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Nevada College Elementary Lesson Plan Sample

Teacher Candidate: Erica McKenzie Lead Teacher: N/A
Grade/Subject: 2nd grade/SS District: WCSD
Lesson Content: People and Ideas School: V. Palmer
SNC Supervisor: N/A Time Allotted: 45 Minutes

Materials, including technology:
Picture cards (Of individuals who have made a difference in their own community), check out the ipad cart, graphic
organizer, pencils.

Standard(s), including literacy for all content areas and/or SMP
SS.2.11 Identify how individuals have made a difference in the communities in which they live.

Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.

How will learning be assessed at the end of the unit/learning cycle (summative):
Students will recount the key details in a text, by answering questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and
how, to demonstrate their understanding of the unit. This will be done through both written and verbal form.

Objective(s): high cognitive demand for diverse learners Cognitive Level (DOK or Bloom’s)
1.I will ask and answer questions about key details in a text DOK 1

2. I will describe how people have made a difference in our community DOK 1

Connections to past learning or experience, building background
Raise your hand if you can name someone that is famous. (Pull sticks)
Raise your hand if you can name someone that is famous in Nevada? (Pull sticks)
Raise your hand if you can name someone that has made a difference in our community? (Pull sticks)
-Today, each of you are going to have the chance to be an individual who has had a positive impact on
our own community here in Reno, Nevada.

Essential Vocabulary Definitions
Positive Good or helpful

Impact An effect
Individual A person

Strategy for teaching new vocabulary

Word Wall – Turn and Talk
-Visuals will be used when reading the word to students and discussing the definitions.
-Students will turn and talk to a shoulder partner and use the word in a sentence.
-Examples will be shared whole class
-The words and images will be posted on the word wall, and referred to throughout the unit

Sierra Nevada College Elementary Lesson Plan Sample

Sequence and Scope of Instruction (include instructional Instructional Strategy estimated
strategies, questions, opportunities for meaning making time
through discourse and other engagement strategies,
formative assessments, opportunities for metacognition,
grouping, differentiation and transitions)
Students will move to the front of the room (on the rug) Whole Class Instruction 5 min
and sit next to their designated shoulder partner
-The objectives will be posted on the board and read out
loud to students.
-The objectives will be repeated by students, through
“song” and movements

Vocabulary Whole Class Instruction 5 min

-I will show a picture of the word, “positive” to students Think Pair Share
and ask them to think about what it is and whether
they’ve seen it before
-Students will think, pair (discuss their ideas with their
shoulder partner), and then share with the whole class
Ø I will be circling around the room and listening to
students’ ideas during this time
-Groups will share out their thoughts with the whole
-I will state the word positive and give students the
-Students will repeat the word and definition
-Students will turn and talk with their shoulder partner
and try to use the word in a sentence
-Ideas will be shared with the whole class
-This process will be repeated for the words impact and
-The words will be posted on the word wall when done

Sierra Nevada College Elementary Lesson Plan Sample

Picture Cards (Explain task to students) Independent 10 min
-Students will receive a picture of an individual that has
had a positive impact on their community. Each card will
also have text on the back of it which will include; The
person’s name/career, description of the positive impact
they have had on the community, and how that has
affected people. The picture cards will be handed out
strategically, based on their reading levels.

-Students will complete their graphic organizer about -If students are unable to write
their specific individual their answers on the graphic
Ø Who, what, where, when, why, and how organizer, they may sketch their

-Students will share their information with 2-3 other Think, Pair, Share 5 min

-During the Picture Cards activity, I will be checking in
with each student to ensure they are on task, reading
their descriptions, and completing their graphic
-I will also ask questions to check for student
comprehension about their individual as well as how
they’ve impacted our community

Voice Recording
-Each student will complete a voice recording in which Independent 10 min
they state who they are, and describe the impact that
they’ve had on people and the community.
Ø Example: “My name is Evelyn Mount and I

-During recordings, I will be offering students guided
support and prompting

-After all students have completed their recording, we Whole Class 5 min
will have a discussion on how individuals have started -Pull Sticks
with an idea, and turned that into a positive impact on
our own community.

Exit Ticket Independent 5 min
-Who is someone that has had a positive impact on your -If students are unable to write
community? the information down, I will
-Explain what this individual has done for the meet with them individually
community. and have them answer the

Sierra Nevada College Elementary Lesson Plan Sample

questions orally

Closure : specific activity to review content
Exit Ticket:
-Who is someone that has had a positive impact on your community?
-Explain what this individual has done for the community.

Teacher Candidate Reflection on the lesson (after delivery)

SNC: April 3, 2014

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