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Year: 2018-2019
Goal: Teach students about mindfulness and kindness in order to increase positive behaviors
Lessons and Activities Related to Goal:
Domain Process Data
and (Projected Outcome Data
Mindsets & number of Perception Data (Achievement, attendance
Grade Lesson Behaviors Curriculum and Projected students (Type of surveys/ assessments to and/or behavior data to be Contact
Level Topic Standard(s) Materials Start/End affected) be used) collected) Person
1 Mindful- M.1, Kindness Feb 2018 – ~15 1st A pre-and post-questionnaire Students’ knowledge School
ness and B-LS.2, Curriculum – May 2018; grade will be used to assess the will be collected to see Counselor
Kindness B-SMS.7, Center for 6 lessons students at student's knowledge of how this 6 week unit – Emily
------------- B-SS.4 Healthy lasting one Lighted mindfulness and kindness. may have impacted Olson
Working Minds hour long School ----------------------------------------- these behavioral-related
with ----------------- each House Students get and use wands data points.
Emotions LSH Lesson ------------- with teacher guidance and Pre-test administered
in a Kind Plan – Week Speak from the Heart and be a
and 04 2/28/2018 Star Listener; communication
Friendly skills
1 Forgiving M.1, LSH Lesson 3/7/2018 ~15 1st Students recall a time they had --- School
Myself B-LS.2, Plan – Week grade an accident and give Counselor
B-SMS.7, 05 students at themselves an “imaginary hug” – Emily
B-SS.4 Lighted Olson
1 Forgiving M.1, LSH Lesson 3/14/2018 ~15 1st Students learn to say “I didn’t --- School
Others B-LS.2, Plan – Week grade mean it. Are you okay?” and Counselor
B-SMS.7, 06 students at learn to say how it feels on the – Emily
B-SS.4 Lighted inside to forgive someone Olson
1 Showing M.1, LSH Lesson 4/4/2018 ~15 1st Students show feelings on their --- School
feelings B-LS.2, Plan – Week grade faces and bodies and identify Counselor
on the B-SMS.7, 07 students at feeling words - “How are you – Emily
outside B-SS.4 Lighted feeling right now?”; charades Olson
School and emotion cards
1 Showing M.1, LSH Lesson 4/11/2018 ~15 1st How feelings on the inside, --- School
feelings B-LS.2, Plan – Week grade show on the outside Counselor
on the B-SMS.7, 08 students at Identify feeling words - “How – Emily
outside B-SS.4 Lighted are you feeling right now?” Olson
School Identify their own feelings, and
House how those feelings are all
different; emotion color pages
1 Mindful- M.1, LSH Lesson 4/18/2018 ~15 1st Students will name three gifts After data were School
ness, B-LS.2, Plan – Week grade the Earth gives us and name collected, the overall Counselor
gratitude, B-SMS.7, 09 students at three ways we can take care of knowledge of – Emily
and caring B-SS.4 Lighted the Earth mindfulness and Olson
for our School kindness went up for
world House the first grade students

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