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Language and Language Yeaching Journals

Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 ISSN 1979-8903

Editor in Chief

Hanung Triyoko
Ari Setiawan
Setia Rini


English Department of Educational Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Salatiga 50721 Central Java, Indonesia
Phone (0298) 323706, 323433, Fax (0298) 323433


The first issuance

June 2008

Twice a year
Language and Language Yeaching Journals

Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 ISSN 1979-8903

Table of Content
The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the
Titik Nurrohmah .................................................................................... 135

The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self-
Governance of the Second Year Students of “SMU ALTERNATIVE
QARYAH THAYYIBAH” of Kalibening, Salatiga in the Academic Year
of 2007/2008
Lina Mardliyah ...................................................................................... 149

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

Hanik Nuzulimah ................................................................................... 159

The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of
SDN 1 Tuntang in the academic year of 2002 - 2003
Insaniyah ................................................................................................. 169

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

Endriana Sri Wahyuni .......................................................................... 181

Factors Influencing Failure Of Reading

Anis Mawati ............................................................................................ 197

Index ....................................................................................................... 215

Submission Guidelines .......................................................................... 217

Titik Nurrohmah

The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the

Ideas to the Paragraph

Titik Nurrohmah
MTs Negeri Tanon
Waduk Ketro, Tanon, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia


What are the ways to discover the ideas to write? How to organize the
ideas into the paragraph? To answer these questions, the writer conducted a
qualitative research that the object of the research is writing composition
on the discovering the ideas and organize it into paragraph. The writer used
descriptive method. For obtaining the data, the writer used library method
as the instrument and used secondary sources that constituted secondhand
information, such as reference book. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the
writer used an expository writing. There were several ways in discovering
ideas as the result of this study. Those included remembering experience,
getting people opinion about particular subject by giving evidence, finding
a great deal by asking other people about their experience and going to the
library to get any ideas. Whereas, to organize the ideas into paragraph,
someone has to do some steps, such as selecting a subject, planning a
composition and making an outline.

Keywords: Writing Composition, Idea, Paragraph


Bagaimana cara menemukan ide untuk tulisan? Bagaimana membuat ide

menjadi paragraf? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan tersebut,
penulis melakukan penelitian dengan objek penelitian yakni karangan
tertulis untuk menemukan ide dan membuatnya ke dalam sebuah paragraf.
Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif. Untuk memperoleh data, penulis
menggunakan metode pustaka dan menggunakan sumber kedua yang
merupakan informasi kedua seperti buku referensi. Sementara itu, untuk
menganalisa data, penulis memberikan penjelasan tertulis. Hasil dari
penelitian adalah adanya beberapa langkah dalam menemukan ide,

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

diantaranya adalah mengingat pengalaman pribadi, meminta pendapat

orang lain tentang suatu persoalan atau pengalaman mereka, dan
mengunjungi perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan ide. Sedangkan untuk
membuat ide menjadi paragraf, seseorang harus melakukan beberapa
langkah seperti menentukan persoalan, merencanakan sebuah karangan dan
membuat kerangka karangan.

Keywords: Karangan tertulis, ide, paragraf

Instead of listening, reading, and speaking, writing is the highest
level of language skill that should be mastered by students. Writing in the
sense of the verb “write” means (a). Letters or other symbols (e.g.
Ideographs) on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper, (b). Put
down (on paper) by means of Word. (Horby, 1987: 996)
To be literate in the native language implies the ability to read and
to write. This approach to native-language learning has transferred to the
foreign language classroom. Writing exercises keeps students busies and
outs of mischief. Conventional writing exercises are easy to construct.
Rivers (1981: 291) in his book teaching foreign-language skill states:
“At this stage, it may be well to recall two facts often ignored by
language teachers, who traditionally have expected students to write
something as a demonstration of learning: first, that many highly articulate
person express themselves very inadequately in writing in their native
language. Second, that only a minority of the speakers of any language
acquire the skill of writing it with any degree of finesse, and then only after
years of training in school and practice out of school.”

In accordance with Warriner (1977: 332), writing is chances to

communicate the thought in the most effective way possible, just to carry
out the written. This may result in composition that are lifeless, dull and
worth very little. Empty writing is bad writing.
Unfortunately, examination papers in composition the world over
are, with few exceptions, disappointing. Many college and university

136 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Titik Nurrohmah

students with four, five, even six or more years of study of another
language behind them are still unable to express themselves in a clear,
correct, and comprehensible manner in writing. All writer-students‟ writing
papers for their college courses, business people communicating ideas in
reports and memos, journalists composing news stories, even novelists
writing yearly novels-know these basic frustrations.
Writing clear and simple prose is difficult, even for experienced
writers. It is slow and laborious process. So, if someone is humble for the
right word, get lost in tangled sentences, fall silent in the middle paragraph
– does not despair. Everyone who writes has this trouble. It is as well to
remember that not all students have already flow of ideas when asked to
write. (Alto, 1984: 5)
One of the primary aims of this research is to offer the writer way
to discover ideas before they write their composition. The best way to
begin is with an overview of the writing process and the next. It will
discuss about an expository writing that every student must understand in
order to begin and progress through the process.
Regarding the background above, the writer would like to figure
out these following questions: (1) what are the ways to discover the ideas
to write? (2) how to organize the ideas into the paragraph?

According to Oshima (1988: 4), a composition is a piece of writing
that has more than one part. It is divided into three parts; a beginning,
middle, and an end. The beginning is called introduction, the middle is
called the body, and the end is called conclusion. The introduction and the
conclusion are usually one paragraph.While the paragraph consists of
sentences closely related in meaning. Further, Warriner (1982: 333)

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

clarifies that composition is made up of related paragraphs. Like the

paragraph, the composition focuses on a single idea, which is often stated
near the beginning.

According to Alice (1988:4), “Paragraph is a group of related
statements that a writer develops about a subject. Each paragraph is a
separate unit marked by identifying the first word from the left-hand
margin, or by leaving extra space above and below the paragraph.”
Therefore, paragraph is a set of related sentences that work together to
express or develop an idea. Further, Crimmon ( 1984: 192) explains that
although it may stand on its own and in some writing situation a writer
needs but a single paragraph to fulfill his or her purpose – a paragraph is
usually a unit in complete piece of writing. This function as a unit of
development in that it organizes and advances the writer‟s idea‟s that is, it
helps develop the writer‟s thesis, in the case of narrative or descriptive
writing, carries forward a story or provides significant details.

The Stage of Writing Process

Good writing has sharpness, vividness, and clarity. There are
several ways of looking closely, of writing process.
Choosing a Topic
A composition of the kind someone will be writing this is still a
short piece of writing. Avoid choosing a topic so large that one‟s would
have to write a book to do it justice. There are some steps to choose a
topic. The first one is choose the subject. Knowing the subject is the first
principle of good writing. The second one is limiting the subject. Once
someone has found a subject to write about, he must decide whether it is
too big to handle in the time and space he has to work with. Big subject are

138 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Titik Nurrohmah

not easier to write about than smaller ones. The third one is adopting the
subject to the reader. Someone must adjust the topic and the content to the
audience for which he writes. The last one is determining the purpose.
After limiting the topic, one‟s must consider the purpose of his
composition. Taking the particular attitude toward his subject will help
someone defines that purpose.

Planning the Composition

Planning is any orderly produce used to bring about a desired
result. As the first stage in the writing process, planning is a series of
strategies designed to find and produce information in writing. When
someone begins any writing project, he needs to discover what is possible.
He needs to locate and explore a variety of subjects. He needs to invent
alternative ways to however mundane or unsettling, in order to select and
create the substance out of which he will shape his subject.
Drafting is a procedure for drawing up a preliminary sketch. As the
second, in the writing process, drafting is a series of strategies designed to
organize and develop a sustained piece of writing. Once planning has
enabled someone to identify several subjects and encouraged you to gather
information on those subjects from different perspectives, he needs to
determine what he can best accomplish in writing. Someone needs to select
one subject and organize his information about it into meaningful clusters.
Then, someone needs to find connections among those clusters and
discover the relationship that links the connection.
Revising is procedure for improving or correction a work in
progress. Revising is a series of strategies designed to re-examine and re-

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

evaluate the choices that have created a piece of writing. After someone
has completed his preliminary draft, he needs to stand back from his text
and decide what actions would seem to be most productive. Someone may
have to embark upon global revision – a concerted effort to perfect the
smaller elements in a piece of writing he has already created.

Research Methodology
This research is the qualitative research. Moleong (1983: 3) affirms
that “Qualitative research is a research of which the data in the forms of
written or oral word are descriptively analyzed. In this research, object of
the study is writing composition on the discovering the ideas and organize
its into paragraph. Related this research, the writer uses descriptive method
in which this method is to describe what actually happens in certain
conditions. While the data resources, the writer uses secondary sources that
constitute secondhand information, such as reference book.
To collect the data, the writer uses the library method as her
instrument. Moreover, to make this research clearly, the writer draws her
step of research as follow:


Supporting Arrange the groups


Begin to Write the Topic Sentence



140 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Titik Nurrohmah

In analyzing the data, the writer used an expository writing. The

steps of data analysis are (1) discovering ideas, (2) choosing the subject by
arranging and classifying the ideas into the group that seems to go
together, (3) beginning to write the paragraph. In writing the paragraph, (4)
identifying the function of each sentence as topic sentence, supporting
sentence and also concluding sentence, and (5) drawing the unity and
coherence paragraph.

The writer presented the most important part of thesis, the result of
the data analysis. It will be explained more in detail in the following.

The Ways for Discovering Ideas

Viki (2003: 31) claims that idea is a thing cannot be influenced by
money. You will get a great deal ideas. One important thing that you have
to do is giving attention to the ideas.
What someone knows from himself experience and others
experience is the idea to write composition. But there are another sources
and information for discovering the ideas, such as the people opinion about
particular subject giving evidence. In expository writing, people needs to
give the facts and impressions that lead the people to his opinion, in order
to make it real to someone else.
Example :
Opinion : Children should believe in tooth fairly
List of evidence : It makes losing teeth exciting
It is run to believe in an invisible friend
It makes children feel they are special
It gives kids something to look forward to

The next method is to whom does someone ask? Now he can find
out a great deal by asking other people about their experience. Many things

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

he takes for granted are really brand-new in our history. Older people that
he knows lived in a very different way when they were his age.
What can a police officer tell? He or she can tell:
What it is like to be a police officer
What kinds of crime a police officer handles
What the difference is between juvenile and adult crime
How the police station works
Why he or she became a law enforcement officer

There are other people one‟s can talk to. Think about these people
and list all the information one‟s might get from each one. Share all the
lists in class and see how many ideas everyone had. They are:
1. Janitors 7. Social workers
2. Secretaries 8. Firefighters
3. Letter carriers 9. Playground directors
4. Neighbors 10. Conductors
5. Hospital aid 11. Other students
6. Teachers 12. Scout leaders

When someone asks people to tell him about something in detail, he

is having interview. An interview is meeting between a reporter and
someone who gives information to this sense, when someone asks
questions he becomes a reporter.
It is not easy to interview as he might think. It takes a great deal to
practice. One‟s has had some practice in asking questions. There are some
tips in interviewing. Those include (1) have a list of questions (2) always
ask “how” and “why” when an answer is given (3) If someone gets a short
or impractical answer, don‟t give up (4) Do not let the interview get off the
point (5) Do not feel limited by the questions you have prepared (6) Listen
carefully and treat the person that interviewing with respect (7) Be sure to
plan enough time (8) Plan the interview time so that it‟s convenient.
For example: interviewing family members, the topic is “What do
you think about the rule, “you should never lie?” Andrew interviewed

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Titik Nurrohmah

about this topic to his brother Kevin.

Kevin : Do I believe in this rule? Yes. What do I think it means?
I think the rule is not just referring to telling lies to
someone else, it can be arguing…
Andrew : Even when you know you are wrong.
Kevin : Exactly or when people are always getting defensive. For
instance, it could be that one person owns a thing of a
specific brand name and someone else says it is bad;
maybe someone owns a certain stereo and someone else
says he should have gotten another kind. The person with
the stereo gets very defensive, when really objects were
never meant to be extensions of human beings. Attacking
the object is not attacking the person. I consider this kind
of arguing one from the lying.

In order to remember one‟s result of interview, someone has to take

a note during interview. It is important to choose information that answers
the questions. It is also a good idea to write down one or two important
words or phrases that remind one‟s of several sentences, so the someone
will not forget information he has heard.
Everyone will work out his or her own kind of shorthand. A few
words that remind someone of each answer may be all he needs. Whatever
from one‟s chooses for his notes, remembers that they have to be useful.
These are some tips that will help someone to take notes in an interview.
These are (1) write the information that answers the question and (2) pick
one or two important words or phrases that remind someone of several
The next step to get the sources is going to the library. Someone
can find the book that she/ he want by looking at card catalogues. Card
catalogues are lists of the materials in the library. However, sometimes
cannot find the he is looking for. There are some hints to help someone
when he cannot find what he needs in the library. They are (1) Look in the
card catalogues under the title of the book or the author‟s name (2) Look in

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

the card catalogue under the subject (3) Notice the number in the upper
left-hand corner of the card in the card catalogue (4) Ask the librarian
where the section of reference books can be found (5) Remember that the
librarian is the best guide.
Another good source is one‟s daily paper. It is good idea to look at
the paper every day. It has articles on news from around the world such as
food community, affairs, books, and other subjects.

Organizing the Ideas into the Paragraph

Select a Subject
a. Choose a subject that someone knows something about
Such a subject, which someone can write about from his own
experience, is an excellent possibility for a composition. If someone
stops to think about it, there are a number of things that he knows
about. Someone‟s whole experience is raw material for compositions.
b. Limit the topic
Someone‟ composition will not succeed unless its subject is well
chosen and well developed for the reader. When he has thought of a
subject, therefore, it is essential that he consider whether it is
manageable in the number of words he has in mind. For example,
stamp collecting may provide him with an idea for a composition, but
the whole subject is too large. On the other hand, a composition telling
how to get started with a stamp collecting is a limited topic just right
for 300 words for composition.
c. Remember the purpose of composition
The specific purpose that someone has in mind should guide him
in limiting the topic, and then in selecting ideas and planning the

144 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Titik Nurrohmah

Planning a Composition
Since a composition is usually longer and more complicated than a
paragraph, there is even more need for a careful plan.
a. Make a list of ideas
Once someone has chosen a topic, jot down ideas as he occurs to
him. At this stage, do not try to organize the ideas. We can make a list
any details or ideas that may be related to the topic. After completing
the list, any ideas that are not closely related to the topic can be
For example:
Topic : Beginning a stamp collection
Purpose : To explain how to collect and display stamps

Educational value
Family mail
Hobby stores
Removing stamps from envelopes
Fun of watching collection grow
Learning location of countries
Appreciating of beauty
History of postage stamps (eliminated because it does not
contribute to purpose of composition)
Learning about people and customs of foreign lands
Mounting stamps an album
Supplies, tongs, hinges, album
Post office
Stamp packets
Approval sheets
Valuable stamps (eliminated because a beginning collector
not ordinarily try to acquire valuable stamps)
b. Group the ideas under headings
The next step is to begin grouping closely related ideas together.
To do this, he must consider whether two or more ideas have

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

something in common-whether there is a larger idea that includes

them. For example, here are six of the ideas from “Beginning a stamp
1) Fun of watching collection grow
2) Removing stamps from envelopes
3) Learning about people and customs of foreign lands
4) Appreciating beauty of stamps
5) Learning locations of countries
6) Educational value
A quick glance tells us about that some of these ideas are related
and some are not. There is an obvious connection between numbers 1
and 4, both of which involve pleasure or enjoyment. A similar
connection exists between 3, 5, and 6, all of which have something to
do with the educational aspect of collecting stamps. Only 2 do not
combine with a related idea.

Making an outline
The purpose of the outline is to show all of the ideas and headings
that will go into the composition in order someone will take them up and in
the relation he has to each other. The major topic for “Beginning a stamp
collection” may be arranged in order of time, certainly the idea of
“acquiring stamps” belongs before that of displaying stamps”, and reasons
for collecting stamps” comes before either. The complete topic outline on
this subject would look something like this:
Title : Beginning a stamp collection
Purpose : To give reasons for collecting stamps and to show
how to get started.
I. Reasons for collecting stamps
A. Pleasure
1. Fun of watching collection grow
2. Appreciating beauty of stamps
B. Educational value
1. Learning about people and customs of foreign lands

146 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Titik Nurrohmah

2. Learning locations of countries

II. Sources for the collector
A. Family mail
B. Post office
C. Hobby stores
D. Stamp dealers
1. Packets
2. Approval sheets
III. Stamp display
A. Supplies
1. Album
2. Hinges
3. Tongs
B. Procedure
1. Removing from envelopes
2. Mounting in Album
IV. Specialization
Notice that a fourth main idea has been added to provide a
conclusion for the composition. Someone has told how to start a collection;
he wants to end giving the reader some ideas of a more advanced kind of

There are several ways in discovering ideas; what do the students
know from themselves experience and others experience is being the idea
to write composition. But, there are another sources and information for
discovering the ideas. Such as, the opinions people about particular subject
giving evidence. The next is whom do the students ask? Someone can find
out a great deal by asking other people about their experience. The next
step to get the sources is going to the library. At first when one‟s goes into
library, he may be a bit confused. It is hard to know where to begin. Most
libraries have card catalogues. After someone got his ideas, he has to:
a. Select a Subject
- Choose a subject that someone know something about

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The Descriptive Analysis of Writing Composition from the Ideas to the…

- Limit the topic

- Remember the purpose of composition
b. Planning a composition
a. Make a list of ideas
b. Group the ideas under headings
c. Make an outline
The purpose of one‟s outline is to show all of the ideas and
headings that will go into the composition in order, he will take them up
and in the relation they have to each other.

Alice, Oshima, and Ann, Hague. 1988. Introduction to Academic Writing.
Tokyo: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
AS, Horby. 1982. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. New
York: Oxford University Press.
John E., Warriner. 1977. English Grammar and Composition. Second
Course. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Lexy, Moleong. 1983. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Jakarta:
Mc., Crimmon. 1984. Writing With Purpose. New Jersey Palo Alto:
Hougthon Mifflin Company.
Viki, King. 2003. Menulis Skenario Dalam 21 Hari. Jakarta: Aku Baca.
Wilga M., Rivers. 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. London: The
University of Chicago Press.

148 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Lina Mardliyah

The Application of Society Based School and Its

Implication toward Self-Governance of the Second Year
of Kalibening, Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2007/2008

Lina Mardliyah
English Department of Education Faculty
STAIN Salatiga


This paper attempts to describe the application of society based school and
the implication of such a system as well as to depict the relationship
between them toward students‟ self-governance at SMU Alternative QT in
the academic year of 2007/2008. The respondents of the study are 20
students of the second grade and 9 teachers. By applying descriptive
qualitative research,
It found that there is relationship between the application and the
implication of society based school toward the students‟ self-governance
where the students become more ready to live in the future, realize their
own personalities better, and have many skills.

Keywords: Society Based School, Self-Governance


Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menggambarkan aplikasi sekolah berbasis

masyarakat dan implikasi sistem tersebut, serta untuk menggambarkan
hubungan antara mereka ke arah self- governance/kepemimpinan mandiri
siswa di SMU Alternatif QT pada tahun akademik 2007/2008. Responden
dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 siswa kelas dua dan 9 guru. Dengan
menerapkan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, menemukan bahwa ada
hubungan antara aplikasi dan implikasi sekolah berbasis masyarakat
terhadap siswa 'self- governance, dimana siswa menjadi lebih siap untuk
hidup di masa depan, menyadari kepribadian mereka sendiri dengan lebih
baik, dan memiliki banyak keterampilan.

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Keywords: Sekolah Berbasis Masyarakat, Self- Governance

The effort of education quality improvement has become ongoing
issue in developing countries, especially Indonesia. It happens because
there has not been satisfying result of the education output from the current
system. Many assume that the lack of successor of education instruments,
such as curriculum, methods of teaching and learning, facilities, teachers‟
professionalism, students‟ psychology, has led this unfortunate
phenomenon. The teachers, for instance, used to give punishment than
reward toward the students. They tend to be commander, administrator
rather than facilitator, and learning partner. In turn, the students are
presumed as object of education that leaves their psychology. It creates
such a terrible burden for the students hinder them to acquire what to be
learn. The conventional method of teaching also affects their creativity to
develop the potent. Moreover, adaptation of the current curriculum
application which changes very often worsens the education quality.
Considering this phenomenon, some educators and scholars attempt
to find alternative ways by applying different education system to create a
comfortable environment that is fresh, joyful, and friendly in order to
establish higher education quality and prepare the students to face the real
life in the future.
Society based school is one of the form of alternative ways which
firstly introduced by Qaryah Thayyibah. Bahrudin (2007), as the founder,
said that education in Indonesia was increasingly shoddy and expensive
had driven him to initiate the society based school that emphasizes on
students‟ center, economical school fee, and high quality.
Derived from those rationales, the writer decided to conduct this

150 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Lina Mardliyah

research by addressing the following three major aims.

1. How is the application of society-based school at SMU Alternative
Qaryah Thayyibah of Kalibening Salatiga?
2. How is the implication of society-based school toward students‟ self-
governance at SMU Alternative Qaryah Thayyibah of Kalibening
3. Is there any relationship between the application of society-based school
and its‟ implication toward students‟ self-governance at SMU
Alternative Qaryah Thayyibah of Kalibening Salatiga?

Education System in Indonesia

Education system in Indonesia has got many critics for its failure to
answer the challenge in living society. All of component of education are
not yet maximal in doing educational process. In the reality, Sutrisno
(2006: 6) states that education is merely considered as transformation of
knowledge. Thus, it is not able to reach the real core of learning such as
potency, personality, and confidence development. In addition, the
education which tends to be directed to the cognitive aspect has
contributed in many moral problems in the society. As Supriyanto
(2004:10) says, the worsening moral performance nowadays is the result of
education system which emphasizes on cognitive aspect instead of
characteristic shaping.
Answering such a challenge, society based school is present as an
alternative to conduct education.

Society Based School

According to Bahrudin (2007: 1), society based school emphasizes
on the local character development that supported by participations of all

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The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self…

societies. In the area of implementation, education management using this

system is based on:
1. Cultural process
Human beings are the agent of educational process which works for
themselves or the other people. Culturing process is the basic reason to
describe it. Therefore, it is true if long life education is a common
theory for all people. Education, in this case, does not merely refer to
school. Instead, it involves society who provides real circumstance for
the students to develop their abilities.
2. Contextual educational community
In learning process, QT uses CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning)
which means that there is strong relationship between material and
reality. It is important that students directly participate and be able to
relate between learning contents and the application on daily life.
3. Adapted national curriculum as standardization
Generally, the basic characteristic of conventional curriculum as the
background of national curriculum emphasizes on the following items.
a. political teaching learning process
b. condition of culture, mastery of value‟s conventional culture, and
basic skill and learning thought
c. subject matter
d. cognitive aspect

Meanwhile, curriculum used in QT emphasizes on the alternative

model as follows.
a. Freedom choice
b. Preferred learning activity
c. Learning process is conducted as a result of teacher and students‟

152 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Lina Mardliyah

d. Each student is able to decide material to be learned by himself.

All of these terms are used to provide basic education oriented to

the community. For this reason, students are allowed to find what they
really need and look for on the society since they are expected to be the
part of society who are capable to solve the problem faced.
Considering this, society is inevitably necessary to contribute
learning success. Therefore, students learn with society which always meet
changes and realize dynamic education that applies to long life education.

Learning Strategies in Teaching Learning Process of QT School

1. Active learning
QT places the student as the subject of education. This system based on
the philosophy of constructivism underlying on the active thought.
Some aspects stressed on it are as follows.
a. Problem Solving
In every learning process, students should solve the problem. It is
usually presented in the beginning of the lesson. The aim is to
encourage them to be active in order to face the problem on the
b. Discovery and Inquiry
Discovery and inquiry imply that solving problem need insight that
can be gotten from many sources, such as books and internet.
2. Student as the main actor
It is applied to grow students‟ basic competencies as human. They are:
a. Trustworthy
b. Critics
c. Responsibility
d. Skill

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 153

The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self…

3. The teacher as partner

In this stage, teacher has role as a guide in building students‟ interest
toward the subject they have chosen.
4. The development of curriculum
The curriculum used should be developed and linier to real life.
Therefore, students are able to use the environment and its community
as the source of study.
5. Facilities based on truly function

Research Methodology
It is a qualitative research that describes the application of society
based school and its implication toward students‟ self-governance at SMU
Qaryah Thayyibah Salatiga. Hence, descriptive approach is needed to
probe the result. Meanwhile, the participants of the research consist of 20
second year students and 9 teachers. To collect the data, the writer uses
interview, observation, and documentation.

The Application of Society Based School
According to data obtained from the teachers, QT was established
for the unsatisfactory of quality of current education that is conventional
and very expensive, especially for low economy level-people.
Based on those facts, QT tries to apply new concept of education
that is able to answer the challenge of real life. To solve the problem, QT
offers low fee-schooling with extended quality. This concept is in
accordance with Mr. AD and Mr. BR statement who says that QT has a
commitment to provide such a cheap but high quality school that is
affordable for all people, including farmers who live in the villages.

154 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Lina Mardliyah

Another concept offered by QT is the system of teaching learning

process. Instead of using hierarchical and authoritarian system applied in
formal schools, QT employs new education model which is more
democratic and flexible that implies freedom. Such a concept is equal to
Mr. AD statement who says that students are free to do all things to
develop their potent and creativity. Mr. SS similarly conveys that no force
against the students to do what they do not want because each human has
different skill and willingness. Furthermore, Mr. AD denotes that freedom
system is used by the entire member of learning, regardless the students,
teachers, staffs, and even the headmaster. According to him, the students
should be placed as the subject of education in the teaching learning
process. This system is based on the philosophy of constructivism
underlied on active learning. Bahrudin (2007: 13) points out that there are
some aspects stressed in constructivism. Those are problem solving,
discovery and inquiry, and sharing.
Moreover, teachers play a role as facilitator. It means that they
place themselves as the companion of learning. Mr. BR says that teacher is
not an authoritative manager in the class. Since regarded as learning
partner, students are free to speak Indonesian, Javanese, or any other
languages to their teachers.
Considering teaching method, QT are used to employing fun-
oriented method that involves experience and knowledge sharing,
discussion, role playing, game, interview, and group study. This statement
is supported by Mr. MJ who says that there should be certain system that is
able to develop students‟ potent maximally. In this case, teachers should
always give appreciation and reward to all creativities and attitude they
have made despite unsatisfying result. Such a thing is due to human basic
competencies namely truth, criticism, responsibility, and skill.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 155

The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self…

By applying this concept, students are expected to be more ready to

enter their life in the future with confidence and confident to take benefit
from the challenge. Besides that, freedom given encourages the students to
have more skills as life survival, like farming, multimedia designing, film
making, and so on.

The Implication of Society Based School toward Students’ Self

Human beings are creatures that could always be involved in
educational process. Therefore, the cultural processes will develop
continuously. This is because they are the messengers of the culture in the
civilization. In his process, education should encourage students to learn
and society should be the centre of teaching learning process.
Qaryah Thayyibah School is an institution that applies different
model in teaching learning process. The differences include the use of
educational based society, the strategies developed, and the methods that
are used in the process.
The concept of society as the center of education is in accordance
with IZ statement who says that the concept of QT is humanistic. It
happens because education is a humanization process of the students to
boost their ability based on their potent and uniqueness.
QT also applies CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning Approach)
that support the students to participate in long life education. In this case,
they are free to decide what to be learned. As stated by AM, the students
can create and express their ability and tendency freely without being
forced. Due to this concept, FN adds that students have varieties of skills
like making nove, film production, music, theatre, etc.
In addition, teachers similarly have important role toward qualities

156 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Lina Mardliyah

of education as students‟ learning partner. Hence, MR says, the

characteristic of a good teacher is to learn together with students, not to
dominate the class activity.
Overall, the implication of the concept of freedom is fun learning
activity since it is supported by society based school, students‟ freedom of
learning willingness, and cooperative teachers.

The Relationship between the Application and Implication of Society

Based School toward Students Self-Governance
In this research, the writer focuses on the relationship between two
variables of the second year students of SMU QT, specified on the
students‟ psychological development and their self-governance.
Mr. MJ says that by applying the society based school system,
students are more ready to live in the future for they have learned to be
independent, critical, and responsible of consequences they do. In addition,
SQ states that by those skills, they can develop their society, particularly in
their own village. Furthermore, the application of such a system has
yielded the increase of students‟ creativity and confidence. Like Mr. MJ‟s
statement, the students are more confident to deliver questions or
overcoming their curiosity by discussing. It is showed, for instance, by
when they discuss with some lecturers of the educational department of
Jakarta State University (FIP-UNJ) that was attended by the dean of FIP
Karyadi and the Head of the university, Bedjo Fuyanto (Mondah, Juli 17th,

The applications of society based school are cheap-fee schooling
with higher quality, freedom to potency and creativity development, the
teacher‟s role as facilitator and learning companion, and fun teaching

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 157

The Application of Society Based School and Its Implication toward Self…

learning process. Meanwhile, such a system has created students to be

more humanistic and motivated to learn. In addition, they are free to decide
their choice and it can be seen that students and teachers are equal as
learning partners. Dealing with the relationship between the applications of
society based school and its implication toward students‟ self-governance,
students are more ready to live in the future, confident to express their
ideas, responsible, and skilful.

Bahrudin, Ahmad. 2007. Pendidikan Alternative Qaryah Thayyibah.
Jogjakarta: LKiS.
Supriyanto, Eko. 2004. Inovasi Pendidikan: Isu-Isu Pembelajaran,
Manajemen, dan Sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia. Surakarta: UMS
Sutrisno. 2006. Revolusi Pendidikan di Indonesia: Membedah Metode dan
Praktek Pendidikan. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.

158 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Hanik Nuzulimah

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

Hanik Nuzulimah
MTs Walen
Simo Boyolali


This paper attempts to explore whether there is significant difference of

achievement in vocabulary between students taught by using pictures and
those are not. The subject of this study is the first year students of SLTP
Muhammadiyah Simo Susukan, Semarang where the sample contains 50
students that is divided into experimental group (with treatment) and
control group (without treatment). The data is gathered from participants‟
score obtained from pre test and post test. Using t test as technique of data
analysis, result shows that students taught by using pictures perform better
than those are not. It means that there is significant difference between the
two groups.

Keywords: Vocabulary Teaching, Picture

Tulisan ini mencoba untuk meneliti apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan
pada prestasi dalam penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris antara siswa yang
diajarkan dengan menggunakan gambar dan mereka yang tidak. Subjek
penelitian ini adalah siswa tahun pertama SLTP Muhammadiyah Simo-
Susukan, Semarang di mana sampel terdapat 50 siswa yang dibagi menjadi
kelompok eksperimen (dengan treatment/tindakan) dan kelompok kontrol
(tanpa treatment). Data tersebut dikumpulkan dari skor peserta yang
diperoleh dari pre test dan post test. Menggunakan t test sebagai teknik
analisis data. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang diajarkan dengan
menggunakan gambar, lebih baik daripada mereka yang tidak. Ini berarti
bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok.

Keywords: Pengajaran Kosakata, Gambar

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 159

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

Vocabulary, in English, is taught at school to provide language skill
for the students, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Number of
vocabularies mastered can influence the learner to perform his language
ability. Robert Lado (1961: 117) states that 2000 words is an adequate
minimum number for the speaker in basic communication. However, it will
need more in the production level. To fulfill the purpose of English
learning, students are encouraged to study such an element since
elementary level to create good quality of language ability. Regarding this,
a range of effective technique should be applied.
In this research, the writer uses picture as vocabulary teaching
technique to probe since it has not been employed intensively to increase
students‟ vocabulary mastery in secondary level, especially in SLTP
Muhammadiyah II Simo Boyolali. In addition, there is no exact
measurement about students‟ ability in vocabulary generally as well as
after a specific technique used.
Therefore, as the guidance of the research, the writer formulates the
problem statements as follows.
1. How is the vocabulary mastery achieved by students of SLTP
Muhammadiyah II Simo Boyolali in the pre-test?
2. How is the vocabulary mastery achieved by students of SLTP
Muhammadiyah II Simo Boyolali in the post-test?
3. Is there any significant difference between students taught vocabularies
by picture and those are not?

The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary mastery is considered as the prominent way to succeed
in language learning. According to Hornby (1987: 419), it is defined as

160 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Hanik Nuzulimah

total number of words in a language that is used by a person. Furthermore,

vocabularies that are employed in a language are divided into two kinds,
i.e. active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. The first one means the
words that are used for productive purposes (speaking and writing).
Meanwhile, the last is words that are applied in receptive aims (listening
and reading).

Picture as Vocabulary Teaching Aid

As stated by Mackey (1965), there are four classifications of words
1. Concrete words, such as pencil, book, and clothes.
2. Abstract words, like jump, run and study.
3. Quality words, such as tall, short, and sour.
4. Structure words, for instance in, on, at, and under.
To teach foreign language learners about those vocabularies and
help them store what they have got, teacher should apply certain technique.
Using picture during teaching is one way to do such a thing. There are
many paths to employ picture as teaching means. Moreover, teachers seem
to be familiar with its use in their surroundings such as:
1. Picture in the text
2. Picture in the class, that used to be in the form of flash card or wall
3. Film-strips or slide film, which provides more control of the teacher
regarding the arrangement of object and situation.
4. Television
Considering a number of the utilization of picture in teaching
activity, the writer, in current research, focuses on the usage of picture in
the text and flash card to solve the problem statements.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 161

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

Research Methodology
Subject of the research is the first year students of SLTP
Muhammadiyah Simo, Boyolali in the academic year 2003. Using
experimental design, the writer took 80 students from two classes
randomly as the samples and divided them into two groups; 40 students in
the control group (without treatment) and the rest in the experiment group
(with treatment). Data were obtained from pre test and post test shared to
the participants. Afterward, collected data were analyzed using t test to
compare the result between groups and probe the significant difference

In this stage, the writer provides the data into tables to show the result
between groups in the pre and post test that are described as follows.

Table 1. The Result of Pre Test

Experiment group Control group
No Score (f) (x) f(x) No Score (f) (x) f(x)
1 50-54 2 52 104 1 50-54 1 52 52
2 55-59 4 57 228 2 55-59 2 57 114
3 60-64 5 62 310 3 60-64 3 62 186
4 65-69 6 67 402 4 65-69 8 67 536
5 70-74 10 72 720 5 70-74 8 72 576
6 75-79 7 77 539 6 75-79 11 77 847
7 80-84 2 82 164 7 80-84 4 82 328
8 85-89 2 87 174 8 85-89 2 87 174
9 90-94 1 92 92 9 90-94 1 92 92
10 95-99 1 97 97 10 95-99 0 97 0
N:40 745 2830 N:40 745 2905

Mean 
 fx  2830  70.75 Mean 
 fx  2905  72.625
N 40 N 40

162 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Hanik Nuzulimah

Table 2. The Result of Post Test

Experiment group Control Group
No Score (f) (x) f(x) No Score (f) (x) f(x)
1 60-64 1 62 62 1 50-54 1 52 52
2 65-69 3 67 201 2 55-59 2 57 114
3 70-74 4 72 288 3 60-64 3 62 186
4 75-79 5 77 385 4 65-69 8 67 536
5 80-84 6 82 492 5 70-74 8 72 576
6 85-89 12 87 1044 6 75-79 11 77 847
7 90-94 6 92 552 7 80-84 4 82 328
8 95-99 3 97 291 8 85-89 2 87 174
N:40 636 3315 9 90-94 1 92 92
10 95-99 0 97 0
N:40 745 2905

Mean 
 fx  3315  82.875  fx 33040
Mean    76
N 40 N 40

The Result of Pre Test and Post Test of Control Group

Pre-test Y Y2
No Name test
(y1) (y2) (y2-y1) (y2-y1)2
1 Arifin 6.5 7 0.5 0.25
2 Anwar Rosyid 5.5 7 1.5 2.25
3 Arina Maghfiroh 6.5 7 0.5 0.25
4 Abdul Basir 6 6.5 0.5 0.25
5 Budi Asih 6 7.5 1.5 2.25
6 Eva Ratnawati 7.5 8 0.5 0.25
7 Rajar Budiyanto 8 8.5 0.5 0.25
8 Irhamna 7.5 8.5 1.0 1
9 Irham Fauzi 8 9 1.0 1
10 Listiani 5.5 6 0.5 0.25
11 Muawanah 5.4 7.5 2.1 4.41
12 Misbah 6 7.4 1.4 1.96
13 Mahmudi 6.8 7.3 0.5 0.25
14 Muthoharoh 6.8 8.8 2.0 4

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 163

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

15 Nariyah 7 8.0 1.0 1

16 Nur Hikmah 6.6 7.6 1.0 1
17 Priyanto 7.5 8.0 0.5 0.25
18 Sunariyah 8 8.5 0.5 0.25
19 Suroto 8.5 8.5 0.0 0
20 Siti Barokah 9 9.2 0.2 0.04
21 Umi Rofiqoh 8.6 8.8 0.2 0.04
22 Umi Mukaromah 7.8 8.1 0.3 0.09
23 Utami Santoso 6.5 7.5 1.0 1
24 Wahyono 6.4 7.4 1.0 1
25 Winarno 6 6.2 0.2 0.04
26 Zulaikhah 7.2 7.4 0.2 0.04
27 Zulaikhah 7.4 7.8 0.4 0.16
28 Zainuri 7.3 7.9 0.6 0.36
29 Zakiyah Isnaningsih 7.8 8.2 0.4 0.16
30 Zakiyah Magufur 7.9 8.3 0.4 0.16
31 Rianingsih 7.5 7.9 0.4 0.16
32 Yuliasih 7.5 7.5 0.0 0
33 Mulayani 7.7 7.9 0.2 0.04
34 Marya Ulfa 8 8.4 0.4 0.16
35 Muhsin 8.2 8.6 0.4 0.16
36 Endarwati 6.5 6.5 0.0 0
37 Bambang Eko M. 6.7 7.3 0.6 0.36
38 Dedi Purnomo 7.6 7.6 0.0 0
39 Devi Wulandari 7.8 8.3 0.5 0.25
40 Endang Sulasmi 8.6 8.8 0.2 0.04
287.6 312.2 24.6 25.3

Table 4
The Result of Pre Test and Post Test of Control Group

Pre Post
X X2
Test Test
No Name
(x1) (x2) (x2-x1)2
1 Hari Prasetyo 6.2 6.7 0.5 0.25
2 Azhari Yumar 6 7 1 1
3 Murni 6.8 7.2 0.4 0.16

164 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Hanik Nuzulimah

4 Sunarsih 5.5 6.5 1 1

5 Safudin 7 7.3 0.3 0.09
6 Iwan Suryanto 5.9 6.5 0.6 0.36
7 Rika Adriani 6.9 7.3 0.4 0.16
8 Catur Setia B 7.8 8 0.2 0.04
9 Sumadiyo 6.7 8.5 1.8 3.24
10 Lia Nurlita 7.5 8.5 1 1
11 Sanyoto 7.5 8.2 0.7 0.49
12 Rachim 6 8.4 2.4 5.76
13 Feri Irmawanto 7 8.5 1.5 2.25
14 Luthfiana Tri S 7.2 8.6 1.4 1.96
15 Winarsih 7.5 7.5 0 0
16 Angjib 7.6 8.2 0.6 0.36
17 Syamsul M 7.6 9.6 2 4
18 Trima Budiana 5.4 6 0.6 0.36
19 Sudi Amanto 7.4 8.4 1 1
20 Supriyanto 6.8 8.7 1.9 3.61
21 Joko Susilo 7.3 7.8 0.5 0.25
22 Kurniawati 5 7.5 2.5 6.25
23 Zaenal Arifin 7.8 8.8 1 1
24 Slamet Purnomo 7.8 8.8 1 1
25 Setiani 7.4 8.4 1 1
26 Mughnoho 6.5 9.5 3 9
27 Prihaniti 9.8 9.8 0 0
28 Siti Suprihati 7.4 8.4 1 1
29 M. Salimun 6.5 7.8 1.3 1.69
30 Agus Riyanto 8.5 8.6 0.1 0.01
31 M. Agus Salim 6.3 8.7 2.4 5.76
32 Triguna 8.7 9 0.3 0.09
33 Rifa Setiawan 7.4 9.2 1.8 3.24
34 Ana Muzayanah 6.3 7.8 1.5 2.25
35 Siti Badiah 7.2 9.4 2.2 4.84
36 Nur Hasanah 8 8.6 0.6 0.36
37 Budi Santoso 8.3 8.9 0.6 0.36
38 Imam Ghozari 9.4 9.8 0.4 0.16
39 Agus Pamuji 5.8 8.8 3 9
40 Yudi Cahyono 7.3 8.8 1.5 2.25
283 323.3 47 80.6

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 165

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

The result, furthermore, is formulated to find value of t. it is

elaborated as follows.

 X 47
Mx    1.175
N 40
( X ) 2
X2 X2 
 80.6 
 80.6  55.2
 25.375
 Y 24.6
My    0.615
N 40
( Y ) 2
Y 2  Y 2 
 25.3 
 25.3  15.129
 10.171
  X 2  Y 2   1 1 
SD x    .  
 Nx  Ny  2   Nx Ny 
 25.372  10.171  1 1
SD x    .  
 40  40  2   40 40 
 35.546   2 
SD x   .
 78   40 
SD x  0.02279
SD x  0.151

Mx  My 1.175  0.615
t   3.708
SD x 0.151
Earlier, the writer hypothesizes that students taught by using
pictures perform better than those taught without it. Based the analysis, the

166 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Hanik Nuzulimah

result of t observed is 3.708 while the degree of freedom of 78 is 1.668 at

the level of significance 0.05. It means that t observed is more than the
critical value. Therefore, the H0 is rejected as described as follows.

1.668 < 3.708

(0.05) t
Based on the fact that Ho is rejected, it shows that there is
significant difference of achievement on vocabulary between students
taught using picture and those are not.

Achievement of the Control Group

From the analysis conducted, students in the experiment group
perform better than students in the control group. It is seen from the
improved score made by experiment group in the post test. In turn, it
means that teaching vocabulary using pictures is one of the best ways to
improve vocabulary mastery.
The finding of the research is in line with Kreidler who states that
there is amount of advantages using picture as teaching media described as
1. Reminding a real life
2. Representing situations which would be impossible to create in any
other way.
3. Helping students to associate what they hear with his real life
4. Time efficacy
5. Interest stimulation

Overall, students of experiment and control group have the almost

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 167

The Influence of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

adequate scores in the pre test (70.75 and 72.625 respectively). However,
in the post test, students of experiments group are scored much better than
the other group (82.875 and 76 chronologically). Furthermore, based on
statistical computation, there is significant difference between students
taught by picture and those are not. In other word, picture is one of the best
ways to teach vocabulary effectively, especially for the junior high school

Mackey, W.F. 1965. Language Teaching Analysis. London: London Laval
University Press.
Kriedler, Carol J. Visual Aids for Teaching English to Speaker of Other
Languages. Washington DC: United State Information Agency.
Hornby, A.S. 1987. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current
English. London: London Oxford University Press.
Lado, Robert. 1961. Language Teaching. New York: Mc. Graw Hill Inc.

168 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth

Year Students of SDN 1 Tuntang in the academic year of
2002 - 2003

SD Negeri 3 Tuntang
Jl. Fatmawati No. 116, Kec. Tuntang, Kab. Semarang


This research is to study the use of flashcards to teach English vocabulary.

Teaching material in above is virtually concerning with visual aids. By
using visual aids, expected that the teachers would be able to motivate
them to learn and pay deep attention to the presentable materials by the
teachers, so the students will not be tedious. This is an experimental
research. The subject of the study is limited to the students of the sixth year
of SDN 1 Tuntang, which has 27 students as the sample. She focuses on
teaching method, which gives emphasis on flashcards as media in teaching
vocabulary. To prove the success of teaching the writer compares between
the result pre-test and post-test. The findings of this study showed that
there are 20 students or 60 % are categorized as excellent, 15, 6 % or 3
students are as good students, 12, 5 % or 3 students are as fair, and 3, 1 %
students are as poor. It means that teaching English vocabularies by using
flashcards are very effective.

Keywords: Teaching English Vocabulary, Flashcards, Visual Aids


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penggunaan flashcards (kartu

pengingat) untuk mengajarkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris. Bahan
mengajarnya dengan alat bantu visual. Dengan menggunakan alat bantu
visual, diharapkan para guru akan mampu memotivasi mereka untuk
belajar dan akan lebih memperhatikan materi yang diberikani oleh guru,
sehingga siswa tidak akan mudah bosan. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian eksperimental. Subjek penelitian ini, terbatas pada siswa kelas
enam SDN 1 Tuntang, yang memiliki 27 siswa sebagai sampel. Peneliti

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 169

The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of…

berfokus pada metode pengajaran, yang memberikan penekanan pada

flashcards sebagai media dalam pengajaran kosa kata. Untuk membuktikan
keberhasilan mengajar, penulis membandingkan antara hasil pre - test dan
post -test. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada 20 siswa atau 60
% dikategorikan sebagai sangat baik, 15,6 % atau 3 siswa dikategorikan
sebagai baik, 12,5 % atau 3 siswa sebagai dikategorikan cukup dan 3,1 %
siswa dikategorikan sebagai kurang. Ini berarti bahwa pengajaran kosakata
bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan flashcards sangat efektif.

Keywords: Pengajaran Kosakata Bahasa Inggris, Flashcards, Visual Aids

The government has apparently understood the essential of learning
English. The establishment of the 1994 curriculum has made a clue that
English can be taught in elemantary schools is for only introduce on the
vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is an essential mean in learning English.
On the other hand, teaching vocabulary for those little kids is not equal
with those who are in matured, because they are having great basically
divergences of characteristics and motivation.
Children in general do not have selves motivation and a need to
learn English. But adults are aware to the important of learning English, on
the contrary, so they have indiferent approaching in selves morivation to
learn language. Allen (1983:33) says that teaching English to the beginner
should need the techniques. The best technique is utilizing an approach,
which still has interrelation to their world. The technique here may use
visual aids especially in teaching vocabulary. Visual aids are available in
many forms, for instance picture, card, games and puzzles, etc. Thus,
teaching English especially in Elementary School less or more should use;
technique that still has association with playing games, picture, cards, etc.
In this study, however, the writer is devoted in observing teaching
vocabulary by using flashcards. Teaching material in above is virtually

170 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


concerning with visual aids. By using visual aids, expected that the
teachers would be able to motivate them to learn and pay deep attention to
the presentable materials by the teachers, so the students will not be
tedious. The students understand and retail better when they have been
shown or taught in some objects associate with visual it (Finocchiaro:
1974:63). The use of variety of media will increase the probability that the
students will learn more, retail better what they learn, and improve their
performance of the skills they are expected to develop (Brown: 1973:1).
Hence, in this study the writer wants to examine further the teaching of
vocabulary by utilizing flashcard at SDN I Tuntang and sorting out the
problems research, namely; (1) what are the procedures of teaching
vocabulary by using flashcards?, (2) what is the result of the teaching –
learning process by using flashcards? And (3) what are the advantages and
disadvantages of teaching vocabluary using flashcards?

The Definition of Flashcards

Flashcards are part of visual basic. It is defined by Webster (1972:
6) that flashcard is any of asset of cards with words, number, etc on them,
which are flashed one by one before a class for a quick response in drill.
While according to Haycraft (1983: 73), “Flashcards are the cards on
which words and or pictures are painted or drawn”. It could be big enough
to be seen clearly by every student in the class.

The Function of Flashcards in Teaching Vocabulary

While in this study, the writer uses flashcards as the media in
teaching vocabulary. Vocabulary cards seem to be most effective and
practical way of memorization to accomplish new vocabulary. By using
cards and flashcards are suitable for the beginner in English. According to

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The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of…

Haycraft (1983) flashcards can be used for consolidating vocabulary,

practicing structure and word order or for a variety of games. Besides,
flashcard can also give a great help to the teacher in the class.
A learner cannot always successfully learn English just by listening
the explanation from the teacher or by reading books in English. However
they do not mean that by reading books and listening the explanations from
the teacher are not necessary.
Furthermore, this method gives emphasis on pronuciation of the
utterance of words and in correct written of words. Besides, in vocabulary
class, the learners are encouraged to bestow their opinion about the cards,
which are presented by the teacher, thus the learners can be more active
and not only passive for the teaching and learning process. In a short time,
flashcard is also very useful the students to speak and memorize the words

The Procedures of Using Flashcards in Teaching Vocabluary

These followings are the procedures of teaching concrete nouns
using flashcards, suggested by Allen (1983: 34-35):
1. The teacher prepares some cards that will be taught on that day.
She manages the cards upside that the students do not know what
are on the cards.
2. As warming up, she asks the students to mention the names of
object (the spoken topics) that they know in Indonesia. She can also
point some students to answer, in order ti make them active or she
asks them to discuss the objects with their neighbours.
3. She shows a card to the class by closing the written word with a
piece of paper. The students are asked for giving attention to the
picture of the card and mention it into Indonesian language.

172 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


4. Having got the right answer, the teacher have said the object in
English and she would have asked the students to repeat after
several time to make sure that they could say it in a correct
5. She opens the paper, which covers the written word and asks them
to say the word once again, afterwards, she asks students to write
the words on their books. If it is necessary, she can write it on the
6. After finishing several cards, she asks the students to close their
books and one of them comes forwards to clean the blackboard.
7. The teacher flashes the several cards one by one randomly with
choosing the written words. Some students (the students which are
pointed) have to mention the name of the drawn subjects on the
card in English in correct pronunciation. One of them has to write it
on the blackboard to check whether she/he can write it correctly or
incorrectly. To check the answer, the teacher just opens a piece of
paper, which closes on the written word. When the writer shows the
picture to the class, the teacher is just showing at glance (a few
seconds). In this case, the students shall always pay good attention
to the show of slow motion pictures.

Research methodology
The type of research used is experimental research. In this
experiment, the writer teaches vocabulary by using flashcards as the media.
Flashcards as the media. Flashcards can help teachers to draw their
students‟ interest and motivation. Besides, flashcards can make the
students active during the teaching-learning process. It also helps to avoid
misunderstanding the meaning words.

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The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of…

In this study, the subject of the study is limited to the students of

the sixth year of SDN 1 Tuntang, which has 27 students. The writer takes
all students of the sixth year of SDN 1 Tuntang as the sample. She focuses
on teaching method, which gives emphasis on flashcards as media in
teaching vocabulary.
The teaching observation covers six meeting to teach them. Those
are based on the following material:
1. The first meeting: pre-test
2. The second meeting: number and colors
3. The third meeting: things in school‟s bag
4. The fourth meeting: things around the bathroom
5. The fifth meeting: things around the classroom
6. The sixth meeting: post-test
The writer takes material from English book, first step 1, an English Book
for Elementary School, published by PT. Intan Pariwara.
After giving the materials, the writer drops a hint a test for the
students. Testing is the process of giving a test, also called a quiz or exam,
in order to measure a student‟s understanding, achievement and
performance (Zenger: 1977: 33). The form of the test can grouped into
three forms, namely oral, written and behavior forms. In this study, the
objectives of the used test are; (1) for measuring the students‟ achievement
in understanding vocabulary is using flashcards, (2) for measuring the
students, achievement in understanding words meaning.
In constructing tests, there are two kinds of test, namely objective
test and essay test. In this research, the writer decides to use an objective
test in the form of multiple-choice tests with four options; A, B, C, and D.
One of them is the correct answer, while the others are destructors. The test
consists of 30 vocabulary items and she bestowed 30 minutes for them to

174 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


do it. Considering that it can be quickly uses the objective test, and this one
is easy to score. In scoring the test; a student‟s score is counted with the
following formula (Arikunto: 1992: 117):

S= R x 100
Explanation: S = the score
R = total number of correct answer
N = total number of the items

The instructional design purpose is the students‟ competence that is
recognizing by heart of all taught vocabulary, sub material; vocabulary.
Material: numbers, there are 20 vocabularies. These are 11 vocabularies
about colors. There are 13 vocabularies about thinking things, which are
scattered in the kitchen. There are 11 vocabularies about thinking things,
which are scattered around the school.

The Result of Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcards

To know if the teaching vocabulary by using flashcards is
successful or not, the writer compares between the result pre-test and post-
test. This comparison can be seen on the table as subsequent:
No. Name Pre-test Post-test
1. Wawan Gunawan 5 8,6
2. Purnomo Subekti 6,5 9,5
3. Restiyarso 6 7,3
4. Arya Dwi Mardiyanto 3 9
5. Devi Setiawan 6 9
6. Bendi Istiawan 5,5 9

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The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of…

7. Erni Ernawati 4 8,3

8. Suyanto 4 8,6
9. Mujiana Sulistyawati 5 5,3
10. Yusup Iska Saputra 2 9,8
11. Noviana Amy S. 7,5 7,5
12. Dwi Nursiyanto 4 7,8
13. Rini Susanti 5 8,5
14. Eka Susilawati 5 9,3
15. Muhammad Fatkhu Razhag 6 9,8
16. Frandika Adi Wijanarko 7 9,2
17. Rudi Prabowo 6,5 9,8
18. Orisa Ardi Saputra 7, 5 9,5
19. Fika Riyanto 6, 3 9,5
20. Tri Novianton 6 9,3
21. Kukuh Widyanata 4 6,6
22. Eri Suharti 6,5 9,5
23. Novita Eka Putri 7 9,6
24. Andrian Eka Yulianto 5 8
25. Diyana Kumala 6 9,2
26. Rafika Andar Lisyatama 6 9
27. Metaria Yohan Aprilia 6 9
 n = 164, 8  n = 235

Pre-test (x) =  n = 164, 8 = 6, 1

27 27
Post-test (x2) =  n = 235 = 8, 7
27 27

176 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


After computing and comparing between the result of pre-test and

post-test, that can be seen that by using flashcards the students can achieve
the target vocabulary well.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Flashcards

The advantages of using flashcards that can be found in vocabulary
class, they are:
a. The students have high interest in following the teaching-learning
process. Most of children such as elementary school students are
more interested in pictures, cards, games, etc rather than listening
to the teachers‟ long explanations. The use of flashcards in
vocabulary class can lead to an interesting circumstance, so it will
not be too difficult for the teacher to transfer the lesson for them.
b. The students are encouraged to be active in the class. As an
example, when the teacher shows a card bearing a picture to the
class and asks the students to give a response, opinion, or
discussing it with their friends orally.
c. The students are trained to think fast/automatically, for example;
when the teacher shows the flashcards to the students, the teacher
will provide a restrictive time, since the students will observe the
picture and then they have to give the response a few seconds. By
this feasible thing will make them to think faster.
d. It is easy to understand, memorize, and remember. Thus,
misunderstanding will be avoidable, because the students see the
drawn object directly.
The uses of flashcards also have its disadvantages, they are:
a. The teacher must have willingness to spend her spare time at home
but and prepare suitable materials.

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The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of…

b. Expect spending his spare time, the teacher also has to spend much
money to get materials, like colorful pens, pencil cards, etc. as we
all know that nowadays the cost of those things are expensive.
c. The students are well trained to think faster automatically. For
example: when the teacher shows the flashcards to the students, the
teacher will provide very restrictive time, since the students observe
the picture; they have to give response spontaneously and
d. It is easy to understand, memorize, remember, committing and
misunderstanding is avoidable, because the students see the object
which is drawn directly.

In summary, this study finally found that firstly, procedures of
using flashcards are; (1) the teacher flashes the several cards one by one
randomly, (2) some students have to mention the name of the draw
subjects on the cards in English, (3) to check the answer, the teacher just
opens a piece of paper which on the written words. Secondly, the results of
using flashcards are; (1) teaching English vocabularies get better in the
classroom when the students directly participate in learning activity. It
shows that there are 20 students or 60 % are categorized as excellent, 15, 6
% or 3 students are as good students, 12, 5 % or 3 students are as fair, and
3, 1 % students are as poor. (2) teaching English vocabularies by using
flashcards are very effective in teaching-learning process. Thirdly, the
advantages and disadvantages of teaching vocabulary using flashcards are
in the following; (1) the advantages; the students have a high interest, they
are encouraged to be active in the class, they are trained to think fast and it
is easy to understand, memorize and remember the material. (2) the

178 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


disadvantages; the teacher must have willingness to spend her spare time at
home to prepare the flashcards and she has to spend much money to get

Allen, Franch Virginia. 1983. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. New
York: Oxford American English.
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1992. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan
Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Brown, J. B. and R. B. Lewis Harderwood. 1973. The Instruction
Technology Media and Method. New York: Mc. Grow, Hill Book
Finochiaro, B. 1974. Teaching English as Second Language from Theory
to Practice. New York: Reget Publishing Company Ltd.
Haycraf, L. J. 1983. An Introduction to English Language Teaching.
Singapore: Bon Mash Ltd.
Webster. 1972. Webstern is New Twentieth Century Dictionary. New
York: Practice Hall Press.
Zenger, Wieldon F. and Sharon K. Zenger. 1977. 57 Ways to Teach. Los
Angeles: Crescent Publications.

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The Use of Flashcards in Teaching English for the Sixth Year Students of…

180 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in

English Songs

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

SD Negeri 2 Daden, RT. 6 RW. II,
Majegan, Tulung, Klaten-Indonesia


This research is to point out the colloquial styles and the meanings used in
English songs. The writer took the data from the text of five cassettes
consisting of twenty two English songs. The technique used was the
purposive random sampling. The writer presented the data taken from the
sample then used a qualitative analysis. The table shows a list of sentences
from the sample songs (20 samples from 70 samples) having non Standard
English. The findings of this study showed that the characteristics of
colloquial style are used in English songs are structural aspect, denotative
meanings and connotative meanings.

Keywords: Colloquial styles, English songs, structural aspect, denotative

meanings and connotative meanings.


Penelitian ini mengkaji bahasa pergaulan dan maknanya, yang digunakan

dalam lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris. Penulis mengambil data dari lima lirik
lagu dalam kaset yang terdiri dua puluh dua lagu bahasa Inggris. Teknik
yang digunakan adalah sampel acak. Penulis menyajikan data yang diambil
dari sampel, kemudian menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Tabel
menunjukkan daftar kalimat dari sampel lagu (20 sampel dari 70 sampel)
yang memiliki gaya Bahasa Inggris tidak baku. Temuan penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik gaya bahasa pergaulan yang digunakan
dalam lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris adalah dalam aspek struktural, makna
denotatif dan makna konotatif.

Kata Kunci: Gaya Bahasa Pergaulan, Lagu-Lagu Bahasa Inggris, Aspek

Struktural, Makna Denotatif, Makna Konotatif

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 181

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

Word is one of the elements of language. Words can be formed into
sentences and they give message which may have direct or indirect
meanings. People create sentences with their own styles both in spoken and
written forms. The use of language should be suited to the situation and
purposes. In spoken language, expressive feelings and ideas sometimes are
used with the gesture such as flashing eyes, moving the part of the body
and other. While in the written forms, language is expressed with the
choice of words in language style.
Based on its use, English can be divided into two (McCrimmon,
1967:170); Standard English and Nonstandard English. Standard English is
known but prestige dialect which has social functions. It is, however,
neither more logical and more complex, nor more regular than any other
dialect. Any judgment, therefore, as to the superiority or inferiority of a
particular dialect is social judgment, nor linguistics or scientific ones.
Standard English is used most college educated people who fill position of
social financial and professional influence in community. According to
McCrimmon (1967: 174), Standard English has two variant, namely:
formal English and informal English. Formal English is usually used in
formal situations such as research, business letters, application letters,
papers, thesis, seminar and so on. On the other hand, informal English is
sometimes called colloquial English, because it is often used in daily
communication in relaxed situations. Additionally, Widarso (1989: 51)
says that nonstandard English is one of the variants English has which is
not in line with the role of standard English.
Nonstandard English is considered as a non prestige variety.
However, nonstandard English is not wrong. It is dialect spoken by a large

182 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

section on non-middle class. The most noticeable characteristics of

nonstandard English is the deletion of “g” consonant at the end of a word.
Below are some examples of nonstandard words (Widarso, 1989: 52):
Nonstandard English Standard English
- Jessie ain‟t been here since last - Jessie hasn‟t been here since last
month month
- We ain‟t goin‟ nowhere - We aren‟t going anywhere

Sometimes nonstandard American English is used in English songs,

which is intended means to make the songs more attractive and lovely. As
a matter of fact, composing a song requires certain anilities and
capabilities. The composer needs times to think, to choose the word, to
read what she or the listener. Many songs use nonstandard English because
nonstandard English is often more vivid and expressive compared to the
standard variant. Besides, nonstandard English communicates more
quickly and easily than standard English. Nonstandard English usually
avoids sentimentality and formality. Thus, in this study the researcher
formulated the problems as follows; (1) what colloquial styles are used in
English songs? (2) what meanings are conveyed in colloquial style used in
English songs?

Colloquial Style
The word colloquial is derived from Latin colloquialism
(conversation). According to McCrimmon (1967: 173), the term is defined
as a characteristic of an ordinary or familiar conversation rather than
formal speech or writing. While Websters (1981: 162) states that colloquial
is a word used in or characteristic of conversation, especially familiar and
informal conversations. In this sense, colloquial style is used in daily
speech or everyday conversation and it is more often used in speaking,

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A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

rather than writing. Colloquial also refers to slang, which some linguists as
low and vulgar.

Educated/Standard English
Educated/standard English is often referred to as “the standard
language”. It is clear however, that standard English is not “a language” in
any meaningful sense of this term (Bex: 1984:118). While Guth
(1977:357) states that “Standard English” is the language of institutions,
schools, churches and government. The standard English is a class dialect.
It may be defined as the speech of those who enjoy a favored economic
and social status in a society. In this sense, the standard English is used to
denote the correct English used by educated speakers of English. It means
that the term “standard English” is used to show the English is the way
educated people speak and write. It is, therefore, the kind of English
written and spoken by business executives, lawyers, doctors, ministers,
teachers, writers, editors and other professional people. All these groups
comprise only a small proportion of those who use the language.

Formal English
English has varieties, and formal English is one of them. Formal
English is usually used in formal situations such as research, business
letters, application letters, papers, thesis and seminar. Formal English is
also used in oral report to the class, in a discussion of serious issues, or in a
paper that treats a serious subject. According to Guth (1977:376), Formal
English is the language of serious discussion.

Informal English
Informal English is used in daily conversations. Informal usages are
found primarily in casual conversations. It is also used in writing designed

184 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

to sound chatty or familiar. There are people who use informal English in
nearly all of their conversations. Informal English is used by members of a
family in their conversation and in writing letters to a close friend, by truck
driver with cafeteria servants, etc.

Uneducated/Nonstandard English
Uneducated/Nonstandard English is a variety which does not agree
with the rules of Standard English. McCrimmon (1967:170) states that
nonstandard English is the language of those occupations which do not
require “higher education”.
Nonstandard English is often found is songs, poems and
conversations. It is commonly used by Black Community in America
Nonstandard English is spoken by many people in informal situations.
Nonstandard English is the language of the factory, the mine, the lumber
camp, the railroad and in general of those occupations which do not require
“higher education”. It is essentially spoken rather than written language,
but it is often used in writing by novelists, dramatists, and short story
writers when they are presenting characters who would be expected to use
nonstandard English.

There are many ways of forming new words in English, one of
which is clipping. Clipping is a term referring to the formation of a new
word, with the same meaning as the original lexical term, by cutting off a
portion and reducing it to a monosyllabic or disyllabic form (Katamba,
1994: 182).
Clipping occurs when the longer word has very common use and a
shorter form results because it is simpler and is easily understood. While
gatherer (1986:11) says that clipped word can be formed by omitting part

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A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

of a word. The omission is normally at the end or at the beginning of a


Slang words, although currently popular, suggest a casual, forced,
racy, vulgar, offbeat meaning. They may be used in informal oral
communication, but they seldom have a place in more structured written
communication. Slang words come and go so quickly. Another expert,
Alwasilah (1985:47) says that slang is the introduction of new words.
While Webster (1981:787) states that slang is the language peculiar to a
particular group.

According to Howard (1987:143), diction is the choice of words for
the expression of ideas. While Hornby (1974:239) says that diction is
choice and use of words, style or manner of speaking and writing.

Research methodology
The sample of this thesis was twenty English songs which have
colloquial words or expressions. In this case, the writer took the data from
the text of five cassettes consisting of twenty two English songs. In this
research, the songs were categorized as follows:
1. Pop Songs
According to Hornby (1974: 648), the word “pop” is the
depiction of scenes of everyday life, comic strips, commercial
technique or those records sold in large number and those which
are popular on radio, TV and in discotheques. While Websters
(1981: 1765) says that “pop” is characterized by a popular tune or a

186 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

mixture of popular and classical music intended to appeal to the

people in general.
The songs which were included in pop songs were those
songs sung by Westlife and Britney Spears. Some of the songs are
listed below: Season in the Sun, Fool Again, If I Let You Go,
Stronger and Don‟t Let Me Be the Last to Know.
2. Rock Songs
Hornby (1974: 455) states that rock songs are highly
rhythmic, popular music for dancing, played on electric guitars, etc.
the songs which were included in rock songs, were those song sung
by Gun‟N Roses, New Kid on the Block and Ugly Kid Joe. Some
of the rock songs for this study were: Don‟t Cry, Please Don‟t Go
Girl, Same Side and Yesterdays.
In this thesis, the technique used was the purposive random
sampling. A purposive sampling is a technique of taking sample by
using a certain consideration determined by the writer (Ali: 1984:
54). This technique was used, based on the consideration that those
songs were recently most popular.

The techniques of taking the data were as follows:

First, the writer selected the songs from five cassettes. The five cassettes
consisted of five groups. They were: Westlife, Britney Spears, Gun „N
Roses, Ugly Kid Joe, New Kid on the Block. Second, the writer selected
twenty two English songs from the five cassettes. Then, the writer
compiled the lyrics of the songs that have been selected. Third, the writer
read all the lyrics of the songs. Then, the fourth the writer selected words
or expressions belonging to colloquial style and underlined them then put a

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A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

number of each sentence in the songs which had colloquial words or

The steps for analyzing the data were: First, identifying the
sentences which had colloquial words. Second, making a list of colloquial
and standard words or expressions. Third, writing and classifying the
sentences in the form of table. Then, fourth analyzing the sentences which
had colloquial words or expressions in terms of their structural, diction and
semantic aspects.

In this research, the writer presented the data taken from the
sample. The data were very important for the writer to show the object
being research. In this research, the writer used a qualitative analysis.
Qualitative refers to the meaning, the definition or analogy or model or
metaphor characterizing something and it deals with the meaning of things,
and one view of meaning is associative (Maanen, 1982: 31).
The table below shows a list of sentences (20 samples from 70
samples) having non-standard English. The sentences were taken from the
sample songs.

No. Nonstandard English No. Standard English

01 Goodbye papa please pray for 01 Goodbye father please pray
me for me
02 Baby, I know the story 02 Girl, I know the story
03 That you‟ve been hiding 03 That you‟ve been hiding
who‟s gonna take my place who‟s going to take my
04 I don‟t wanna you see us apart 04 I don‟t want to you see us

188 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

05 Listen to me hear what I say 05 Listen to me hear what I say

„cause when our love always because when our love
06 I show you see what you doin‟ 06 I show you see what you
to me doing to me
07 Imagine two us together but I 07 Imagine two us together but
been livin‟ in reality I been living in reality
08 „Cos I‟ve got no fear of losin‟ 08 Because I‟ve got no fear of
you losing you
09 Rules are made for breakin‟ 09 Rules are made for breaking
nothin‟ ventured nothin‟ nothing ventured nothing
gained gained
10 Now I‟m gonna confess that I 10 Now I‟m going to confess
love you that I love you
11 I been keepin‟ it inside 11 I been keeping it inside
feeling‟ I could die feeling‟ I could die
12 Here on the outside lookin‟ in 12 Here on the outside looking
13 Don‟t wanna‟ stay dreamin‟ 13 Don‟t want to stay dreaming
„bout what could have been about what could have been
14 Baby, open your heart 14 Girl, open your heart
15 I wanna make you mine 15 I want to make you mine
16 N‟ just can‟t get you off my 16 And just can‟t get you off
mind my mind
17 I‟ve gotta go collect double 17 I‟ve got to go collect double
talkin‟ jive talking jive
18 Back in town an‟ all new 18 Back in town and all new
friends friends
19 They sayin‟ how ya been? 19 They saying‟ how you
20 Fucked up and out place 20 Please go away

After reading, identifying the colloquial style and providing the

standard expressions, the writer is going to present the characteristic of
colloquial style on terms of structure, diction and meaning.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 189

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

A. Structural Aspects
In term of structure, the characteristics of the colloquial style as used
by the English songs are as follows:
1. Absence of be
Be as a full verb, has two forms i.e. past form (were, was) and
present form (am, is, are), but in the songs these copulas were often
absent in the sentences:
They sayin‟ how ya been? (No. 19)
(They saying‟ how you been?)
2. Deletion of „g‟ in the verb+ing form
In Standard English, the present continuous tense has a formula: S
+ to be + V-ing, but in nonstandard English the consonant (“g”) is
deleted in sentences as the following:
a. Don‟t let see your doin‟ to me (no. 06)
(„g‟ in doin‟ is deleted)
b. Imagine two us together but I been livin‟ in reality (no. 07)
(„g‟ in livin‟ is deleted)
c. Cos I‟ve got no fear of losin‟ you (no. 08)
(„g‟ in losin‟ is deleted)
d. Rules are made for breakin‟ nothin‟ ventured nothing; gained
(no. 09)
(„g‟ in breakin‟ and nothin‟ is deleted)
e. I been keepin‟ it inside feelin‟ I could die (no. 11)
(„g‟ in keepin‟ and feelin‟ is deleted)
f. Here on the outside lookin‟ in (no. 12)
(„g‟ in lookin‟ is deleted)
g. Don‟t wanna stay dreamin‟ „bout (no. 13)
(„g‟ in dreamin‟ is deleted)

190 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

h. I gotta go collect double talkin‟ jive (no. 17)

(„g‟ in dreamin‟ is deleted)
i. They sayin‟ how ya been (no. 19)
(„g‟ in sayin‟ is deleted)

B. Diction Aspect
Any level of diction falls into one of the following three categories:
standard, informal, colloquial (Howard: 1987: 55). In this study, there
were two forms of diction used: informal and colloquial forms.
1. Informal Form
In standard English every word is written in full, but in the
songs there were some forms which were simplified (clipped
1) Cause when our love always fades away (no. 05)
(„cause was simplified from because)
2) „Cos I‟ve got no fear of losin‟ you (no. 08)
(„Cos was simplified from because)
3) Don‟t wanna stay dreamin „bout (no. 13)
(„bout was simplified from about)
4) N‟ just can‟t get you off my mind (no. 16)
(N‟ was simplified from and)
5) Back in town an‟ all new friends (no. 18)
(an‟ was simplified from and)

2. Colloquial Form
a. Slang expressions used in the songs are presented below:
1) Good bye papa please pray for me (no. 01)
(the word papa was used to replace father)
2) Baby, I know the story (no. 02)

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 191

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

(the word baby was used to replace girl)

3) Who‟s gonna take me place (no. 03)
(the word gonna was used to replace going to)
4) I don‟t wanna you see us apart (no. 04)
(the word wanna was used to replace want to)
5) Now I‟m gonna confess that I love you (no. 10)
(the word gonna was used to replace going to)
6) Don‟t wanna stay dreamin‟ „bout what could have been
(no. 13)
(the word wanna was used to replace want to)
7) Baby, open your heart (no. 14)
(the word baby was used to replace girl)
8) I wanna make you mine (no. 15)
(the word wanna was used replace want to)
9) I gotta go collect double talkin‟ give (no. 17)
(the word gotta was used to replace got to)
10) Fucked up and out place (no. 20)
(the word fucked up and out place was used to replace
go away)
b. In the songs, there were some form which had colloquial
1) Good bye papa please pray for me (no. 01)
(the word papa was used to replace father)
2) Baby, open your heart (no. 14)
(the word baby was used to replace girl)
3) Fucked up and out place (no. 20)
(the word fucked up and out place was used to replace
go away)

192 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

c. In the songs, the pronoun “you” was often pronounced (ja)

and spelled (ya):
1) They sayin‟ how ya been (no. 19)
(You was pronounced ja)

C. Semantic Aspect
Semantic is the systematic study of meaning. Semantics is the study of
how language organizes and expresses meaning (Kreidler, 1998: 3).
According to Owens (1996:22), semantics is a system of rules
governing the meaning on content of words and word combination. In
this study, the words were analyzed in terms of their denotative and
connotative meanings.
1. Denotative Meaning
The denotative meaning of a word refers to what the word actually
point to (Hodges, 1984:226). While Howard (1987:48) says that
denotative meaning is the dictionary meaning of a word. In English
songs, the writer found some examples of denotative meaning.
a. Who‟s gonna take my place (no. 03)
(who is going to take my place)
b. I gotta collect double talkin‟ jive (no. 17)
(I‟ve got to go collect double talkin‟ jive)

2. Connotative Meaning
According to Howard (1987:48), connotative meaning is the
emotional meaning of word. While Hodges (1984:226) says that
connotative meaning is what the word suggest or simplifies.
In terms of connotative meaning, the writer found some sentences
used in the English Songs, one of them is:
Fucked up and out place (no. 20)

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 193

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

(please go away)

Based on the previous discussion, the following conclusion was
drawn: (1) the characteristics of colloquial style are used in English songs;
structural aspect (be as full verb in the songs was often absent in the
sentences, and in nonstandard English the consonant (g) is replaced with
(n‟) in the last word) and diction aspect (clipped forms, slang words, and
colloquial styles are used, also „Ya‟ sometimes replaces „you‟). (2)
Denotative meanings make the listener and the readers understand more
about the songs. Besides, there were also connotative meanings conveyed
in the songs; papa (the word “papa” are used in the songs to have the
denotative meanings by “father”. This words is used in the songs, because
in the closeness in family context and to describe that “papa” is a man of
character and respectability) and baby (the word “baby” are used in the
songs to have the denotative meaning by “girl”. This word is used in the
songs, because the girls to baby a child and to describes that the man have
close relationship with someone‟s or the man, to fall in love with his girl,
so the man gave her full of love and care attention).

Ali, M., 1984. Penelitian Kependidikan Prosedur dan Strategi. Bandung:
Angkasa Bandung
Alwasilah, A.C. 1985. Sosiologi Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa Bandung.
Bex, T. and Watts, RJ. 1984. Standard English the Widening Debate. New
York: Routledge.
Gatherer, WA. 1986. The Students Handbook of Modern English. Jakarta:
PT Gramedia

194 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Endriana Sri Wahyuni

Guth, Hans P. 1977. American English Today. New York: McGraw-Hill

Book Company.
Hodges, John C. 1984. Harbace College Handbook. New York, Harcout
Brace and World, Inc.
Hornby, AS. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary of Current
English. Great Britain: Oxford University Press
Howard, C. Jerriel. 1987. The Essential English Handbook and Rethoric,
Indianapolis: Bobbs Merril Education Publishing.
Katamba, F. 1994. English Words. New York:Routledge
Kreidler, C. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London: Rotledge.
Maanen, JV and Dabbs, JM. 1982. Varieties of Qualitative Research.
London Sage Publications.
McCrimmon, JM. 1967. Writing with A Purpose from Source to Statement.
New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Owens. Jr. R. E. 1996. Language Development: An Introduction. New
York: State University of New York, 4th Edition
Websters, 1981. Third New International Dictionary of the Language
Unabridge, Chicago:Encyclopedia Britanica, Inc.
Widarso, Wisnubroto. 1989. Bahasa Inggris, Dialek, Ragam, Jargon,
Slang, Blends, Clipped Words. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 195

A Descriptive Study on the Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs

196 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

Anis Mawati
MTS N Ngemplak
Jl. Waduk Cengklik, Ngesrep, Ngemplak


The objective of this research are: to find out the forms of failure of
reading in English texts in English learning, to find out the factors
influencing the failure of reading English texts in English learning, to find
out how does the failure of reading English texts influence English
learning process, to find out the ways of teacher to overcame failure of
reading English texts in English learning among students. The result of the
research are: The less time allocation of teaching and learning, The lack of
students‟ self-confident in English learning because of the lack of
vocabulary. The dominant factor influencing the failures of reading
English texts in English learning are: the students‟ weak understanding of
grammar and vocabulary. The teacher‟s effort to overcame reading failure
are: asking the students to make exercise of English learning by working in
groups, Asking the students to read English text and then asking the other
students to scrutinize it.

Keywords: Failure of reading, English text, English learning, Teacher’s



Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: mengetahui bentuk kegagalan membaca

teks bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, mengetahui faktor
yang mempengaruhi kegagalan membaca teks bahasa Inggris dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, mengetahui seberapa jauh kegagalan
membaca teks bahasa Inggris mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran bahasa
Inggris, mengetahui cara-cara guru untuk mengatasi kegagalan siswa
dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah: sedikitnya alokasi waktu pembelajaran,
Kurangnya percaya diri pada diri siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 197

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

karena kurangnya kosa kata. Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi

kegagalan membaca teks bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran bahasa
Inggris adalah: lemahnya pemahaman siswa dalam hal tata bahasa dan
kosa kata. Upaya guru untuk mengatasi kegagalan membaca adalah:
meminta siswa untuk membuat latihan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
dengan bekerja dalam kelompok, Meminta siswa untuk membaca teks
bahasa Inggris dan kemudian meminta siswa lain untuk mengoreksinya.

Kata Kunci: Kegagalan membaca, Teks berbahasa Inggris, Pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris, Upaya guru.

In this globalization era, English is very important to study, since it
is an international language. Before discussing further, the writer will
describe about the language. English is an international language used in
countries through out the world including Indonesia. Here it is not only
considered as the first foreign language, but it is taught as compulsory
subject from the junior high school up to senior high school. Although it
has been taught for a long time, the result of teaching English is still
considered unsatisfactory.
Language has complex role in communication. Therefore, they do
not need just one language, but also two or more. Related to with the
statement, language is divided into three part. First, language is called
“Mother Tongue” which is used to communicate daily in the family and
surroundings. The second language is the national language. This language
is determined by government, for example Indonesia language for
Indonesian people. The language is a language which is used at school and
official, it also taught to the student. Then the third is language is foreign
language taught at school and formal and information institution. The
foreign language is like English.
English will not be difficult for tudents who have enough time to

198 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

study. It is because they have found suitable ways of doing it. Many
Indonesian people nowadays keep trying to improve their English by
taking either formal or non formal courses. English is introduced in to the
curriculum and considered as the first foreign language to be taught at
school in Indonesian. It has been going on up to now the understand skill,
the goal teaching English is to develop student English communication,
which consist of reading, listening, writing and speaking. But in the
language learning, we often find difficulties to understand it. Same people
with severe physical problems have no physical impediment, good home, a
nice neighborhood and good teacher, do not learn as well as might be
excepted them.
Questions that way some people do not learn to read at all, or why
they read as well as might be expected, or how we can determine what
causes may be most influence in producing failure in reading, may be
answered by investigating physical, educational, and psychological factors,
three broad areas of causation we can included almost all of the known
reasons for reading failure, certainly enough to be practically useful in
classroom. In the English learning we often difficult to understand it. In
this research we will explain some of the factors reading failure in the
English language learning that make we difficult to learn it. Beside that
reading is the thing important in the English language learning, because
with the reading the learner will get information.
Based on the problem statement above, the objective of the study
are as follows: (1) To find out the forms of failure of reading in the English
texts in English learning. (2) To find out the factors influencing the failure
of reading English texts in English learning. (3)To find out the how far
failure of reading English texts influence English learning process. (4) To
find out the teacher ways to overcame failure of reading English texts in

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 199

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

English learning among students.

Theoretical Framework
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English language gives
the meaning of cognition as “The mental process by which knowledge is
acquired. There are several basic characteristic of cognition (Fauzi,
2004:24). One of them is cognition process. This process is mental. This
process is purposive. By implication, this process is internal. By
implication this process is ultimately under the control of the learner, even
if one is coerced in to learning by external pressure. “Thus, the term
cognitive process refers to the individual internal mental operation. It my
involve conscious attention to some point the teaching is making,
conscious reorganization of material to understand better the concept being
learned information.
One of the leading cognitive psychologists is David Ausubel. In
this book, the states that there are two types of learning: root learning and
meaningful learning. The crucial factor determining whether learning is
rote or meaningful is the manner in which the material is learned arbitrary
and verbatim.
The key concept in Ausubel cognitive theories of learning is that
learning must be meaningful. The learner must understand what is to be
learned. The implication is that learning must involve active mental
process in order to be meaningful learning can student acquire significant
amount of knowledge (Ibid:25).
Although specifics theories of the nature of language may provide
the basis for a particular teaching method, other methods derive primarily
from a theory of language learning. A learning theory underlying an
approach or methods responds to two questions.

200 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

a. What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in

language learning?
b. What are the conditions that need to be met in order for this learning
process to be activated?

Learning theories associated with a method at the level of approach

may emphasize the nature of the human and phsycal context in which
language learning takes place (Richards and Rodgers: 16).
Stephen D. Krashen‟s Monitor Models of Second Language
Development is an example of learning theory on which a method (the
natural approach) has been built.
Monitor theory addresses both the process; Krashen distinguishes
between acquisition and learning. Acquisition refers to the natural
assimilation of language rules through using language for communication.
Learning refers to the formal study of language rules and is a conscious
In this classic work on the conditions of learning, Robert Gagne say
that ably demonstrated the importance of identifying a number of different
types of learning which all humans use. Types of learning vary according
complex task such as language learning involves every one of Gane‟s types
of learning-from simple signal learning to problem solving
(Brown,1980:80 ).
Gagne‟s identifies eight types of learning: (c) Signal learning, (d)
Stimulus-response learning, (e) Chaining, (f) Verbal association, (g)
Multiple discrimination, (h) Concept learning, (i) Principle learning, (j)
Problem solving.
Since all eight types of learning are relevant to second language learning,
the implication is that certain “lower”-level aspects of second language

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 201

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

learning may be more adequately treated by Behavioristic approaches and

methods, while certain “higher”-order types of learning are more
effectively taught by methods derived from a cognitive approach term by
means of the types of learning.
In language learning we can distinguish two basic categories of
strategies: learning strategies and communication strategies. A learning
strategy is a method of perceiving and storing particular items for later
recall. A communication strategy is a method of achieving communication,
of encoding or expressing meaning in language. The two types of strategies
are quite different in their manifestation, though there is obviously is
strong relationship between them (Ibid: 83).
Most definitions of reading given in professional text books are of
this second type. De Boer and Dallman consider that reading “Involves the
comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by the written or
printed page”. In later book the authors note that their emphasis is on
“Reading as a process involving meaningful reaction to printed symbols
(Dechant:4). “Bond and Tinker point out that” reading involves the
recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as stimuli for the
recall of meaning built up through the reader‟s past experience. “Harris and
Sipay define reading as “the meaningful interpretation of written or printed
verbal symbols”. Gibson says that reading is receiving communication: it
is making discriminative responses to graphic symbols: it is decoding
graphic symbols to speech: and it is getting meaning from the printed
These definitions of reading have certain elements in common: particular,
they all note that reading is an interpretation of graphics symbol. Reading
is thus perceived as a twofold process:
1. Identification of the symbols

202 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

2. Association of appropriate meaning with them.

Reading requires identifications and comprehension. Reading

always involves an interaction between the writer and reader. It is the
culminating act of the communication process, initiated by the thoughts of
the writer and expressed thought the symbols on the page.
Thorndike maintained years ago that the reading of a paragraph
involve the same sort organization and analysis as does thinking. It
includes learning, reflection, judgment, analysis, synthesis, problem,
solving behavior, selection, organization, comparison of date,
determination of relationships, and critical evaluation of what is being
read. Examine now more closely two important aspect of the reading
1. The language or sign system of reading which the reader must identify
and recognize and in which the message are formulated or encoded.
2. The decoding or comprehension process in which the reader must

Reading failure is something that make impede the process of

language learning activity which causes of same problems that have
negative influence toward a learner in English learning.
The other factors influencing failure of reading English text is:
(a) Physical factors, Includes in this group are all auditory and
visual problems: physiological factors in the organism, especially the brain
and nervous system, which are defective or dysfunctions perceptual
anomalies, retardation, Celebral palsy, aphasia, and alexia are all physical
problems which have been studied for their relationship to reading and
other language disabilities.

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Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

(b) Educational Factor, In this group is included what schools,

teachers, administrator, circular, parent, community and society do for us
in the name of education. As john Half suggest, make children stupid in
school? Do the complaints of disciplinary problems and delinquents and
drop-outs mean anything when they say that the school, the teacher, did not
care about them or what they were doing? Obviously, all of the factors
make same difference (Howards, 1980:160). We simply cannot believe
that any one is all right or all wrong in these circumstances.
(c) Psychological factor, In this group all else merges. Our
cognitive are permitted with effect, and our effective responses are
somewhat altered by our cognition. Emotion such as pride, fear, anxerty,
trust, love and note are powerful under currents pulling is unexpectedly. It
is difficult to identify the exact emotion which may be affecting us at a
given time, and it is even more difficult to say just how much anxiety or
fear, for example may be distracting us from our tasks. We know that
emotion do directly affect all learning and behavior, and their effects, but
feelings evade measurement and controlled study.
Complete reading is said to in value four steps: recognition,
understanding, reaction and integration. Ultimately, it is hoped that the
reading a child does will influence and direct same future activity children.
Integrate what they are reading, they are studying. This may be the
ultimate in comprehension. Gray point out that integration is “The heart of
the learning act in reading. The reading is complete only when that which
is read becomes assimilated”.
Integrative reading is commonly identified with study-related reading.
Herber defined study skills in reading as work skills that produce useful
knowledge for a learner; they are reading skill especially adapted to

204 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

execute particular tasks. They help the students to develop ideas, to

remember ideas and to use ideas.

Research Methodology
A. Research Methodology: (1) Type of Research. Research is about
inquiry, and its product is knowledge. In this research, the writer uses
qualitative and quantitative research. But qualitative research is dominant
in this research. Qualitative research is a type of research which does not
include any calculation or enumerating (Brannen,1997 :11). If there is any
calculation in this research, they just to answer the third problem. More of
them calculation are as data. In this research descriptive is dominant. To
answer the first, second and fourth problem, the writer uses description and
explanation. This graduating paper is discussing about problem occurs in
the English learning. That is why the writer believes that qualitative
research is more appropriate to this research. (2) Population, The
population of research is all the members of the research subject. They are
the students of the second year of MTsN I Gondangrejo Karanganyar
Surakarta in academic year 2005 / 2006. The total of students of six classes
in the population are 264 students, each consist 44 students that year in
MTsN Gondangrejo Karanganyar. (3) Sample, A sample is part of
population that represent the whole population (Nadzir: 325). In this the
writer take class II MTsN Gondangrejo Karanganyar in the year 2005 /
2006 as sample. A research may take one class of the population, it equal
to 44 students.
B. Method of Data Collecting: (1) Questionnaire Method,
Questionnaire is written question used to get information from respondent.
It is report of their private of their private of other things they know
(Kartono,1990:217). The study uses the closed questionnaire and it can be

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 205

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

used get the data about how far failure of reading English text, forms
reading failure and the influence in English learning. (2) Interview is
“Percakapan dengan bertatap muka dengan tujuan memperoleh informasi
actual, untuk menaksir dan menilai kepribadian individu, atau untuk
tujuan-tujuan konseling / penyuluhan, atau tujuan suatu masalah tertentu”
(Ibid:187). Or interview is the dialogue is face to face with purpose or the
problem purpose. In the other ward interview is dialogue between
interviewer and interview to get information by asking English teacher
about his methods teaching English texts among his students with direct.
Data Analysis, The writer analyzed the data using following steps:
1. Identifications Step, The writer identified the result of the students‟ test
in reading English text and comprehension. With way correction of the
result that it was given to the students.
2. Analysis Step, The data has been identified. The writer analyzes the
students answer in test.
3. Finding the Result, After it is classified into table of the result, so the
writer can count the result of students‟ text with formula as follow:

P= x

F : Frequency is looked for the percentage
N : Number of cases (number of frequency of number of individual)
P : Percentage
4. Analyzing the result of the students after it counted.
5. Find out the forms, factors and how far the influence of reading failure
in English learning.

206 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

6. Analyzing the result of the interview of English teacher about the ways
overcame reading failure among his students.
7. All of conclusions of the test an interview result are analyzed again
using deductive and inductive to make sure and valid.
8. The data are interpreted.

The student‟s failure in reading English texts
Table VII
The student‟s failure in reading

Number of Percentage of correct Percentage of false

question answer answer
1 100 % 0%
2 81 % 19 %
3 84 % 16 %
4 72 % 28 %
5 97 % 3%
6 72 % 28 %
7 75 % 25 %
8 52 % 48 %
9 90 % 10 %
10 61 % 39 %
11 75 % 25 %
12 50 % 50 %
13 59 % 41 %
14 68 % 32 %
15 50 % 50 %
16 25 % 75 %
17 93 % 7%
18 32 % 68 %
19 18 % 82 %
20 59 % 41 %

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Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

This is the analysis of the answer from 20 items in the question.

From the percentage of students answer correct and false in the
table above, the writer can analyzes the first question until the last
question. (a) In the question number one, all of the students answer
correctly. Because in this question is a group of easy question. It is just to
know carefulness of students in the reading of text. (b) In the question
number two 19% student‟s answer false. Because every student, they are
have different knowledge, and in question number three, four and five.
Most of the students less careful in reading text, this happened because
some of the students misunderstanding with the vocabulary in the text
about the meaning names days. (c) In the question number six 28%
students give a false answer it happens because many students didn‟t know
the meaning or the use of word “always” and “every morning”. It is make
students failure in the answer of question. (d) In the question number seven
25% students give a false answer it happens because, students defrauded
with the answer, the students forget with the conjunction “then” in the
answer, the students forget with the conjunction “then” in the answer. (e)
In the question number eight 48% students give a false answer it happens
because, the student less of careful in the answer. The although the answer
has available in the text, but students still defrauded with the other answer.
(f) The question number nine, most of the student‟s answer are correct. It
happens because the number in the first sentence and the last paragraph.
So the students not difficulted to seek answer it. (g) From the question
number ten 39% students give a false answer it happens, because in this
question, the write use apostrophe in to make question. So this make
student confused in the answer it. (h) In the question number eleven, they
are many students give a false answer it happens, 25% students answer
false, this happen because students didn‟t know how to use subject as

208 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

object or natural subject. (i) The question number twelve 50% students
give a false answer it happens, this case like in the number thirteen,
fourteen and fifteen. They are also use apostrophe. Most of them false
answered while they found the questions the use apostrophe. It is caused
by misunderstanding in grammar. (j) In the number sixteen only quarter
percentage students that answer correctly. This happens because most of
the students didn‟t know how to differences about using subject as object
in the singular or plural. (k) In the question number seventeen almost are
answer correct, this happens caused the students has understood in the
reading text. (l) This question is different with number seventeen, the
although in the question number eighteen has the some level of difficulty,
but in this question 82% students give a false answer it happens. This
happens because student‟s nervous and afraid if the time not suitable has
decided. So, the concentration was disturbed. (m) The question number
nineteen thus case like the previous question number, they fail in the use
apostrophe. (n) In the last question 41% students give a false answer it
happens, this happens because the students less of careful in the execution
it. Because this is last question the students may be are also are weak.
The analysis answer from four questions.

a. The form of reading failure in English learning and how far its
The writer gives question to answer the problem. If we look at the
result of the students test, we know that there are various answer. Many
students who failed in reading English text. It is caused by less time
allocation. Besides they also difficult in reading. They could not
understand the meaning English text. Such errors interfere their
comprehension as well as the ability to understand what they read.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 209

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

Good reading is the readers must attend their pronunciation and

grammar. Besides the most important, the reader must understand with
what they read. By this way students what they read as good as that they
read as good as that they want. For seventh students answer that the
dominantly they are confident or not sure with their answer. Their reasons
are they little vocabulary that they known.
The form of the fourth that failed in reading is misunderstanding in
English text. From the forms of reading failure above the writer conclude
that dominant factors reading failure in English texts are caused by less
understanding students about grammar and vocabulary in the meaning
English texts.
Beside the above forms, the writer also gave question about how far
the failure of reading English texts influenced the process of English
learning to students. And from 40 student‟s answers, they influence
English learning process. So, we know the effect of its. And it is also any
of the hazard of English learning that we should avoid with give students
more examination, so that it will increase their ability to master new

b. Factors dominant of reading failures in English texts.

To answer this problem, the writer gave question about dominant
factors of reading failure. There are 20 students whose answer are grammar
and vocabulary. Their reasons are English learning is difficult to study.
There are 13 students who answered that environment influence the
learning. Their reasons are English is foreign language in Indonesia it is
not our own language. In other hand we different methods to understand it.
For 11 students whose answers are physical. Their reasons are that they
have inadequacy of the brain. It is caused by inactivity of the brain to

210 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

think. And it makes them often failure in reading. From the answers above,
the writer conclude that the dominant factor of reading failure is mastery of
grammar and vocabulary. It

c. The English teacher ways to overcame reading failure among his

To answer the problem about the ways to overcame reading failure
in English learning, the writer interviewed English teacher. The teacher
says that in some he overcame by careful process of education under a
competent tutor. Beside that he also makes a group from students to
examine English learning. For example to make students enjoy English
learning a teacher uses games.
He also often ask students to read English text and ask the other
student to scrutinize. And if there students didn‟t know in their group about
what the teacher explain to them, the reader of the group must be
responsible with give explain to friend his group to know. The teacher is
sure, that the explain from friend themselves are, more affective them their
teacher. And besides the teacher also gives priority to personal approach
with his students.
But in out of the class, the control is family, environment and their
attitude. Drilling and giving a good model is also his way to overcame
reading failure. A good model is teacher with good example of student.
This study also can show to the reader that the most influence of
reading failure, which often happens among students of the second year of
MTsN 1 Gondangrejo Karanganyar Suarakarta in the academic 2005/2006,
is difficult to understand the meaning of texts. And the dominant factor is
misunderstanding about grammar and vocabulary in English learning. The
way to overcame it is suitable with the case.

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Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

From the research, that researcher did in MTs I Gondangrejo
Karanganyar Surakarta, the writer concludes as fallow.
1. The forms of failure of reading text in the English learning and now
it‟s influence according to the statement‟s answer, the influence of the
reading failure to English learning are: (a)The less time allocation,
(b)The less of self confident in English learning because of minimum
vocabulary, (c)Misunderstanding in the meaning of reading English
2. The dominant factor influencing the failures of reading English texts
in English learning. The students answered that the dominant factor of
reading failure are: (a) The understanding of grammar and vocabulary
are weak. (b) Physical, for example sick, nervous, inactivity of brain
and tired. (c) Environment of student. Because English is foreign
language in Indonesia.
3. The teacher ways to overcame reading failure. From the result of
interview with teacher use overcame reading failure, there are: (a) A
careful process of education under of competent tutor. (b) Ask the
students to exercise English learning white a make of the groups. (c)
Ask the students to reading English text and ask the other students to
scrutinize. (d) The teacher also gives priority to personal approach
with students him. (e) The teacher makes of group and every group
one leader. (f) Drilling and giving a good model to students.

Brown, Douglas. 1980. Principle of Language Learning And Teaching.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Inc.

212 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

Anis Mawati

Fauzy, Endang. 2004. Reading On AppliedLinguistics. Muhammadiyah

University Press.
Ricard, Jack C. and Rojers Theodore S. Approach and Methods In
Language Teaching. New York. Part Chester. Melbourne. Sidney:
Cambridge University Press..
Dechan, Emeral V. Improving The Teaching of Readin. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall. Inc.
Howard, Melvin.1980. Reading Diagnosis and Instruction. Reston.
Virginia: A Prentice Hall. Company, Branen, Julia.1997. Memadu
Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Kuantitatif. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Nadzir, Muh. Ph. D. Metode Penelitian. Indonesia: Galia.
Kartono, Kartini.1990. Metodologi Riset Sosial. Bandung Maju.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 213

Factors Influencing Failure of Reading

214 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008


Colloquial Style, 181, 183 Paragraph, 135, 138, 144
Compositions. See writing Picture, 159, 161
connotative meanings, 181, 193, S
194 Self-Governance, 149, 157
Semantic Aspect, 193
D Smu Alternative Qaryah
denotative meanings, 181, 194 Thayyibah, 149
Society Based School, 149, 151,
E 154, 156, 157
Endriana Sri Wahyuni, 181 Standard English, 181, 182, 183,
English Songs, 181, 193 184, 185, 188, 190, 194
structural aspect, 181, 194
Flashcards, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175,
177 Teaching Vocabulary, 159, 171,
175, 179
H Titik Nurrohmah, 135
Hanik Nuzulimah, 159 V
I Visual Aids, 168, 169
Vocabulary, 159, 160, 161, 169,
Ideas, 135, 141, 144 170, 171
Insaniyah, 169
Writing Composition, 135
Lina Mardliyah, 149 The Stage of Writing Process,
Nonstandard English, 182, 183,
185, 188

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 215

216 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

REGISTER is a forum of discussion that focuses on language (linguistics

and literature) as well as language teaching studies. It aims at enhancing
critical studies on the various actual phenomena from different
The editors invite articles from teachers, linguists, and those who concerns
with language, literature and language teaching under the following
submission guidelines:
1. The editors will be pleased to publish research and non research
original articles that deal with linguistics, literature, and language
2. The article has not been published or is not being considered for
publication elsewhere (either in the actual or modified form)
3. Full-length articles should not exceed 11000 words and should not
be less than 2000 words typed in A4 paper of 1.5 spaces, Times
New Roman 12, in MS Word.
4. The title should be concise and informative
5. Write the author‟s name, affiliation, affiliation address and the e-
mail address of the author below the title.
6. The abstract should be concise, informative, and in 100 – 350
7. Key words should have 3 - 5 words or phrases
8. References should be written as the example:
Wilis, J. 1996. A Framework for Task- Based Learning. Longman:
Carr, Kathryn S. 1990. How Can We Teach Critical Thinking?
Retrieved from
Stadler, Stefanie. 2011. Intercultural communication and East Asian
politeness. In Kadar, Daniel Z. and Sara Mills (eds). Politeness
in East Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
9. Research articles comprise: (a) title; (b) writer‟s name (without any
title); (c) abstract; (d) key words; (e) introduction including
theoretical review and / or research purposes; (f) research
methodology; (g) discussion; (h) conclusion; (i) reference.
10. Non research articles comprise: (a) title; (b) writer‟s name (without
any title); (c) abstract; (d) key words; (e) introduction; (f)
discussion; (g) conclusion; (h) reference.
11. Submit a soft copy of the article to the editors or send it via e-mail.

REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008 217

REGISTER published by English Department of Educational Faculty,
State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga, Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.
2 Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia, 57012.

218 REGISTER, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2008

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