Case 2 Bab 8

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Case 2
( Chapter 7 )
Assume that you have selected a random sample of 15 checks from a population of 800 checks.
The checks you have selected are the following numbers: 664, 789, 650, 136, 365, 538, 800, 657,
110, 136, 398, 645, 214, 544, and 777. Based on this sample, evaluate the truth of the following
statements regarding your findings. Describe why you feel each statement is true or false.
1. You have determined that Check No. 365 was not properly signed and was paid to a
fictitious vendor. You conclude that fraud exists in the population.
2. You have determined that no fraud exists in the sample of 15 checks you evaluated. You
concludethat no fraud exists in the population.
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