Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance 2

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Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP)


Niela Walker
ECH 485

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Table of Contents
Standard 1- Contextual Factors - Knowing Your School and Community
Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Objectives and the Learning Goal
Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning
Standard 7 - Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student Progress

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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and

Part I: Community, District, School, and Classroom Factors

A. Geographic Location
The geographic data for my cooperating school is suburban. The city and state is Akron Ohio.
The population of the city is 197,633 and the stability of community is stabilized. Perception of
the level of community support for education is low because poverty is low but private schools is
higher. The graduation rate in the district is only 75.9%. The possible effect these characteristics
could have on the planning, delivery, and assessment of my unit are

B. District Demographics
The name of the school district is called Summit and the grades served are kindergarten through
high school. There are 55 schools in the district and 21, 532 students enrolled in the district.
Percentage of students in the district receive ring free or reduced price lunch is 78.4%.

C. School Demographics
My cooperating school is called Summit Academy and it serves the grades kindergarten through
first grade but goes up to 5th grade. There are 145 students are enrolled and 100% of the students
receive free lunch. The school ranking level is unranked

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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and

Part II: Demographic, Environment, and Academic Factors

A. Student Demographic Factors
The cooperating classroom grade level is both kindergarten and first grade. The content areas
taught is math, literacy, social studies, and science. The class has 13 students in the classroom
which are made up of 4 girls and 9 boys that are the ages of 5 to 7 year olds. The ranged
represented is one which is English. The class is 95% white and 5% African American. I got this
percentage because there was 13 kids, 9 white, and 4 African Americans.

B. Environmental Factors
The physical room arrangement is the parents do not drop their children off to their rooms just to
the front and pick them up from the front. The room has a lot of open space and just three tables,
2 out of the three tables is shared with the tables. On the wall as they have a giant smart board
computer, birthdays, word all words, and dry ease boards that has sight words. They also has
things on the way for the students who ride the bus and what bus, as well as, who gets a ride
home. The class is organized by different materials that was divided in books, puzzles, and a few
games. The have 5 computers who the students to get on Lexus Reading Core, ABC mouse, and
PBS Kids. The room also have a quiet area where up to 3 kids can wear earphones and listen to
music. It also have behavior strategies on the walls called give me 5. This is where they put up 5
fingers, they listen, and they are quiet. The available classroom resources are materials that is in
the room. The level of parent involvement is none since the parents do not come into the
classroom and the availability of access to technology are pretty high. Both teachers have a
laptop, the have a smart board which is like a touch screen computer that takes up part of the
wall, in the quiet area they have headphone and music, and they have 5 computers.

C. Student Academic Factors

Student Subgroup ELL IEP Section Gifted Other or
504 Services Cognitive
(Explain Needs
) Receiving

Boys 0 9 0 0 4 2

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Girls 0 4 0 0 2 1
Instructional Accommodations None A lot of None None Leave to Sometime
and Modifications reading go to s have to
(Describe any instructional to speech let them
accommodations and them, and calm
modifications regularly used to smaller occupati down
meet the needs of students in groups, onal before I
each subgroup.) more therapy
and a
lot of
one on


In the space below, discuss the possible affect these characteristics could have on the planning,
delivery, and assessment of your unit. Refrain from using student names.
Some possible affect these characteristics could have on the planning and assess of my unit if
I have to make sure the students are able to understand the lesson. Break down the lesson a little
more as well as read to them the things I want them to do. Another thing is to make sure they are
getting a lot of one on one time.

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STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Objectives and the
Learning Goal

Unit Topic: Early Writing

Unit Title: Sight words

National or State Academic Content Standards

L.K.5 : With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word
meaning. RL.K.10 : Actively engage in ground reading activities with purpose and
understanding. L.1.4 : Determine or clarity the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning
words and phrases.

Learning Goal
The students well be able to use contextual clues to learning learn the meaning of 8 sight words
in a sentence.

Measurable Objectives
The students will learn to use contextual clues to know the meaning and identify the 8 sight
words in a sentence by reading and define them with a 80% accuracy on 2 out of 2 attempts.

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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used to
determine whether the student Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, or Falls Far Below the learning goal
and measurable objectives.

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Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards, learning
goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students




Falls Far Below

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

Based on the data above I would not make any changes to my assessments. There was not a lot of students
who meet the assessment but I feel like that is a good thing. That means my assessment was not too easy
for the students as well as it was not too hard for them either. There were only 3 students who fell far
below and one out of the 3 students just refused to do it.
Based on the data above the effect that this assessment could have on the planning delivery is a positive
effect. I can better understand what the students understand and what they need to know. As well as the
words I can skip or just skim through because they all know the words.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether the student Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, or Falls Far Below the
learning goal and measurable objectives.

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record,
review, and reflect on your teaching later in the STEP process,

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Title of Lesson or Context Clues More and Stop Deep deep let’s Next is the words talk
Activity practice the sight and can
words have and

Standards and CCSS.ELA- RL.K.10 L.K.5 L.1.4

Objectives Literacy.L.9.10.4.a
What do students The students well be The students well be The students well be
need to know and be The students well be able to identify what able to identify what able to identify what
able to do for each able to define what a the two sight words the two sight words the two sight words
context clue is and are by using context are by using context are by using context
day of the unit?
strategies to identify clues. clues. clues.
the sight words.

Academic Reading directions Reading directions Reading directions Reading directions

Language and orally, working orally, working orally, working orally, working
Vocabulary together in small together in small together in small together in small
What academic groups, and groups, and groups, and groups, and
language will you reducing the reading reducing the reading reducing the reading reducing the reading
emphasize and teach level. level. level. level.
each day during this
unit? Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary:
Context clue More Have Talk
Stop Came Can

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Summary of The students will be The students will be The students will be The students will be
Instruction and taught in small taught in small taught in small taught in small
Activities for the groups of 5. I well groups of 5. As well groups of 5. As well groups of 5. As well
Lesson write a few as I well reteaching as I well reteaching as I well reteaching
How will the sentences using what was taught the what was taught the what was taught the
instruction and sight words they do day before. day before. day before.
activities flow? not know and see if They well also be I well write a The students well
Consider how the they know they doing a activity paragraph and make also write sentences
students will meaning. Than I sheet with these two sure the 4 sight with sight words in
efficiently transition well write a new sight words. Where words are listed a their own words.
from one to the next. sentence adding they full in the few times in the
more words to words in a sentence. paragraph. I well
explain to tell how then cover them
information help with a sticky note
define words. and see if the
students can name
what sight words go
under the sticky

Differentiation The students well The students well The students well The students well
What are the work in small work in small work in small work in small
adaptations or groups. groups and read to. groups and read to. groups and read to.
modifications to the
as determined by the
student factors or
individual learning

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Required *Highlighter *Pencil *Poster board *Paper
Materials, *Dry erase board *Sight word activity *Sticky notes *Pencil
Handouts, Text, *Makers sheet
Slides, and *Poster board

Instructional and Having them in small Having them in small Having them in small Having them in small
Engagement groups and being able groups and reading to groups as well as groups and let them
Strategies to use the dry erase them. reading to them and work together to write
What strategies are boards. telling them take off s ten es with the sight
you going to use the sticky notes. words in it.
with your students
to keep them
engaged throughout
the unit of study?

Formative By observing them Doing a small work Asking questions Observing how they
Assessments as the do the lesson/ sheet durning the lesson. write the sight words
How are you going activity. in the sentences.
to measure the
learning of your
students throughout
the lesson?

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Summative, Post- The same as the pre-assessment.
What post-
assessment will
measure the learning
progress? Note: This
can be the same as
the pre-assessment
or a modified
version of it.

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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
Implement the unit you have designed including the pre-assessment, all lesson activities,
correlating formative assessments, and summative post-assessment. Choose one of the activities
to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor
review the recording and provide feedback, if possible.

Video Recording Link:

One drive

Summary of Unit Implementation:

Before I read the book I asked them what do they think the book is about. I had them look through the
pictures and make a hypothesis about the book based off the pictures. In this lesson plan we read the book
called Meet Max. The book talked about a girl named Jade and by name Luis who were dog walkers. One
day when Jade and Luis was walking dogs and a little dog came along for the walks every day. When
they went for a walk again the stray dog was not there anymore. Jade was sad so she went to go look for
him to bring him home. After the book we talked about the sight word “made”. My students all used the
word made in a sentence then they did a worksheet. On the worksheet that they do 5 different things on.
1st the student trace the word, 2nd they would would write it, 3rd they would color the word, 4th they had
to find the word through other sight words, and lastly the color small pictures and match the picture to the
letter with the same beginning sound.

Summary of Student Learning:

The expectations of this lesson plan went how I planned for it to go. The students understand what
was being asked of them to do. They needed a little help with reading the book but I kind of expected that
from the group. The engagement strategies I used is involving them is by asking them question and I also
had them use pointers as we read the book. As well as they did the paper.

Reflection of Video Recording:

My initial perception of the overall student learning is they were very excited and optimistic. The
students that I had in this group wanted to learn. The setting of this classroom is trying to be as hand on as
you can and having small groups instead of one big group. The results that I got from my observation is
they wanted to come up with a sentence for the word made. The measurement of learning that the
students wanted to learn and answer the questions that I was asking. I used positive guidance and a
positive attitude. My perceptions of my teaching performance is that I did very well with interacting with
my students even with it being a group.

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STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning

Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

2 2

3 8

6 3

3 1
Falls Far Below

Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class

Based on my analysis of the whole class for the post test date, my interpretation of the student
learning is students did very well. I definitely seen a bit different with the students who meet the
assessment and the students who approached the assessment. As well as the two students who
didn’t want to do it did it this time with no problem since they were giving the time to know the
information. The one student who falls far below is normally in a way because he falls below a lot
of other things. I am happy with the way the test worked out. I had to read them the sentences but
still very happy.

Based on the whole class post text data the effectiveness of my instruction is that I took my time
with them and I read to them the sentences. I also explained to them what they were going to do
and talk to them about the things we did over the week. Kind of like a review before the
assessment. This was a good assessment since these students have a hard time with sight words
and reading. This help them understand the meaning of things just by reading or listening. For
example, I was reading s book durning their sneak time and in the book the girl was feeling
gloomy because of her name. The students knew what gloomy was by the text.

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection

In this class a lot of my students have IEPs so the are all considered below a “regular” student.
There are also only 14 students in the class. I decided to pick the boys because there were more
boys them girls. Therefore I would be able to get a better result.

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Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

2 2

3 5

3 1

1 1
Falls Far Below

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup

My interpretation of the students learning that the boys learning is pretty good and they learn very
well when you take the time with them. I got the evidence from the students learning and results
of the assessment. They helped me come up with this conclusion from the from the subgroups post
and pre assessments and the remainder of the class assessments.

As I mentioned before the effectiveness of my instruction and assessment turned great. There were a lot of
students who meet the assessment I have not got more who exceed it but still good results. The were one
student in the group of boys who have not mastered the objects but he is a little behind. He does not try to
do the work even being a lone with no one around he finds everything to be a distraction. I can could
probably take him in a room that is all by himself so there are no distractions at all.

Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

0 0

0 3

3 2

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2 0
Falls Far Below

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

The data of the subgroup as compared to the remainder of the class is that the girls are a little
more behind them the boys. It is actually nice in a way to see this because I know who I need to
work on a little more. The effectiveness of the assessment still work will for the girls. I am able to
see what group needs a little more work. This assessment still worked well.

Based on my analysis of the student learning the next steps for instruction is to work on the students who
fall far below and just approaches the assessment. One thing I can do is think of something that would be
less on a detracting to the students. Even though the room was quiet for the most parts there were still some
kids misbehaving, screaming, crying, etc. So I could bring them to a different room to test them. An
objective that would build upon the content taught in this unit of instruction is either teaching more sight
words or teaching them to spell it.

STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study
Based on the experience of developing and delivering your instructional unit, list three short-
term goals to improve specific areas of your teaching practice based on the unit of instruction
and describe your plan to reach each short-term goal.

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

Short-Term Goal development, research on the Internet,
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)

1. Use positive reinforcement in the I l,an to reach this goal by first being a roll
classroom and encourage the students model and showing the students positive
in self regulating behaviors. attitude. I well also make sure that I enforce
the behaviors and what is expected the first
day or school. This way they know what is
expected out of them already. I well also let
them know who is doing well in class. For
example, when a student is sitting on the
carpet nicely I well say “I like how Ashely is
sitting on the carpet so good.”

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2. Transition between different activities I plan to reach this goal by using different
better durning class or use transition songs to sing or music to play to help me.
music or songs. An example is singing the clean up song
when it is time fir the students to start
cleaning up. Or saying “1,2,3, eyes on me
4,5,6 hands like this.”

3. Time management. Using my time in a I plan to reach this goal by knowing the
better way and knowing what is important things. Putting important priorities
important and what can wait. first. As well as I can stay organized the day
before, this help with the time I spend
getting my activity together.

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