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The Adaptive Instrument Project’s purpose was for music education students to One of my main responsibilities in this project was
collaborate with an engineering class, and with Stone Spring Elementary School’s reflection. My job was to visit our client in multiple
Special Education and Music classes. Through this, the music educators and classrooms at multiple times throughout the
engineers were assigned a student to work with for the entire semester. The semester. After each observation, we were to upload
MUED student would observe and interact with the Stone Spring student and a protocol, answer any questions posed by engineers,
provide the engineers with detailed notes and videos. The engineers and create a reflection video based on our findings.
then took that information to create musical instruments made These reflections were ongoing throughout the
specially to adapt to the student’s needs. entire semester. During these reflections, we
were asked to discuss different learning,
academic, physical, and other goals that our
student may have had. This also included
professional sources, such as talking
PROFESSIONALISM with the Paraprofessionals,
nurses, and teachers.
This is a new development in the MUED class, so it is still in the
process of being more streamlined and efficient. However, the
experience was a great way to learn what life is like as a professional
in the real world.
I personally had to send many emails about scheduling to the music
teacher, special education teacher, Professor Rathgeber, and the
engineers. There were also many times where not just one email and
reply would suffice, so I learned how to have a professional
conversation with someone I’m working with, no matter how many
emails had to be sent.
Ultimately, I’ve learned about communication,
and how important it is to be as professional
as possible at all times!

THE OUTLINE FOR OUR In all the classes I observed with my client, there were many
OF OUR ADAPTED adaptations and engaging sessions. With a class like this,
INSTRUMENTS there must be. All the teachers I got to work with were very good
at putting the students’ needs and interests before anything.
This entire project was about adapting, I feel that the engineers I
worked with did an amazing job of creating instruments for my
student. By scanning the QR code, you can read and see what
they were able to create!

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