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School: Safari High School
Year: 2018-2019
Group Name: Healthy Relationships and Self-Esteem Group
Goal: Teach students about what healthy relationships are and are not; have students explore themselves and gain self-esteem
Target Group: High School Students
Data Used to Identify Students: Feedback from individual counseling sessions
ASCA Process Data
Domain and (Projected Outcome Data
Mindsets & number of Perception Data (Achievement, attendance
Grade Group Behaviors Curriculum and Projected students (Type of surveys/ and/or behavior data to be Contact
Level Topic Standard(s) Materials Start/End affected) assessments to be used) collected) Person
10 Healthy M 1. Week 01: Six group Three 10th A pre and post survey Students’ achievement School
Relation- B-LS 7. Introductions – session; grade girls will be given to the and behavior data will Counselor
ships and B-LS 9. Self-Esteem one will be students asking about be collected as a – Emily
Self- B-LS 10. Week 02: Setting session participating their perceptions and follow-up of the group; Olson
Esteem Goals per week; in this group knowledge about this group is a test
Week 03: What sessions healthy relationships before implementing at
does a healthy are one and self-esteem a larger level; if
relationship look hour each student’s knowledge of
like? healthy relationships
Week 04: Not So and self-esteem
Healthy increase, then they will
Relationships have a higher chance
Week 05: What do I of succeeding in school
want my
Relationships to
Look Like?
Week 06: Final
Session –
between Healthy
Relationships &
Positive Self-

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