Ubd Lesson Plan Template: Brief Overview (Summary) of The Unit

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UbD Lesson Plan Template

Teacher’s Name: Francisco Martinez Subject/Course: Social Studies

Lesson Title: Grade Level: 3

City Organziation
Approximate Time Frame:
Essential Vocabulary:
City, City Planner, Zones, Services, Goods.

Brief Overview (Summary) of the Unit:

 Identify the zones found within a city
 Describe the goods and services provided by business
 Match local businesses to specific city zones

Stage 1 – Desired Results (Acquisition, Meaning Making and Transfer)

Key Standards (Common Core ELA, Math or District AND Indian Education for All Essential Understandings):
 Identify the zones found within a city
 Describe the goods and services provided by business
 Match local businesses to specific city zones

Transfer: Students will demonstrate understanding of _____ and apply it to a new problem or situation.
(What kinds of long-term, independent accomplishments are desired?)
Why a certain building is in a certain zones and what it does for a city.

 Meaning Making: Students will understand and keep considering… Students will take into consideration w
of goods and service buildings and businesses provide for the people in our city.

 Understandings: Students will understand that... Students will learn from the zones that certain buildings only a
in certain zones for safety of the people.

Essential Questions (Long Term and Topical):

Why is it important for a city to have zones?
What do businesses do for a city?
Why does a city need a city planner?

Acquisition of Knowledge and Skill

Knowledge: Students will know…

 Students will show they have learned what type of building and businesses go where by placing them correct
zones floor map.
grade ___ updated xx/xx/xx
Skills/Performance: Students will be able to…
 Students will answer questions that pertain to the lesson as well as what is normally seen around the city.
 Students will answer questions as to what type of goods and services their business provides.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task or Other Key Evidence of learning (What will students understand and/or be able to do?)
 Will be able to place building in the right zones
 Explain what businesses do for a city
 Define all major vocabulary

Key criteria to measure Performance Task(s) or Key Evidence:

Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc.
 I will call on students for their answers and discuss other answers given by other students.
 I will give praise to the students for their thoughts and explain what we will learn and how to set up.

Other Evidence to reflect student learning (formative and/or summative measures)

 Students will complete all activity that is given
 Students will speak and discuss terms amongst one another

Stage 3 - Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements – Who’s the Hardest Working Person in the Room?
The Teacher will… The Student will…
W Demonstrate why it is important to know Be able to talk about zones and buildings
Where are we going? where and why businesses are in a certain and why they are their.
What is expected? spot.
H Ask students where they live, what they Talk about
believe wherea they live and city
How will we hook surroundings.
city, and what they believe buildings do for people in the
(Introduce this to) the city.
students? Hook students by demonstrating the zones
How will we pre-assess map and show the city.
student knowledge,
understanding and skills
to inform instruction?
E Provide the main vocabulary words that Define main words and study city zones
How will we equip will be used. Also provide materials for the and structures.
students for expected assignment.
R After answering they will go back and
How will we rethink or Demonstrate how each building or discuss why they came up with that
revise? (on-going, business will effect the past one. answer.
formative, keep coming
back as needed)
E Will call on students for their answers. Answer to the best of their abilities.
How will students self-
evaluate and reflect their

grade ___ updated xx/xx/xx

T Split students into groups. Talk amongst each other and provide their
How will we tailor answers.
learning to varied needs,
interests, and learning
styles? (differentiation,
O Talk about the city-then buildings-then Answer why they compliment each other.
How will we organize the zones.
sequence of learning?
(please include the

Special Needs (include all learners on the continuum from disabled to gifted & twice exceptional) :
Modifications (changes to the Core standard(s) and Accommodations (supports or instructional
level of proficiency expected): adjustments):
Students will be able point out where buildings Provide a graph sheet of paper that will be used as
should be. a bank of main ideas that also shows the meanings
of the buildings.

Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete (How will you extend, enrich?) :
After this we will take things to the neighborhood areas and talk about where we live and what
businesses are around there.

Key Resources Used: Websites, books, film clips, etc.

Type of Resource(s): Name of Resource(s):
Pop up buildings Zones floor of map
magnets rulers
Markers, crayons

grade ___ updated xx/xx/xx

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