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Behavior Change Contract

Choose a health behavior that you would like to change, starting this quarter or semester. Sign the contract at the bottom
to affirm your commitment to making a healthy change and ask a friend to witness it.

My behavior change will be:

Regular Exercise (150 mins aerobic/week, 2- 3x/week strength, 5-7 days/week flexibility)
My long-term goal for this behavior change is:
To help my heart get healthy and to lower my resting heart rate

Barriers that I must overcome to make this behavior change are (things that I am currently doing or situations that
contribute to this behavior or make it harder to change):

1. Time, I have little to no time majoring in Physics and Engineering

2. Overeating and under watering, this makes me sluggish and tired
3. Stress, this stops me from having the motivation to exercis e

The strategies I will use to overcome these barriers are:

1. I will manage my assignments, work assignments, club management so that I can have the time
2. I will start to watch my macros for nutrient-dense versus energy dense foods, as well as make sure to drink at
least 120 oz of water per day.
I have been managing this; My PTSD makes this hard, but I am seeing a therapist, and I am prioritizing, cutting
Resou out toxic relationships.
rces I will use to help me change this behavior include:

a friend/partner/relative: 2 of my sisters and my mom have a fitbit, so they can give me challenges
a school-based resource: Myles is always at school with me and we can go on walks
a community-based resource: M y y o g a c l a s s e s
a book or reputable website: Our book or the CDC's website are great resources for reference.

In order to make my goal more attainable, I have devised these short-term goals.

150 mins aerobic exercise/week 4-Mar-18 Hair Dye

Short-Term Goal Target Date Reward
150 mins + 2 days strength/week 1-Apr-18 Hiking clothes
Short-Term Goal Target Date Reward
150 mins + 2 days + 5 days Flexibility 22-Apr-18 Camping stuff
Short-Term Goal Target Date Reward

When I make the long-term behavior change described above, my reward will be:

Go to the Redwood Forest to hug the trees! (Go after finals) Target Date: 26-Apr-18

I intend to make the behavior change described above. I will use the strategies and rewards to achieve the goals that will
contribute to a healthy behavior change.

Signed: Aubry Lines 4-Feb-18 Witness: Myles VanWeerd 4-Feb-18

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