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Cheryl Kim

M342: Elementary Methods

February 10, 2018

Rote Song Lesson Plan

Type of Class: General Music

Grade: 3rd Grade

Areas of Focus:

Memorization and performance of “Lead Through that Sugar and Tea” with movements.

Lead through that sugar an’ tea,

O, Lead through that candy.
You lead through that sugar an’ tea,
An’ I’ll lead through that candy.

National Standards:

Anchor Standard #4: Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Anchor Standard #6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Lesson Objectives:

 Students will be able to listen carefully and identify what the song is about. (K.O.)
 Students will be able to sing “Lead Through that Sugar and Tea” with 90 percent pitch
accuracy, while performing the movements in correct tempo. (A.S.)
 Students will demonstrate optimal singing posture. (K.O.)

Vocabulary and Academic Language:

 Central Focus: memorization and beautiful singing

 Learning Task: Perform “Lead Through that Sugar and Tea” with movements.
 Vocabulary: syncopation, duple meter, beat

Prior Learning:

1. Students are able to sing with good posture and in their assigned spots.
2. Students have used their head voice to warm-up their voices
3. Students have learned the concept of syncopation and echoed the rhythm after the

Materials Needed:

 Piano (maybe)
 Open space for movement activities



- “Be my mirror!” (Students mirrors the teacher, performing number of stretches and
showing best singing posture.) “Let us try to keep this amazing posture throughout class
today” (encourage students)
- “We are going to dribble our basketball and shoot with our voice. Watch me first.”
- Speak some 4-beat patterns with the syncopa in them.
- Syncopa ta ta
- Syncopa tati tati
- Ta tati syncopa
- “Let’s do our C-check” and then make the “C” sol and do some echo singing.
- Simple; s d s d, s d m -

Rote Song

- “Third grade, we’re going to learn a song about sweet things today. Beat beat beat beat.
Keep a beat and listen to me.”
- “Boys and girls, there is one drink and one kind of food in the song. Listen to me again
and find out what they are.” “Tug your ear if you know what it is.”
- “3rd grade, there are 2 syncopa patterns in this song. Listen again and tell me what words
am I singing when I am using a syncopa?”
- “My turn, your turn” (first echo in two measure phrases, then extend to four measures,
and then the entire piece)
- “Let’s sing again with a fuller voice! Fuller does not mean shout. Be ready with beautiful
posture. Keep a beat and here we go. (sing entire piece again)”


- “First row turn around, second row split here” (make a circle) “Let us hold hands.”
- “We are going to turn to our right, which is this way” (show direction, going around the
- “I’m going to be the head of the line, let’s sing the song again while we keep a beat in our
feet” “One two ready sing”
- “I need 4 volunteers to be our tea and candy. Raise your hand quietly” “Thank you. Make
an arch, and we are going to lead through the tea and candy.” (Perform again, teacher
leading the circle).
- “Let’s go back to our three rows while singing. One two ready sing” (Richard takes over)

Assessment: (Formative) Allow students to sing on their own without the help of student
teachers. Listen for supported sound, pitch accuracy, and expressiveness in students’ singing.

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