Soal UAS Semester Ganjil SMK Kelas XI

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Soal UAS Semester Ganjil SMK kelas XI

Author: Blogging SMK

Posted: Tuesday, January 05, 2016

I. Reading Comphrehension
Question 1-20 are base on the selectionof reading materials. You have to choose the
correct answer a, b, c, d or e to each question.

The reading text is for question number 1-2

As you know this is the first time the City Drama Award will be hosted at the theater.
Although you’re our experienced staff member, I arrange today’s training because the
seating procedures will be different from what we usually do here. Most guests will have
tickets, but you’ll be seating the nominations at the table in the front. I am passing out a
chart the shows how the tables will be arranged and where the nominees will sit. Please
familiarize yourself with it before the ceremony.
1. What is the text about?
A. The procedure of managing a training
B. Training for nominees
C. Member of training
D. City Drama Award
E. A preparation for event
2. “Please familiarize yourself with it...”
The close meaning with familiarize is...
A. acquaint
B. summarize
C. celebrate
D. criticize
E. unfamous
The reading text is for question number 3-6

Jesica’s Daily Activities.

My name is Jesica. I am student. Every day I get up early in the morning. I get
up at 4.30 a.m, then take a bath and get dressed. After that I have breakfast at 5.30
a.m, and on Saturday
I go home school at 11.30 a.m. When I arrive at home, I rest for a while and
have lunch. I usually read a newspaper in the afternoon. In the evening I always do
my homework and sometimes watch television before I go to bed
3. Is Jesica a student?
A. No, she is not
B. Yes, she is not
C. Yes, she is
D. No, is not she
E. Yes, is she
4. Does she get up late?
A. No, she doesn’t get up late.
B. Yes, she doesn’t get up late.
C. Yes, she doesn’t get up late.
D. No, she gets up late.
E. No, she don’t get up late.
5. Does she have breakfast before going to school?
A. No, she doesn’t
B. Yes, she doesn’t
C. No, she does.
D. Yes, she does.
E. Yes, she do.
6. What does she do in the afternoon?
A. She reads a letter in the afternoon.
B. She reads a newspaper in the afternoon
C. She listens to the radio in the afternoon
D. She does her homework
E. She have lunch

The reading text is for question 7-11

In early societis, money was unknown and man relied on a simple system of
exchange. Perhaps, a good hunter had more animal skin than he could use. His neighbor,
a good fisherman, might have too many fish but needed furs to protect his children from
the cold. Both soon realized that to solve their problem, they could exchange their
surplus. This methode of exchanging is called “Barter”. The word comes from the French
“Barrater”. Barter was important when the needs were mostly for clothing, food and
shelter but the system had its problem. For example, a weaver who wanted to change this
cloth and farmer with too much corn might not be able to find the hunter with too many
deer. When labor and services became more specialized, barter no longer could function
od “payment”. A new system had to be found.
7. People bartered because ...
A. They like a simple system
B. They realized the problem
C. They has a surplus and needed something else
D. They dislike of money
E. They had money to fulfill their need.
8. What did barter have its problem?
A. People couldn’t exchange their surplus to the one who needed the surpus
B. People had their surplus
C. People has had less the surplus
D. People had their own needs
E. People earned something more than they could use.
9. Why did people in early societis barter?
A. Money couldn’t be use as a payment
B. Barter was the multi function payment
C. They had complicated system of exchange
D. They were poor
E. They hadn’t known money yet
10. ... “money was unknown and man...
The underlined word has the close meaning with...
A. Famous D. Up to date
B. Out of date E. Well-known
C. Unfamiliar
11. “... symple system of exchange”
“Exchange” means ...
A. Replace
B. Give and receive something in return
C. Make something greater
D. Spend alot of money
E. Loans

The reading is for question number 12-13

The food we eat seem to have profound effect on ... (37) health since has made enermous
steps in ...(38) food healthier to eat. I has made many foods unhealthy to eat the same
time. Some researches show that about eighty percent of people are related to deat and
forty percent of cancers are related diet as well, especially cancer of colon.
12. The correct word is ...
A. Their D. Our
B. His E. Her
C. My
13. the correct word is ...
A. making D. Were making
B. to be made E. Make
C. being made
The reading text is for question number 14-17
Hello Tessa
Saskia and I are going to go to the cinema ...(39) Diamond Square to ... (40) the new
sequel of Hunger Game Movie. Will you join us? If you do, I will buy you a ticket. By
the way, we are going to have lunch first in the food court before ...(41) to the cinema.
Call me soon if you are ... (42), will you?

Adi P
14. The correct word is ...
A. On D. at
B. Of E. off
C. In
15. The correct word is ...
A. See D. Had seen
B. Seing E. Have seen
C. Saw
16. The correct word is ...
A. Going D. Went
B. Go E. Is going
C. Goes
17. The correct word is ...
A. Interesting D. Being interested
B. Interest E. Interested
C. Interests

the conversation is for question number 18-20

Adi : What ... (43) you do in the spare time?

Ian : I usually spend ... (44) time feeding my fish at the pond
Adi : So, what is your hobby?
Ian : Actually, my hobby is collecting rare and unique fish
18. The correct word is ...
A. Did D. Doing
B. Does E. Done
C. Do
19. The correct word is ...
A. My D. Mine
B. Your E. Myself
C. His
20. The correct word is ...
A. Collects D. Collected
B. Collect E. Being collected
C. Collecting

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