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Linear Equations Name:

Define linear relation • A relation that is a straight line when graphed

• It has a constant rate of change

Example 1)

Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4

100 110 120 130 140

What is the equation for the table in

example 1?

Label your equation with the


• Variable to solve
• Variable given or easy to
• Starting point (constant)
• Rate of change (coefficient)

How does the equation from example
1 relate to “y = mx + b”? y = mx + b

Label the linear equation with the
proper terminology:
• Dependent variable
• Independent variable
• Slope
• y – intercept

Define the terminology Dependent variable:

Independent variable:

y – intercept:


Example 2)

Hours 2 3 4 5 6

Height (m) 6 3

a) Complete the table above

b) Write a linear equation for the table
c) Label the components of the equation using the proper terminology

d) Graph the linear equation below

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