Lion in A Jar Lesson

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SUNY CANTON Early Childhood Program

Activity Idea / Lesson Plan

Name: Holly Williams

Classroom Theme: Lamb and Lion

Implementation Date: 3/27/18

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Age Group: Preschool

Focus Area: Science

Title of Lesson: Lion Day in a Jar

Concept Statement: The children will enhance scientific reasoning by participating in a snow storm

Objective One
HESOLF Domain: Cognition
Sub-Domain: Science Inquiry
Goal Code: P-SCI 2
Goal: Children will engage in scientific talk.
Objective One: The children will enhance language skills by using scientific vocabulary while conducting the

Objective Two
HESOLF Domain: Cognition
Sub-Domain: Reasoning and Problem Solving
Goal Code: P-SCI 4
Goal: Child asks a question, gathers information, and makes predictions.
Objective Two: The children will enhance problem solving skills by asking questions during the experiment.

Objective Three
HESOLF Domain: Cognition
Sub-Domain: Reasoning and Problem Solving
Goal Code: P-SCI 5
Goal: Child plans and conducts investigations and experiments.
Objective Three: The children will enhance their problem-solving skills by conducting the experiment.

 In like a Lion out like a Lamb song
 6 alka seltzer tablet
 Measuring cups (1/4th cup)
 Baby oil
 White paint
 Glitter
 3 water bottles
I will show the children my in like a lion out like a lamb song. I will ask the children what a snow storm is, a lion or a
lamb. I will ask the children what the day is like when it is a lamb day. I will show the children the different ingredients
we will be using the make your own lion day, or snow storm.

1. I will sing the Lion and Lamb song with the children.
2. I will break the children up into three groups.
3. I will show the children the different ingredients we will be using for our experiment.
4. I will ask the children if they can make a guess on what will happen when we put alka seltzer tablets into the jar.
5. I will record the children’s guesses.
6. I will have one child put the paint into the cup.
7. I will have one children stir their water.
8. I will have one child put 1/4th cup of water into the jar.
9. I will have one child 1 cup of baby oil into the jar.
10. I will give one child a Alka Seltzer tab.
11. I will have the child drop the Alka Seltzer into the jar.
12. I will have the children observe the storm in the jar.
13. I will have the children describe what they see.
14. I will ask the children if it is a lion or lamb.

I will record the children’s observations. I will ask the children what their favorite part of the
experiment was. I will ask the children what observation means.
I will have the children crawl like a lion to the next center.

Supplemental Materials

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