Brightly Colored Clothing: Colorful Clothing Didn't Become Common Until The 1930s

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Brightly Colored Clothing

Colorful clothing didn't become common until the 1930s

Many people love to wear bright colors.Especially when the weath
er is warm.This was not popular in the past. Onehundred years ag
o, the middle class didnot wear bright colors. It was notpractical.
Colorful clothes get dirty fasterthan plain colors. Before 1920, only
richpeople wore bright colors. In the 1930s,
the middle class started to work onlyforty hours a week. This way
they hadmore time to spend on recreation.
Vibrant colors and floral prints becamein style. But, the fabric quality
was verypoor. Those colorful garments werelight sensitive. So, the c
olors fadedquickly. In the early 1940s, bright colorswere hard to find.
That was becauseWorld War II was in progress. In 1947, avariety of
colorful fabrics were available.They were much better quality. Brightly
colored clothes are very common today.

The worst social media for mental health
There is an organization called The UK'sRoyal Society for Public
Health. It did asurvey called #StatusOfMind. It includedfive social
media sites. It had answersfrom 1,479 young people ages fourtee
nto twenty-
four. They were from England,Scotland, Wales, and Northern Irela
nd.The young people answered questionsabout fourteen different
issues relatedto their mental or physical health. Socialmedia has s
ome positive effects likeself-identity and self-expression.
There was negative feedback from allfive social media sites. Instagra
m wasthe worst. It was linked to high levels ofanxiety, depression, bu
llying and FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out). Teens see theirfriends on va
cation. Or they are out onthe town. Young people believe theyare mis
sing out. These feelings candevelop a “compare and despair”attitude.
The Royal Society has apotential solution. They recommend a“heav
y usage” pop-up warning for thesesites.

Preventing Blindness
Eye exams help to prevent blindness
Scientists say eye exams are important.They help stop blindness.
Blindness iswhen people cannot see. Manydiseases cause blindn
ess. People withdiabetes have too much sugar in theirblood. Diab
etes harms blood vessels.Blood vessels carry blood inside thebod
y. There are many blood vessels ineyes. Broken blood vessels ca
useblindness. Many blind people havecataracts. A cataract is a la
rge spot onthe eye.
Much stress inside an eye also causesblindness. Some people have
brokennerves in their eyes. They becomeblind. Nerves are fibers that
connect tothe brain. Accidents can damageeyeball nerves. Eye exa
ms help saveeyes. Doctors find eye problems early.People receive e
ye surgeries. Somepeople think bats are blind. But, batscan see very
well. Bats do not see withtheir eyes. They use sound waves tosee.

For the Love of Ginger

Studies show the benefits of consuming ginger
Ginger is a spice. People use gingerwhen they cook. People also
use it as asupplement. Ginger is very good foryour health. Expert
s examined resultsfrom sixty studies. They studied cells,lab anima
ls and humans. The authors ofthe study focused on metabolicsyn
drome. Metabolic syndrome is whena person has three or more ri
sk factorsfor type 2 diabetes and heart disease.This syndrome aff
ects twenty-fivepercent of the world's population.
Ginger burns fat in the body. It helpsdigest carbohydrates and makes
insulin.Ginger is anti-
inflammatory. It stops andprevents inflammation in the body.Ginger c
an help lower cholesterol andblood pressure. Ginger is used as anhe
rbal medicine around the world.Studies looked at consuming ginger i
nvarious forms like capsules, tablets, andpowders. Science still does
not knowhow much ginger we need to consumeto obtain the most be

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