Questionnaire For Chinese Students Experience in Learning Spoken English in China

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Questionnaire for Chinese Students' Experience in

Learning Spoken English in China

1. Age

Your answer

2. Gender




3. First Language

Mandarin Chinese

Cantonese Chinese



4. Number of years learning English

Your answer
5. Which of the following would you describe yourself




6. Which of the following would you describe as your spoken

English level?

I can speak and understand English very well.

I can speak and understand limited English.

I can understand, but Nnd it hard to communicate my message.


7. Where is your spoken English placement?





8. Why did you decide to take a spoken English class?

Your answer
9. How big was/is your spoken English class?
Small class size

Medium class size

Large class size


10. Do you notice yourself speaking more accurately (using

correct grammar and vocabulary) in a larger, medium or
smaller class size? Please explain.

Your answer

11. Do you notice yourself speaking more _uently (produce

language easily and smoothly) in a larger, medium, or smaller
class size? Please explain.

Your answer

12. Do you feel anxious in a spoken English class? If so, do you

feel more anxious in a smaller, medium or larger class size?
Please explain why.

Your answer
13. Among small, medium, and large classes, where do you see
yourself earning a higher grade for a spoken English class? Or
where do you achieve more and your spoken English improve
more? Please explain why.

Your answer

14. Among small, medium, and large classes, where do you see
yourself being more conNdent in your assessment
performance (presentation, Nnal exams, public speaking) for a
spoken English class? Please explain why.

Your answer

15. Are you more engaged in a smaller, medium or larger class

size? (i.e. focused, concentrated on, present)

Your answer

16. Among small, medium, and large classes, which one would
you be more excited about coming to? Please explain why.

Your answer

17. Among small, medium, and large classes, where do you

feel safer and more comfortable to speak in a spoken English

Your answer
18. Among small, medium, and large classes, where are you
more willing to communicate in a spoken English class? (e.g.
Having conversations with teachers and classmates, chatting
in English.)

Your answer


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