Industry Seminar Report

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Industry Seminar Report

Matric: A0042596Y

This report shall discuss on the seminar held on 10 February 2018 to introduce 4 topics on new
technologies in the construction industry.

Innovate Bridge Construction Methods

The first presentation was given by Mr Max Meyer from VSL. His presentation touched on how
precast prestressed concrete is being employed in the construction of concrete girder bridges/
One would get to understand that construction method can be widely and best employed at
locations where the bridge decks span across are rather inaccessible or occupied (over busy road/
highways, waterways etc). This is because formwork erection for conventional cast in-situ method
would be almost impossible.
The usage of precast prestressed concrete has developed from combination of precast and cast in-
bridge decks to usage of elements which are completely precast. This is largely due to how the
bridges are “cut”. The evolution of design from having segments to be divided transversely allowed
the bridges/ viaducts girders to be constructed entirely by precast.
Furthermore, the next and more important attribute is that production of precast elements can be
done off site in a mechanised manner including the omission of formwork installation for in-situ
casting. The avoidance of formwork erection on site can help to reduce construction duration while
the mechanised production regime can help to further improve productivity. This provided that the
design of each precast elements can be kept as similar as possible.

Application of Mixed Reality Technologies in Construction

Mixed reality is also called augmented reality (AR). This technology involves placing virtual objects
into real-life physical world. One example given is the widely used platform, Apple’s ARkit.

This presentation introduced mixed reality technologies in construction and introduced several such
platforms like Microsoft Hololens and Trimble.

The Microsoft Hololens not only perform basics AR functions. It also allowed remote collaboration
between various stakeholders of the project at the same time within the AR “world”. This can
improve construction coordination as any discrepancies or intent can be conveyed more accurately
to the desired party.

The next improvement by mixed reality technology to construction process is the aid to the process
of aligning HVAC in buildings. Besides that, given that virtual elements (ie. BIM model) can be
superimposed into real physical environment, the AR technology can also help to inspect installed
HVAC components. This can be a vast improvement to conventional process whereby one would
have to cross check with 2D drawings including significant on-site measurement/ surveying for

The mixed reality technology can also be used for aiding reinforcement bars installation and
inspection process. Similar to its usage for activities related to HVAC, this technology can help to
speed up and simplify the processes involved.

From the presentation one would realise that both technologies would somewhat require wearable
tools to utilize the technology. For instance, the user would be required to don a special goggle in
order to perform reinforcement inspection using the Consolis application under the Hololens
platform. Although such technologies can expedite and improve reinforcement bars installation and
inspection works on site, there will be additional cost and resources incurred to purchase and

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Industry Seminar Report
Matric: A0042596Y

maintain the additional hardware. Nevertheless, with timely software updates and continuity in its
usage, such devices and its technology can bring on time and monetary savings in long run.

Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction

The third presentation was touching on Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC). It
was presented by the representative from Integrated Precast System. This company is a subsidiary of
Teambuild Construction which the latter uses the PPVC produced by the former for their
construction projects. It was also mentioned that this technology is currently at its 4th generation
developmental stage.

One of the main advantages for this technology was the significant reduction of “wet work” on site.
These activities are diverted to the off-site during PPVC production instead where they could be
done in a mechanised and more productive manner. Secondly, the quality of these works can be
more properly controlled in the factory like setting.

The presenter shared on an insight of their design philosophy to keep their PPVC units within 3.6m.
This is because any components with width wider than the earlier mentioned figure would require
auxiliary police escort during transportation. This can amount to additional cost and duration to the
transportation from PPVC production plant to site. This information allowed one to learn that
transportation for PPVC element is a vital part of PPVC construction.

This presentation gave some experience sharing on subject company’s first PPVC project for HDB’s
West Terra project in Bukit Batok. An interesting lesson learnt was regarding the stricter
construction tolerance for PPVC. As high/ poor construction tolerances would likely cause poor
continuity for services and undesirable aesthetics, abortive correctional work would need to be done
which can results to work delay and additional cost. This lesson learnt from their first PPVC project
had prompted the company to invest more money to improve the construction tolerances in their
finished PPVC components.

Innovative Construction Methods and Technologies

The last presentation was given on innovative construction methods and technologies employed by
local contractor, Tiong Seng.

The following are the technologies/ methods which were presented:

1. BIM (Building Integrated Modelling)

2. In-house applications/ program for precast elements management and reinforcement bars
3. Usage of UHPC (ultra high performance concrete )
4. PPVC (Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction)
5. Usage of robotic welding arm for PPVC frame fabrication

One example quoted on improvements to productivity was the omission of BBS (Bar Bending
Schedule) by using Tiong Seng’s in-house application. It allows for reinforcements to be ordered
directly to the reinforcement suppliers without the subcontractors having to produce BBS. This help
to allow subcontractors to focus more of their resources on site work itself. Secondly, the application
can help to track and accurately details the reinforcement used or will be used. The paperless
feature also improves documenting as compared to the traditional hardcopy process.

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Industry Seminar Report
Matric: A0042596Y

In summary, the 4 presentations features different technologies which helps to circumvent or

expedite certain phases of construction processes which can lengthy and/or resource-heavy under
conventional methodology. This allowed for more resources to be focused on more crucial phase of
the construction. Besides that, these new technologies, if employed effectively also brought along
high quality of finished products.

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