Multiple Choice Questions

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DIRECTIONS: Each of the incomplete statements or questions below is followed

by four or five suggested completions or answers. Select the one which is BEST in
each case.

1. The cerebrospinal fluid

a). formed by arachnoid villi

b). absorbed by ependyma

c). present in the subarachnoid space

d). composition is similar to that of plasma

2. Which of the following statements is true for the cranial dura mater?
a). it is made up of a single layer

b). it contains venous sinuses

c). it is insensitive to pain

e). it gives extensions along all the cranial nerves.

3. The pia mater

a). is an avascular membrane

b). loosely invests the brain and spinal cord

c). is sensitive to pain

d). forms two ligament denticlata which help in fixing the spinal cord
4. The arachnoid mater
a). gives extensions to all the cranial nerves

b). extends upto the second sacral vertebra

c). dips into sulci and fissures of brain and spinal cord

d). is not connected to the pia mater

5. The bipolar neurons are present in the

a). dorsal root ganglion

b). sympathetic ganglion

c). cochelear ganglion

d). trigeminal ganglion

6. The cells which provide myelin sheath in the central nervous system are the
a). astrocytes

b). microglia

c). oligodendrocytes

d). Schwann cells

7. Which of the following statements is not true for spinal nerves

a). there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves

b). the dorsal ramus is purely sensory

c). the ventral root is purely motor

d). the dorsal rami do not form plexuses

8. The sensation of touch is carried by
a). anterior spinothalamic tract only

b). lateral spinothalamic tract only

c). anterior spinothalamic and posterior column tracts

d). lateral spinothalamic and posterior column tracts

9. Which of the following statements is true for the posterior spinocerebellar tract?
a). it lies in the posterior funiculus

b). most of its fibres arise from the ipsilateral dorsal nucleus of spinal cord

c). it reaches the cerebellum through superior cerebellar peduncle

d). it carries proprioceptive impulses from upper limbs

10. The medulla oblongata

a). lies behind dorsum sellae

b). is demarcated from the lower border of pons by a groove in which 6, 7 , 8 and 9 nerves
are attached

c). shows gracile and cuneate tubercles on its ventral aspect

d). is connected to the cerebellum by the inferior cerebellar peduncles

11. Which of the following cranial nerve nuclei does not lie in the medulla
a). dorsal nucleus of vagus

b). nucleus of tractus solitaries

c). spinal nucleus oftrigeminal nerve

d). nucleus of facial nerve

12. The fourth ventricle
a). communicates with the third ventricle through foramen of Monro

b). shows facial colliculus formed by the underlying nucleus of facial nerve

c). roof in its upper part is formed by the superior medullary velum and superior
cerebellar peduncles

d). has only three recesses

13. The pons

a). shows a groove on its ventral surface, in which lies the basilar venous plexus

b). forms floor of the upper part of the 4 ventricle

c). has no nucleus belonging to the somatic efferent group

d). is connected to the cerebellum by superior cerebellar peduncles

14. The midbrain

a). passes through the tentorial notch

b). shows four colliculi on its ventral aspect

c). forms uppermost part of the floor of fourth ventricle

d). has none of the above properties

15. The midbrain at the level of inferior colliculus shows

a). red nucleus

b). mesencephalic nucleus

c). Edinger-Westphal nucleus

d). none of the above

16. The epithalamus does not include the
a). pineal body

b). anterior commissure

c). habenular commissure

d). habenular nucleus

17. The third ventricle

a). is the cavity of telencephalon

b). is bounded laterally by the medial surface of thalamus and hypothalamus separated
by the hypothalamic sulcus

c). communicates anteroinferiorly with aqueduct cerebri

d). is closed superiorly (roofed) by the corpus callosum

18. The caudate nucleus

a). forms part of paleostriatum

b). is named so because it lies caudal to the lentiform nucleus

c). sends its main efferents to cerebral cortex

d). has none of the above properties

19. The main efferents from the cerebellum arise from the
a). Purkinje cells

b). granule cells

c). golgi cells

d). cerebellar nuclei

20. Most of the afferents to the cerebellum terminate in relation to the
a). Purkinje cells

b). granule cells

c). golgi cells

d). basket cells

21. The cerebellum is supplied by

a). internal carotid artery

b). vertebral artery

c). basilar artery

d). vertebral and basilar arteries

22. Spinal nucleus of tri germinal nerve receives sensory fibres from which
cranial nerves?
a). 6 and 7

b). 7 and 8

c). 6 and 10

d). 7 and 10

23. Which of the following nerves contains both general and special visceral
efferent fibres
a). 3

b). 5

c). 7

d). 8
24. Medial geniculate body is associated with
a). vision

b). hearing

c). olfaction

d). taste

25. Cerebrospinal fluid enters the cistern magna from

a). arachnoid granulations

b). choroid plexus

c). foramen of Magendie

d). cistern of lateral sulcus

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