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Nama : DIANA

Nim : 173145031310



Hello !!!
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

I will tell you my life, my name is Diana, my family often called me Dia.
And you can call me Diana or Dia up to you. I was born in Sidenreng Rappang
District on Friday 23rd February 1996. I grew up in simple family and
alhamdulillah our family is happy.
I am the yougerst of 7 siblings 3 boy and 4 girl. Since baby I was cared by
my aunty and uncle. I consider them as my biological parents. People say, They
raised me as his son when I was 40 day old because my biological mother died
after giving birth to me because my plasenta was not born after I was born, so
there was a gerat bleeding, in medical terms the insidents is Retensio Plasenta.
They have long been married and have not had children, so they raised me us his
son. My uncle is the youger brother of my biological father and my aunty is
cousin of the my biological father and mother. Which is why I want to be a
midwife, I want to help safe childbirth so that no more cases like that happen, this
my hope.
Everyday my parents working as a farmer and I proud of my parents
because altought only working as a farmer but they be able to send me to start
from primary school, junior high school, vocational high school, diploma 3 of
midwife, and now Insya Allah DIV midwife educator.
My education story, I never school in playgroup, I am alumni from SD
Negeri 1 Bila, SMP Negeri 2 Duapitue, SMK Keperewatan Harapan Bhakti
Parepare, DIII of Midwife in STIKEes Muhammadiyah Sidrap and now I am a
student of DIV Midwife Educatiocator in STIKES Mega Rezky Makassar.
I am very grateful to my life because I have a good family, they are care
and love me. You must know which I am very love my family.
Until finally on October 30, 2016 this my graduation day and I always say
Alhamdulillahirobbilalaamiin because I god predicate cumlaude and one of the
best students and then I can maked my parents proud of me. You must know I am
married on May 1, 2017. My husbands name is Achmad yani he works as
contractor and now he continues his master degree in Civil Engineering at
Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar. We hope after we are the same
graduation we may soon be given a baby Insya Allah. Aamiin.........................

Ok.. that’s my life story, Thankyou 


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