จิตวิทยาทั่วไป (General Psychology)

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8 PC 103
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14 PC 103
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16 PC 103
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18‘ ’ PC 103
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20 PC 103
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22 PC 103
Atkinson, Richard C. Contemporary Psychology; Readings From Scientific American.
San Francisco : Freeman, 1971.
Coon, Dennis. Introduqtion to Psychology : Exploration and Application, (So
ed.), Minnesota : West Publishing Co., 1983.
Edwards, David C. General Psychology. New York : Macmillan, 1968.

Fantino, Edmund J. Introduction to Contemporary Psychology. San Francisco :

Freeman, 1975.
Fantino, Edmund J. et al. Understanding Psychology. de1 Mar, California : CRM
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Hebb, Donald 0. A Textbook of Psychology znd ed.). Philade!phia : Saunder, 1966.

Hilgard, Ernest R. and Atkinson, Richard C. Introduction to Psychology (7” ed.).

New York : Harcourt, 197%
Holtzman, Wanye H. Introduction to Psychology. New York : Harper & Row, 1978.

McNeil, Elton B. and Rubin, Z. The Psychology of Being human. San Francis-
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Morgan, C.T., : King. R.A. Introduction to Psychology (41h ed.). New York : McGraw-
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PC 103 23
PC 103 27
28 PC 103
PC 103 29
30 PC 103
PC 103
34 PC 103

don: Houston, John P. and et.al. Invitation to Psychology New York : Academic Press,

36 PC 103
PC 103 37
38 PC 103
PC 103 41
42 PC 103
PC 103
PC 103
PC 103 49
50 PC 103
PC 103 51
52 PC 103
PC 103 53
PC 103 55
Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology : Explonation and Application (3’ ed.),
Minnesota : West Publishing Co., 1983.
Dworetzky, John P. Psychology (41h ed.), St. Paul : West Publishing Company, 1991.
Fernald, L. Dodge & Femald, Peter S. Introduction to Psychology (4ed.) Boston:
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1974, Chapter 2.
Price, Richard H., Glickstein, Mitchell, Horton, David L. & Bailey, Ronald H.
Principles of Psychology New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982,
Chapter 2.

56 PC 103
PC 103 57
58 PC 103
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60 PC 103
PC 103 61
62 PC 103
(4 (b)

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PC103 65
68 PC 103
70 PC 103
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82 PC 103
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seur 4

94 PC 103

-I.^---_ -__
96 PC 103
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102 PC 103
PC 103 ,103
PC 103 105
106 PC 103
‘PC 103 107
108 PC 103
PC 103 109
PC 103 111
PC 103 113

114 PC 103
PC 103 115
116 PC 103
PC 103 117
Coon, D. Essentials of Psychology. California : West Publishing Co., 1985.
Freud, S. The Interpretation of Dreams. London : Hogarth, 1900.
Gackenbach, J. and J. Bosveld. “Take control of your dreams.” Psychology Today,
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Hall, S.C. and Nordley V.I. A Primer of Jungian Psychology. New Jersey : The
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Vogel, J.L. Thinking about Psychology. Chicago : Nelson-Hall Inc., 1986.
Wortman, C.B. and E.F. Loftus. Psychology. New York : Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1985.

118 PC 103
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132 PC 103
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134 PC 103
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1 3 6 PC 103
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140 PC 103
3 1 5 6 7

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13 1tou 14 riiou

PC 103
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146 PC 103
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152 PC 103
154 PC 103
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156 PC 103
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158 PC 103
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160 PC 103
PC 103 161
162 PC 103
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164 PC 103
PC 103 165
Baldevin, A.L. “Socialization and the Child Relationship.” Child Development 19 :
Sept., 1984.
Bieher, R.F. Psychology Applied to Teaching. Boston : Hollghton Miffin, 1971.
Developmental Psychology Today. Del Mar, Calif. : CRM Books, 1971.
McNeil, E.B. The Psychology of Being Human. New York : Harper & Row, 1974.
Munn, N.L., Femald L.D., Jr., Femald, P.S. Introduction to Psychology. Boston :
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Opper, Sylvia Intellectual Development in Thai Children Doctoral Thesis. Cornell
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Ruth, F.L. Psychology and Life, (7 th Ed.) Glenview, III. : Scott, Fores man, 1967.

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168 PC 103
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170 PC 103
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172 PC 103


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2 4 6 8 10
174 PC 103
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180 PC 103
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182 PC 103
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184 PC 103
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186 PC 103
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188 PC 103
PC 103 189
190 PC 103
ilifJJ lhdlffi LLRSlfUM= ~~~~~l~l~s"%~od~~~~~~~~~l?~~la"er~l%1~lLLWS, 2523.

Ausubel, David Pual. Educational Psychology : A Cognitive View. New York, Holt,
Dember, William N. and Jenkins, James J. General Psychology : Modeling Behavior
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Lindesmith, Alfred Ray. Social Psychology. 5th ed. New York, Holt, 1977.
Sorenson, Herbert. Psychology in Education. New York, McGraw-Hill Book
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Wilson, John. Psychological Foundations of Learning and Teaching. end ed.

New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974.
Coon, Dennis Introduction to Psychology : Exploration and Application (ard ed.)
New York : West Publishing Company, 1983.

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196 PC 103

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204 PC 103
R e t r o a c t i v(1
e I n h i b i t i o n

P r o a c t i v e IsrJmriruurd]
I n h i b i t i o n

PC 103 205
2. m%%~ (Thinking)

206 PC 103
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212 PC103
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214 PC 103
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216 PC 103
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218 PC 103
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n. 9 wtiw

220 PC 103
Coon, Dennis, Introduction to Psychology : Exploration and Application (3 r’ ed.)
New York : West Publishing Company, 1983.

PC 103 221
P C 1 0 3 223
224 PC 103
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226 PC 103

1I (Goal)

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228 PC 103
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PC 103
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234 PC 103
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236 PC 103
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238 PC 103
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1 I

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242 PC 103
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244 PC 103
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wqnr&wi% (Drive Theories)

246 PC 103
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248 PC 103
PC 103 249
250 PC 103
i%ll LLfhffhJ,fl9. %i%lfJlWifV~. F99w"oJw"wan.~~~96~fl~~~8, 2527.

R'-JUl WS'hlpl"?il, 'i33. %%Wl~3~d. nqslww~wlarfls,Fsa~oJw"~ffJ~~Jnl9~inrw4 2522.

Atkinson, John W. An Introduction to Motivation. New Delhi : Affiliated East-

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Houston, J.P., Bee, H., Hatfield, E. & Rimm, D.C. Invitation to Psychology New
York : Academic Press, 1979.

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254 PC 103
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256 PC 103
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260 PC 103
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(Cannon-Bard Theory)

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274 PC 103
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276 PC 103
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278 PC 103
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Bernstein, Douglas A., Roy, Edward J., Scrull, Thomas K., Psychology Boston :
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Coons, Dennis, Introduction to Psychology : Exploration and Application ( 3rd ed.)

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280 PC 103
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298 PC 103
300 PC 103
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306 PC 103
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348 PC 103
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352 PC 103
354 PC 103
Approach Approach
- - -

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A- x -I3

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65 -
60 -
55 -
50 -
45 -
40 -
35 -
30 -
25 -
20 -
15 -
10 -

388 PC 103
PC 103 403
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Price, R.H. Glickstein, M., Horton, D.L. & Bailey, R.H. Principles of Psychology.
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Schachter, S. The Psychology of Affiliation. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University
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Thibaut, J.W. & Kelley, H.H. The Social Psychology of groups. New York : Wiley,

404 PC 103
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412 PC 103
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414 PC 103
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4 1 6 PC 103
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424 PC 103
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428 PC 103
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430 PC 103
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432 PC 103
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PC 103 435

436 PC 103
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PC 103 437
438 PC 103
PC 103 439
440 PC 103

PC 103 441
442 PC 103
PC 103 443
3.xmd=mlm~~IU~G 4. fl 5. 4 3

8. Qn 9. Approach-Avoidance

444 PC 103
3. fl 4. 9 5. 91 6. 0 7 . ‘u
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PC 103 445
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113.(5) 114.(5) 115.(2) 116.(2) 117.(4) 118.(5)
119.(3) 120.(3)

446 PC 103

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