Thermal Modelling of Induction Machines

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Importance of Thermal Modeling for Design

Optimization Scenarios of Induction Motors

Gerd Bramerdorfer∗ , Member, IEEE, Andrea Cavagnino§, Senior Member, IEEE
and Silvio Vaschetto§, Member, IEEE
∗ Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Email:
§ Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Energia, Email:,

Abstract—This paper is about the impact of modeling the based on FEA for the machine performance evaluation requires
temperature distribution of machine designs on the results for a huge computational time when thousands of designs are
respective optimization scenarios. In the past, a lot of machine being investigated. As typically some of the objectives are
design optimizations were presented, but just a small share
considers modeling of the temperature characteristics. In order conflicting, Pareto frontiers are derived as a final result of
to study the impact of including a temperature model, a test the optimization problems. Engineers then have to find a
scenario was investigated that features the optimization of an compromise for the contrary targets.
induction machine with regard to material cost and efficiency. While considerable effort is made to study the electromag-
The analysis of the machine designs comprises the computation of netic characteristics, the impact of a change of the compo-
electromagnetic and thermal characteristics. As there is a mutual
coupling of the results of those two analyses, an iterative approach nents’ temperatures and thus a modeling of the temperature
featuring sequential updates of the electromagnetic and thermal distribution typically is neglected. However, especially when
calculations based on the results obtained for the respective other dealing with very different machine designs as potential solu-
computation is considered. tions, which differ much in, e.g., axial length, outer diameter,
Typical large scale optimization scenarios require the investi- etc., this might follow an inappropriate comparison, as the
gation of a very huge number of machine designs. Due to this
circumstance and, in addition, the need for iteratively updating temperature characteristics will also vary lot.
the thermal and electromagnetic computations when analyzing This research activity has been about induction motor op-
any particular design variant, analytic techniques are preferred timization scenarios where the analysis of machine designs
for these investigations. This follows a lower computation time comprises both, the electromagnetic analysis and the thermal
compared to complex finite element based analyses. To compare analysis. Differently from the widely adopted approach where
the obtained results with typically conducted analyses featuring
a constant temperature, two more test scenarios are investigated optimization tools are based on FEA for the electrical ma-
with a fixed temperature of 40◦ C and 120◦ C, respectively, for the chines’ performance evaluation, in this work the machines’
machine components regardless its size and losses. The Pareto performances are obtained by applying a ’pure’ analytical
fronts regarding the objectives material cost and efficiency for sizing of the machine. In particular, the adopted analytical
all scenarios are presented. Moreover, a detailed investigation of approach consists on the recursive utilization of self-consistent
further characteristic data, e.g., the temperature of the stator
windings and the rotor bars, is depicted. The derived results equations up to obtain a machine design that satisfies the
allow for a conclusion regarding the importance of incorporating required specifications. In this way, the computational time re-
a temperature model into the machine design optimization. quired for each design attempt is sharply reduced, allowing for
Index Terms—induction machine, optimization, analytic sizing the investigation of a larger number of solutions maintaining a
approach, evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, temper- reasonable run time of the whole scenario. The technical litera-
ature modeling, thermal modeling, TEFC, efficiency classes, ture reports several textbooks on the analytical electromagnetic
multiphysics sizing of induction motors, as well as many papers that prove
its reliability [1]–[3]. The novelty of the present study lies
I. I NTRODUCTION on the integration of the thermal analysis of each investigated
A lot of recent research papers deal with optimization design solution to the optimization process. Thus, each de-
of electric machine designs. Typical large scale optimization sign under consideration is analyzed by particularly defined
scenarios feature a high number of design parameters and electromagnetic and thermal analyses. This allows for a more
multiple objectives. As a consequence, investigating such realistic comparison of machine designs, especially if they
optimization problems requires the evaluation of a very high feature very different dimensions and shape, respectively. Once
number of machine designs, e.g., several thousands. The focus again, to preserve the optimization scenario’s computational
of the analysis of potential design candidates usually is laid time, the used thermal model is a lumped parameter thermal
to the electromagnetic analysis. Very often, nonlinear machine network where all the thermal resistances can be computed
modeling is applied, while the machine data is acquired using by equations, specifically developed for Totally Enclosed Fan
Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The adoption of methods Cooled (TEFC) induction motors [4].

978-1-5090-2998-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 4666

Fig. 1. Simplified IM lumped-parameters thermal network.

While Section II is about the analytical electromagnetic an authors’ opinion that the used iterative sizing algorithm
and thermal evaluation of machine designs, Section III briefly based on the air gap diameter growth represents one of the
presents the state-of-the-art in the field of electric machine most suitable approaches for optimization purposes. Indeed,
optimization and Section IV gives the optimization scenario thanks to the self-consistent nature of the adopted analytically-
under investigation. In Section V the results are presented based procedure, each electromagnetic design and the corre-
illustrating the importance of the thermal modeling. Section sponding performance are practically obtained instantaneously
VI gives the conclusion and an outlook about future activities. compared to FEA computational time. It is also important to
remark that the analytical sizing procedure considers the non-
linear behavior of the magnetic materials.
A. Electromagnetic Sizing of the Induction Motors B. Thermal model of TEFC induction motors
For each design solution investigated in the optimization The temperature modeling of each electromechanical design
scenario, the analytically-based sizing approach adopted in this is performed using the lumped-parameter thermal network
research activity allows to quickly define the stator and rotor shown in Fig. 1. With reference to the labels indicated in
lamination geometrical dimensions, the winding specification, the figure, the considered thermal resistances represent the
and the electromagnetic losses (namely, the stator and rotor following heat exchange paths:
Joule losses - PJS , PJR - and the stator iron losses - Piron ). • R0 : external case - ambient (natural convection);
In particular, the sizing procedure recursively adopts self- • Reca : external case - ambient (forced convection);
consistent analytical equations to define the electromagnetic
• Ria,ec : internal air - end caps (convection);
design that satisfies the specifications imposed by the opti-
mization algorithm. The iterative sizing approach adopted in • Rsig : stator core - external case interface gap (conduc-

this work and its FEM validation on several IMs are reported tion);
in [3] and hereafter shortly outlined. To obtain feasible results, • Rew,ec : stator end windings - external case (convection);
the machine sizing is constrained on some specifications such • Rew,ia : stator end windings - inner air (convection);
as the active materials utilization indexes, the maximum air
• Rsy1 : lower half part of the stator yoke (radial conduc-
gap flux density value, the rotor diameter to active length ratio,
etc. Within these geometrical and magnetic constraints, the
designing procedure progressively increases the rotor radius • Rsy2 : upper half part of the stator yoke (radial conduc-

up to obtain an electromagnetic design suitable to provide the tion);

required torque. Once the rotor has been sized, the procedure • Rst : stator teeth (radial conduction);
continues with the stator lamination design. • Rcu,ir : stator copper - stator slot (conduction);
In the frame of the optimization scenario, some of the
• Rs,ag : stator teeth - air gap air (convection);
design specifications will be kept constant during the domain
• Rr,ag : rotor - air gap air (convection);
exploration, while other ones will be directly imposed by
the optimization algorithm that exploits the analytical sizing • Rshaft : shaft (axial conduction).
procedure to obtain an accurate prediction of the main machine The current generators in the thermal network represent the
features and performances (see Section IV). It is important to heat sources related to the main electromagnetic loss compo-
remark that for each specification data set, each electromag- nents inside the machine, that are the stator iron losses (Piron ),
netic design starts from scratch. From this viewpoint, it is the stator Joule losses (PJS ) and the rotor Joule losses (PJR ).

As evident from Fig. 1, the stator iron losses have been applied III. S TATE - OF - THE - ART IN MACHINE DESIGN
at the average radius of the stator yoke. The entity of all these OPTIMIZATION
loss sources can be easily determined once the electromagnetic
design has been obtained by the analytical sizing procedure Up to now, a lot of research dealing with electric machine
above described. Obviously, as thermal capacitances have not design optimization was conducted. Some optimization sce-
been considered, the thermal network shown in Fig. 1 allow narios analyzed in the past can, e.g., be found in [7]–[16].
for computing the motor over temperature in steady-state While in former times a grid search comprising a few num-
conditions for continuative duty. Furthermore, it has to be ber of parameters was considered, nowadays an optimization
remarked that the considered thermal model neglects the effect problem comprises multiple in- and outputs. Thus, besides
of asymmetrical temperature distribution in axial direction due challenges related to the machine design field, analyzing
to the presence of an external fan mounted at one side of the such a scenario constitutes considerable effort with regard to
machine. computational cost and also data management. A dedicated
This thermal model was initially proposed and validated in software framework is required to allow for solving such
[4], and it is further proven to be reliable from its use over problems. For instance, the here investigated studies were
ten years in predicting temperatures of many real induction conducted using M AG O PT [17], [18]. Due to its flexibility
motors. For sake of completeness, it could be useful to regarding the evaluation structure, any number and types of
remember that, thanks to the hypothesis of considering an analyses, e.g., numerical and analytical, can be combined and
axial heat flux only in the shaft, the simplified IM thermal the entire optimization process can be fully automated.
network reported in Fig. 1 has been derived starting from In addition to selecting a tool for automatically investigating
the simplified hollow cylinder theory. Thus, all the thermal a huge number of design candidates, the minimization of
resistance values can be computed starting from the output computational effort is of major interest. Different techniques
data of the electromagnetic design model. However, some and fields were considered in the past to reduce the overall
thermal coefficients must be defined, such as the convection runtime or computational cost. This comprises techniques
heat exchange between the end-winding and the end caps, for efficiently solving optimization problems. For instance,
the equivalent thermal conductivity between the copper in the evolutionary algorithms like NSGA-II or SPEA2, presented
slots and the stator teeth, the thickness of the interference gap in [19] and [20], or hybrid ones, like in [21], are applied. When
between the stator yoke and external frame, etc. From the considering an FEA-based evaluation, computationally inten-
practical point of view, the values of these critical thermal sive jobs need to be solved. Thus, in [22] and [23] surrogate
coefficients have been selected in accordance to the guidelines modeling techniques are investigated to reduce computational
reported in [5], [6]. Obviously, in the frame of an optimization effort, while with tools like HTC ONDOR [24] the required
procedure, the values of the thermal resistances depicted in analyses can be solved in parallel by using a computer cluster.
the lumped-parameters network of Fig. 1 are recalculated for Besides research related to the field of computer science,
each investigated machine design. While this concept is rather topics associated with Mathematics and engineering are stud-
straightforward for the heat sources, it is worth mentioning ied. This comprises nonlinear modeling of electric machine
that the thermal resistances feature a double dependence on parameters with regard to the rotor position and the impressed
the geometrical dimensions of the machine. Indeed, for each currents. The focus is on deriving an accurate model with low
considered electromagnetic design, the thermal resistances computational effort and modeling complexity. Examples can
depend both on the variation of the machine dimensions be found in [25]–[28]. A review of the current state-of-the-
imposed by the optimizer, as well as on the different values art in speed improvements for machine design optimization
of the thermal exchange coefficients that are function of the scenarios can be found in [25], [29].
machine geometry itself. As modeling the temperature characteristics constitutes ad-
Since the external frame design (e.g. thickness, number ditional modeling and computational effort, it often is ne-
of fins, fin dimensions) is not considered in the electromag- glected. Thus, for most of the reported optimization scenarios,
netic sizing procedure, in order to proceed with the iterative the temperature of the utilized components is held constant.
electromagnetic-thermal optimization, a constant temperature As a consequence, the optimization comprises just the compu-
on the frame is assumed in the present study. In this way the tation of the electromagnetic performance without considering
geometry of the external frame does not impact on the opti- the indeed temperature distribution of each design in particular.
mization process, but the internal thermal paths are correctly However, this might lead to wrong results, especially for
taken into account. large scale optimization scenarios, where the considered pa-
In order to obtain a fixed temperature for the housing, rameter range for machine dimensions is wide. In this case,
the air flow velocity on the outer motor frame surface is the temperature characteristics can vary a lot from design to
arbitrary changed in a iterative way. Nevertheless, if specific design and this has a direct impact on the evaluated machine
housing geometries are available, as well as the air velocity, performance (e.g., on the efficiency). Moreover, it can follow
the analytical thermal model is able accounting for both the highly-utilized designs with high losses per volume or mass,
natural (R0 ) and forced (Reca ) convection between external respectively. Such designs cannot prove itself in practice, as
case and the ambient. non-admissible temperature characteristics are observed.

In order to analyze the importance of modeling the tem-
perature characteristics in machine design optimization, a Machine part flux density [T]
particular optimization scenario comprising the modeling of Stator teeth 1.6
the temperature characteristics was selected: Stator yoke 1.4
The results of the temperature model directly impact the Rotor teeth 1.4
electromagnetic performance of the machine design and vice Rotor yoke 1.28
versa, thus, an iterative adaption of the electromagnetic and
the temperature model is applied.
The bidirectional dependencies are due to TABLE III
• the modeling of the ohmic resistance of the machine’s
conductors as function of the temperature and Material name Price [Euros / kg]
• the dependency of the losses on the ohmic resistance. Aluminum 3.5
Hence, as the losses define the sources for the temperature Copper 7.5
model, a two-way dependency applies. Laminated steel 2
A 2-pole induction machine for 50Hz mains operation and
rated power of Pr =11kW is investigated. The analytic sizing
approach, as described in Section II-A, is applied. Moreover, The objectives of the scenario are the material cost and
the analysis of the machine designs comprises the analytic the efficiency of the design. Those two targets are usually
temperature modeling presented in Section II-B. contradictory and thus a set of Pareto-optimal designs was
As previous studies indicated the low impact of the number expected.
of slots per pole per phase Q [9], it was set to 3 for these
In order to derive the material cost for any design under
studies. The required output torque is constant for any machine consideration, typical per kilogram values were defined which
design under investigation and can be defined using
are given in Table III. Copper is used for the stator windings,
60 Pr Pr p while the rotor features bars made by diecast aluminum tech-
Tr = = = 35 Nm . (1)
2π nsynch 2πfr nique. The evaluation of the efficiency comprises the losses in
the laminated steel and the ohmic losses in the stator windings
Consequently, the shaft diameter dshaft was fixed to 40mm.
and rotor bars, respectively.
Table I gives the design parameters of the conducted study.
To show the importance of the temperature modeling, three
From the considered ranges of the parameters it is possible
different scenarios are investigated:
to observe their respective large scale variation. According
to the approach described in Section II-A, each design is • Scenario A - Constant conductor and core temp. of 40◦ C:
characterized by a particular air gap flux density, an axial The analysis of particular design variants comprises just
length to air gap diameter ratio, and current densities in the the investigation of the electromagnetic performance.
rotor bars and stator windings, respectively. For the length Thus, a single call of the interactive sizing tool is required
to air gap diameter ratio, the stator and rotor core length is and the efficiency is computed based on the losses
considered. obtained for the fixed temperature.
The interactive sizing allows for defining maximum flux • Scenario B - Constant conductor and core temp. of 120◦ C:
density values both in rotor and stator components. The This analysis is similar to the previous one. However, a
considered values are presented in Table II. Moreover, the slot different higher temperature is investigated. Thus, con-
shape can be defined. Here, trapezoidal slots are investigated. sidering Pareto-optimal designs with regard to efficiency
Subsequently, the machine dimensions can be derived with and material cost, higher cost compared to scenario A are
regard to the fulfillment of the required torque (1), and the expected.
typical maximum values for the flux densities in the laminated • Scenario C - Modeling of the temperature characteristics:
Modeling of the temperature is considered. It was shown
that the computation of the temperature characteristics
TABLE I has bearing on the interactive electromagnetic sizing and
C ONSIDERED DESIGN PARAMETERS vice versa. Thus, the scenario comprises an iterative alter-
native update of the electromagnetic and the temperature
Name Symbol / Unit Min. Max.
modeling, respectively. Both components are called 5
Air gap flux density Bag [T] 0.5 1.2
times each in order to guarantee steady-state results.
Length to air gap diam. ratio rLD 0.5 3.0
Current dens. rotor bars Jr [A/mm2 ] 0.5 15.0 For modeling the temperature characteristics, all de-
Current dens. stator windings Js [A/mm2 ] 0.5 15.0 signs are investigated for a constant frame temperature of
Tframe = 20◦ C.

Rotor bar temperature
180 Stator winding temperature
In Fig. 2 the characteristics for Pareto-optimal designs for
all three different scenarios are presented. While the x-axis
gives the efficiency in percent, along the y-axis the material

Temperature [°C]
cost for the machine designs are defined. The Pareto curve for 120

the scenario that comprises the temperature modeling is given 100

with blue crosses. 80
The red curve for a conductor and core temperature of 60
T = 40◦ C fits very well the blue curve in the high efficiency
region. This is due to lower losses for higher efficient ma-
chines. Moreover, in order to obtain high efficiencies, the
machine design’s volume typically is significantly increased, 0
86 88 90 92 94 96
as was pointed out in [9]. Hence, the overall losses are Efficiency [%]
distributed in a larger machine size and, in addition, the
Fig. 3. Scenario C - computed temperature along the Pareto front.
heat dissipation capability increases with the increase of the
machine’s outer surface area.
By contrast, the green curve for a temperature of Apart from the impact of modeling the temperature charac-
T = 120◦ C fits the blue curve better in the low efficiency teristics, it can also be observed that increasing the efficiency
area. This is consistent with the reasoning described above, from 86% to 96% causes the cost to increase by approximately
as lower efficient machine designs have higher losses for a factor of 2.5.
same rated power and they are typically smaller. This is In Fig. 3 the computed temperatures of the Pareto optimal
further justified by lower material cost for lower efficient designs for scenario C - comprising the temperature modeling
machines. At efficiencies below 87%, the characteristics of the - are presented. The previous assumptions and explanations
blue curve represent even higher material cost then the green made for Fig. 2 are justified by the absolute values of the
curve for T = 120◦C. This indicates that the cost-optimal temperature, i.e. above 120◦ C and around 40◦ C for low- and
machine designs of this efficiency region feature even higher high-efficient designs, respectively. Very high temperatures
temperatures than 120◦ C. can be recognized for efficiencies around 86%. Typically,
From this figure it can be construed that considering a the maximum permissible temperature is constrained, e.g.,
temperature model is essential. The blue curve gives the true to allow a feasible operation temperature for the applied
Pareto front, while the green and red curves give approxima- materials. This was not done here in order to study the cost vs.
tions that are just valid for particular efficiency ranges. Using efficiency tradeoff for designs with "ideal temperature". Thus,
a fixed temperature thus might follow a too conservative or some high values were obtained for the low efficiency region.
too optimistic Pareto front. Hence, considering a temperature However, in the authors’ experience, these values are not so
model is justified. unfeasible for machines with similar efficiencies.
From Fig. 3 it can also be observed that the temperature of
the stator and rotor conductors are very similar. This is due to
the particular modeling of the heat transfer and can be very
with T model different, if forced cooling along the stator and / or rotor is
with T=120°C applied.
with T=40°C
250 To further investigate the thermal characteristics, a thermal
indicator, i.e. the "stator thermal load", is illustrated for all
Material cost [Euros]

three scenarios in Fig. 4. This value is defined by the current

200 density in the stator conductor multiplied by the magnetomo-
tive force of the winding setup divided by the circumferential
length of the air gap diameter. The RMS-value for both
parameters is used. A thorough explanation and typical values
can, for instance, be found in [30].
100 When modeling the conductor temperature with constant
temperature of 40◦ C, very high values are applied in the low
efficiency region. Even for the scenario featuring constant
86 88 90 92 94 96 temperature of 120◦ C for the conductors, the values are
Efficiency [%]
higher compared to Scenario C where the de facto occurring
Fig. 2. Pareto fronts for the three different scenarios - “with T model": results
temperature is investigated. Generally it can be concluded that
for the analysis which comprises a particular temperature modeling - “with the higher the losses and thus the specific resistance of the
T=120◦ C" and “with T=40◦ C": results for fixed winding temperatures. conductors, the lower the ideal thermal load is.

Stator thermal indicator [A/cm A/mm ] with T model with T model

3500 with T=120°C

Volumetric power density [kW/m3]

with T=40°C


1000 0.5


0 0
86 88 90 92 94 96 86 88 90 92 94 96
Efficiency [%] Efficiency [%]

Fig. 4. "Stator thermal load" for Pareto-optimal designs. Fig. 6. Volumetric power density for Pareto-optimal designs.

By contrast, Fig. 6 gives the volumetric power density for

Again, as observed from Fig. 2, the thermal load indicator of
Pareto optimal machine designs. As for Fig. 5 and the related
ideal machine designs for Scenario C, where the temperature
analysis, only the active material is considered for this study.
characteristics were modeled, is close to Scenario B - 120◦ C -
A similar trend as for the mass-related power density can be
in the low efficiency region and tends to the curve for Scenario
observed. Hence, the optimal machine designs feature similar
A - 40◦ C - in the very high efficiency section.
ratios of component masses (copper, aluminum, and laminated
From Fig. 2 it was concluded that the increase of the overall
steel), which where considered in this scenario (see Table III).
material cost along the considered efficiency range is about
Even though the increase of the material cost for high-
2.5. A similar ratio can be observed when considering the
efficient machine designs obviously is not desirable, it is
increase of the overall active mass of the machine designs il-
inevitable. Additionally, the significant increase in machine’s
lustrated in Fig. 5. Starting from approx. 40kg for an efficiency
mass and volume along the Pareto-front of optimal designs
of 87.6% that is required for the efficiency class IE1, 45kg and
and, as a consequence, a crucial decrease of the power density
50kg, respectively, are necessary for fulfilling IE2 (89.4%) and
for very-high efficient designs is not beneficial. However, by
IE3 (91.2%) efficiency requirements. The very efficient cost-
contrast to the material cost, machine designs with higher
optimal designs (>96%) feature a mass of more than 100kg.
power density even in the high efficiency region probably
As the rated power is constant for any machine design, this
could be obtained. For the conducted analyses, the power
follows a significant drop in mass-related power density in
density was not considered as objective. Thus, the overall cost-
the high efficiency area to 40% of the values observed for
optimal machine designs for particular efficiency requirements
efficiencies around 86%.
were observed without constraining the machine designs’
volume or mass. However, one could also study the tradeoff
efficiency vs. cost vs. power density in a further analysis.
120 Thus, the increase of material cost for higher power density
with T model
Active mass of the machine designs [kg]

110 and same efficiency can be investigated. As higher power

density typically follows higher machine design temperature,
100 the presented modeling of the temperature can be very useful
90 to avoid infeasible temperature characteristics.

This paper was about investigating the importance of mod-
eling the temperature of machine designs when considering
60 large scale optimization problems.
Three test scenarios for induction machine design optimiza-
tion were analyzed and the difference in the results for the
40 scenario comprising a temperature model versus scenarios
86 88 90 92 94 96
with different fixed temperatures was highlighted. Results
Efficiency [%] revealed that for optimization scenarios comprising efficiency
and material cost as objectives, the low-efficient designs tend
Fig. 5. Active mass of Pareto-optimal motor designs. to significantly higher temperatures than high-efficient designs.

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