Daftar Singkatan

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Ab : antibody
Ag : antigen
Ad : A-dark spermatogonium
Ap : A-pale spermatogonium
B : B spermatogonium
bp : base pair
BOLL : boule-like RNA-binding protein
BPS : Badan Pusat Statistik
CDC2 : cell division cycle 2
CDC25A : cell division cycle 25A
CDK : cyclin-dependent kinase
cDNA : complementary deoxsiribose nucleic acid
CHK : checkpoint
c-kit : cellular of receptor tyrosine kinase (KIT)
c-myc : cellular homolog of v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral
CREM : cAMP respone element modulator
Ct : cycle threshold
DAB : diaminobenzidine
DAZ : deleted in azoospermia
DAZL : deleted in azoospermia like
DNA : deoxiribose nucleic acid
dNTP : deoxynucleotide tri phosphate
dsDNA : double stranded deoxsiribose nucleic acid
EP : early pachytene
eS : elongated spermatids
E2F : E2 transcription factor
FSH : follicle stimulating hormone
G0 : gap 0
G1 : gap 1
G2 : gap 2
GAPDH : glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
GnRH : gonadotropin releasing hormone
HIF1α : hipoxia-inducible factor 1α
HPG : hypothalamus pituitary gonadal
HRP : horseradish peroxidase
H2O2 : hidrogen peroksida
IHK : imunohistokimia
Jsd : juvenile spermatogonial depletion

kb : kilo base
kDa : kilo dalton
L : Leptoten spermatocyte
LH : Luteinizing Hormone
LP : Late pachytene spermatocytes
M : Meiotic
MP : mid pachytene spermatocytes
MPF : maturation promotion factor
MPI : m-phase inducer
mRNA : messenger ribose nucleic acid
miRNA : micro ribose nucleic acid
NFW : nuclease free water
NTC : no template control
PCR : polymerase chain reaction
PGC : primordial germ cells
Pl : preleptoten spermatocyte
p21 : protein 21
p53 : protein 53
qRT-PCR : quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain
Rb : retinoblastoma
RB : residual body
RNA : ribose nucleic acid
RNase : ribonuclease
rpm : radian per minute
RT : reverse transcriptase
rS : round spermatids
S : synthesis
SCO : sertoli cell only
SDS : sodium dodecyl sulfate
SPSS : statistical product and service solution
SSC : spermatogonial stem cells
STAT3 : signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
Tm : temperature melting
UTR : untranslated region
Z : zygoten spermatocytes


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