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Adventurer Sheet 9–10, 165–166 Corum (game) NPC templates

Allegiance 19, 112 compared with Stormbringer 8, 19, 22, 23, 68, Moorcock characters 128–136
Allegiance Points Table 112 92 mundane 125–128
Animals 119–121 historical background 32–33 Occupations 15–18
historical period 33 Occupation Table 12
Armor 23 map of gameworld 35
sorcerous 73 Pact see Chaos Creatures
Creatures and monsters 121–124 Phantom Greatship 109
Avocation (defined) 20
Crimson cattle 51, 116 Pirate, pirates 17, 36–37, 127, 138
Briklings 51–53
Crystals 100–101, 112 Plane shifting 96–97, 97
Brown Man, the 45
Demons see Sorcery Shift Self and others 97
Campaign ideas 104–105, 110–111, 114
Elemental tattoo 21, 101 Shift Vision 96–97
Chaos Creatures list 101 sorcerous 78
creation tables 85 summary 164 see also Contriving
Eldjark 139
Frhegg 88 Encyclopaedia 95 Ragha-da-Kheta 11–13, 53–55, 64–65
list 87–88 Fauna Scenario hooks 41, 44–46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57,
pacts 84, 86 animals 119–121 59, 105–107, 107, 113–114
summoning see Sorcery unnatural creatures 121–124 Shalafen 13, 49–50, 63
Chaos traits 91 Fetish craft 21, 83 Shark god. See Gods
table 92 fetish list 83 Shefanhow (defined) 32
Chaotic Effects 71 summary 162
Ships 24–26
catalog 73–82 Fifteen Planes (defined) 4–5 of the Five Planes 25
Character creation 8–14 Five Planes (defined) 4–5, 62 Skills 20–22
Character Sheet 9–10, 165–166 Focal points (sorcery) 70–71 sorcerous 79
Chariot Fumbled roll, twice 87 Sorcerous Melds 72
skill 21 Gods Sorcery
Chariots 26–29 Chaos 60–61 duration 72–73
mishaps 27–28 Shark 36–37 intensity 71
of the Five Planes 29 invoking 65 learning 70
Quality Contriving 95 Law 61 memory limits 69
speed 26 Arkyn 45 radying and dismissing 69
spot rules 27 Other 61–62 range 72
stability 27 Grimioire 70 Sorcerous Disasters table 71
structure 28–29 Humans see Mabden Sorcerous Melds (casting spells) 70–73
Conjunction of the Million Spheres (defined) Intensity see Sorcery summary 162–163
63 summoning Chaos Creatures 84–87
Languages 21 summoning Demons 90
Contriving Level of Intensity see Sorcery
combining 93, 98 Source material 107
contrivances 95, 96, 98, 98 Mabden 11, 34–39, 40–42, 47–49, 53, 54, Sprites 116
breakage table 96 55, 56–59
Pony tribes 45–46 Tanelorn 59, 113
catalog 99 Vadhagh 13–14, 42–46, 63–64
Vadhagh-Nhadragh 108–109, 118 Magical items 69, 87
treasures 118
contriving process 94–95 Map of Corum’s World 35 Vedagh 51
learning 93–94 Money 111–112
mechanics 93, 95–96 Vedagh see Vadhagh
Multiverse Weapons 23
memory limits 95 gaming in the 113–114
plane shift 93, 96–98 sorcerous 82
generator 113–114 Weapon Table 23
quality 93, 95
summary 163–164 Names, naming conventions 111 World of the Five Planes
the bunny lute 95, 96, 97, 98, 100 Nhadragh 11, 39–40, 107–111, 153–160 defined 4–5, 62
see also Crystals Awakening 110 map 35
Underground 109–110


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