Statistics 2014

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Port of Helsinki December Change % January- January- Change %

2014 December December

2014 2013
Unitised Cargo, 1,000 tons 720 6 10 033 9 629 4
- Import 343 0 4 788 4 741 1
- Export 377 11 5 245 4 888 7

Bulk Cargo, 1,000 tons 94 -36 793 917 -14

- Foreign 80 -44 659 808 -19
- Domestic 14 134 134 108 24

Total Cargo Traffic 814 -2 10 826 10 546 3

-TEU 31 11 401 406 -1
-1,000 tons 250 9 3 250 3 195 2
Lorries and Trailers
-vehicles 36 4 502 484 4
-1,000 tons 445 5 6 434 6 058 6
Passengers, 1,000 persons
- Liner Traffic 840 -3 10 901 10 724 2
- International Cruise Traffic 0 0 420 421 0
Vessel Traffic, calls 548 0 7 968 8 126 -2
- Cruise Vessels 0 0 261 283 -7

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