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Original Research  n  Musculoskeletal

Anorexia Nervosa: Analysis of
Trabecular Texture with CT1

Azadeh Tabari, MD
Purpose: To determine indexes of skeletal integrity by using com-
Martin Torriani, MD
puted tomographic (CT) trabecular texture analysis of the
Karen K. Miller, MD
lumbar spine in patients with anorexia nervosa and nor-

Anne Klibanski, MD mal-weight control subjects and to determine body com­
Mannudeep K. Kalra, MD position predictors of trabecular texture.
Miriam A. Bredella, MD
Materials and This cross-sectional study was approved by the institu-
Methods: tional review board and compliant with HIPAA. Written
informed consent was obtained. The study included 30
women with anorexia nervosa (mean age 6 standard de-
viation, 26 years 6 6) and 30 normal-weight age-matched
women (control group). All participants underwent low-
dose single-section quantitative CT of the L4 vertebral
body with use of a calibration phantom. Trabecular tex-
ture analysis was performed by using software. Skewness
(asymmetry of gray-level pixel distribution), kurtosis
(pointiness of pixel distribution), entropy (inhomogeneity
of pixel distribution), and mean value of positive pixels
(MPP) were assessed. Bone mineral density and abdom-
inal fat and paraspinal muscle areas were quantified with
quantitative CT. Women with anorexia nervosa and nor-
mal-weight control subjects were compared by using the
Student t test. Linear regression analyses were performed
to determine associations between trabecular texture and
body composition.

Results: Women with anorexia nervosa had higher skewness and

kurtosis, lower MPP (P , .001), and a trend toward lower
entropy (P = .07) compared with control subjects. Bone
mineral density, abdominal fat area, and paraspinal mus-
cle area were inversely associated with skewness and
kurtosis and positively associated with MPP and entropy.
Texture parameters, but not bone mineral density, were
associated with lowest lifetime weight and duration of
amenorrhea in anorexia nervosa.
 From the Department of Radiology (A.T., M.T., M.K.K.,
M.A.B.) and Neuroendocrine Unit (K.K.M., A.K.), Mas- Conclusion: Patients with anorexia nervosa had increased skewness
sachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and kurtosis and decreased entropy and MPP compared
55 Fruit St, Yawkey 6E, Boston, MA 02114. Received April with normal-weight control subjects. These parameters
26, 2016; revision requested June 20; revision received were associated with lowest lifetime weight and duration
July 25; accepted August 16; final version accepted
of amenorrhea, but there were no such associations with
August 26. Address correspondence to M.A.B. (e-mail:
bone mineral density. These findings suggest that trabec-
ular texture analysis might contribute information about
Supported by National Institutes of Health (grants bone health in anorexia nervosa that is independent of
K23 RR-23090, M01 RR01066-27S1, M01 RR01066,
that provided with bone mineral density.
R01 MH083657, R01 DK052625, R01 HL-077674,
R03 DK59297, T32 DK 007028, UL1 RR025758, 8UL1
TR000170, 1UL1 TR001102).  RSNA, 2016

 RSNA, 2016

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2017  n 1

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Trabecular CT Texture Analysis in Anorexia Nervosa Tabari et al

norexia nervosa is a prevalent eat- of the lumbar spine—the site most and 30 without anorexia nervosa and of
ing disorder associated with low profoundly affected by bone loss in normal weight and frequency matched
bone mineral density (BMD) and anorexia nervosa. for age (62 years)—who were partic-
impaired bone microarchitecture and CT texture analysis is an objective ipants in clinical trials from November
bone strength, resulting in increased approach to quantifying tissue gray-lev- 12, 2004, to July 12, 2011, at our in-
fracture risk (1–4). Skeletal sites con- el patterns by using computer-assisted stitution. Participants with anorexia
taining predominantly trabecular bone, measurements that are independent of nervosa were referred by eating dis-
such as the lumbar spine, are the most subjective visual interpretation (10). orders care providers or recruited by
severely affected, and patients with Most studies have used CT texture means of advertisements, and normal-
anorexia nervosa have an increased risk analysis in patients with neoplasms to weight control subjects were recruited
for spinal compression fractures (5,6). differentiate benign from malignant le- by means of advertisements. Inclusion
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry sions, assess tumor grade, or predict criteria for both groups were as follows:
(DXA) is most commonly used to assess survival in patients with cancer (11– age 18–45 years and female sex. All par-
BMD; however, it is influenced by body 15), but, to our knowledge, no stud- ticipants were non-Hispanic and white.
size (7), which provides a diagnostic ies have performed in vivo CT texture Participants with anorexia nervosa met
challenge in anorexia nervosa because analysis of the lumbar spine to assess weight and psychiatric criteria from
prolonged undernutrition can lead to trabecular bone. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
reduced muscle and fat mass. In ad- The purpose of our study was to of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (16).
dition, bone microarchitecture affects determine indexes of skeletal integrity The normal-weight participants had a
bone strength independent of BMD. by using CT trabecular texture analysis BMI of at least 19 kg/m2 and less than
Studies examining the distal radius in of the lumbar spine in patients with 25 kg/m2, were healthy, had regular
female patients with anorexia nervosa anorexia nervosa and normal-weight menses, and had no history of amen-
have shown impaired trabecular and control subjects and to determine clin- orrhea or an eating disorder (Fig 1).
cortical microarchitecture (as assessed ical and body composition predictors None of the women with anorexia ner-
with high-spatial-resolution flat-panel of trabecular texture. We hypothesized vosa or normal-weight control subjects
computed tomography [CT] [1] and that women with anorexia nervosa have were receiving estrogen or oral contra-
high-spatial-resolution peripheral CT CT trabecular texture that reflects im- ceptives, osteoporosis medication, or
[8,9]) and decreased bone strength (as paired skeletal integrity compared with other medication that could affect bone
assessed with finite element analysis that of normal-weight control subjects metabolism, such as glucocorticoids,
[4]), despite normal BMD as shown and that body mass index (BMI), fat gonadal steroids, or anticonvulsants.
with DXA (1). Although these data mass, and muscle mass are positively Exclusion criteria for both groups were
have provided valuable insights into associated with skeletal integrity as- pregnancy and presence of a chronic
bone microarchitecture at peripheral sessed with CT texture analysis. disease (other than anorexia nervosa).
sites, there is no reliable technique with Clinical characteristics and abdominal
which to assess trabecular architecture
Materials and Methods
Advances in Knowledge Our prospective study was approved by Published online before print
nn CT trabecular texture analysis of the institutional review board and com- 10.1148/radiol.2016160970  Content codes:

the lumbar spine is a feasible pliant with the Health Insurance Porta-
Radiology 2017; 000:1–8
technique with which to deter- bility and Accountability Act. Data were
mine skeletal integrity in acquired after all participants provided Abbreviations:
written informed consent before our BMD = bone mineral density
anorexia nervosa. BMI = body mass index
nn Patients with anorexia nervosa DXA = dual x-ray absorptiometry
have increased skewness and MPP = mean value of positive pixels
kurtosis and decreased entropy Our study was performed at a clinical Author contributions:
and mean value of positive pixels research center at an academic institu- Guarantors of integrity of entire study, M.K.K., M.A.B.; study
compared with normal-weight tion. We studied a convenience sample concepts/study design or data acquisition or data analysis/
control subjects, which is sug- interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or manu-
of 60 women—30 with anorexia nervosa script revision for important intellectual content, all authors;
gestive of impaired skeletal
manuscript final version approval, all authors; agrees to
ensure any questions related to the work are appropriately
nn Texture parameters but not bone Implication for Patient Care resolved, all authors; literature research, A.T., A.K., M.K.K.,
mineral density are associated nn Trabecular texture analysis can M.A.B.; clinical studies, M.T., K.K.M., A.K., M.A.B.; experi-
with lowest lifetime weight and be used to help assess skeletal mental studies, A.T., A.K., M.A.B.; statistical analysis, A.T.,
M.A.B.; and manuscript editing, all authors
duration of amenorrhea in integrity in patients with
anorexia nervosa. anorexia nervosa. Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

2  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2017

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Trabecular CT Texture Analysis in Anorexia Nervosa Tabari et al

fat cross-sectional areas have been pre- Trabecular BMD obtained on 12-bit images (4096 gray
viously reported in a subset of study Analyses were performed by a post- levels) (Fig 2): skewness (asymmetry
participants (17–20); however, no data doctoral research fellow with 2 years of of gray-level pixel distribution), kurto-
on trabecular texture analysis have experience (A.T.), who was supervised sis (pointiness or peakedness of pixel
been described. by a musculoskeletal radiologist with 11 distribution), entropy (inhomogeneity
years of experience (M.A.B.). of pixel distribution), and mean value
CT Examinations Trabecular BMD (in grams per of positive pixels (MPP) (the average
A 16–detector row CT scanner (Light- cubic centimeter) of the L4 vertebral attenuation value of pixels of greater
Speed Pro; GE Healthcare, Waukesha, body was determined from quantita- than 0, without application of filters)
Wis) was used to acquire a single sec- tive CT by drawing a circular region (22,23).
tion through the mid-L4 vertebral body of interest measuring 700 mm2 within
in each participant. Participants were trabecular bone; cortical bone and Body Composition
placed supine in the CT scanner on a basivertebral veins were avoided. The Abdominal adipose tissue and paraspi-
calibration phantom (Mindways Soft- mean attenuation of the vertebral body nal muscle compartments were quan-
ware, Austin, Tex), and scanning was (in Hounsfield units) and the attenua- tified at the level of L4. Thresholding
performed by using the following pa- tion of the calibration solutions were methods were applied to identify adi-
rameters: 80 kV, 70 mA, gantry rota- used to calculate the mineral equivalent pose tissue by using a threshold set for
tion time of 2 seconds, 144-mm table BMD by using the following equation: 250 to 2250 HU, as described by Bor-
height, and axial scanning mode. The milligrams per milliliter of sample = kan et al (24). Manual delineation was
reconstructed section thickness and (CT number in Hounsfield units 2 in- used to separate abdominal subcutane-
field of view were kept constant at 1 tercept of calibration line)/slope of cal- ous adipose tissue and visceral adipose
cm and 48 cm, respectively. Volume CT ibration line. tissue. Cross-sectional areas (in square
dose index, dose-length product, and Trabecular BMD was compared centimeters) of subcutaneous adipose
estimated effective dose were recorded. with a young female normal reference tissue and visceral adipose tissue were
database to calculate T scores (21). obtained. Paraspinal muscle cross-sec-
tional areas (in square centimeters)
Figure 1 Trabecular Texture Analysis were determined as the sum of erec-
Texture analysis was performed on the tor spinae, psoas major, and quadra-
quantitative CT images by using com- tus lumborum muscles. Analyses were
mercially available software (TexRAD, performed by using software (Osirix,
Cambridge, England). The circular version 3.2.1; Pixmeo SARL, Geneva,
area within trabecular bone of the L4 Switzerland).
vertebral body that was used for tra-
becular BMD assessment was also Statistical Analysis
used for trabecular texture analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by
Figure 1:  Study flowchart. QCT = quantitative CT. The following texture parameters were using software (JMP, version 11; SAS

Figure 2

Figure 2:  Histogram characteristics. (a) Kurtosis is a measure of pointiness or peakedness of a distribution relative to a normal distribution. Positive kurtosis indi-
cates a histogram that is more peaked, and negative kurtosis indicates that histogram is flatter than a normal distribution. (b) Skewness is a measure of asymmetry
of a distribution. Negative skewness reflects a distribution with a tail that is longer on left, and positive skewness reflects a distribution with a tail that is longer on right.

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2017  n 3

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Trabecular CT Texture Analysis in Anorexia Nervosa Tabari et al

Institute, Cary, NC). Groups were com- Table 1

pared by using the Student t test. All
variables were tested for normality of Clinical Characteristics, Body Composition, and Trabecular Texture of Study
distribution by using the Shapiro-Wilk Participants
test. Variables that were not normally Variable Patients with Anorexia Nervosa (n = 30)* Control Subjects (n = 30)* P Value
distributed (age, BMI, skewness, kur-
tosis, visceral adipose tissue, subcu- Age (y)† 26 6 6 28 6 7 .2
Weight (kg) 45.5 6 5.0 61.3 6 6.9 ,.001‡
taneous adipose tissue, and paraspi-
Height (cm) 163.2 6 5.8 165.8 6 7.2 .1
nal muscle cross-sectional area) were
BMI (kg/m2)† 17.0 6 1.2 22.3 6 1.8 ,.001‡
logarithmically transformed and then
VAT CSA (cm2)† 15.9 6 10.5 37.9 6 16.9 ,.001‡
subjected to the t test. Pearson correla-
SAT CSA (cm2)† 72.5 6 37.3 183.3 6 86.5 ,.001‡
tions were conducted to determine as-
Paraspinal muscle CSA (cm2)† 61.3 6 7.6 70.6 6 10.3 ,.001‡
sociations between different variables BMD (g/cm3) 123.7 6 33.7 160.1 6 22.9 ,.001‡
for normally distributed data and after T score 22.0 6 1.3 20.6 6 0.9 ,.001‡
logarithmic transformation of data that Skewness† 2.48 6 0.66 1.82 6 0.44 ,.001‡§
were not normally distributed. Multi- Kurtosis† 9.52 6 4.40 4.90 6 2.54 ,.001‡§
ple standard least-squares regression Entropy 5.42 6 0.15 5.49 6 0.15 .07§
modeling was performed to control for MPP 267.0 6 74.5 357.3 6 43.1 ,.001‡§
BMI and age. Analyses were adjusted
Note.—CSA = cross-sectional area, SAT = subcutaneous adipose tissue, VAT = visceral adipose tissue.
for multiple comparisons by using the
* Data are means 6 standard deviations.
Bonferroni method. Data are expressed

Comparison was performed on log-transformed data.
as means and standard deviations. P , ‡
Significant after controlling for multiple comparisons.
.05 was considered indicative of a sta- §
Significant after controlling for log BMI and log age.
tistically significant difference.

Results normal-weight control subjects (P , with women with anorexia nervosa who
Participant characteristics, abdominal .001); however, the difference lost sig- did not have amenorrhea; there was no
fat and muscle cross-sectional areas, nificance after adjustment for log BMI difference in entropy or MPP (P = .7
and CT trabecular texture parameters and log age. Women with anorexia ner- and P = .9, respectively).
of the anorexia nervosa and normal- vosa had higher skewness and kurtosis Lowest lifetime weight correlated
weight groups are shown in Table 1. and lower MPP compared with normal- positively with entropy (r = 0.45, P =
Study participants ranged in age from weight control subjects (P , .001), and .02) but not BMD (P = .1). No associa-
19 to 45 years (mean age, 27 years 6 there was a trend toward lower entropy tions between duration of anorexia ner-
7) and in BMI from 13.3 to 24.9 kg/m2 (P = .07) (Figs 3–5). After adjustment vosa and trabecular texture parameters
(mean BMI, 19.7 kg/m2 6 3.0). for log BMI and log age, the difference or BMD were observed (P . .4).
Duration of anorexia nervosa in all four trabecular texture parame-
ranged from 5 to 324 months (mean, ters was significant between the groups
142 months 6 92). Sixteen women (Table 1). Discussion
with anorexia nervosa had amenorrhea BMD was inversely associated with We reported on the use of CT texture
(time of amenorrhea ranged from 4 to skewness and kurtosis and positively analysis for the assessment of trabecu-
144 months [mean, 41 months 6 38]). associated with entropy and MPP. BMI lar bone in anorexia nervosa, which has
As expected, women with anorexia and abdominal fat and paraspinal mus- not been established in the literature.
nervosa had lower abdominal fat and cle cross-sectional areas were inversely We showed that trabecular texture
paraspinal muscle cross-sectional associated with skewness and kurtosis analysis of the lumbar spine by using
areas compared with normal-weight and positively associated with MPP and single-section CT is a feasible technique
control subjects (P , .001). Radiation entropy (Table 2). to determine skeletal integrity. Patients
dose descriptors, namely volume CT Within the anorexia nervosa group, with anorexia nervosa have increased
dose index, dose-length product, and duration of amenorrhea was inversely skewness and kurtosis and decreased
estimated effective doses, were 4.66 associated with MPP (r = 20.53, P = entropy and MPP compared with nor-
mGy, 4.66 mGy · cm, and 0.07 mSv, .03) but not BMD (P = .07). Women mal-weight control subjects, and these
respectively. with (n = 16) and those without (n = parameters are strongly associated
All CT examinations were ade- 14) amenorrhea showed similar BMD with low BMD. These findings suggest
quate for BMD and trabecular texture (P = .9). However, women with amen- that this constellation of trabecular tex-
analysis. Women with anorexia nervosa orrhea had higher skewness (P = .04) ture parameters reflects impaired skel-
had lower BMD and lower T scores than and higher kurtosis (P = .05) compared etal integrity. BMI and abdominal fat

4  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2017

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Trabecular CT Texture Analysis in Anorexia Nervosa Tabari et al

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 3:  Quantitative CT scan at level of L4 in 34-year-old woman of nor- Figure 4:  Quantitative CT scan at level of L4 in 35-year-old woman with
mal weight (BMI, 22 kg/m2) for assessment of trabecular BMD (139 mg/cm3). anorexia nervosa (BMI, 18 kg/m2) reveals trabecular BMD similar to that of
patient in Figure 3 (BMD, 133 mg/cm3).

Figure 5 and MPP was inversely associated with

duration of amenorrhea; no such asso-
ciations were seen with BMD.
Anorexia nervosa is a common eat-
ing disorder that usually affects adoles-
cents and young women, and patients
with anorexia nervosa demonstrate
multiple hormonal abnormalities that
may alter bone turnover, leading to
impaired bone accrual, bone loss, and
fractures (2,3,25–27). Increasing ef-
forts have been made to develop imag-
ing biomarkers on the basis of DXA or
CT to assess skeletal integrity and pre-
dict fracture risk in anorexia nervosa.
Skeletal architecture and measures of
bone strength are crucial factors for
predicting fracture risk independent
of BMD determination with DXA (28–
31). Donaldson et al (32) used trabec-
ular bone score, a gray-level texture
parameter obtained from DXA images
of the lumbar spine, in adolescents
Figure 5:  Histograms from trabecular texture analysis of patient with anorexia nervosa in Figure 4 (purple) with anorexia nervosa and found pos-
and normal-weight control subject in Figure 3 (pink) demonstrate higher skewness, indicated by left shift itive correlations between this score
of histogram toward lower CT attenuation (2.63 vs 1.63), higher kurtosis with higher peak of histogram, and BMD obtained with DXA but no
indicating lower variation of pixel intensities (10.33 vs 3.33), lower MPP, as indicated by fewer pixels with CT correlation with fractures. The accu-
attenuation of more than 0 HU (233.1 vs 375.9), and slightly lower entropy, suggesting decreased complexity racy of DXA in assessing BMD is influ-
of pixel values (5.4 vs 5.7) in patient with anorexia nervosa compared with normal-weight control subject. enced by body size (7), and phantom
studies have shown that even small ex-
and muscle cross-sectional areas were with entropy and MPP. In patients with traosseous soft-tissue heterogeneities
inversely associated with skewness anorexia nervosa, entropy correlated can increase inaccuracies in BMD as-
and kurtosis and positively associated positively with lowest lifetime weight sessment (33). Therefore, the use of

Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2017  n 5

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Trabecular CT Texture Analysis in Anorexia Nervosa Tabari et al

Table 2 skewness in anorexia nervosa suggests

that most pixels are skewed toward
Correlation between CT Trabecular Texture Analysis, Body Composition, and BMD lower CT attenuation.
In our study,
Log Skewness Log Kurtosis Entropy MPP trabecular texture parameters showed
correlation with BMI and fat and mus-
Variable r Value P Value r Value P Value r Value P Value r Value P Value
cle cross-sectional areas. These findings
Log BMI 20.45 ,.001* 20.45 ,.001* 0.25 .05 0.52 ,.001* are important because anorexia ner-
Log VAT CSA 20.21 .1 20.22 .09 0.07 .6 0.20 .1 vosa is a model of malnutrition-induced
Log SAT CSA 20.37 ,.004* 20.39 .002* 0.32 .01* 0.40 .001* bone loss. Furthermore, BMI and fat
Log paraspinal muscle CSA 20.29 .04 20.33 .02 0.10 .6 0.33 .02 and muscle mass are known to be pos-
BMD 20.54 ,.001* 20.50 ,.001* 0.24 .07 0.79 ,.001* itively associated with BMD and bone
health in this population. We found that
Note.—CSA = cross-sectional area, SAT = subcutaneous adipose tissue, VAT = visceral adipose tissue.
* Significant after controlling for multiple comparisons.
lowest lifetime weight correlated posi-
tively with entropy and that duration
of amenorrhea was inversely associ-
ated with MPP, whereas there were no
DXA and DXA-derived markers of tra- radiography, magnetic resonance imag- such associations with BMD. In addi-
becular integrity is limited in anorexia ing, and ex vivo high-spatial-resolution tion, women with anorexia nervosa and
nervosa. Several studies have used CT. Thevenot et al (36) performed amenorrhea had higher skewness and
peripheral quantitative CT, which is texture analysis on hip radiographs kurtosis compared with women with-
less influenced by body composition, and determined texture parameters out amenorrhea, despite similar BMD.
to assess microarchitecture of the dis- that could be used to identify patients These findings suggest that trabecular
tal radius in adolescents and adults at risk for femoral fracture. Link et al texture analysis might contribute infor-
with anorexia nervosa. These studies (37) performed high-spatial-resolution mation on bone health in anorexia ner-
revealed impaired trabecular and cor- CT of cadaveric spine specimens with vosa that is independent of BMD.
tical microarchitecture and impaired 1-mm-thick sections to assess basic Our study had several limitations.
bone strength at finite element analysis texture parameters and microarchitec- First, the cross-sectional design limits
in patients with anorexia nervosa com- ture. Microarchitecture was a stron- our ability to determine causality. Sec-
pared with normal-weight control sub- ger predictor of bone strength than ond, we did not follow up patients to
jects (1,4,8,9). Phan et al (34) used trabecular texture (37). MacKay et al assess whether trabecular texture
C-arm CT to assess bone microarchi- (38) assessed tibial subchondral bone analysis can help predict fracture risk.
tecture of the lumbar spine in patients in patients with osteoarthritis and Third, differences in body size and
with anorexia nervosa. However, C- found that trabecular texture, but not weight may affect trabecular texture
arm CT is limited by a small field of microarchitecture parameters, helped analysis. We therefore controlled our
view and thus is feasible only in very accurately classify patients with and pa- analyses for BMI.
thin patients; it is also associated with tients without osteoarthritis. In conclusion, trabecular texture
a higher radiation dose (0.7 mSv) (34) We identified a combination of tex- analysis of the lumbar spine with sin-
than the single-section CT used in our ture parameters assessed with single- gle-section CT is a feasible technique
study (0.07 mSv). section quantitative CT that reflect with which to determine skeletal integ-
Texture analysis is a technique that skeletal integrity in anorexia nervosa. rity. Patients with anorexia nervosa had
allows quantification of the spatial ar- In our study, higher skewness and increased skewness and kurtosis and
rangement of pixel intensities by using kurtosis and lower entropy and MPP decreased entropy and MPP compared
a statistical evaluation of image inten- were associated with decreased BMD. with normal-weight control subjects.
sities in a region of interest and can Lower MPP reflects a lower number These parameters were associated with
be performed with different imaging of pixels with CT attenuation values lowest lifetime weight and duration of
modalities. Most studies of CT texture of more than 0, which can be seen in amenorrhea, whereas there were no
analysis have focused on the assess- bone loss. Similarly, low entropy in- such associations with BMD. These
ment of neoplasms to determine tumor dicates decreased complexity of pixel findings suggest that trabecular texture
grade, treatment response, or survival. values, which suggests impaired skele- analysis might contribute information
These studies have reported greater tal integrity. Higher kurtosis reflects a on bone health in anorexia nervosa
correspondence of heterogeneous tu- histogram that is narrower than a nor- that is independent of information pro-
mor texture with higher grade of ma- mal Gaussian distribution, indicating vided by BMD. Longitudinal studies are
lignancy and lower overall treatment a lower variation of pixel intensities. needed to investigate whether trabec-
response and survival (11–14,35). Positive skewness is consistent with ular texture analysis can improve the
Some studies have performed a histogram with a tail that is longer prediction of fracture risk in anorexia
texture analysis of bone by using on the right, and our observed higher nervosa.

6  n Radiology: Volume 000: Number 0—   2017

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Trabecular CT Texture Analysis in Anorexia Nervosa Tabari et al

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