54 35.49 21.29 23.71
Rotation period[g] days 58.646225 243.0187 0.99726968 1.02595675 0.41354 0.44401 0.71833 0.67125
Orbital period[g] years 0.2408467 0.61519726 1.0000174 1.8808476 11.862615 29.447498 84.016846 164.79132
Mean orbital speed km/s 47.8725 35.0214 29.7859 24.1309 13.0697 9.6724 6.8352 5.4778
Eccentricity 0.20563069 0.00677323 0.01671022 0.09341233 0.04839266 0.05415060 0.04716771 0.00858587
Inclination[f] deg. 7.00 3.39 0[8] 1.85 1.31 2.48 0.76 1.77
Axial tilt[i] deg. 0.0 177.3[h] 23.44 25.19 3.12 26.73 97.86[h] 29.58
Mean surface temperature K 440–100 730 287 227 152 [j] 134 [j] 76 [j] 73 [j]
Mean air temperature[k] K 288 165 135 76 73
He, Na+ CO2, N2 H2, He H2, He
Atmospheric composition CO2, N2, SO2 N2, O2, Ar, CO2 H2, He H2, He
P+ Ar CH4 CH4
Number of known moons[v] 0 0 1 2 69 62 27 14
Rings? No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Planetary discriminant[l][o] 9.1×104 1.35×106 1.7×106 1.8×105 6.25×105 1.9×105 2.9×104 2.4×104

Dwarf planets
Main article: Dwarf planet
† ‡
asteroid plutoid
The IAU, the internationally recognized authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies, defines dwarf planets as bodies that are large enough to have achieved
hydrostatic equilibrium, but have not cleared their neighbourhoods of similar objects. Since 2008, there have been five dwarf planets recognized by the IAU. Ceres
orbits in the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The others orbit beyond Neptune and are subclassified as plutoids.
†Ceres[14] ‡Pluto[15] ‡Haumea[16] ‡Makemake[17] ‡Eris[18]

Astronomical symbol[q]
Minor planet number 1 134340 136108 136472 136199
Mean distance km 413,700,000 5,906,380,000 6,484,000,000 6,850,000,000 10,210,000,000
from the Sun AU 2.766 39.482 43.335 45.792 67.668
km 473 1,190[19] 816 (1161×852×569) 715±7 1,163
Mean radius
:E[f] 0.0742 0.186 0.13[20][21] 0.11[22] 0.18[23]

Volume km3 4.21×108 6.99×109 1.5×109 1.5×109 6.59×109

:E[f] 0.00039[b] 0.0065 0.001 0.001[b] 0.0061[b]

Surface area km2 2,770,000 17,700,000 6,800,000 6,400,000 17,000,000

:E[f] 0.0054[a] 0.035 0.0133[z] 0.013[a] 0.0333[a]

kg 9.39×1020 1.305×1022 4.01 ± 0.04×1021 ? 1.7×1022
:E[f] 0.00016 0.0022 0.0007[24] 0.0028[25]
Gravitational parameter m3/s2 6.263×1010 8.710×1011 2.674×1011 ? 1.108×1012
Density g/cm3 2.16 1.87 2.6[20] ? 2.25[c]
Equatorial gravity m/s2 0.27[d] 0.62 0.63[d] ? ~0.8[d]
Escape velocity km/s[e] 0.51 1.21 0.91 ? 1.37
Rotation period[g] days 0.3781 6.38723 0.167 ? ?
Orbital period[g] years 4.599 247.92065 285.4 309.9 557
Mean orbital speed km/s 17.882 4.7490 4.484[o] 4.4[o] 3.436[n]
Eccentricity 0.080 0.24880766 0.18874 0.159 0.44177
Inclination[f] deg. 10.587 17.14175 28.19 28.96 44.187
Axial tilt[i] deg. 4 119.59[h] ? ? ?
Mean surface temperature[w] K 167[26] 40[27] <50[28] 30 30
Atmospheric composition H2O N2, CH4, CO ? N2, CH4[29] N2, CH4[30]
Number of known moons[v] 0 5 2[31] 1[32] 1[33]
Planetary discriminant[l][o] 0.33 0.077 0.023 0.02 0.10

Most-likely additional dwarf planets

Main article: List of possible dwarf planets
These trans-Neptunian objects are theoretically large enough to be dwarf planets. Dozens more could have been included.[34] Both Quaoar and Orcus have known
moons that have allowed the mass of the systems to be determined. Both are more massive than the 5×1020 kg recommendation of the IAU 2006 draft proposal as
sufficient for classification as a dwarf planet.[35]

2005 2007
Orcus[36] Ixion[37] 2002 MS4[38] Salacia[39] Varuna[40] Quaoar[42] 2007 OR10[43]
UQ513[41] UK126[44]

Minor-planet number 90482 28978 307261 120347 20000 202421 50000 225088 229762
km 5,896,946,000 5,935,999,000 6,273,000,000 6,311,000,000 6,451,398,000 6,479,089,380 6,493,296,000 10,072,433,340 11,032,000,000
Semi-major axis
AU 39.419 39.68 41.93 42.19 43.13 43.31 43.6 67.33 73.74
km 473 402 467[46] 427[47] ~350 460 422 ~640 440
Mean radius[s]
:E[f] 0.0742 0.063 0.073 0.067 0.055 0.072[aa] 0.066 0.10 0.07[aa]

Surface area[a] km2 2,811,000 2,031,000 2,741,000 2,291,000 1,091,000 2,659,000 2,238,000 6,160,000 2,430,000
:E[f] 0.0055 0.00398 0.00537 0.00449 0.00214 0.0052 0.00439 0.012 0.005

Volume[b] km3 443,000,000 272,000,000 427,000,000 327,000,000 549,000,000 408,000,000 315,000,000 1,440,000,000 360,000,000
:E[f] 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 0.001 0.0003
kg 6.32×1020[48] 4.5×1020[49] 5.5×1020
:E[f] 0.0001
? ? ? 1.9)×1021[50] ? ?
0.000075 0.00009
Density[t] g/cm 1.5±0.3[48] ? ? 1.16[49] 0.9992[51] ? >2.8[50] ? ?

Equatorial gravity[d] m/s2 0.27 ? ? 0.11 0.14 ? 0.24 ? ?

Escape velocity[e] km/s 0.50 ? ? 0.43 0.38 ? 0.45 ? ?
Rotation period[g] days ? ? ? 0.25 0.13216[51] ? ? 1.86708 ?
Orbital period[g] years 247.492 249.95 271.53 274.03 283.20 285.12 287.97 552.52 633.28
Mean orbital speed km/s 4.68 4.66 ? ? 4.53 4.52 4.52 3.63 3.25
Eccentricity 0.22552 0.242 0.148 0.10312 0.051 0.145 0.038 0.5 0.490
Inclination[f] deg. 22.5 19.6 17.693 23.9396 17.2 25.69 8 30.7 23.37
Mean surface temperature[
K ~42 ~43 ? ? ~43 ~41 ~41 ~30 ~32
Number of known moons 1[53] 0 0 1 0 0 1[54] 1 1[55]
Planetary discriminant[l][o] 0.003 0.0027 <0.1 <0.1 0.0027 0.003 0.0015 <0.1 0.036[x]
Absolute magnitude (H) 2.30 3.20 3.7 4.2 3.70 3.40 2.71 1.7 3.40

€ ₤ $ ₩ ₦ ¶
Satellite of Earth Satellite of Jupiter Satellite of Saturn Satellite of Uranus Satellite of Neptune Satellite of Pluto
See also: List of natural satellites of the Solar System
There are 19 natural satellites in the Solar System that are known to be massive enough to be close to hydrostatic equilibrium. Alan Stern calls these satellite planets,
although the term major moon is more common.
Several of these were once in equilibrium but are no longer: these include all of the moons listed for Saturn apart from Titan and Rhea. Other moons that were once in
equilibrium but are no longer very round, such as Saturn's Phoebe, are not included. Satellites are listed first in order from the Sun, and second in order from their parent
₤Europa[58 ₤Ganymede[5 ₤Callisto[60 $Mimas[p $Enceladus[p
€Moon[56] ₤Io[57] $Tethys[p] $Dione[p] $Rhea[p]
] 9] ] ] ]

Astronomical symbol[q]
Mean distance
km 384,399 421,600 670,900 1,070,400 1,882,700 185,520 237,948 294,619 377,396 527,108
from primary:
km 1,737.1 1,815 1,569 2,634.1 2,410.3 198.30 252.1 533 561.7 764.3
Mean radius
:E[f] 0.272 0.285 0.246 0.413 0.378 0.031 0.04 0.084 0.088 0.12

Surface area[a] km2 37,930,000 41,910,000 30,900,000 87,000,000 73,000,000 490,000 799,000 3,570,000 3,965,000 7,337,000
:E[f] 0.074 0.082 0.061 0.171 0.143 0.001 0.0016 0.007 0.0078 0.0144

Volume[b] km3 2.2×1010 2.53×1010 1.59×1010 7.6×1010 5.9×1010 3.3×107 6.7×107 6.3×108 7.4×108 1.9 ×109
:E[f] 0.02 0.02 0.015 0.07 0.05 0.00003 0.00006 0.0006 0.0007 0.0018
7.3477×102 6.174×102 1.095×102
kg 2 8.94×1022 4.80×1022 1.4819×1023 1.0758×1023 3.75×1019 1.08×1020 0 1 2.306×1021
:E[f] 0.015 0.008 0.025 0.018 0.000006 0.000018 0.0004
0.0123 0.00010 0.00018
Density[c] g/cm3 3.3464 3.528 3.01 1.936 1.83 1.15 1.61 0.98 1.48 1.23
Equatorial gravity[d] m/s2 1.622 1.796 1.314 1.428 1.235 0.0636 0.111 0.145 0.231 0.264
Escape velocity[e] km/s 2.38 2.56 2.025 2.741 2.440 0.159 0.239 0.393 0.510 0.635
days[g 27.321582 1.7691378 3.551181 7.154553 16.68902 0.942422 1.370218 1.887802 2.736915 4.518212
Rotation period
] (sync)[m] (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync)
Orbital period about primary 27.32158 1.769138 3.551181 7.154553 16.68902 0.942422 1.370218 1.887802 2.736915 4.518212
Mean orbital speed[o] km/s 1.022 17.34 13.740 10.880 8.204 14.32 12.63 11.35 10.03 8.48
Eccentricity 0.0549 0.0041 0.009 0.0013 0.0074 0.0202 0.0047 0.02 0.002 0.001
Inclination to primary's
deg. 18.29–28.58 0.04 0.47 1.85 0.2 1.51 0.02 1.51 0.019 0.345
Axial tilt[i][u] deg. 6.68 0 0 0–0.33[61] 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean surface temperature[w] K 220 130 102 110[62] 134 64 75 64 87 76
H2O, N2
Ar, He SO2[63] O2[64] O2[65] O2, CO2[66] CO2,
Atmospheric composition
Na, K, H
Rings? No No No No No No No No No Yes?
$Titan[p] $Iapetus[p] ₩Miranda[r] ₩Ariel[r] ₩Umbriel[r] ₩Titania[r] ₩Oberon[r] ₦Triton[68] ¶Charon[15]

Mean distance
km 1,221,870 3,560,820 129,390 190,900 266,000 436,300 583,519 354,759 17,536
from primary:
km 2,576 735.60 235.8 578.9 584.7 788.9 761.4 1353.4 603.5
Mean radius
:E[f] 0.404 0.115 0.037 0.091 0.092 0.124 0.119 0.212 0.095

Surface area[a] km2 83,000,000 6,700,000 700,000 4,211,300 4,296,000 7,820,000 7,285,000 23,018,000 4,580,000
:E[f] 0.163 0.013 0.0014 0.008 0.008 0.015 0.014 0.045 0.009

Volume[b] km3 7.16×1010 1.67×109 5.5×107 8.1×108 8.4×108 2.06×109 1.85×109 1×1010 9.2×108
:E[f] 0.066 0.0015 0.00005 0.0007 0.0008 0.0019 0.0017 0.00923 0.00085
kg 1.3452×1023 1.8053×1021 6.59×1019 1.35×1021 1.2×1021 3.5×1021 3.014×1021 2.14×1022 1.52×1021
:E[f] 0.023 0.0003 0.00001 0.00023 0.0002 0.0006 0.00051 0.00358 0.00025
Density[c] g/cm3 1.88 1.08 1.20 1.67 1.40 1.72 1.63 2.061 1.65
Equatorial gravity[d] m/s21.35 0.22 0.08 0.27 0.23 0.39 0.35 0.78 0.28
Escape velocity[e] km/s2.64 0.57 0.19 0.56 0.52 0.77 0.73 1.46 0.58
15.945 79.322 1.414 2.52 4.144 8.706 13.46 5.877 6.387
Rotation period days[g]
(sync)[m] (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync) (sync)
Orbital period about primary days 15.945 79.322 1.4135 2.520 4.144 8.706 13.46 5.877 6.387
Mean orbital speed[o] km/s 5.57 3.265 6.657 5.50898 4.66797 3.644 3.152 4.39 0.2
Eccentricity 0.0288 0.0286 0.0013 0.0012 0.005 0.0011 0.0014 0.00002 0.0022
Inclination to primary's equator deg. 0.33 14.72 4.22 0.31 0.36 0.14 0.10 157[h] 0.001
Axial tilt[i][u] deg. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?
Mean surface temperature[w] K 93.7[69] 130 59 58 61 60 61 38[70] 53
Atmospheric composition N2, CH4[71] N2, CH4[72]

Unless otherwise cited:[ac]
o. ^ The planetary discriminant for the planets is taken from material published by Stephen Soter.[73] Planetary discriminants for Ceres, Pluto and Eris taken from
Soter, 2006. Planetary discriminants of all other bodies calculated from the Kuiper belt mass estimate given by Lorenzo Iorio.[74]
p. ^ Saturn satellite info taken from NASA Saturnian Satellite Fact Sheet.[75]
q. ^ Astronomical symbols for all listed objects except Ceres taken from NASA Solar System Exploration.[76] Symbol for Ceres was taken from material published
by James L. Hilton.[77] The Moon is the only natural satellite with an astronomical symbol, and Pluto and Ceres the only dwarf planets.
r. ^ Uranus satellite info taken from NASA Uranian Satellite Fact Sheet.[78]
s. ^ Radii for plutoid candidates taken from material published by John Stansberry et al.[23]
u. ^ Axialtilts for most satellites assumed to be zero in accordance with the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac: "In the absence of other
information, the axis of rotation is assumed to be normal to the mean orbital plane."[79]
v. ^ Natural satellite numbers taken from material published by Scott S. Sheppard.[80]

Manual calculations (unless otherwise cited)

a. ^ Surface area A derived from the radius using A = 4 π r 2 {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}A=4\pi r^{2}\end{smallmatrix}}} , assuming sphericity.
b. ^ Volume V derived from the radius using V = 4 3 π r 3 {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}V={\frac {4}{3}}\pi r^{3}\end{smallmatrix}}} , assuming
c. ^ Density derived from the mass divided by the volume.
d. ^ Surface gravity derived from the mass m, the gravitational constant G and the radius r: G*m/r2 .
e. ^ Escape velocity derived from the mass m, the gravitational constant G and the radius r: sqrt((2*G*m)/r) .
n. ^ Orbital speed is calculated using the mean orbital radius and the orbital period, assuming a circular orbit.
t. ^ Assuming a density of 2.0
w. ^ Calculated using the formula T = T eff ( 1 − q p ν ) 1 / 4 2 52 / r , {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}T\ =\ {\frac {T_{\textrm {eff}}(1-qp_{\nu })^{1/4}}
{\sqrt {2}}}{\sqrt {52/r}},\end{smallmatrix}}} where Teff =54.8 K at 52 AU, p ν {\displaystyle p_{\nu }} is the geometric albedo, q=0.8 is the phase integral,
and r {\displaystyle r} is the distance from the Sun in AU. This formula is a simplified version of that in section 2.2 of Stansberry, et al., 2007,[23] where
emissivity and beaming parameter were assumed equal unity, and π {\displaystyle \pi } was replaced with 4 accounting for the difference between circle and
sphere. All parameters mentioned above were taken from the same paper.
aa. ^ Calculated using the formula D = 1329 p 10 − 0.2 H {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}D={\frac {1329}{\sqrt {p}}}10^{-0.2H}\end{smallmatrix}}} , where
H is the absolute magnitude, p is the geometric albedo and D is the diameter in km, and assuming an albedo of 0.15, as per Dan Bruton.[81]
ad.^ Mass derived from the density multipied by the volume.

Individual calculations
y. ^ Derived from density
z. ^ Surface area was calculated using the formula for a scalene ellipsoid:

2 π ( c 2 + b a 2 − c 2 E ( α , m ) + b c 2 a 2 − c 2 F ( α , m ) ) , {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}2\pi \left(c^{2}+b{\sqrt {a^{2}-c^{2}}}E(\alpha ,m)+

{\frac {bc^{2}}{\sqrt {a^{2}-c^{2}}}}F(\alpha ,m)\right),\,\!\end{smallmatrix}}} where α = arccos ( c a ) {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}\alpha
=\arccos \left({\frac {c}{a}}\right)\,\,\!\end{smallmatrix}}} is the modular angle, or angular eccentricity; m = b 2 − c 2 b 2 sin ( α ) 2 {\displaystyle
{\begin{smallmatrix}m={\frac {b^{2}-c^{2}}{b^{2}\sin(\alpha )^{2}}}\,\!\end{smallmatrix}}} and F ( α , m ) {\displaystyle
{\begin{smallmatrix}F(\alpha ,m)\,\!\end{smallmatrix}}} , E ( α , m ) {\displaystyle {\begin{smallmatrix}E(\alpha ,m)\,\!\end{smallmatrix}}} are the
incomplete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively. The values 980 km, 759 km, and 498 km were used for a, b, and c respectively.

Other notes
f. ^ Relative to Earth
g. ^ Sidereal
h. ^ Retrograde
i. ^ The inclination of the body's equator from its orbit.
j. ^ At pressure of 1 bar
k. ^ At sea level
l. ^ The ratio between the mass of the object and those in its immediate neighborhood. Used to distinguish between a planet and a dwarf planet.
m. ^ This object's rotation is synchronous with its orbital period, meaning that it only ever shows one face to its primary.
x. ^Objects' planetary discriminants based on their similar orbits to Eris. Sedna's population is currently too little-known for a planetary discriminant to be
ab.^ Proteus average diameter: 210 km;[68] Mimas average diameter: 199 km[75]
ac. ^ "Unless otherwise cited" means that the information contained in the citation is applicable to an entire line or column of a chart, unless another citation
specifically notes otherwise.

• M Woolfson (2000). "The origin and evolution of the solar system". Astronomy & Geophysics. 41 (1): 1.12. Bibcode:2000A&G....41a..12W. doi:10.1046/j.1468-
• NASA Solar System exploration Sun factsheet Archived 2008-01-02 at the Wayback Machine. and NASA Sun factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless
otherwise cited)
• Stacy Leong (2002). Glenn Elert, ed. "Period of the Sun's Orbit around the Galaxy (Cosmic Year)". The Physics Factbook] (self-published). Retrieved 2008-06-
• Markus J. Aschwanden (2007). "The Sun". In Lucy Ann McFadden; Paul R. Weissman; Torrence V. Johnsson. Encyclopedia of the Solar System. Academic Press.
p. 80.
• "IAU 2006 General Assembly: Result of the IAU Resolution votes" (Press release). International Astronomical Union (News Release – IAU0603). 2006-08-24.
Retrieved 2007-12-31. (orig link Archived 2007-01-03 at the Wayback Machine.)
• NASA Mercury Fact Sheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• NASA Venus Factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Factsheet Archived 2006-09-29 at the Wayback Machine. NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless
otherwise cited)
• NASA Earth factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Factsheet Archived 2009-08-27 at the Wayback Machine. NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless
otherwise cited)
• NASA Mars Factsheet and NASA Mars Solar System Exploration Factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• NASA Jupiter factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• NASA Saturn factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Saturn Factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• NASA Uranus factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Uranus Factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• NASA Neptune factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Neptune Factsheet NASA Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• "NASA Asteroid Factsheet". NASA. Retrieved 2008-11-17.
• NASA Pluto factsheet and NASA Solar System Exploration Pluto Factsheet Retrieved on 2008-11-17 (unless otherwise cited)
• (i)Alexandra C. Lockwood; Michael E. Brown; John Stansberry (2014). "The size and shape of the oblong dwarf planet Haumea". Earth, Moon, and Planets.
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See also

• List of former planets

The Solar System

• The Sun
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Ceres
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune
• Pluto
• Haumea
• Makemake
• Eris

• Terrestrial planets
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Giant planets
• Jupiter
• Saturn
Planets • Uranus
• Neptune
• Dwarf planets
• Ceres
• Pluto
• Haumea
• Makemake
• Eris

• Jovian
• Saturnian (Rhean)
• Charikloan
• Chironean
• Uranian
• Neptunian
• Haumean

Moons • Terrestrial
• Moon
• other near-Earth objects
• Martian
• Phobos
• Deimos
• Jovian
• Ganymede
• Callisto
• Io
• Europa
• all 69
• Saturnian
• Titan
• Rhea
• Iapetus
• Dione
• Tethys
• Enceladus
• Mimas
• Hyperion
• Phoebe
• all 62
• Uranian
• Titania
• Oberon
• Umbriel
• Ariel
• Miranda
• all 27
• Neptunian
• Triton
• Proteus
• Nereid
• all 14
• Plutonian
• Charon
• Nix
• Hydra
• Kerberos
• Styx
• Haumean
• Hiʻiaka
• Namaka
• Makemakean
• S/2015 (136472) 1
• Eridian
• Dysnomia

• Solar System objects

• By size
• By discovery date
• Minor planets
Lists • Gravitationally rounded objects
• Possible dwarf planets
• Natural satellites
• Comets

Small Solar • Meteoroids

System bodies • Minor planets
• moons
• Comets
• Damocloids
• Mercury-crossers
• Venus-crossers
• Venus trojans
• Near-Earth objects
• Earth-crossers
• Earth trojans
• Mars-crossers
• Mars trojans
• Asteroid belt
• Asteroids
• first discovered: Ceres
• Pallas
• Juno
• Vesta
• Families
• Notable asteroids
• Kirkwood gap
• Main-belt comets
• Jupiter trojans
• Jupiter-crossers
• Centaurs
• Saturn-crossers
• Uranus trojans
• Uranus-crossers
• Neptune trojans
• Cis-Neptunian objects
• Trans-Neptunian objects
• Neptune-crossers
• Plutoids
• Kuiper belt
• Plutinos
• Cubewanos
• Scattered disc
• Detached objects
• Sednoids
• Hills cloud
• Oort cloud

• Vulcan
• Vulcanoids
• Phaeton
• Planet V
• Theia
• Fifth giant
• Planets beyond Neptune
• Tyche
• Nemesis
• Planet Nine

• Discovery
• Astronomy
• Timeline
• Spaceflight
• Robotic spacecraft
• Human spaceflight
• List of crewed spacecraft
• Colonization
• List of probes
• Timeline

• Mercury
Exploration • Venus
(outline) • Moon
• Mars
• Ceres
• Asteroids
• Mining
• Comets
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune
• Pluto
• Deep space

Outline of the Solar System

Solar System
Earth sciences

Solar System → Local Interstellar Cloud → Local Bubble → Gould Belt → Orion Arm → Milky Way → Milky Way subgroup → Local Group → Virgo
Supercluster → Laniakea Supercluster → Observable universe → Universe
Each arrow (→) may be read as "within" or "part of".

• Lists of Solar System objects
• Planemos

• This page was last edited on 23 April 2018, at 17:13.

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