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ENG 114

Making graphs, charts, tables, etc. Practice.

1. Here is some information that I would like for you to make a TABLE for.
Burger Sales for the Week of July 2 – 8, 2017. On Sunday we sold 120 Hamburgers, 100 Cheeseburgers
and 96 Super-Burgers. On Monday we sold 90 Hamburgers, 49 Cheeseburgers, and 115 Super-Burgers.
On Tuesday we sold 120 Hamburgers, 122 Cheeseburgers, and 118 Super-Burgers. On Wednesday we
sold 59 Hamburgers, 67 Cheeseburgers, and 71 Super-Burgers. On Thursday we sold 65 hamburgers, 72
Cheeseburgers and 80 Super-burgers. On Friday we sold 88 Hamburgers, 100 cheeseburgers, and 68
Super-burgers. On Saturday we sold 120 hamburgers, 115 cheeseburgers, and 109 Super-burgers.
Burger Sales for the week of
July 2-8, 2017
Hamburgers Cheeseburgers Super Burgers
Sunday 120 100 96
Monday 90 49 115
Tuesday 120 122 118
Wednesday 59 67 71
Thursday 65 72 80
Friday 88 100 68
Saturday 120 115 109

2. Here is some information that I would like you to make a BAR GRAPH for.
Dog popularity in the United States in 2012. We surveyed 1000 people and asked them what type of
dog they had. This was the results. 343 people stated they had a Golden Retriever. 290 people stated
they had a dachshund. 125 people stated they had a German Shepherd. 99 people said they had a
Beagle. 85 people stated they had a Pug. 32 people stated they had a Pit Bull. 20 people stated they had
a Chihuahua. 6 people stated they had a mutt.
ENG 114

Dog popularity in the United States in 2012



Pit Bull



German Shepard


Golden Retriver

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

3. Here is some information that I would like for you to make into a LINE GRAPH.
In 2008 it was $3.299. In 2009 it was $2.400. In 2010 it was $2.835. In 2011 is $3.560. In 2012 the
average gas price was $3.680. In 2013 it was $3.575. In 2014 it was $3.437. In 2015 it was 2.520. In 2016
in was $2.250. In 2017 it was $2. 52.8.

Gas Prices From 2008-2017









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Series 1 Column2 Column1

4. Here is some information I would like you to put in a PIE CHART.

How John spends his monthly paycheck. Entertainment 20%, Credit Card bills 15%, Car 7%, Food 10%,
Clothes 13%, Gas 10%, Phone 8%, school supplies 10%, Savings 7%.
ENG 114

John's Monthly Paycheck Expenditures

Entertainment Credit Card bills Car Food Clothes Gas Phone School Supplies Savings

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