Answer All Questions (60 Marks)

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Answer all questions (60 marks)

1. The density of a block of wood 10cm x 30cm x 5cm with the mass of 1240g is
a. 826.7 kg/m3
b. 400 kg/m3
c. 234 kg/m3
2. A flow that is non steady usually associated with the increase in velocity is
a. Laminar flow
b. Turbulent Flow
c. Free-stream Flow
3. The wings of an aircraft apply the principal of
a. Archimedes principal
b. Pascal Principal
c. Bernoulli’s Principal
4. Bernoulli’s theorem states that
a. Increase in velocity will result to decrease of pressure exerted by fluid and vice
b. Increase in velocity will result to increase of pressure exerted by fluid and vice
c. Increase in velocity will not influence the pressure exerted by fluid
5. The instrument that measures the specific gravity of a fluid is called
a. barometer
b. manometer
c. hydrometer
6. Internal couples in a precessing gyroscope will give
a. Unwanted precession
b. Gyroscopic resistance
c. Gyroscopic topple
7. A gyroscope suffers from apparent wander. This is due to
a. friction on the gimbals and bearing
b. the aircraft flying along a north/south track
c. the earth’s rotation
8. precession in a gyro is
a. Inversely proportional to the magnitude applied.
b. proportional to the magnitude of the torque
c. Proportional to the square of the magnitude of the torque applied.
9. The gyroscopic principle of rigidity operates on
a. Newton’s 3rd law
b. Newton’s 2nd law
c. Newton’s 1st Law
10. A disc with a mass of 500g and the radius of 80cm would have moment of inertia of
a. 0.160kgm2
b. 0.320kgm2
c. 0.760kgm2
11. An aircraft is turning in an arc, the reaction force to the force acting on the aircraft is
a. centripetal force
b. centrifugal force
c. friction force

12. A bug sitting 0.03m from the centre of a CD with a velocity of 0.3m/s. The bug’s
centripetal acceleration is
a. 1m/s2
b. 3m/s2
c. 9m/s2
13. The magnitude of the net force on an object in uniform circular motion is calculated
a. F = mvr
b. F = mv2 / r
c. F = mv/r
14. A car that’s circling a roundabout, experiences an inward force that’s called the
a. centripetal acceleration
b. centripetal force
c. centrifugal force
15. 1 revolution is equal to
a. 2 π rad
b. 1 π rad
c. 180°
16. A wheel of radius 1 m is spinning with a constant angular velocity of 2 rad/s. What is
the centripetal acceleration of a point on the wheel's rim?
a. 0.5 m/s2
b. 4 m/s2
c. 2 m/s2
17. Which one of the following is the correct unit for angular velocity?
a. rad/s2
b. rad/s
c. rad.
18. Symbol for angular acceleration is
a. Ω
b. ac
c. α
19. Traveling 16 m/s, a 1600 kg car rounds a curve 32 m in radius. The centripetal force
on the car is ______.
a. 12800 N
b. 120 N
c. 1800 N
20. Lift is produced in an aircraft wings by making the air molecules on the above part of
the wings having a higher
a. velocity
b. pressure
c. force
21. The pressure at the bottom of a lake due to water is 4.9x106 Nm-2. The dept of the lake
a. 400m
b. 500m
c. 600m
22. In gases, when there is increase in temperature, the viscosity
a. decrease
b. increase
c. stay the same

23. Basic hydraulics is one of the application of

a. Pascal’s Principal
b. Bernoulli’s Principal
c. Archimedes Principal
24. A boat of mass 650kg floats on water. What volume of water does it displace?
a. 0.65m3
b. 6.5m3
c. 65m3
25. The instrument that consists of a tube where the ends of the tube is exposed to
different pressure is
a. Barometer
b. Manometer
c. hydrometer
26. Pressure at level of fluid surface and air is called
a. atmospheric pressure
b. gauge pressure
c. absolute pressure
27. To increase the rigidity of the gyroscope,
b. external force is increase
c. speed of rotor is decrease
d. radius of rotor is increase
28. In a perfect elastic collision, after the collision the objects
a. move together with one velocity
b. move separately
c. not moving
29. For inelastic collision,
a. Kinetic energy is conserved, momentum not conserved
b. Kinetic energy is not conserved, momentum conserved
c. Kinetic energy & momentum is conserved
30. For elastic collision
a. Kinetic energy is conserved, momentum not conserved
b. Kinetic energy is not conserved, momentum conserved
c. Kinetic energy & momentum is conserved
31. Change in momentum is also called
a. net force
b. impulse
c. power
32. The momentum of an object depends on the objects
a. Position
b. Acceleration
c. velocity
33. A block with a mass of 8.0kg slides across a frictionless surface with an initial
velocity of 5.0m/s. It collides with a 4.0kg block which was at rest. After the collision,
the two blocks stick together. The final velocity is
a. 3.33m/s
b. 6.66m/s
c. 12.9m/s
34. A golf club exerts a uniform force of 22.0N on a golf ball for a period of 0.25s. The
change in the ball’s momentum is
a. 5.5 kg.m/s

b. 88 kg.m/s
c. 10 kg.m/s
35. Capacity for doing work is called
a. Force
b. Energy
c. Power
36. Calculate the potential energy in stretching a spring with k = 60N/m, the spring was
stretched by 30cm
a. 5.4J
b. 2.7J
c. 9.0J
37. An air bag in a car helps to reduce the chances of serious injuries when accidents
happen by
a. by reducing the interval time of collision
b. by increasing the interval time of collision
c. by increasing the average force of collision
38. The inwards pulling force towards the centre of an object being swung round on a
piece of string is:
a. centrifugal force
b. centripetal force
c. rotational force
39. A bicycle with a mass of 10 kg s moving at such a speed that it has 640 J of kinetic
energy. How fast is the bicycle moving?
a. 64 m/s
b. 11.3 m/s
c. 32 m/s
40. A student carrying a box weighing 60N for a distance of 5m. The work done by the
student on the box is
a. 250J
b. 10J
c. 300J
41. The sum of an object's potential and kinetic energy is its
a. Mechanical energy.
b. thermal energy
c. chemical energy
42. What is the speed of the water from a 5.1-meter waterfall as is hits the surface?
(Assume the water is not moving at the top of the waterfall and neglect friction.)
a. 7 m/s
b. 10 m/s
c. 50 m/s
43. At what point in a pendulum's swing does it have maximum kinetic energy?
a. the bottom (centre) of the swing
b. the top of the swing
c. halfway between the top and bottom
44. How are work and energy related?
a. Energy is created by work.
b. Work is the transfer of energy.
c. Energy is the rate of doing work.
45. A gymnast standing on one hand (area 0.02 m2) pushes down on the ground with a
force of 600 N. How much pressure does the gymnast exert on the ground?

a. 30,000 Pa
b. 1,200 Pa
c. 3,000 Pa
46. Which principle explains that as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within that
fluid decreases?
a. Bernoulli’s
b. Pascal's
c. Aristotle's
47. The pressure exerted by a stationary fluid is determined by the
a. Type of fluid and its depth.
b. Shape of the container and the weight of the fluid.
c. Area of surface containing the fluid and the type of fluid.
48. A 5-N input force of a hydraulic system corresponds to a 40-N output force. If the
area of the small piston is 11 cm2, what is the area of the large piston?
a. 8 cm2
b. 88 cm2
c. 55 cm2
49. Which of the following statements about fluid pressure is FALSE?
a. The pressure in a fluid is exerted downward.
b. Pressure increases as depth increases.
c. Liquids and gases exert pressure.
50. According to Archimedes' principle, the buoyant force acting on an object is equal to
a. Pressure exerted at the bottom of the fluid.
b. Weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
c. Pressure exerted by the fluid at the point of contact with the object.
51. Choose the equation for calculating work.
a. force times distance
b. force divided by distance
c. force times velocity
52. If mass is doubled and velocity stays the same, then kinetic energy
a. Stays the same.
b. Is quadrupled.
c. Is doubled.
53. In order to lift a 340N weight to a height of 3.5m in 5.0seconds, the power needed is
a. 504W
b. 238W
c. 798W
54. A worker pushed a box with a force of 35N and the box’s velocity due to the push is
5.0m/s. The power exerted by the worker is
a. 300W
b. 75W
c. 175W
55. Which of the following NOT the SI unit for work?
a. Joules,J
b. Nm
c. N/m
56. By definition, work is done when a _______ moves through a distance.
a. Force
b. Pressure

c. mass
57. The energy possessed by a body due to its position or configuration is called _______
a. Potential
b. Kinetic
c. Thermal
58. A hockey player applies an average force of 90.0 N to a 0.25 kg hockey puck for a
time of 0.20 seconds. The impulse exerted by the hockey player is
a. 2 Ns
b. 18 kgms-1
c. 38 kg
59. The direction on momentum would follow the direction of
a. Acceleration
b. Force
c. velocity
60. The total momentum of a closed system of objects is conserved is regarding
a. Law of conservation of linear momentum
b. Conservation of mechanical energy
c. Law of moment

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