My Online Class Is For 3 Grade Reading and Writing

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Class Code : 6nwsbx

2. Screenshot of Class Name, section, and image:

My online class is for 3rd Grade Reading and Writing

3. Screenshot of assignment that fits the grade/topic :

This assignment is a basic introductory essay. Let’s me learn a

little about the student and assess their writing skills.

4. Screenshot of announcement :

A basic reminder to get a copy of a book we will be using for

an assignment.
5. Screenshot of short answer question that fits the grade/topic :

A quick question on how they prefer to do their learning and

why. Gives me an idea on how well they will participate with
online learning. Also, another chance to review their writing.

6. Screenshot of multiple choice questions that fits the

grade/topic :

These are 5 questions all related to grammar, which is an

important part of proper writing.

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