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Role of HR Manager

1. Define human resource management what qualities a human resources manager

needs to be successful?
2. What qualities should hr executives possess in relation to their qualifications in
HR management? Do you consider liking to work with people as a critical factor
in selecting the Hr executive?

HR Planning
1. What is manpower planning? What factors do you consider while forecasting
manpower needs of an organization? 2
2. What is HRP? What is its purpose & what are its important elements? 2
3. Explain the need for HRP
4. Give a brief outline of the HRP system
5. Personnel/Employee turnover 2
6. How is business plan different from HR planning?

Job analysis
1. What is job analysis? 5
2. What is the purpose and what are its important elements?
3. Job analysis comprises of three distinct components. Name & describe them
4. What is the advantage of conducting job analysis? 2
5. Job description
6. “Job descriptions are at best suggestive because no job can ever be defined.” Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Give detailed reasons

Recruitment & Selection

1. Sources of internal & external recruitment 6
2. Merits & demerits of each -2
3. Employment exchange
4. Probation period 2
5. Placement
6. Write short notes on the importance of succession planning
7. What is preliminary testing? What are the major types of preliminary screening?
Which four qualities must they possess?
8. Techniques found useful in conducting an effective & efficient interview
9. Stress interview
10. Define recruitment. How does the need for it arise? What are its important
11. Outline steps in the selection process
12. Discuss the methods of reliability? How is reliability of “interview” as a selection
instrument found? 2
13. What are the essentials of selection procedures? Discuss the steps involved in it
14. Work sampling
15. What are the modern sources and techniques of recruitment?
16. Sons of soil theory in recruitment
17. Describe the steps in the selection procedure in an organization 2
18. Explain how the procedure can be made more scientific for talented manpower.
19. Effective recruitment practices are the foundation of the HRD system. What are
the practical problems faced by managers in India?
20. Psychological testing

Compensation & benefits

1. What are the merits & demerits of incentive based schemes of remuneration?
2. What are the problems in fixation of productivity linked incentives

Job evaluation
1. Short note on job evaluation 5
2. What is job evaluation? What is the dis/advantages of conducting job evaluation?

Performance appraisal
1. Performance appraisal is not merely for appraisal, but is for accomplishment and
improvement of performance- Discuss.
2. What are the objectives of performance appraisal systems? 2
3. What are the sources of errors in the appraisal process? -3
4. What are the organization factors needed to support an effective performance
appraisal system?
5. Explain the steps in management by objectives process and assess the strengths
and weaknesses of MBO
6. What are the developmental and evaluation objectives of a performance appraisal
7. What is performance appraisal?
8. “The first step in effectively managing employee performance is to evolve
rational, mutually acceptable & clearly understood criteria.” Elaborate.
9. Ethics of appraisal
10. 360 degree performance appraisal mostly can do away with biased approach
while assessing an employee. Do you agree with the above statement give your
11. What is performance appraisal system and what are its objectives?
12. What is the difference between the performance appraisal and performance
management systems in an organization? 2
13. Appraisal by peers
14. Performance appraisal should not be a post mortem exercise but rather a
continuous dialogue between the manager & subordinate. Discuss with

Career planning
1. Job rotation 4
2. Multi skilling 3
3. Write short notes on assessment centers 3
4. Describe various mechanisms /systems employed for career & succession
planning in organizations
5. Potential appraisal
6. Career development 2

Training & Development

1. Distinguish between induction and orientation systems
2. Employee induction
3. What are the similarities & differences in an orientation program of engineers and
MBA trainees?
4. How do you identify training needs of an enterprise? 4
5. Suggest a training programme. - 2
6. What steps should an organization take to make training more effective?
7. How would you evaluate a training programme? 2
8. Does the evaluation of the training programme have any bearing on the design? 2
9. Write short notes on different methods of on the job training.
10. Difference between training & development 3
11. What are the different training methods? Describe the need of training.
12. Dis/Advantages of the lecture method of training
13. For internal mobility management development programme is a must. Comment
14. Discuss the importance of training and development in organizations. How do you
identify the training needs in an organization?
15. Describe the different methods of training.2
16. Explain the role of training in avoiding employee obsolescence and maintaining
organizational competitiveness.

Hr policies
1. Need and importance of personnel policies
2. Employee manual
3. What is personnel policy? Describe the important personnel policies that affect
the job of a personnel manager?
4. Hr policies 2

1. What is the role of a constructive & positive trade union? -2
2. Principle of natural justice
3. Workers participation in management
4. Unfair labour practices of management
5. What are the consequences of unresolved grievances? What special skills should
the manager exercise in handling them?
6. What is the special feature in handling the knowledge worker grievance?
7. Industrial safety

HR audit

1. Types of audit
1. What are the advantages of having a comprehensive HRIS?

Job design
1. What is job design? How is it different form job analysis? Explain with suitable

2. What are the special problems faced in an Indian company to make HRM
function more successful? -2
3. Resolving conflict
4. What are the challenges before the human resource function in today’s Indian
business scenario?
5. As a head of the HRD in a large organization, what HRD strategies would you
suggest for long term planning and growth? -2
6. Trace the evolution of personnel function in India
7. What is HRM? What are its functions & objectives? 2
8. Enumerate the challenges of modern personnel management
9. Explain the importance of HR
10. The challenge and the role of HRM department being what it is, it is strange its
status is not recognized and respected. Elucidate and give your viewpoint.
11. Discuss the functions of HRM in an organization. Enumerate the challenges of
HRM in the present organizational context.
12. Explain the role & scope of human resources management in the dynamic social
& economic scenario of India.

OB topics
1. What is motivation? 3
2. Discuss any 2 theories of motivation. - 3
3. What kind of strategy would you employ to motivate employees of a loss making
engineering concern?
4. Critically examine Herzberg’s 2 factor theory
5. Describe the profile of a demotivated worker
6. Briefly describe the concept of motivation and explain the motivation process.
Describe a situation that illustrates the idea performance is a function of ability
and working conditions as well as motivation
7. Morale as a responsibility of management 2
8. Why is motivation of critical interest to managers in the organization?
9. Job enrichment as a motivational strategy
10. Erg theory of motivation
11. Job enlargement
12. Describe the objective of motivation
13. Designing motivating jobs
14. Maslow’s theory of needs
15. Explain the strategies used by organizations to motivate employees
16. Employee morale

Learning – Schedules of reinforcement

1. A situational combination of rewards and punishments can effectively motivate
men. Is the statement true or false? Explain

Attitude & job satisfaction

1. What is job satisfaction? 3
2. What are its major components?

Team building
1. Team effectiveness

1. Employee empowerment 2

Change mgmt
1. What is management of change? 2
2. Why do employees resist change? Furnish a detailed account of resistance to
3. What should HR managers take to make a change mgmt programme successful?
4. Managing change 2
5. Steps to overcome resistance to change 2
6. Organization downsizing
7. Demonstrate that organization development is an intervention strategy that uses
group processes to focus on the whole culture of an organization in order to bring
about planned change
8. Explain the sources of resistance to change. 2
9. Define & discuss planned change
10. How can effective change be implemented in an organization?
11. What is organizational change?

1. What are the merits of a formal organization structure?
2. Explain the concept of organization structure
3. What are the different forms of organization structure?

Conflict resolution
1. Resolving conflict

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