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Gary A. van Staveren, Ph.D. | 2017-18 School Theme: “2 Pineal Yvonne LaCross Secretry Shelley Weight Office Aietant Amber Geest Learing Coneulent Susan Reizian Tile {Interventonist Kathleen Brown Social Worker ‘Tracy Marshall, Sierra Wheaton, Speech Pathologist Dan Pryde, Ph.D. School Paschologiet, Teachers: Lindsay Nichols KTifany Goliday K-Dede Read 1-Kestin Hodlcher List Lamb Sarah Kiby 2-Melsa Moore 2 Kristin Zagala 2-Kad Gisnno SLi Schein 5.-Kare Kilgore $.Jams Sehnermann 4 Sanh G 4 Marsa Kalmus 4/5-Kim Moco S-Nicole Stain 5-Anne Thom#on Art Joe Zagula Media Kate Bateman Muric-Laura Combe PE-Steven Baker ESL-Lindsay Woodberg RR-Alson Hoseird RR Lorene Kafe RRMichee Thoms ™) ROCHESTER fey) COMMUNITY SCHOOL: Hamlin Elementary School ‘ “vxers crc and should be undecaken with paletaking excelence.” Dr Satta Ther rg 1 ‘To Whom tt May Concer: ‘Aes Cordray isan outstanding teacher candidate. | had the opportunity to work with Alexa during her yearlong stent teaching placement at Hamlin Elementary inthe Rochester Community Schools District. Alara taught al subjects with her fourth and fifth arade combination cass comprise of students from various cuturl and socioeconomic backgrounds, ‘Neve established «strong rapport with a stadents. Her interactions with students reflected genuine care and respect for iniiduals as wel as groups of students, She made sure she was aware and understood thei interests, hobbies, and falls. ‘Alea was a thoughtful and responsive listener to students. By establishing strong rapport, Alexe was ble to set high expectations fra students ‘lea addressed parents n'a mature and professional manner. he established strong communication wth parents through theuse of aweekiyonine newseter. Alexa was consistent with emaling the newsletter every Mondey and posting it to [RENIND, a communication app, She made herseifavallable as needed to respond to parent concerns and did so with sentty and confidentaty ‘Nea utized Ron Ritchhar’ 8 Cultural Frces to develop her dassroom climate. She understood the mpact of time within the Clasroom, She allocated time for thinking by allowing student to explore topes in depth for doopertnderstanding. Alexa provided appropriate wait time after asking questions. She gave students opportunities to take contre of their own leaning. ‘Alea did this by faitating Genus Hour withthe students once a week Alea’ style of management empowered stodents to manage ther own behavior. She uted a classioom economy management system that gave students credits and debits based on clear expectations to indviualze positive behavior. Alexa alsoused class wide postive behavior system awarding dass stars for meeting and exceeding assrcom rules and ‘expectations. Her response to misbehavior was effective and senstive to student's indvidual needs. lesa used her ereatve and innovative teaching style to incorporate addtional instructional mateilsthat were grade level appropiate. Her use of technology with current events and high interest video cli increased the level of student engagement inher lessons, Alexa differentiated her instruction n order to meet the needs ofeach child In her cast. Her use of visible thinking routines gave each stent access and an entry point to begin and devel their thinking about ideas and topics. Alexa Understood how to use diferent routines with purpose in order to obtain deeper earring ‘xa understood her role a a teacher in each child's He She was aware and sensitive to each cil sneeds and adjusted her apprcach accorcingy. She valued opportunites such as before school, morning meeting and community events to extend her teaching doy in order to make meaningful connections with students and their fais, ‘esa has demonstrated the abilty to ertablsh rapport with studans and their fais, bull a classroom community, empower students, nd create purposeful learning opportunites during her student teaching experience, After evaluating her work observing her performance, and supersing her teaching. fool confident Alexa wil make a sigificant contrbution as an lementary teacher. ie children 35 Our Foes, ke ASD-Chsistina Shalawylo Kim Mroczek a ASD-Amy Gjons) ASD-Eanly Renal 7 We Learn. We Grow. We Soar. Tol 248.726.3800 270 W. Hamin Ré: Fax 248.726 3605 Rochester Hills, MI 48306

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