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Initial Inquiry + Question Development Date 03/22/2018 Name

Initial Inquiry Question:

When was Agent Orange first used?

Know: Want to Know: Level 3 Learned:

Agent Orange was used Should damaging long-lasting It is a herbicide.
during the Vietnam War by the chemicals be used during war? By U.S. program codenamed Operation
U.S. military. Ranch Hand
It’s a chemical. 20 million gallons were sprayed over
People that were affected by it Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from 1961
had major health problems. to 1971.
Their children were born with Contained deadly chemical dioxin.
deformities. Caused cancer, birth defects, rashes and
Damaging to the environment. severe psychological and neurological
Vietnamese and returning U.S.
servicemen and their families were
Level 2 affected.
How did Agent Orange come into Used to destroy Vietnam forest cover and
place? food crops used by North Vietnamese &
Viet Cong.
Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc.
had 3,131 non-veteran and 1,487
Vietnam Veteran participantsi n May of
Some diseases are AL Amyloidosis.
Chronic B-cell Leukemias, Multiple
Myeloma, Non-Hodglan’s Lymphoma,
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, & Soft Tissue
2004, Vietnamese citizens filed
Level 1 class-action lawsuit against more than 30
When was Agent Orange first chemical companies.
used? US court rejected final appeal in 2008
and caused anger among Vietnamese
victims of Operation Ranch Hand and US

3 Sources: Staff. “Agent Orange.”, A&E Television Networks, 2011,
US Department of Veterans Affairs, and Veterans Health Administration. “Public Health.” Agent Orange -
Public Health, 4 Dec. 2013,
“Agent Orange and Birth Defects.” Birth Defect Research for Children,

Revised Inquiry Question:

Why was Agent Orange used when the U.S. military was affected as well?

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