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Post - Survey: Getting to Know You! Part 2

1) Think about 1st Period. I learned the best when _________________________________



2) I didn’t like it when my teacher…




3) Think about what you learned this semester. When you think of ​“U.S. History”​, what
words come into your head?




4) In US History class, I learned that ____________________________________________



5) Did you have a teacher or adult who showed they cared about you this year? ​CIRCLE


If you circled ​YES​, write the name of a teacher or adult. Why did you choose that person?




6) Did you feel US History was challenging?

Circle one.

Yes Sort Of Not Really Not At All

7) Who did you work well with in class? Who did you ​NOT​ work well in class?




8) In US History class, what was ​hard ​for you?



9) Did you think seeing your native language in class helped you be more interested or
understand history? Why?




10) Rate from 1 to 5 how much you liked each one. 1 = ,3= ,5= .


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