Peer Review Free Speech

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Peer Review I

Author’s Name: L
​ auren Ackermann

1. What is the relevant headline the author has chosen? Does it establish relevance
N/A, you need to add one.
2. What is the author’s binary opposition?
Add a clear binary opposition. You need to state both sides of the argument, yours and
then the counter.
3. What historical context does the author include? Is it well-chosen or superfluous?
You still need to include historical context to your argument. Since you seem to be
arguing that hate speech should be regulated but not, necessarily offensive speech, maybe
consider including evidence that shows the extremes of hate speech in comparison to offensive.
Then, I think your UC Berkeley quote about the student arrested in defiance of anti-solicitation
rules is actually good just include when it occurred so it can show that it occured in the past. Or
find something in similar circumstances that happened earlier.
4. Is the thesis question clear and high-level? What feedback do you have for it?
I think your thesis is clear and states your point and argument.
5. Reduce each paragraph to a maximum of one sentence and list below:
There isn’t any paragraphs it’s just an outline.
c. (put more letters if needed)
6. Based off #4, is their essay logical? Does it incorporate a counterargument,
rebuttal, and argument well?
No, you still need to add this part.
7. Is there a convincing and reasonable solution in the conclusion?
No, there isn’t a conclusion yet.
8. Where does this essay need some extra polishing?
I think your skeleton is well done but you just need to put everything you have together
and add more ideas and quotes and just overall you need to develop your argument more.
9. What is/are the strongest part(s) of the essay as is?
I think your thesis is strong and the quotes you have definitely help build your ideas so
that’s good.

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