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TS 100: Electrical Design Standards for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to and including 33kV)

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Manual No. 32
Published: August 2017

SA Power Networks
TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
Issued - June 2014
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Revision Notice:
Date Details Author Authorised

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Overall condensation of document to simplify interpretation:
Amendments to:
• Section 1: (1.3)
• Section 2: (2.3, 2.7, 2.10)
• Section 4: (4.2, 4.5)
• Section 5: (5.2, 5.3, deleted 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7)
• Section 6: (6.1, 6.2, 6.8, added 6.8.5)
• Section 7: (7.1,7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8)
• Section 8: Renumbered; and information from appendices
Aug 2017 included. Specific metering information removed A. Lee J. Ali
• Section 9: (9.14)
• The following Appendices moved into main body:
 A1 – 7.2 and 7.3
 A2.2 – 6.1
 A3 – 6.1
 A4 – 8.5, 8.6, 8.9
 A4 – 8.5, 8.6, 8.9
 A6 – 6.2
• Appendices renumbered.

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SA Power Networks:
SA Power Networks, ABN 13 332 330 749, a partnership of:
Spark Infrastructure SA (No.1) Pty Ltd, ABN 54 091 142 380
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Spark Infrastructure SA (No.3) Pty Ltd, ABN 50 091 142 362
each incorporated in Australia
CKI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 65 090 718 880
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each incorporated in The Bahamas
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All rights reserved.

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 SA Power Networks 2017
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These SA Power Networks Service and Installation Rules incorporate the ‘Technical Installation Rules’

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referred to in Regulation 76 of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 under the Electricity Act 1996.
The Technical Installation Rules within this document are denoted by the symbol TIR adjacent to the
relevant clause.
In accordance with Regulation 76 of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, the Technical Installation
Rules have been prepared by SA Power Networks, and approved by the Technical Regulator.
The parts of the SA Power Networks Service and Installation Rules which are not part of the Technical
Installation Rules have been prepared and approved by SA Power Networks.
If a provision of the SA Power Networks Service and Installation Rules which is not part of the Technical
Installation Rules is inconsistent with the Technical Installation Rules, the Technical Installation Rules shall
prevail, and the provision shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.
These SA Power Networks Service and Installation Rules supersede the SA Power Networks Service and
Installation Rules 2016, effective from 29th August 2017.

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1. General ..................................................................................................... 15
1.1 About this Manual .............................................................................................. 15
1.1.1 What this document is about ..........................................................................15
1.1.2 Application of this document ..........................................................................15
1.1.3 How to use this document...............................................................................15
1.1.4 Revisions and Alterations ................................................................................15
1.2 References.......................................................................................................... 15
1.2.1 Acts & Regulations ..........................................................................................15
1.2.2 Codes & Guidelines .........................................................................................16
1.3 Definitions .......................................................................................................... 16
2. Introduction .............................................................................................. 22
2.1 Objective ............................................................................................................ 22
2.2 Scope ................................................................................................................. 22
2.3 Innovation .......................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Publication & Revision ........................................................................................ 22
2.4.1 Administration ................................................................................................22
2.4.2 Publication .....................................................................................................23
2.4.3 Revision ..........................................................................................................23
2.5 Service & Installation Rules Management Contact .............................................. 23
2.6 Dispute Resolution ............................................................................................. 23
2.7 Application Responsibilities ................................................................................ 23
2.8 Failure to Comply with these Rules ..................................................................... 23
2.9 Exceptional Circumstances .................................................................................. 24
2.10 Offences ............................................................................................................. 24
2.11 Necessity for Employing a Licensed Person ......................................................... 24
2.12 Basic Industry Relationship ................................................................................. 24
2.12.1 Responsibilities ...............................................................................................25 Distributor ............................................................................................... 25 Retailers................................................................................................... 25 Customer Agents ..................................................................................... 25
3. Customer Solutions Manager Areas & Contact Details............................... 26
3.1 State – Customer Solutions Manager Area Boundaries ........................................ 26
3.2 Metro – Customer Solutions Manager Area Boundaries ...................................... 27
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4. General Rules ............................................................................................ 28

4.1 Safety (TIR) ......................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Compliance with Regulations, Codes of Practice and these Rules (TIR)................. 28

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4.2.1 Electrical Installations (TIR) .............................................................................28
4.2.2 Building & Structural Clearances (TIR) ..............................................................28
4.3 Testing (TIR) ....................................................................................................... 29
4.4 Equipment Acceptance (TIR) ............................................................................... 29
4.4.1 Equipment Required to be Accepted (TIR)........................................................29
4.4.2 Equipment Not Required to be Accepted (TIR) .................................................29
4.5 Labelling (TIR) ..................................................................................................... 30
4.6 Access to SA Power Networks Equipment (TIR) ................................................... 30
4.7 Locking Facilities (TIR) ......................................................................................... 30
4.8 SA Power Networks Security Seal (TIR)................................................................ 30
5. Supply Application, Connection & Disconnection ...................................... 33
5.1 Conditions of Supply (TIR) ................................................................................... 33
5.1.1 Compliance with SA Power Networks S&I Rules and AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules (TIR)
5.2 Negotiations for Obtaining/Altering and Electricity Supply & Warning Against
Premature Expenditure....................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Alterations to Existing Installations..................................................................34
5.3 Type of Supply and Load ..................................................................................... 34
5.4 Authorised Service Capacity ................................................................................ 34
5.4.1 Application .....................................................................................................34 Offer Letter .............................................................................................. 34 Agreed Maximum Demand ..................................................................... 34
5.4.2 Control of Customer Load (TIR)........................................................................35 General (TIR)............................................................................................ 35 Load Control Device/s (TIR) ..................................................................... 35
5.5 Typical Connection Process ................................................................................. 35
5.5.1 Connection to the SA Power Networks Distribution System .............................35
5.5.2 Reconnection to the SA Power Networks Distribution System (TIR) ..................35
6. Supply Characteristics and Supply Use....................................................... 36
6.1 Supply (TIR) ........................................................................................................ 36
6.1.1 Supply Systems (TIR) .......................................................................................36 Supply Disturbances (TIR) ........................................................................ 36 Phase Failure Protection (TIR) ................................................................. 36
6.1.2 Prospective Short Circuit Current (TIR) .............................................................36

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6.1.3 Protective Systems (TIR) ..................................................................................38 Earthing of Electrical Installations (TIR) .................................................. 38
6.2 Connection Points............................................................................................... 38

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6.2.1 Number of Services .........................................................................................38 Subdivisions Incorporating Common Property ........................................ 39 Subdivisions Not Incorporating Common Property ................................. 44
6.2.2 Number of Phases ...........................................................................................51
6.2.3 Location..........................................................................................................52
6.3 Consumer Terminals ........................................................................................... 53
6.3.1 Number of Consumer Terminals per Point of Supply ........................................53
6.3.2 Identification of Consumer Mains (TIR) ............................................................53
6.4 Identification of Multiple Supplies (TIR) .............................................................. 54
6.5 Customer Load Requirements (TIR) ..................................................................... 54
6.5.1 Obligations (TIR) .............................................................................................54
6.5.2 Non Compliance (TIR)......................................................................................54
6.5.3 Power Factor (TIR) ..........................................................................................55
6.5.4 Harmonics (TIR) ..............................................................................................55
6.5.5 Load Balance (TIR)...........................................................................................55
6.5.6 Disturbing Loads (TIR) .....................................................................................55
6.5.7 Switched Loads (TIR) .......................................................................................56
6.5.8 Voltage Drop (TIR) ..........................................................................................56
6.5.9 Equipment Requiring Special Consideration (TIR) .............................................56
6.5.10 Starting Current of Motors (TIR) ......................................................................57 General (TIR)............................................................................................ 57 Single Phase Motors (TIR) ....................................................................... 57 Three Phase Motors 400 Volt (TIR) ......................................................... 57
6.5.11 Test Method for Measurement of Motor Starting Current (TIR) ........................57 Fall in Voltage Method (TIR) ................................................................... 58 Current Measurements Method (TIR) ..................................................... 58
6.5.12 Restart Delay (TIR) ..........................................................................................58
6.5.13 Installations with Generators, Alternative or Parallel Supplies (TIR) .................58
6.6 Additional Sources of Supply by way of Renewable Energy Systems of Embedded
Generating Units ................................................................................................ 59
6.6.1 General...........................................................................................................59
6.6.2 Connection of Break before Make Stand-by Gen-Unit (TIR) ..............................59
6.6.3 Requirements for Parallel Embedded Generating Unit (TIR) .............................60 Network Connection Agreement (TIR) .................................................... 60 Notification Requirements (TIR) .............................................................. 60

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6.6.4 Networks Connection of Inverter Energy Systems (TIR) ....................................60 Inverter Requirements (TIR) .................................................................... 60 Installation and Connection to Grid (TIR) ................................................ 60

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6.6.5 Storage Systems..............................................................................................61
7. Low Voltage Supply ................................................................................... 62
7.1 Services .............................................................................................................. 62
7.1.1 General...........................................................................................................62
7.1.2 Type of Service................................................................................................62
7.1.3 Connections to Services ..................................................................................62
7.2 Underground Distribution Areas ......................................................................... 64
7.2.1 Consumer Terminals .......................................................................................64
7.2.2 Underground Service ......................................................................................65 Service Pits/Pillars ................................................................................... 65 Underground Service Cable Termination ................................................ 66 Terminals of a Pad Mounted Transformer .............................................. 66 Terminals of an Open Bushing Transformer............................................ 67
7.3 Overhead Distribution Network Areas ................................................................ 67
7.3.1 Overhead Lines ...............................................................................................68
7.3.2 Over/Under Service ........................................................................................72
7.3.3 LV Isolators on Pole.........................................................................................72
7.3.4 Consumer Terminals .......................................................................................73
7.3.5 Point of Attachment........................................................................................74 Overhead Distribution Network .............................................................. 74 Point of Attachment on Customer Support Poles .................................... 76 Transformers ........................................................................................... 77 Access to Point of Supply ......................................................................... 77
7.3.6 Service Brackets ..............................................................................................77 General .................................................................................................... 77 Provision .................................................................................................. 78 Specification, Acceptance and Installation.............................................. 78
7.3.7 Aerial Service Lines Clearances ........................................................................79 Existing Service Lines ............................................................................... 79 New and Replacement Service Lines ....................................................... 79 Achievement and Maintenance of Clearances ........................................ 79
7.3.8 Aerial Service Lines Sag ...................................................................................80
7.4 Service Protection............................................................................................... 80

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7.4.1 Customers Protective Equipment (TIR) ............................................................80

7.4.2 Application of SA Power Networks Protection Devices TIR) ..............................80 Enclosures (TIR) ....................................................................................... 80

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7.4.3 Security ..........................................................................................................81 General .................................................................................................... 81 SA Power Networks Operation ................................................................ 81
7.4.4 Operation (TIR) ...............................................................................................82 General (TIR)............................................................................................ 82 Emergency Services Personnel (TIR) ........................................................ 82 Licensed Contractor (TIR) ........................................................................ 82 Fuse removal by a Licensed Electrical Worker/Contractor (TIR) ............. 82
7.4.5 Service Protection Devices ..............................................................................83 Services up to and including 500kVA....................................................... 83 Services up to an including 500kVA .................................... 83 I2t Characteristics of LV Fuses ............................................. 83 Services Greater than 500kVA ................................................................. 83
7.4.6 Acceptable Applications ..................................................................................85 Underground Supply................................................................................ 85 Overhead Supply ..................................................................................... 85 General ............................................................................... 85 Supply to Customer Support Poles ...................................... 85 Supply from SA Power Networks Pole ..................................................... 86 Consumer Mains that Connect to Consumer Terminals Located
upon the Pole ...................................................................... 86 Customer’s Switchboard and Associated Equipment Mounted
on SA Power Networks Poles .............................................. 86 Supply Direct from Transformers ............................................................ 87
7.5 Isolating Devices ................................................................................................. 87
7.5.1 Meter Isolators (TIR) .......................................................................................87 General (TIR)............................................................................................ 87 Features (TIR) .......................................................................................... 87 Rating (TIR).............................................................................................. 88 Application (TIR) ...................................................................................... 88 Installation (TIR) ...................................................................................... 89
7.5.2 Location and Access to Isolation Devices..........................................................89 Properties which are the Subject of a Strata Plan or Community Title ... 89

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Service & Installation Rules Properties which are not the Subject of a Strata Plan or Community Title89
7.6 Safety When Working on or Near Distribution Network (TIR) .............................. 90
7.6.1 No Go Zone (TIR) .............................................................................................90

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7.6.2 Underground Cables (TIR) ...............................................................................90
7.6.3 Transformers (TIR) ..........................................................................................90
7.6.4 Poles and Aerial Lines (TIR) .............................................................................91
7.6.5 Service Pits/Pillars (TIR) ..................................................................................91
7.6.6 Supply Isolation (TIR) ......................................................................................91
7.7 Consumer Mains ................................................................................................. 92
7.7.1 General (TIR)...................................................................................................92 Exclusion Zone (TIR)................................................................................. 92 Unprotected Consumer Mains (TIR) ........................................................ 93 Protected Consumer Mains (TIR)............................................................. 93 Unprotected Consumer Mains Transformers (TIR).................................. 93
7.7.2 Size of Consumer Mains (TIR) ..........................................................................94
7.7.3 Identification of Consumer Mains (TIR) ............................................................94
7.7.4 Joints in Un-Metered Consumer Mains ............................................................95
7.7.5 Terminations (TIR) ..........................................................................................95
7.7.6 Underground Consumer Mains (TIR) ................................................................95 Consumer Mains in Road Reserves (TIR) ................................................. 95 Consumer Mains on a Third Party Property (TIR) .................................... 95
7.7.7 Minimum Insulation Resistance (TIR) ...............................................................95
7.7.8 Wiring Systems (TIR) .......................................................................................95
7.7.9 Connections (TIR) ............................................................................................96 Pit/Pillar Connections (TIR)...................................................................... 96 Termination on a Distribution Pole (TIR) ................................................. 96 Work Practices (TIR) ........................................................... 96 Installation (TIR) ................................................................. 97
7.8 Special Electrical Installations & Supply Arrangements ........................................ 97
7.8.1 Limited Period Supplies ...................................................................................97 Provision .................................................................................................. 97 Customer’s Electrical Installation (TIR).................................................... 97 Buildings in Course of Erection ................................................................ 97
7.8.2 Multiple Occupancies ......................................................................................98 Plan.......................................................................................................... 98 Subdivision............................................................................................... 98 Unmetered Conductors ........................................................................... 98 Metering .................................................................................................. 99

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Service & Installation Rules Control (TIR) ............................................................................................ 99 Supply Arrangement Diagrams (TIR)....................................................... 99 Labelling (TIR) .......................................................................................... 99

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7.8.3 Equipment Installed on a Distribution Pole .................................................... 100 Use of Pole............................................................................................. 100 Equipment Installation .......................................................................... 100
7.8.4 Electrical Installations on Public Land (TIR) .................................................... 101 General (TIR).......................................................................................... 101 Points of Supply and Consumer Terminals (TIR) .................................... 101 Labelling (TIR) ........................................................................................ 101
7.8.5 Contiguous Land ........................................................................................... 101
7.8.6 Subdivisions .................................................................................................. 102 General .................................................................................................. 102 No Existing Electrical Installation or Supply .......................................... 102 Existing Electrical Installations or Supply .............................................. 102 Multiple Occupancies ............................................................................ 102
7.8.7 Unmetered Supplies...................................................................................... 103
8. LV Switchboards, Service Equipment & Metering .................................... 104
8.1 Scope ............................................................................................................... 104
8.2 Tariffs & Metering ............................................................................................ 104
8.3 Metering Obligations ........................................................................................ 104
8.3.1 General (TIR)................................................................................................. 104
8.3.2 Alterations & Additions ................................................................................. 104
8.4 Determination of Meter Type ........................................................................... 105
8.5 Location ........................................................................................................... 105
8.5.1 General......................................................................................................... 105
8.5.2 Single Residential .......................................................................................... 106
8.5.3 Single Non Residential................................................................................... 111
8.5.4 Multiple Residential Installations .................................................................. 112
8.5.5 Multiple Non-Residential .............................................................................. 115
8.5.6 Single Customer Rural Installations................................................................ 117
8.5.7 Combined Residential – Non-Residential Use ................................................. 117
8.5.8 Public Land ................................................................................................... 117
8.5.9 Unsuitable Metering Locations ...................................................................... 118
8.6 Clearances around Meter Enclosure .................................................................. 118
8.6.1 Individual Residential Installations ................................................................ 118
8.6.2 Multiple Residential and Commercial Installations ......................................... 119
8.7 Meter Enclosure Mounting Height .................................................................... 120
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8.8 Access .............................................................................................................. 120

8.8.1 General......................................................................................................... 120
8.8.2 Locks ............................................................................................................ 121

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8.9 Metering Panels, Surrounds & Enclosures (TIR) ................................................. 121
8.9.1 General (TIR)................................................................................................. 121
8.9.2 Meter panels (TIR) ........................................................................................ 121 Size (TIR) ................................................................................................ 121 Installation (TIR) .................................................................................... 122 Materials (TIR) ....................................................................................... 122 Wiring Holes (TIR).................................................................................. 122 Fixing Arrangements (TIR) ..................................................................... 123 Wiring (TIR) ........................................................................................... 123
8.9.3 Metering Surrounds & Enclosures (TIR).......................................................... 123 General (TIR).......................................................................................... 123 Meter Surrounds (TIR) ........................................................................... 124 Meter Enclosures (TIR) .......................................................................... 124
8.10 Equipment ........................................................................................................ 125
8.10.1 Acceptance (TIR) ........................................................................................... 125
8.10.2 On Meter Panels or Within Enclosures (TIR) ................................................... 125
8.10.3 Security Seals ................................................................................................ 125
8.10.4 Customer’s Equipment .................................................................................. 125
8.11 Meter Panel Labelling (TIR) ............................................................................... 125
8.11.1 Single Occupancy (TIR) .................................................................................. 125
8.11.2 Multiple Occupancies (TIR) ............................................................................ 125
8.12 Protection (TIR) ................................................................................................ 125
8.13 Whole Current Metering ................................................................................... 126
8.13.1 Clearances .................................................................................................... 126
8.13.2 Meter Panels ................................................................................................ 126
8.13.3 Equipment (TIR) ............................................................................................ 126
8.13.4 Isolation of Metering Equipment ................................................................... 126 Single Occupancy Metering ................................................................... 127 Multiple Occupancy Metering ............................................................... 127
8.14 LV Current Transformer Metering ..................................................................... 127
8.14.1 General......................................................................................................... 127
8.14.2 Meter Panel .................................................................................................. 127 Location and Access .............................................................................. 127 Clearances ............................................................................................. 127 Wiring .................................................................................................... 128

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9. High Voltage Electrical Installations ......................................................... 129

9.1 Scope ............................................................................................................... 129
9.2 Contractual Arrangements ................................................................................ 129

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9.3 Systems of Supply ............................................................................................. 129
9.4 Preliminary Information ................................................................................... 129
9.5 Installation Design (TIR) .................................................................................... 130
9.5.1 Power Transformers (TIR).............................................................................. 131
9.5.2 Protective Equipment (TIR) ........................................................................... 131
9.6 Conversion from Low Voltage to High Voltage Supply ....................................... 131
9.7 General Design (TIR) ......................................................................................... 131
9.7.1 Circuit Connections (TIR) ............................................................................... 131
9.7.2 Control of Incoming High Voltage Supply (TIR) ............................................... 131
9.7.3 Power Factor (TIR) ........................................................................................ 132
9.7.4 Supply Disturbances (TIR) .............................................................................. 132
9.7.5 Voltage Unbalance Factor (TIR) ..................................................................... 132
9.7.6 Safety Signs (TIR) .......................................................................................... 132
9.8 Protection (TIR) ................................................................................................ 133
9.9 Insulation Coordination (TIR) ............................................................................ 134
9.10 Short Time Withstand Current (TIR) .................................................................. 134
9.11 Earthing (TIR).................................................................................................... 134
9.11.1 General (TIR)................................................................................................. 134
9.11.2 Size of Earthing Conductors (TIR) ................................................................... 135
9.11.3 Earthing of Metering Equipment (TIR) ........................................................... 135
9.12 SA Power Networks Acceptance Requirements ................................................. 135
9.13 Metering .......................................................................................................... 136
9.13.1 General Requirements .................................................................................. 136
9.13.2 Metering Instrument Enclosure Requirements ............................................... 136 Panel ...................................................................................................... 136 Enclosure ............................................................................................... 136
9.13.3 Metering Transformers ................................................................................. 137 Compliance ............................................................................................ 137 Transformer Layout ............................................................................... 137 Secondary Wiring .................................................................................. 138
9.13.4 Access to Meters ........................................................................................... 140
9.13.5 SA Power Networks Connection Assets .......................................................... 140
9.14 Testing & Commissioning (TIR) .......................................................................... 140
9.15 Customer’s HV Installation Operation & Maintenance (TIR) .............................. 141

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9.15.1 Operating Procedures (TIR) ........................................................................... 141

9.15.2 Trained Operators (TIR) ................................................................................. 141
9.15.3 Maintenance (TIR) ........................................................................................ 141

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10. Appendices.............................................................................................. 143
10.1 Appendix 1 – Single Phase URDs ....................................................................... 143
10.2 Appendix 2 – SA Power Networks Service Fuse Time/Current Characteristics .... 145
Sheet 1 – For Service Fuse Type – ME & MF (TIR) .......................................................... 145
Sheet 2 – For Service Fuse Type – J (TIR)....................................................................... 146
Sheet 3 – For Service Fuse Type – NH Size 2 (TIR) .......................................................... 147
Sheet 4 – For Service Fuse Type – NH Size 3 (TIR) .......................................................... 148
Sheet 5 – For Service Fuse Type – NH Size 4A (TIR) ....................................................... 149

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1. General
1.1 About this Manual
1.1.1 What this document is about

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This document is designed to assist customers and electrical contractors by detailing:
• the method and type of supply from SA Power Networks distribution network;
• the requirements for electrical installations connected to SA Power Networks
distribution network; and
• some of the customer’s obligations relating to that supply.
Additional requirements are contained in the Electricity Distribution Code, Connection
and Supply Contract and the Electricity Metering Code, copies of which are available on
SA Power Networks internet site or from SA Power Networks on request.
1.1.2 Application of this document
This document is intended for use by SA Power Networks staff, engineers, building work
contractors, licensed electrical contractors and registered electrical workers who are
directly engaged in activities associated with the connection of electricity supply to a
customer’s property from the SA Power Networks distribution network.
The requirements of this document apply to customers and their agents in relation to
electrical installations connected to or intended to be connected to SA Power Networks
distribution networks. Alterations of, or, additions to an existing electrical installation
shall be deemed to be a new electrical installation and are covered by the requirements
of this document.
In accordance with the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012,
the requirements within this document also apply to electricity retailers and other
parties such as meter providers participating in or executing duties under the National
Electricity Rules in relation to installations connected (or intending to be connected) to
SA Power Networks distribution network.
Unregistered persons may use this document for information purposes only, but are
forbidden by law from undertaking electrical work and may be subject to criminal
prosecution should they do so.
1.1.3 How to use this document
This is a self-contained document except where it specifically refers to other related
documents. It supersedes previous versions of the SA Power Networks Service &
Installation Rules.
1.1.4 Revisions and Alterations
SA Power Networks reserves the right to revise this publication. The current edition of
this document is available on our website at
1.2 References
This list of references has been made as comprehensive as possible at the time of publication.
However, other references may have been applicable at the time. The references listed may have
been amended or made obsolete and new references may be applicable. The user is responsible
to correct references applied.
1.2.1 Acts & Regulations
• Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012
• Work Health & Safety Act 2012 and Work Health & Safety Regulations 2012

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• Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth)

• Plumbers, Gas Fitters & Electricians Act 1995

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1.2.2 Codes & Guidelines
• National Electricity Rules
• Electricity Distribution Code
• Electricity Retail Code
• Electricity Metering Code
Other references include:
• Excluded Services
• Australia/New Zealand Standards
• Services & Streets Code
References, Administrators and their contact details include:
• Australian Standards
• Electricity Distributor
• The Australian Energy Regulator
• Australian Energy Market Operator
• WorkCover SA
1.3 Definitions
The definitions contained herein apply to these Service & Installation Rules.

Australian Electricity Market Operator the company which operates and

AEMO administers the National Electricity Market in Accordance with the
National Electricity Rules.
Australian Energy Regulator – (AER) is Australia’s national energy market
regulator and an independent statutory authority.
A powerline placed above the ground and in the open air, but does not
Aerial Line include bus bars or any direct current conductors used as traction trolley
The maximum demand quantity used in calculation of the maximum
demand component of a customer periodic network charge (where
applicable). The agreed maximum demand is the highest average
Agreed Maximum demand over a thirty-minute period either recorded or reasonably
Demand expected to be recorded as defined in the Demand Schedule of the
Electricity Distribution Code. May be in kW or kVA as the context
requires. The Agreed Maximum Demand can’t exceed the Authorised
Service Capacity.
AS/NZS 3000 Wiring
The current version of the Wiring Rules published by Standards Australia.
The person in charge of the premises, or the registered electrical worker
or licensed electrical contractor or other person appointed or selected by
Authorised Person
the person in charge of the premises, to perform certain duties
associated with the electrical installation on the premises.

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The demand capacity as detailed in the ‘Offer for Supply’ which was accepted
by the customer. This is the maximum demand capacity that the Service
Authorised Protection Device, Consumer Terminals and upstream Distribution System

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Service Capacity have been designed to provide for. When a customer requests a reduction to
their Agreed Maximum Demand the new Agreed Maximum Demand will
become the Authorised Service Capacity.
Community Lot Is a separately owned Lot within a Community Title Scheme.
Is the division of land into at least two lots and generally an area of common
property. The Community Title Act provides for implied easements within a
Community Title development. These implied easements only relate to
Title Scheme
private service infrastructure and do not apply to infrastructure that is owned
by SA Power Networks.
Property within a Community Title Scheme that is owned by the community
corporation. The community corporation is comprised of all lot owners within
Common the Community Title Scheme. Common property relates to those parts that
Property do not form part of a lot and typically includes the land for the service
infrastructure and driveways that are shared. Roads within Community Title
Schemes are generally common property.
A connection point to a transmission or distribution network. For the purpose
of this document connection point also has the same meaning as Point of
Supply as defined in AS/NZS 3000.
Are the electrical conductors, owned and maintained by the customer,
connecting the point of supply and the main switchboard and form part of
the customers’ installation.
The junction at which the consumer mains connect to the SA Power Networks
service cable or main supply conductors. Refer to Clause 6.3 (Consumer
A meter where electricity flow is measured by a meter using current
CT Metering transformers (CTs). Note: CT meters are used where the maximum demand
of the installation is more than 100 amps.

A person who has a supply of electricity available from a transmission or

distribution network for consumption by that person and includes:
Customer • the occupier for the time being of a place to which electricity is supplied; and
• where the context requires, a person seeking an electricity supply; and
• a person of a class declared by regulation to be customers.

Customer agents are parties representing the customers. Such parties may
include registered electrical workers, licensed electrical contractors,
consulting engineers, architects, and equipment manufacturers.
Distributor A person who holds a Distribution Licence, or who is exempted from holding
a licence of the Electricity Act.
• A ‘Distributor’ is also known as the Local Network Service Provider (LNSP).
For the purpose of this document SA Power Networks is the Distributor.

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The whole or a part of a system for the distribution of electricity, but does
not include anything declared by regulation not to be a distribution network
or part of a distribution network. For the purposes of these rules references
to Distribution Network means the network poles, wires, underground

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cables, transformers, substations etc, operated by SA Power Networks,
which transports electricity from the transmission system to a customer’s
Connection Point.
Determined The electrical demand, both instantaneous and sustained load, in kVA or
Maximum amps required from the Distributor’s supply system as assessed by the
Demand Responsible SA Power Networks Officer.
Distribution A licence authorising the operation of a distribution network, granted under
Licence the Electricity Act 1996.
A property that has a frontage on two independent boundaries, one of
Dual Fronted
which is the street address and the other being another public area. Note:
does not apply to corner properties.
The Electricity Distribution Code administered by the Essential Services
Commission of SA.
A set of wires and associated fittings, equipment and accessories installed in
a place for the conveyance, control, measurement and/or use of electricity
that is, or is to be, or has been, supplied for consumption in the place, but
Electrical does not include:
Installation • Electricity infrastructure owned or operated by an electricity entity
• Any wires, fittings, equipment or accessories connected to and beyond any
electrical outlet at which fixed wiring terminates (other than any such
outlet used to connect sections of fixed wiring).
Embedded A generator such as solar PV, wind or battery storage that is owned,
Generating operated or controlled by a customer and is connected to the customer’s
Unit electrical installation.
Licensed A contractor licensed to perform electrical work under the Plumbers, Gas
Contractor Fitters and Electricians Act 1995.
A circuit breaker that isolates the supply to the metering equipment
(including CTs where installed) and the corresponding installation or
Meter Is a person registered with AEMO who provides and maintains metering
Provider installations in accordance with the National Electricity Rules requirements.
Is metering instruments and associated fuses, links, transformers and wiring
Metering installed by a Meter Provider at the Metering Point as required by the
National Electricity Rules.
Metering A person registered by AEMO who engages in the coordination and
Coordinator provision of metering services at the connection point.
Metering Is the physical and electrical location at which metering equipment is
Point connected.
MNSP Manager Network Standards & Performance.
Must Is to be understood as mandatory.
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
NER National Electricity Rules.
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Occupancy An electrical installation or part thereof, which is supplied with electricity

through a specific meter or meters and for which an individual electricity
consumption account is rendered.

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Multiple or
More than one Occupancy connected to the same electrical installation.
Offer Letter A letter documenting an offer by SA Power Networks to a customer in
relation to a contract to undertake and complete works for the supply of
Point of Is the point that the aerial conductors of an overhead service are physically
Attachment anchored on a customer’s building, pole or structure.
Point of
Refer to Connection Point.
Principle Is that boundary between the real property and the gazetted road.
Frontage However, where a property has boundaries with two (2) or more gazetted
Property roads, the principal frontage boundary will be that which provides primary
Boundary public/personal access.
Property Either what is commonly described as a Torrens Title allotment, a
Community Title Scheme or Land which is owned by the Crown on which the
owner/occupier has the right to the installation of an electricity supply. A
property may include any combination of contiguous (adjacent) land and/or
an individual title that constitutes a single development, to which an
owner/occupier or a developer has the right to the installation of an
electricity supply.
Public Land Land owned by the Crown or an instrumentality or agent of the Crown or by
a council or other local government body, including any such land that is
subject to native title.
PV Photo Voltaic System
Readily Capable of being reached quickly and without climbing over or removing
Accessible obstructions, mounting upon a chair, or using a movable ladder, and in any
case, not more than two metres (2m) above the ground, floor or platform.
Regulator The agency authorised by law to administer the relevant act, code, standard
or requirement.
This may be:
• The Australian Energy Regulator (AER),
• Office of the Technical Regulator (OTR),
• Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC),
• Essential Services Commission of SA (ESCOSA),
• Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC),
• Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO),
• Or other agencies

Requested The maximum demand that the Customer or their agent have requested to
Maximum be provided (as determined under AS/NZS3000 or by other method).
Retailer A holder of a licence under the South Australian Electricity Act, 1996
authorised to retail electricity.

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Responsible The officer appointed by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager to be

Officer responsible for the application of these Rules. There may be multiple
Responsible Officers with specific responsibilities, eg negotiation for supply,

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provision of transformers, specification of points of supply, types of supply,
servicing and metering etc.
REW Means Registered Electrical Worker.
Rules Unless referring to another specific document the term Rules means this
SA Power The SA Power Networks Manager or the authorised Officer serving that area
Networks of The customer’s installation. Note: The Minor Connections Group can be
Manager contacted via the Builders and Contractors Line on 1300 650 014.
Security Seal A device used by SA Power Networks and meter providers to seal the un-
metered portion of a customer’s installation, the metering installation and SA
Power Networks equipment.
Service Cable Refer to Service Line.
Service Fuse Refer to Service Protection Device.
Service Fuse Enclosure to house the Service Protection Device.
Service Point Refer to Connection Point.
Service A device provided by SA Power Networks, generally a fuse but may be a
Protection circuit breaker for larger installations, to protect SA Power Networks assets.
Service Line Constructed or designed or ordinarily used for the supply of electricity at low
voltage; and through which electricity is or is intended to be supplied by an
electricity entity to a customer from the distribution network of the entity.
Shall Is to be understood as mandatory.
Should Is to be understood as non–mandatory, ie advisory or recommended.
Strata Title A ‘Strata Title Development’ is regarded as a ‘Community Title Scheme’ for
Development the purpose of this document. All terms related to ‘Strata Title’ have the
equivalent meaning to the terms relating to the ‘Community Title’.
Subdivision The division of land into two or more parts which can be disposed of
To the satisfaction of the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
(or suitably)
Supply A facility containing consumer terminals, eg, pillar, cubicle, service fuse
Connection enclosure or other agreed facilities.
Temporary Unless otherwise agreed to by SA Power Networks, the term temporary shall
mean for a period no longer than 12 months.
TIR The Technical Installation Rules referred to in regulation 76 of the Electricity
(General) Regulations 2012 within this document are denoted by the symbol
(TIR) adjacent to the relevant clause.

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Torrens Title A Torrens Title land division is a division of land into at least two allotments,
which are held / owned independently of one another. A Torrens Title land
division requires that each new allotment has frontage to a public road or

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adequate access to a public road. There are generally no shared facilities or
infrastructure as each allotment must have its own infrastructure
arrangements in place.
UG Underground Service
The electricity distributors supply network to the point of supply.
Un-metered An authorised supply that is not metered.
Whole Current A meter where the electricity flow is directly measured by the meter ie the
Meter current under measurement passes through the meter itself.
Note: Whole current meters are generally used where the maximum
demand of the installation is less than 100Amps.

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2. Introduction
2.1 Objective
The objective of these Rules is to provide South Australian electricity customers, registered

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electrical workers and other people in the industry with the technical requirements for electrical
installations connected to the SA Power Networks distribution network. Customer’s electrical
installations must comply with the Wiring Rules in AS/NZS 3000 as they apply from time to time.
2.2 Scope
These Service and Installation Rules apply to new installations, alterations or additions to existing
installations that are or are intended to be connected to the SA Power Networks distribution
It is not intended to apply any additional requirements to installations that were compliant at the
time of the original installation and are not being altered. For the purpose of these Rules, a
relocatable premise is considered a new installation when it is relocated.
This document is designed to assist users by detailing:
• the method and type of supply from the SA Power Networks distribution network
• the requirements for customer electrical installations connected to SA Power Networks
distribution network
• some of the customers’ obligations relating to that supply
Additional requirements may be contained in the Electricity Distribution Code, Connection and
Supply Contract and the Electricity Metering Code, copies of which are available on SA Power
Networks internet site or from SA Power Networks on request.
There may be situations the Rules do not cover. This may include unusual connections, and
alterations to legislation and codes. SA Power Networks must be consulted where these situations
are encountered.
Where an electrical installation consists of an embedded network (as defined in the (SA)
Electricity Metering Code) the requirements of these Rules apply to the operator of the
embedded network (parent) and their electrical installation.
An embedded network ‘child’ customer (sub-metered) must liaise with the operator of the
embedded network for conditions relating to their supply.
SA Power Networks has no obligation, responsibility or involvement with the embedded network
‘child’ customer except as noted below.
Note: These Rules are not intended for application to off-grid networks. Conditions relating to
these off-grid networks should be sought from the appropriate operator.

2.3 Innovation
These Rules do not preclude other methods, innovation, or technology that achieves the same
outcomes as the specifications detailed in this document. Any such proposal should be put to SA
Power Networks Manager Network Standards & Performance (MNSP) for acceptance during
concept/design phase and prior to commencement of work.

2.4 Publication & Revision

2.4.1 Administration
The revision, development and publication of these Rules are compiled and
administered by SA Power Networks and subject to Technical Regulator approval.

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2.4.2 Publication
The latest version is currently available on SA Power Networks website.
2.4.3 Revision

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SA Power Networks reserves the right to revise this publication. Although changes to
regulations are usually the catalyst for revision, users and interested parties are invited
to provide written comment and suggestions to assist further development of the Rules
at any time.
Correspondence for this purpose should be forwarded to the SA Power Networks MNSP.
Any approved written submissions will be incorporated in the annual review of this
document and subject to Technical Regulator approval.
2.5 Service & Installation Rules Management Contact
Contact for any matters related to the content of these Rules may be made through written
correspondence to the SA Power Networks MNSP or website (
Any enquiries relating to a specific installation are to be directed to the SA Power Networks
Responsible Officer assigned to the specific project.
If specific installation is not assigned to a Responsible Officer, then direct enquiry to the Builders
and Contractors Line.
2.6 Dispute Resolution
Where a customer has a complaint involving these Rules, they should firstly contact the SA Power
Networks Responsible Officer and register their concern.
If not resolved, the complaint may be referred to a higher level person than the SA Power
Networks Responsible Officer within the management structure.
Where this does not result in a resolution, the complaint will be resolved in accordance with the
SA Power Networks Customer Complaint & Inquiries Procedure.
2.7 Application Responsibilities
These Rules are applicable from 29th August 2017. As per Regulation 12, work on an electrical
installation completed within 6 months of the publication of this version of these Rules may be
carried out in accordance with the previous version of the Service and Installation Rules.
Transitional arrangements or exemptions may be able to be made with SA Power Networks where
it is deemed necessary to do so.
Meter Providers are responsible for compliance with the metering requirements contained within
these Rules. Up until, and including the 30 November 2017, the metering requirements are to be
carried out in accordance to the previous version of the Service and Installation Rule, which is
available on SA Power Networks website.
Each customer has an initial and ongoing responsibility to ensure their electrical installation
complies with these Rules and AS/NZS 3000 when carrying out any alterations, additions and
repairs and any other conditions for supply. This is normally accomplished through their agents,
eg their Registered Electrical Worker or Licensed Electrical Contractor. Refer to Section 5 for
complete details on Supply Applications.
2.8 Failure to Comply with these Rules
Should an installation not satisfy the requirements of these Rules, connection of electricity supply
may be delayed or withheld, and installations with supply may be disconnected until such time as
the non-compliance/s has been rectified.

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A fee will be charged where a failure to comply with these Rules occurs and in the Responsible
Officer’s opinion a subsequent attendance is required to verify that the non-compliances within
these Rules have been rectified.
Refer to SA Power Networks website for current fees.

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2.9 Exceptional Circumstances
In exceptional circumstances, the stated requirements contained in these Rules may be waived or
modified by submission of a written request.
The written request shall be accompanied by:
• a detailed statement of the reasons why non-compliance with these Rules is sought; and
• a ‘Statement of Consent’ from the owner or controlling body of the installation.
No action should be taken until a written reply to such a request has been received.
Any request in this regard shall be addressed to: Manager Network Standards & Performance, SA
Power Networks, GPO Box 77, Adelaide 5001.
Where SA Power Networks agrees to a variation to the requirements of these Rules, a copy of SA
Power Networks written acceptance to the variation must be provided to the Connecting Officer
with the valid ECC at the time of connection.
2.10 Offences
The Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, codes and guidelines enacted
under those and other legislation include regulations for protection of Distributor assets and
qualification of persons who may work on those assets. Offences under these regulations include:
1. Any work on SA Power Networks network assets unless authorised by SA Power Networks.
2. The damage or interference of any SA Power Networks assets such as:
• fuse link removal
• break a seal or lock
• dismantle or detach any SA Power Networks cables or equipment
• interference with electricity meters, time switches, equipment and/or service cables
• obtaining electricity by fraud
3. Unauthorised entry of SA Power Networks assets eg substations and infrastructure.
If a person is found guilty of an offence, it could result in the imposition of substantial fines
together with an order for damages to compensate SA Power Networks for any loss and court
costs. It may also cause that person to have a criminal record.
2.11 Necessity for Employing a Licensed Person
The Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995 requires that all electrical work carried out on
electrical installations connected to or intended to be connected to the SA Power Networks
distribution network, subject to certain exemptions, will be performed by a registered Electrical
Worker(s) who is suitably licensed for such work in South Australia.
2.12 Basic Industry Relationship
This section is intended to provide an understanding of the basic relationships of industry
stakeholders, (regulators and distributor, retailers, meter providers, customer and their agents),
in respect to connection of electrical installations to SA Power Networks distribution network.
Refer to figure 2.1 ‘Stakeholders’.

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 SA Power Networks 2017
TS 100: Electrical Design Standards for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to and including 33kV)

2.12.1 Responsibilities Distributor
• Negotiate provision and connection of supply with customers.

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• Transport and deliver electricity purchased by retailers and sold to customers.
• Connect customer electrical installations to SA Power Networks distribution network
and administer technical supply aspects of the connection.
• Determine the network tariff to be applied to the installation.
• Energise up to the line side of the meter isolator.
• Is responsible for matters such as electricity supply quality and reliability. Retailers
• Purchase electricity and retail the electricity (transported by Distributors) to
• Nominate rates and arrange customer’s contract for the purchase of electricity.
• Engage a Meter Provider.
• Request Distributors to connect or disconnect the customer installations to the
Distributor’s network in accordance with the customer’s contract with the Retailer. Customer Agents
Customer agents are parties representing the customers. Such parties may include
registered electrical workers, licensed electrical contractors, consulting engineers,
architects, and equipment manufacturers.

Meter Provider

Figure 2.1 Stakeholders

TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
Issued - June 2014
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3. Customer Solutions Manager Areas & Contact Details

3.1 State – Customer Solutions Manager Area Boundaries

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3.2 Metro – Customer Solutions Manager Area Boundaries

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4. General Rules
4.1 Safety (TIR)
All persons and contractors are responsible for all aspects of safety related to work performed by

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those persons and employees. The works should be performed in accordance with all relevant
Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Standards and the Rules within this document that are
related to the safety of the work being performed.
Electrical contractors (including meter providers) are not to connect any wires that form part of
the customer’s electrical installation to the SA Power Networks network at the connection point.
SA Power Networks will make the final service connection. Where any SA Power Networks
employee discovers that there is an immediate safety risk resulting from:
• exposed live electrical parts which pose an immediate threat to safety
• a customer’s meter box is in such a condition as to pose a threat to electrical equipment
integrity and safety
• a customer’s structure interferes with access to the SA Power Networks service point and
would also pose a threat to SA Power Networks personnel in performing their service delivery
to customers safely
• a customer’s structure reduces the prescribed safety clearances detailed in Regulation 10,
Schedule 1 of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 under the Electricity Act 1996
The employee will arrange to have the supply to the customer’s premise de-energised to make
the installation safe. In these situations, where possible, the customer at the premise will be
notified immediately. Written notification of the disconnection will be left at the premise when a
customer is not in attendance at the premise.
4.2 Compliance with Regulations, Codes of Practice and these Rules (TIR)
Any connection or reconnection to SA Power Networks distribution network is required to comply
with the Electricity Act 1996 and the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, all codes and any
other relevant legislation or guidelines.
4.2.1 Electrical Installations (TIR)
The above clause 4.2 applies to the following electrical installations:
• New installations;
• Alteration to existing installations as prescribed in AS/NZS 3000;
• Addition to existing installations as prescribed in AS/NZS 3000; or
• Special electrical installations.
4.2.2 Building & Structural Clearances (TIR)
The above clause 4.2 applies to buildings and structures constructed in the vicinity of:
• Service pits/pillars where a minimum clearance of 1.2m is required as per Figure 4.1.
• Aerial lines where for clarification, the relevant SA Power Networks Manager is to be
contacted in relation to the specific voltage level of the aerial line and the OTR is to
be contacted in relation to specific clearance details.
• Padmounted transformers and switching cubicles, refer to NICC-802 Padmount
Transformer Brochure, and TS102 Easement Standard for Distribution Networks.
Both these documents are available on the SA Power Networks website.

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Figure 4.1 – Example Service Pit/Pillar Building Clearance

4.3 Testing (TIR)

The Electricity Act 1996 and the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 require all electrical
installation work to be tested in accordance with that Act and Regulations. All electrical work to
be connected to SA Power Networks must be tested by the customer’s registered electrical
worker or licensed electrical contractor prior to a connection.
4.4 Equipment Acceptance (TIR)
Equipment used to interface with SA Power Networks assets in accordance with these Rules must
comply with the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 and be of a
standard suitable for interfacing safely with SA Power Networks assets.
4.4.1 Equipment Required to be Accepted (TIR)
SA Power Networks may refuse to connect equipment required to be accepted that has
not been accepted, and/or is not suitably identified in accordance with these Rules.
Service raiser brackets, service fuse enclosures and whole current metering enclosures
and surrounds that are commonly distributed by electrical wholesalers and similar
distributors, are required to be accepted for use by SA Power Networks prior to being
connected to supply.
Service raiser brackets specifications may be referenced in clause and whole
current metering panel and surrounds in clause 8.9.3.
All enquiries and submissions relating to acceptance of equipment should be forwarded
to the Manager Network Standards & Performance (MNSP) in accordance with clause
2.7 at the earliest opportunity.
4.4.2 Equipment Not Required to be Accepted (TIR)
It is recommended manufacturers and/or suppliers of equipment used to interface with
SA Power Networks assets and not required to be submitted for acceptance, submit
their proposed equipment and installation arrangement to the SA Power Networks
MNSP for comment prior to use where there is no certified evidence of such
equipment’s compliance and/or its suitability for its intended purpose with SA Power
Networks assets and these Rules.
Examples of such equipment that are not required to be accepted include whole current
meter isolators and CT metering facilities.

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SA Power Networks may require certified evidence of such equipment’s compliance

and/or its suitability for its intended purpose. SA Power Networks may accept such
equipment, provided it is satisfied with the evidence provided.
Certified evidence may include provision of documents to certify compliance with the

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specification contained in these Rules and its intended purpose by a suitably qualified
person, eg an engineer or consultant.
SA Power Networks may refuse to connect equipment where it is not satisfied that the
relevant specifications have been met, and/or where suitable certified evidence is not
4.5 Labelling (TIR)
Every label required by these Rules shall be permanent, indelible, legible from normal viewing
level and suitable for the purpose for which it is intended for the life of the installation.
A minimum requirement for label is a product manufactured in block lettering and numbers not
less than 6mm in height with an operating temperature rating of between -15°C and 100°C.
For exterior applications, a UV and moisture resistant material and marking that is suitable for the
environmental conditions in which it is installed is required.
For interior applications, including within transformers, service pit/pillars and switchboards, and
service fuse enclosures moisture resistant material is required.
Note: Insulation tape is not acceptable for this requirement.
4.6 Access to SA Power Networks Equipment (TIR)
A customer must provide SA Power Networks representative a safe, convenient and unhindered
access to their equipment in accordance with the Connection and Supply Contract and these
Rules for any purposes associated with the supply, metering of electricity and testing of the
customer’s electrical installation including connection, disconnection or reconnection of supply.
4.7 Locking Facilities (TIR)
Where SA Power Networks metering equipment is enclosed or within a low security area, the
access facility to the area or enclosure must be fitted with an approved lock which is compatible
with SA Power Networks Master Key System. Refer to ‘ES’ and ‘CM’ types in Table 4.1.
Enclosures containing SA Power Networks service fuses are to be locked with SA Power Networks
service fuse enclosure lock as shown in Table 4.1. Other lock types called up in these Rules are
detailed in Table 4.2.
4.8 SA Power Networks Security Seal (TIR)
All portions of an un-metered supply to a customer installation including access panels, junction
boxes, metering equipment, lockable isolators, fuse boxes and enclosures shall be made ready for
sealing using a security seal. Sealing shall not rely on holes to be aligned through nuts and
threaded studs.
Escutcheon panels which provide access to un-metered sections or terminals of switchboards
shall also be provided with sealing facilities. Any sealing hole/s shall be at least 2mm in diameter.
Any un-authorised person or persons found tampering or breaking a seal will be considered as
acting in contravention of the Electricity Act 1996.

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Customer Lock

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Refer supplier
Low security enclosures
Customer ie. Master Locksmith
such as Meter boxes,
provides lock. or electrical
Cupboards, Gates, etc.

Customer Lock Refer supplier
ie. Master Locksmith
Medium Security
or electrical
Customer enclosures such as
wholesaler. 5 Pin
provides lock. Switch rooms, Gates,
tumbler mechanism,
diam. 30mm & depth

Customer Pad Lock

Refer supplier
Customer ie. Master Locksmith Locking of personal
provides lock. or electrical access gates.

SA Power Networks Service

Fuse Enclosure Lock Customer Refer supplier
provides lock. ie. Master Locksmith
Locking of service fuse
SA Power or electrical
enclosure. Operated by
Networks wholesaler. 6 Pin
SA Power Networks
replaces tumbler mechanism,
personnel only.
barrel on diam. 30mm & depth
connection. 28mm.

Table 4.1 Customer Supplied SA Power Networks Master Key System Locks

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SA Power Networks Switching

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Locking of HV switchgear
SA Power
and earthing switches.
Used by SA Power
provides lock.
Networks personnel only.
A = 170mm
B = 50mm
C = 120mm
D = Dia. 10mm

SA Power Networks Meter
readers lock
SA Power Locking of LV meter
Networks isolators by SA Power
provides lock. Networks personnel.

A = 132mm
B = 45mm
C = 87mm
D = Dia. 5mm

Table 4.2 SA Power Networks Supplied SA Power Networks Master Key System Locks

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5. Supply Application, Connection & Disconnection

5.1 Conditions of Supply (TIR)
Compliance is required with the Electricity Act 1996, the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, SA

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Electricity Distribution Code and all other relevant acts and codes associated with the supply of
5.1.1 Compliance with SA Power Networks S&I Rules and AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules
The ‘Electrical Certificate of Compliance’ as applicable at the time of electrical
installation works issued by the installing registered electrical worker/licensed electrical
contractor is used to confirm that the electrical installation complies with AS/NZS 3000
and these Rules.
In order for SA Power Networks to make a connection, the certificate of compliance
must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity (General)
Regulations 2012.
If in the opinion of the Responsible Officer the certification of the electrical installation is
incomplete or invalid or the electrical installation is considered unsafe, then it will not
be connected or remain connected to the SA Power Networks distribution network.
Note: Also refer to clause 2.8.
5.2 Negotiations for Obtaining/Altering and Electricity Supply & Warning
Against Premature Expenditure
At the earliest opportunity, negotiations should commence with SA Power Networks for the costs
and availability of supply to:
• a new electrical installation
• an addition or alteration to an existing electrical installation
• a change of load
• a new or altered supply point
Adequate written notice of the customer’s proposed requirements should be provided and the
customer should be prepared to meet the costs involved.
Sufficient time must be allowed for SA Power Networks to plan, determine and negotiate
appropriate supply arrangements.
No expense on the installation should be incurred by a prospective customer until negotiations
for supply have been completed with SA Power Networks.
An offer will be provided with the conditions under which SA Power Networks would agree to the
connection of the proposed load. These Rules form part of any offer provided by SA Power
The conditions of the offer may affect your selection of equipment and the design of the project.
Points of consideration may be:
• the point and type of supply
• specifications of customer’s equipment
• the position of the metering and servicing equipment
• the point of attachment of an aerial service cable
• point of entry of an underground service cable

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• the location of any SA Power Networks equipment on the premises

• upgrading of existing customer’s installation to current standards
5.2.1 Alterations to Existing Installations

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Where work is undertaken with an existing customer’s installation, which results in an
additional appliance or equipment being installed of input capacity greater than 2.5kW,
and the appropriate documentation as stated on our website must be completed and
submitted to SA Power Networks.
Where equipment input capacity exceeds 5kW, the customer must have approval of the
relevant SA Power Networks Manager prior to connection of that equipment.
5.3 Type of Supply and Load
The Connection and Supply Contract or Offer Letter specifies:
• the conditions for connection of the customer’s electrical installation to the electricity
• the type of supply including the voltage and number of phases; and
• the allocated supply capacity where this is applicable.
SA Power Networks should be contacted to determine the supply arrangements where a
customer does not have:
• a specific electricity distribution connection agreement; or
• Offer Letter; or
• demand tariff agreement.
5.4 Authorised Service Capacity
5.4.1 Application
SA Power Networks will determine the service capacity upon agreement with the
customer. Offer Letter
For a new or altered supply, the service capacity available to the customer will be
detailed in the Offer Letter. This will be the initial authorised service capacity. This
authorised service capacity will remain for the life of the connection except where as
varied as per
SA Power Networks will require the customer to provide control equipment to limit the
load to the agreed service capacity. Agreed Maximum Demand
The agreed maximum demand is the maximum demand used to calculate the demand
component of a customer’s network demand tariff charge.
A customer may renegotiate their agreed maximum demand subject to the
requirements of the Distribution Code, the Electricity Act and the initial connection
Any renegotiated agreed maximum demand request must take into consideration the
• reasonable expectations of future use
• past demand history
• changes to processes or type of business; or
• energy efficiency or demand control measures

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When an agreed maximum demand is reduced at a customer’s request and the

reduction is approved, then the new agreed maximum demand will also be the new
Authorised Service capacity.
5.4.2 Control of Customer Load (TIR)

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SA Power Networks will require a customer to provide load-limiting control no greater
than the agreed service capacity.
Acceptable methods to control the maximum demand include the use of Circuit
Breakers and/or Load Management Systems. Fuses are not an acceptable means of load
Where the supply is via a dedicated distribution transformer, use of a single main circuit
breaker is mandatory (notwithstanding the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 in relation to
the circuit protection for essential services).
This circuit breaker will combine the functions of maximum demand control and the
customer’s main switch as per clause 7.4.5, except where a load management system
performs the function of the maximum demand control. Load Control Device/s (TIR)
Circuit Breakers
• May be installed at the main switchboard in accordance with the Electricity Act and
Regulations, the AS/NZS 3000, and these Rules;
• Must be arranged to ensure the aggregate rating of the device does not exceed the
authorised service capacity where multiple devices are used; and
• Shall have access and means to seal any adjustable settings by the user of SA Power
Networks security seal or equivalent means.
Load Management System/s
To prevent loss of supply, situations where the installation of a load management
system should be considered include:
• where the electrical installation incorporates essential building services such as fire
and smoke control equipment, evacuation equipment and or lifts;
where prioritisation of loads is desirable in order to protect against the adverse effects
of loss of supply eg, loss of production, spoilt goods etc.
5.5 Typical Connection Process
5.5.1 Connection to the SA Power Networks Distribution System
The process for connection to the SA Power Networks distribution system can be found
on SA Power Networks website,
5.5.2 Reconnection to the SA Power Networks Distribution System (TIR)
For installations that have been disconnected for an extended period of time (12 months
or greater) or any alterations made during the period of disconnection, SA Power
Networks will require a valid Electrical Certificate of Compliance.
Meter isolator must be installed as per clause 7.5.1 with the same requirement as a
Notwithstanding the above, for safety reasons, SA Power Networks reserves the right to
request a valid Electrical Certificate of Compliance prior to reconnection.

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6. Supply Characteristics and Supply Use

6.1 Supply (TIR)
6.1.1 Supply Systems (TIR)

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SA Power Networks applies the 230/400V low voltage standard as recommended by AS
60038 – Standard Voltages. New installations must be designed for this standard low
voltage. SA Power Networks may, subject to availability, undertake to provide:
3 Phase, 4 Wire 230/400 Volt System
A three phase, four-wire electricity supply of alternating current at a frequency of
nominally 50 Hertz and having an approximate sinusoidal wave shape. The voltage is
nominally 230/400 rms in accordance with AS60038 – Standard Voltages.
2 Phase, 3 Wire 230/460 Volt System
A two phase, three-wire electricity supply of alternating current at a frequency of
nominally 50 Hertz and having an approximate sinusoidal wave shape. The voltage is
nominally 230 rms in accordance with AS60038 – Standard Voltages.
Note: Refer to Appendix 1 for housing developments limited to 1 phase only supply
The supply arrangements may be restricted in some locations for example, some
country areas are limited to a SWER supply, similarly, some built-up areas are restricted
to a single phase 230V system only.
The above supply voltages will have a sustained range of no more than +10% or not less
than -6% under normal conditions. Supply Disturbances (TIR)
SA Power Networks may modulate the normal 50Hz sinusoidal wave by signals of other
frequencies for distribution network and load control and communication purposes.
SA Power Networks will endeavour to ensure that voltage fluctuations and total
harmonic distortion will be limited in accordance with AS/NZS 61000.3 – Disturbances in
Mains Supply Networks.
Due to the nature of transient voltages, and the uncontrollability of their source, SA
Power Networks can’t provide any limitation on these types of supply disturbances.
Consequently, customers are advised to provide protective devices to protect
equipment within their installation. Phase Failure Protection (TIR)
It is recommended that Customers, with sensitive equipment on multi-phase
installations, connected to the SA Power Networks network should provide the
appropriate phase failure, over voltage and under voltage protection on their customer
distribution board to protect their installation against the loss of one phase of the SA
Power Networks supply.
6.1.2 Prospective Short Circuit Current (TIR)
Where a new or upgraded installation is supplied from a distribution network along a
public road, the prospective fault current at the connection point will not generally
exceed the following:

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Residential Environment – Up to 63A Installations:

Greater than 50m from Supply Transformer
Table 6.1 shows the prospective fault current (kA) applicable to installations with a 63A

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These maximum prospective phase to earth bolted fault currents are expected to occur
on the load side of the consumer mains for commonly used cable sizes when the
customer’s connection point is greater than 50m from the supply transformer.

Total Consumer Mains Size (mm2 Copper)

Mains Length 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95
0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
5m 5.3 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9
10m 4.6 5.1 5.4 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.9
15m 3.9 4.7 5.1 5.4 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.8
20m 3.4 4.3 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7
25m 3.0 3.9 4.6 5.0 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
50m 1.8 2.7 3.5 4.2 4.6 4.9 5.1 5.3
100m 1.0 1.6 2.2 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.7
200m 0.5 0.8 1.3 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.7
Table 6.1 – Prospective Fault Current (kA) for 63A service greater than 50m from supply transformer (Non TIR)

Greater than 10m and less than 50m from Supply Transformer
Table 6.2 shows the prospective fault current (kA) applicable to installations with a 63A
service. Testing may indicate a lower fault current, therefore an appropriate size
protection device may be used.
These maximum prospective phase to earth bolted fault currents are expected to occur
on the load side of the consumer mains for commonly used cable sizes when the
customer’s connection point is greater than 10m and less than 50m from the supply
Total Consumer Mains Size (mm2 Copper)
Mains Length 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95
0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
5m 8.1 8.8 9.2 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.7 9.8
10m 6.3 7.6 8.5 9.0 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.6
15m 5.0 6.6 7.7 8.5 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4
20m 4.2 5.7 7.0 8.0 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.2
25m 3.5 5.0 6.4 7.5 8.1 8.4 8.8 9.0
50m 2.0 3.0 4.3 5.6 6.4 7.1 7.7 8.1
100m 1.0 1.7 2.5 3.6 4.4 5.2 6.1 6.7
200m 0.5 0.9 1.3 2.0 2.6 3.3 4.1 4.8
Table 6.2 – Prospective Fault Current (kA) for 63A service between 10 and 50m from supply transformer (Non TIR)

In residential environments where the installation requires a service greater than 63A,
please consult the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
Commercial / Industrial Environment Installations
Where a customer is supplied direct from a transformer greater than 315kVA, consult
the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.

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6.1.3 Protective Systems (TIR)

The SA Power Networks distribution network employs either a multiple earth neutral

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(MEN) or common multiple earth neutral (CMEN) earthing system. In general, the CMEN
system only exists within defined town boundaries. All other areas are served by an
MEN system. The relevant SA Power Networks Manager should be consulted on the
precise configuration of the earthing system employed.
The service is supplied without an earth conductor. The neutral conductor performs the
multiple functions of neutral and distribution network earth. Notwithstanding this,
customers are required to ensure the adequacy and maintenance of the earthing system
within their electrical installation. Earthing of Electrical Installations (TIR)
The earthing of electrical installation shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring
Rules requirements for a MEN earthing system. The MEN connection and outgoing
earthing conductors shall be accessible for inspection and testing without the need to
interfere with SA Power Networks or the meter provider’s security seal.
6.2 Connection Points
SA Power Networks will provide a connection to the distribution network that complies with the
Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 as amended and the SA Distribution
Code. With the exception of metering equipment and service fuses, the customer is responsible
for the installation and supply of all equipment beyond the point of supply.
6.2.1 Number of Services
In general, SA Power Networks will provide only one connection point to a property.
An installation on one or more adjacent titles or a multi tenanted development including
Strata and Community Title Schemes, whether staged development or not, will be
provided with a single connection point for the connection of one consumer mains.
Provided it is not necessary for SA Power Networks to undertake unreasonable
augmentation of the network to provide an additional connection point, more than one
connection point may be provided to a property in the following circumstances:
Multiple Occupancy
(i) comprising separate individual domestic dwellings intended to be occupied by
different customers and does not include any common area; and
(ii) the land associated with each of the domestic dwellings directly abuts a public
road reserve; and
(iii) the land owner is prepared to submit a draft plan of subdivision to SA Power
Networks, verifying any future subdivision of the land will not incorporate
common property.
Individual connection arrangements for separate buildings or properties will only be
considered for developments involving Torrens Titles where buildings and electrical
installations are constructed such that they do not cross title boundaries (excluding
consumer mains entering the road reserve or registered easement).

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Subdivisions Incorporating Common Property

The electricity to all of the allotments shown on the plan of subdivision shall be supplied
from a common distribution point which is connected to a single connection point

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• the plan of subdivision incorporates common property; and
• the allotments shown on the plan of subdivision are affected by any Owners
Notwithstanding the above, allotments shown on the plan of subdivision incorporating
common property that are not affected by any Owners Corporation and abut a public
road reserve may be provided with a separate connection point.
SA Power Networks may consider a request to provide more than one connection point
under the relevant provisions of clause 6.2.1 (Number of Services).
The consumer mains, metering equipment, general distribution switchboard and the
individual consumer sub-mains, installed for the purpose of supplying electricity to each
of the allotments, must be placed within the common property.
For the purpose of supplying the electricity to each of the allotments intended to be
supplied from a single point, each of the allotments must abut common property.
Additional information related to the arrangement wiring and equipment is provided in
• 6.2 Connection Points
• 6.3 Consumer Terminals
• 8.8.3 Multiple Occupancy Electrical Installations
Further information is provided in the figures below.
Underground Consumer Mains drawings to be provided in accordance with
AS/NZS 3000.

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Subdivisions Not Incorporating Common Property

Allotments shown on the plan of subdivision, which does not incorporate common
property, may be provided with a connection point for each allotment. For the purposes
of establishing a single connection point for each of the allotments, all of the allotments

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shown on the plan of subdivision must abut a public road reserve.
The connection point, consumer terminals and metering equipment must be arranged in
accordance with clauses:
• 6.2 Connection Points
• 6.3 Consumer Terminals
• 7.8.5 Contiguous Land
• 8.5.2 Single Residential
• 8.5.3 Single Non-Residential
Further information is provided in the figures below.

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6.2.2 Number of Phases

A low voltage service will be provided as either, one, two or three phase.
All high voltage services will be three phase.

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Unless otherwise agreed by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager, the number of
phases provided for a low voltage supply will be determined as indicated below.
In local supply areas supplied by:
3 Phase, 4 Wire 230/400 Volt System
Where an installation has one customer, the number of phases provided (up to a
maximum level of three) will be primarily based on the service capacity required as
specified in rows A1-3 of Table 6.4.
Where an installation has two or more potential customers, each with a maximum
demand that does not exceed 63 Amperes per phase, the number of phases provided
will be determined from rows B and C of Table 6.4.
However, where the maximum demand determined for two customers, both connected
to the same phase, does not exceed a 63A, then a single-phase supply may be provided.
For example: ‘a house and granny flat’ where a load control circuit breaker ensures that
the total maximum demand of the house and granny flat does not exceed the maximum
single phase service capacity.

Reference Number of Service Capacity required

Number of Phases
A1 One Not exceeding 63A One (2 wire service)

A2 One Exceeding 63A but not Two (3 wire service)

exceeding 126A (equivalent
single phase load)
Three (4 wire service)

A3 One Exceeding 126A (equivalent Three (4 wire service)

single phase load)

B Two Not exceeding 63A per phase Two (3 wire service)

C1 Three Not exceeding 63A per phase Three (4 wire service)

C2 Three or more Exceeding 63A per phase Three (4 wire service)

Table 6.4

1 Phase, 3 Wire 230/460 Volt System (SWER, Rural or some Underground Residential
Distribution Networks)
A three-phase service is not available to customers supplied via a single phase 230/460
Volt system. The number of phases (up to a maximum of two) will be based on the
service capacity required as specified in Table 6.5.
Where a 4 core cable is used to connect an installation as a 3 wire system, then the
unused wire shall be terminated in a suitable connector and labelled at both ends.

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Reference Number of Service Capacity Required Number of Phases

A1 One Not exceeding 63A One (2 wire service)
A2 One Exceeding 63A Two (3 wire service)

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B Two or more Not exceeding 63A per phase Two (3 wire service)
Table 6.5

1 Phase, 2 Wire 230 Volt Rural System

A single phase, two-wire 230 Volt 63A service is available only at a transformer. Refer to
clause 6.7 for authorised service capacity.
• Maximum service capacity normally available from a single SWER line is 25kVA
per customer at a transformer. A customer may have two or more services
from a transformer provided their total demand does not exceed 25kVA.
The absolute maximum service capacity from single-phase 11kV line is 50kVA
per connection. This arrangement can only be provided by negotiation.
For example:
• A residential installation with a maximum demand of 50A, the electrical
contractor would provide a 63A meter isolating circuit breaker, which will
grade with the SA Power Networks service fuse.
The service fuse is provided for short circuit protection only and the meter isolating
circuit breaker essentially provides the overload protection.
6.2.3 Location
In all cases, SA Power Networks reserves the right to determine the location of the
connection point and consumer terminals. The customer may be required to arrange
facilities for the installation of the service lines and conduits at the customer’s expense.
Typical connection points are shown in Table 6.6.
Refer to clauses 7.2.1 and 7.3.3 and Section 9 High Voltage Electrical Installations for
specific details of connection point and consumer terminal arrangements for low and
high voltage supplies.

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Supply Type Connection Point

At the load side terminals of the service fuse, on a pole nominated by the
Over / Under Services

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SA Power Networks Manager in the vicinity of the property where supply
is requested.
At the load side terminals of the service fuse, mounted on the facia or
Overhead Lines
façade of the customers building or structure.
At the load side terminals of the LV isolator, on a pole nominated by the
Isolators On Pole SA Power Networks Manager in the vicinity of the property where supply
is requested.
At the terminals or block inside the LV, service pit / pillar nominated by
Service Pit / Pillar the SA Power Networks Manager in the vicinity of the property where
supply is requested.
At the LV terminals of the LV transformer fuses or LV isolators inside the
Terminals of An Adjacent LV compartment of a pad mount transformer nominated by the SA Power
Pad-Mounted Transformer Networks Manager on or adjacent to the property where supply is
Service Fuse Enclosure At the load side terminals of the service fuse, inside the LV compartment
Within of a service fuse enclosure nominated by SA Power Networks Manager on
8m of The Boundary the property where supply is required.
The point agreed between the SA Power Networks Manager and the
High Voltage
Table 6.6 – Connection Point/Customer Terminals Location

6.3 Consumer Terminals

6.3.1 Number of Consumer Terminals per Point of Supply
No more than one set of consumer mains shall be connected to each consumer terminal
at a connection point.
SA Power Networks may agree to a customer’s request to provide more than one set of
consumer terminals to a connection point dependent upon the circumstances. Refer to
the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
6.3.2 Identification of Consumer Mains (TIR)
Consumer mains originating at a pit/pillar, pole or transformer shall be labelled as close
as practical to the cable ends adjacent to the consumer terminals at the connection
point to identify the electrical installation they supply. Refer also to clause 7.7.3 for
conductor identification details.
For over/under services on poles, the labelling shall be at the top of the mechanical
protection and for services from a pit/pillar, the labelling is required to be attached to
the consumer mains conductor.
Labelling shall be in accordance with clause 4.5.
Consumer mains originating from an overhead service attached to the same building
that the consumer mains supply, need not be labelled with the street address at the
connection point.

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6.4 Identification of Multiple Supplies (TIR)

In addition to the requirements of the Electricity Act and Regulations and AS/NZS 3000, a
prominent warning notice alerting to the presence of multiple supplies shall be installed on each
main switchboard.

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The following applies where, in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.2.2:
• more than one connection point is provided to a property and/or more than one set of
consumer terminals are connected to a connection point; and
 the property’s supply arrangements; and
 segregation between the electrical installations and occupancies un-metered wiring,
switchboards and metering.
This identification shall be permanent, indelible and legible.
Labelling and diagrams are also required for supply changeover arrangements, generator
connections and multiple metered installations.
The customer is responsible for the provision and maintenance of any diagrams and to ensure
they are permanent, legible and are current at all times.
The diagrams must show the location of the point of supply for the electrical installation, the
layout of un-metered wiring and additional metering points.
6.5 Customer Load Requirements (TIR)
6.5.1 Obligations (TIR)
Under the ‘Connection and Supply Contract’ from the Electricity Distribution Code,
customers must use their best endeavour to ensure:
• protection equipment in the customer’s electrical installation is effectively
coordinated with the electrical characteristics of the distribution network;
• ensure that the distribution network and the reliability and quality of supply to other
customers are not adversely affected by the customer’s actions or equipment;
• the customer must ensure that the maximum continuous current drawn by the
installation does not exceed the authorised service capacity; and
• SA Power Networks agreement is obtained for additional loads as specified in clause
5.2.1 for alterations to existing installations.
Additional requirements of the Connection and Supply Contract are duplicated in these
Rules for convenience of reference.
However, the current Contract should be referenced for specific detail. This clause also
contains some specifications that are not included in the Contract.
Generally, all installation and maintenance of equipment beyond the load side of the
point of supply is the customer’s responsibility. However, customers are required to
make provision for the meter provider to safely house appropriate metering equipment
and in some cases SA Power Networks service fuses.
6.5.2 Non Compliance (TIR)
If, in the opinion of SA Power Networks, a person uses or deals with electricity supplied
in such a manner as to cause undue interference with the supply to themselves or any
other customer, SA Power Networks may direct the customers to take corrective action.
The connection by SA Power Networks is not to be taken as acceptance of any load
whatsoever. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the
Connection and Supply Contract.

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6.5.3 Power Factor (TIR)

The customer must ensure that, at all times of monthly maximum demand, the power
factor of the electrical installation is maintained within the relevant range set out in
Table 6.7 below. At all other times, the customer must take all reasonable steps to

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maintain power factor within that same relevant range.
Maximum demand of electrical installation
Up to 100kVA 100kVA to 2MVA Exceeding 2MVA
Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
lagging leading lagging leading lagging leading
<6.6kV 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.90 0.85
6.6kV to
0.80 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90
Table 6.7

6.5.4 Harmonics (TIR)

The customer must ensure that harmonic distortion caused by the electrical installation
or by any appliances is not in excess of the limits prescribed in AS/NZS 61000 part 3.2,
3.4 and 3.12 for low voltage and part 3.6 for high voltage.
Notwithstanding the above, no customer shall make a contribution to harmonic voltage
distortion of the network greater than the values listed in Table 6.8 below.

Maximum allowable harmonic distortion

at the point of common coupling (PCC):

• total 1.67 %
• any individual odd harmonic 1.33 %
• any individual even harmonic 0.67 %
Table 6.8

6.5.5 Load Balance (TIR)

The circuits of an installation, or separately metered part of an installation, which is
supplied by more than one phase, must be balanced as near as practicable over all the
available active conductors.
Single-phase circuits must be arranged such that under normal circumstances the out of
balance current does not exceed 25A or 10% of the agreed maximum demand,
whichever is the greater.
6.5.6 Disturbing Loads (TIR)
The customer must ensure that voltage disturbances caused by the electrical installation
or by any appliances do not result in voltage disturbances to other customers, greater
than the limits prescribed in AS/NZS 61000 parts 3.3 and 3.5 for low voltage and part 3.7
for high voltage.

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6.5.7 Switched Loads (TIR)

To meet the specifications regarding load balance and disturbing loads, the following
rule will apply:
• In electrical installations of 100A or less, the maximum single-phase load that can be

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switched without specific authorisation from the relevant SA Power Networks
Manager is shown in Table 6.9 below.
Local Supply System Load Rating

Single Phase 460/230 Volt areas of supply 20 Amperes

Three Phase 400/230 Volt areas of supply 25 Amperes

Table 6.9

Specific authorisation may be given by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager to

switch larger loads provided it can be demonstrated that the voltage disturbances do
not affect other customers. Refer to clause 6.5.6. A copy of any authorisation or
approval must be provided to the Connect Officer at the time of connection.
Specific equipment included in this requirement is:
• Motors, including air conditioners and pumps
• Combined rating of all elements in an underfloor heating system
• Individual rating of water heating devices
• Combined rating of storage heaters (heat banks)
• Electric vehicle chargers
• Cyclic load which may cause disturbances
Electric cooking appliances in residential installations with a rating of less than 17kW are
acceptable for the purpose of this clause.
6.5.8 Voltage Drop (TIR)
AS/NZS 3000 specifies the allowable voltage drop within an electrical installation.
6.5.9 Equipment Requiring Special Consideration (TIR)
A customer proposing to connect the type(s) of equipment listed below must apply to
SA Power Networks for approval to do so. SA Power Networks may refuse to permit or
apply conditions and/or tests for the connection of equipment in the following
categories if it considers that by such connection, the supply to other customers would
likely be adversely affected.
1. Equipment, which could cause excessive fluctuation of voltage on SA Power
Networks distribution system as a result of its large or fluctuating demand, eg motors
with disturbing loads or control, gas discharge lighting, arc furnaces, welding
machines, X-ray units, starting of large motors etc.
2. Equipment which could cause excessive distortion of the wave shape of SA Power
Networks system voltage, eg rectifiers, frequency converters, load control devices
using thyristor or saturable reactors etc.
No commitment or expense should be undertaken by any customer or prospective
customer until an application has been made to SA Power Networks and advice has
been received that the supply will be given and upon what terms and conditions it will
be given.

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6.5.10 Starting Current of Motors (TIR) General (TIR)
The current taken by a motor of a type mentioned in this clause under the conditions of

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starting shall not exceed the values in Table 6.10 and Table 6.11 when measures by the
methods outlined in clause 6.5.11.

Motor Size Allowable Current – I

not exceeding 1.5 kW I = 26 Amperes
exceeding 1.5 kW, but not
I = (Motor kW x 17.5) Amperes
exceeding 3.75 kW
(a) I = (Motor kW x 3.5) + 53 Amperes, or
(b) I = total kW of motors installed x 1.1 Amperes
Exceeding 3.75 kW Where,
I = the starting current of the largest of the other
motors installed calculated in accordance with (a)
above, whichever is the greatest.
Table 6.10 – Three Phase Motors 400 Volts Single Phase Motors (TIR)

Motor Voltage Motor Size Allowable Current – I

230 Volts All sizes I = 45 Amperes

Not exceeding 1.5 kW I = 45 Amperes

460 Volts Exceeding 1.5 kW, but not exceeding
I = (Motor kW x 9.5) + 26 Amperes
Table 6.11 – Single Phase Motors Three Phase Motors 400 Volt (TIR)

The motors output kW ratings referred to in this clause refer to a motors output rating.
The total motor load is the combined output ratings of motors installed in the particular
electrical installation from which the proposed motor is to be supplied and includes the
proposed motor.
No limitation need be placed on the starting current of any three phase motor which is
not frequently started and the rating of which does not exceed 10% of the total motor
load installed.
6.5.11 Test Method for Measurement of Motor Starting Current (TIR)
The starting currents of alternating current motors shall be determined by either of the
following methods.

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Fall in Voltage Method (TIR)

The starting current shall not cause a fall in voltage of more than 5% for more than
0.02 seconds when connected to a typical 400/230 Volt, three phase, 50Hz supply
having a supply system impedance of:

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• 0.2 + j 0.2 ohms (phase-neutral)
• 0.1 + j 0.1 ohms (line impedance per phase)
The fall in voltage shall be determined by the oscillographic method or any other
method considered appropriate by SA Power Networks. Current Measurements Method (TIR)
The starting current may be determined by the locked rotor method with low voltage,
50Hz, as appropriate, applied to the terminals of the motor. In the cause of motors
having rotors, which can’t readily be locked, the current may be measured with a back-
stopped ammeter or by other methods approved by SA Power Networks.
6.5.12 Restart Delay (TIR)
Where the following appliances or equipment are installed:
• The installation’s total heating system rated at 6kW or greater; or
• Compressor equipment (including air conditioning) rated at greater than 2.4kW the
customer must ensure that the equipment, appliance, socket outlet or final sub-
circuit supplying the equipment has either:
 an under-voltage release with a manual reset; or
 an ON-delay timer which senses the supply voltage and, where automatically
operated, has a minimum on delay of not less than 10 seconds.
6.5.13 Installations with Generators, Alternative or Parallel Supplies (TIR)
Where customers’ generators and/or alternative supplies are used for standby
generation, they must be connected in such a manner that they can’t feed back into the
SA Power Networks distribution network. Refer 6.8.
Any changeover mechanism used to switch between supplies shall break connection
from the SA Power Networks supply prior to making connection to the generator supply.
Where customers are provided with alternative supplies from different sources within
the SA Power Networks distribution network, these supplies shall be connected in such a
way that they can’t be connected in parallel to ensure isolation between the relevant
sources within the SA Power Networks distribution network.
Changeover devices are required to interrupt one source of supply before connecting to
the alternative source of supply. The changeover device must incorporate a mechanical
interlock to prevent the simultaneous connection of the generator/alternative/parallel
supply and the normal supply system.
Parallel supplies (eg Photo Voltaic and generators) must not be connected unless prior
written approval has been given by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
Requirements will be provided on application. For more detailed information on other
sources of supply refer to clause 6.6.

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6.6 Additional Sources of Supply by way of Renewable Energy Systems of

Embedded Generating Units
6.6.1 General

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Any alternative source of supply that is intended to supplement the main supply is
included in the requirements of this section. The term ‘embedded generation’ and
‘renewable energy systems’ includes systems such as co-generating units, diesel
generators, photovoltaic systems, micro-hydro systems, wind turbines, and battery
storage systems.
Where an embedded generating unit installation is proposed, including battery storage
systems, the proposal shall be submitted to SA Power Networks for approval at the
earliest opportunity.
For the network connection requirements of inverter energy systems, refer to SA Power
Networks ‘NICC-270 Guide for Connecting Large Embedded Generation’, ‘TS130
Technical Standard for Inverter Energy Systems (IES)- Capacity up to or equal to 200kVA’,
and ‘TS131 Technical Standard for Large Inverter Energy Systems above 200kW or
Rotating Generating Systems’ available on SA Power Networks website.

It is essential that SA Power Networks be formally consulted before any commitment to

proceed is made. A connection agreement in accordance with the Distribution Code is
required before an embedded generating unit can be connected to the customer’s
Where applicable, the customer should also advise their Retailer of the proposal.
6.6.2 Connection of Break before Make Stand-by Gen-Unit (TIR)
Where SA Power Networks agrees to connection arrangements that enable an electrical
installation to be disconnected from SA Power Networks supply system and connected
to a private alternative source, the arrangements shall be such that the SA Power
Networks supply system, service, and metering equipment can’t be energised from the
alternative source.
This can be arranged either directly (automatically) and by suitable mechanical
interlocking devices to prevent the simultaneous connection of the alternative supply to
the SA Power Networks supply system.
The opening or closing of any associated switchgear door or cover shall not affect the
interlocking system. A prominent label shall be fixed at the consumer terminals and the
main switchboard to show that such facilities exist, and the sections of the electrical
installation they supply including their point of control.
If the alternative supply automatically comes into operation on the loss of SA Power
Networks mains supply, a means of isolating the alternative supply from the SA Power
Networks equipment shall be provided on the electrical installation main switchboard or
distribution switchboard to which the alternative supply is connected.
Where a generator is directly connected under emergency conditions, the interlocking
arrangement may be achieved by creating a physical break, eg disconnection of cables,
which requires other than normal operational means to restore. The neutral shall not be
switched or broken on the distribution supply (upstream) side of the MEN connection.
Refer also to the AS/NZS 3000 ‘Wiring Rules’ and AS/NZS 3010.1 ‘Electrical Installations –
Supply by Generating Set’ for specific installation requirements.

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6.6.3 Requirements for Parallel Embedded Generating Unit (TIR)

Specific requirements apply in respect of any proposal to incorporate parallel generation
facilities, ‘Embedded Generating Units’, within an electrical installation. These
requirements are specified in:

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• The National Electricity Rules
• The Electricity Distribution Code
• Australian Standards as required by the Electricity Act 1996
• Work Health and Safety Act 2012
It is therefore essential that SA Power Networks be formally consulted before any
commitment to proceed is made. Network Connection Agreement (TIR)
The Electricity Distribution Code specifies that the Distributor must not connect
embedded generating unit to the SA Power Networks distribution network unless it has
entered into a connection agreement with the proponent in respect of that embedded
generating unit. Notification Requirements (TIR)
The proposal shall include:
• details of the proposed connection requirements
• specification of the facility to be connected
• details of the power transfer capability that the network should provide
• technical data to suit the size and complexity of the proposed facility to be connected
• a schematic diagram of the proposed electrical installation supply arrangements
SA Power Networks has prepared standard enquiry and application forms to enable SA
Power Networks to process the application. These are available on SA Power Networks
6.6.4 Networks Connection of Inverter Energy Systems (TIR)
For small inverter energy systems, including battery storage systems, connected to the
grid, the maximum allowable size shall be 5kVA for single phase systems, as outlined in
AS/NZS 4777.1. SA Power Networks may provide an exemption to allow up to 10kVA if
exporting to the grid is limited, using an approved limiting device, to 5kVA. For multi-
phase system, the maximum allowable size shall be 30kVA with a tolerance of no greater
than 5kVA unbalance between the phases. For larger multiphase system consult
SA Power Networks.
Where the inverter system is used solely as a back-up or alternative supply for the
electrical installation, refer to the changeover arrangements. Inverter Requirements (TIR)
Only approved models that satisfy AS/NZS 4777.2 ‘Grid Connection of Energy Systems
via Inverters - Inverter Requirements ’ may be connected to the grid.
Type Test certification of compliance with this standard must be provided to SA Power
Networks prior to the grid connection of the inverter. Installation and Connection to Grid (TIR)
The installation of the inverter shall be in accordance with the requirements of
AS/NZS 3000, AS/NZS 4777.1 and AS/NZS 4777.2 and these Rules:

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• The customer’s inverter must be connected to a dedicated circuit on the customer’s

main switchboard or distribution switchboard closet to the inverter via a lockable
isolating switch.
• All switchboards associated with the inverter energy system must be clearly and

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permanently labelled as having an Inverter Energy System connected to it. The circuit
breaker, fuse or switch must also be clearly labelled.
• A label indicating that an alternative power supply system is connected to the
electrical installation shall be fitted at the meter position and main switchboard.
Refer to clause 4.5. Metering (TIR)
Under the Metering Code, a meter with import and export registers is required. This
meter will be provided by the relevant meter provider.
It is recommended that the customer advise their Retailer of this requirement at the
earliest opportunity. Standard Networks Connection Agreement (TIR)
SA Power Networks can only agree to provide connection services for an Inverter Energy
System to its distribution network in accordance with the terms and conditions of an
approved standard connection agreement.
For a copy of the approved standard connection agreement for Small Embedded
Generator Connection, refer to SA Power Networks website.
6.6.5 Storage Systems
Storage systems such as batteries shall be installed in accordance to the relevant
Australian Standards (ie AS/NZS 4777, AS/NSZ 3000, etc) which are published at the time
of installation. Due consideration shall be given to ventilation, prevention of
unauthorised access and electrical safety.

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7. Low Voltage Supply

7.1 Services
SA Power Networks will provide a connection that complies with the Electricity Act 1996,

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Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 and the SA Distribution Code. The customer is responsible
for the installation and supply of all equipment beyond the connection point, with exception of
metering and service protection equipment.
7.1.1 General
The customer, at their expense, shall provide adequate mounting and installation
facilities for SA Power Networks service equipment in accordance with these Rules.
Service equipment supplied and installed by SA Power Networks shall remain the
property of, and be maintained by SA Power Networks.
7.1.2 Type of Service
The type of service to be provided shall be determined in conjunction with clause 6.2,
where SA Power Networks nominates the point of supply and consumer terminals
The service configuration provided by SA Power Networks is dependent upon:
• Service capacity; and
• Configuration of the local distribution network.
The service provided will be designed only to accommodate the customers’ determined
maximum demand at the time of application (as supplied to SA Power Networks).
SA Power Networks will provide a standard service, in accordance with the Distribution
Code, as described in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 below, unless an alternative connection
configuration is requested by the customer.
Costs attributable to the customer will be determined at the time the service connection
is scoped by the Responsible Officer.
The availability of a particular configuration of service may be restricted by conditions at
or near a particular supply address. Where underground consumer mains are located
within public land, the customer must obtain Council, Department of Planning,
Transport & Infrastructure (DPTI) or the relevant Authorities approval to install
underground electrical cables in the road reserve.
The customer is responsible for trenching, backfilling, reinstatement and any other
associated cost applicable to the installation of underground consumer mains.
If SA Power Networks is required to trench, the cost will be scoped into the capital cost
by the Responsible Officer.

7.1.3 Connections to Services

Cables required to be connection to service protective devices or to the point of supply
or metering instruments, will be installed, identified (including the provision of
permanent phase identification) and prepared prior to a connection (or reconnection)
appointment, and will be a size, type and material compatible with SA Power Networks
Hard drawn copper, compressed cables or aluminium cables are not suitable for
termination directly into SA Power Networks services or metering equipment rated at
100A or less.
There are also limits on the size of conductors to be connected into SA Power Networks
equipment such as service pits and metering. Refer to Tables 7.1 and 7.2
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Service Termination Cable Sizes and Type

Metering Flexible (with ferules) or Soft drawn copper cables no greater than 25mm².
Single copper cables no greater than 35mm² PVC/PVC cables (to provide the

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Overhead or Over/Under minimum required bending radii for the terminal loop). For polyphase
Services up to 100A services the customer shall provide a suitable M8 crimp lug for the neutral.
Refer Figures 7.2, 7.3 and 7.5.
Over/Under Services
Single copper cables no greater than 70mm². Customer to provide suitable
greater than 100A and
M12 crimp lugs. Up to 150mm2 can be accommodated by prior arrangement.
up to 200A
Connection to Pole Top Copper cables no greater than 150mm². Customer to provide suitable M12
Isolators crimp lugs. Refer Figure 7.6.
Single soft drawn copper cables no greater than 35mm². Customer to
100A Pit/Pillar
provide suitable crimp lugs. Refer Figure 7.5.
Copper cables no greater than 95mm². Suitable crimp lugs to be provided.
200A Pit
Note: Electrical Contractor to supply crimping tool.
400A Pit Copper cables no greater than 240mm². Suitable crimp lugs to be provided.
Note: Electrical Contractor to supply crimping tool.
Table 7.1– Typical Customers Service Terminations

Padmount Transformer
150kVA Copper cables suitable for loads no greater than 700A. Maximum size
300kVA conductor per phase – single fuse disconnect - 2x300mm² Cu or 1x500mm²Cu.
750kVA Copper cables suitable for loads no greater than 1,000A and 1,400A. Maximum
1.0MVA size conductor per phase – 4x500mm² Cu 1,250A Fuse Disconnect.
1.5MVA Copper cables suitable for loads no greater than 3,000A. Maximum size
2.0MVA conductor per phase - 6x500mm² Cu.
Table 7.2 – Maximum Size of Customer Cables

1. By prior arrangement, aluminium cables of the same number and dimensions are acceptable
provided the required bi-metal lugs are provided and installed.
2. Where non-compliant cables are installed, they shall be converted to compliant cables prior to
being connected to SA Power Networks equipment.
3. SA Power Networks must be consulted where the suitability of proposed connection facilities is in

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7.2 Underground Distribution Areas

In all cases, the type and installation of, and connection to an underground service cable is subject
to the agreement of SA Power Networks.

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Except in exceptional circumstances, an underground service shall be provided where:
• the area is serviced by underground distribution mains;
• the formal conditions under which supply is to be provided specify and underground
• the required clearances and facilities for an aerial service cable can’t be achieved and/or
• the determined maximum demand to be provided from the LV overhead distribution mains
exceeds 63A per phase; and
• where the customer would normally be provided with an overhead line, but has requested,
and SA Power Networks has agreed to the installation of an underground service.
In underground distribution areas, the SA Power Networks Manager will provide a service
configuration as indicated in Table 7.3.
Once nominated, all remaining options shown in the schedule become alternative configurations.
Alternate Connection
Service Capacity required Preferred Connection Configuration

Not exceeding 63A per

• 100A service pit / pillar None
• 100A service pit / pillar
63A up to 200A per phase None
• 200A service pillar
With agreement of SA Power Networks
• Overhead transformer
Exceeding 200A per phase None
• Padmount transformer
• Service fuse enclosure
• Service pit / pillar
Table 7.3
7.2.1 Consumer Terminals
SA Power Networks shall provide the consumer terminals.
The consumer terminals for an underground consumer mains shall be one of the
Service Pit/Pillar
At the terminals or block inside the LV service pit/pillar nominated by the relevant SA
Power Networks Manager on or adjacent to the property where supply is requested or
from the nearest service pit if Council agrees to the installation of consumer mains in
the road reserve.
Terminals of Padmount Transformer
At the LV terminals of the LV transformer fuses or LV isolators inside the LV
compartment of a padmounted transformer nominated by SA Power Networks Manager
on or adjacent to the property where supply is requested. Refer to SA Power Networks
Padmounted Transformer Brochure NICC-802 on the SA Power Networks website.

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Service Fuse Enclosure

Where SA Power Networks supply cable terminates directly into a service fuse enclosure
which has been nominated by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager, then the
consumer terminals are at the load side terminals of the service fuse.

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7.2.2 Underground Service Service Pits/Pillars
Where a customer is supplied via an SA Power Networks service pit/pillar, the customer
will be provided with a point of supply at a junction terminal, fuse terminal or terminal
block inside a pit/pillar. The customer is responsible for providing and maintaining all
consumer mains and equipment from the point of supply with the exception of metering
equipment and service fuses (where required).
For a residential development, the service pit/pillar will normally be located 600mm
from the front boundary and 500mm from the side boundary of the customer’s
property. Other locations may be approved with agreement between the relevant SA
Power Networks Manager and the customer.
Any pit/pillar is installed with the express knowledge and agreement by the property
owner that SA Power Networks may elect to supply the property it is installed on as well
as adjacent properties.
Where consumer mains enter into an SA Power Networks service pit/pillar, they must
enter through the aperture or ducting system provided. If no ducting is available, please
consult the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
The consumer mains will be of sufficient continuous length to effect a connection
between the customer’s main switchboard and the pit leaving cable tails of a minimum
length of 600mm beyond the top of the pit/pillar lid (refer Figure 7.1).
It is recommended that a seal is installed to prevent the transmission liquids, termites
and vermin through the conduit or duct.
The ends of the cable not connected must be effectively terminated as per AS/NZS 3000
and protected by the equivalent of double insulation to prevent inadvertent contact
with live conductors within the service pit/pillar.
For further details, refer to Figure 7.1.

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Figure 7.1: Underground Services Underground Service Cable Termination

Where a customer is supplied via SA Power Networks service lines to the customers’
service fuse enclosure, the customer will be provided with a point of supply at a terminal
inside the enclosure. The customer is responsible for providing and maintaining all
consumer mains and equipment from the point of supply to the customers’ main
switchboard with the exception of meters and service fuses (were required).
Subject to access and safety requirements, the position of the service fuse enclosure
may be nominated by the customer, but must be mounted at a minimum height of 0.3m
from the finished ground level up to a maximum height of 4m and be within 10m from
the entry point of the SA Power Networks service lines onto the property. For further
details, refer to the relevant SA Power Networks Manager. Terminals of a Pad Mounted Transformer
Where a customer is supplied via an SA Power Networks transformer, that customer will
be provided with a point of supply on the outgoing connections of the low voltage
switchgear from inside the vault. The customer is responsible for providing and
maintaining all consumer mains and equipment from the point of supply to the
customers’ main switchboard. The transformer vault location agreed to by the relevant
SA Power Networks Manager and the customer.

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Where consumer mains enter into an SA Power Networks transformer vault, they must
enter through the aperture or ducting system provided for consumer mains as shown in
the SA Power Networks Transformer Brochure (NICC-802).
It is recommended that a seal is installed to prevent the transmission of liquids, termites

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and vermin through the conduit or duct that is the entry into SA Power Networks
transformer vault.
(The ends of the cable not connected must be protected by the equivalent of double
insulation to prevent inadvertent contact with live conductors within the transformer
vault). For further details, refer to the relevant SA Power Networks Manager. Terminals of an Open Bushing Transformer
The relevant SA Power Networks Manager will provide advice to the method of
connection to the LV bushings of the transformer.
7.3 Overhead Distribution Network Areas
In general, the service connection point will be of a type as detailed below, however, due to
circumstances in some localities or due to the nature of the customer’s load, an underground
supply arrangement may be provided.
SA Power Networks shall be contacted where any clarification is required. The supply shall be
placed underground where the required clearances and all other provisions of these Rules cannot
be achieved or are not maintained.
In overhead distribution areas, the SA Power Networks Manager will nominate a standard service
configuration as indicated in Table 7.4.
Once nominated, all remaining options shown in column 3 of Tables 7.3 and 7.4 become
alternative configurations.

Alternate Connection
Service Capacity Required Standard Connection Configuration
• Over/under service on a Stobie • Overhead 25mm2 Aluminium
Not exceeding 63A per
Pole; or ABC service; or
• An existing service pit / pillar • new service pit.
Exceeding 63A per phase • 100A over under on a pole • New service pit
• 200A over/under service on pole; or
Exceeding 100A per phase • 200A isolators on pole, or None
• 200A service pit / pillar
With agreement of SA Power Networks
• Overhead transformer
Exceeding 200A per phase
• Padmount transformer
• Service fuse enclosure
• Service pit / pillar
Table 7.4

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7.3.1 Overhead Lines

Where a customer is supplied via an overhead line, the customer is responsible for
providing and maintaining a suitable point of attachment for the attachment of the
cables(s) and facilities for mounting of SA Power Networks service fuses. The point of

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attachment to the customer’s building or structure may be:
• An anchorage typically fixed to the timber fascia or wall using 10mm coach bolts or
10mm masonry anchors or other suitable fasteners of equivalent strength. Where
masonry anchors are used, a minimum of 25mm thread must remain exposed.
• A raiser bracket typically fixed to the fascia and wall.
• The point of attachment must be generally on the same side of the building or
structure as the pole from which the service emanates.
Attachment to the side of a building is not permitted unless:
• The point of supply location is more than 1.5m from the side boundary; and
• There is no likelihood of building extensions that would prevent direct access to the
point of supply.
For further details, refer to Figure 7.2 and 7.3.
For a typical overhead supply arrangement where a customer requests an upgrade of
the overhead service then a customer support pole must be provided on the road
frontage boundary with service fuse facing and be accessible from the road reserve.
Where the supply pole is in a side street or rear street then a customer support pole
must be provided in the facing boundary with the service fuse enclosure attached.
Larger or rural properties where the pole is located on the property, the supply
arrangement will be assessed on its merits.

TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
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Figure 7.2: Two Wire Overhead Services

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Figure 7.3: Three & Four Wire Overhead Services

The minimum height of the service conductors above ground level (including the entry
point into the service fuse box) must not be less than 2.7m at any point along the
The service fuse box must not be mounted more than 4m above the surrounding ground
level. All service lines must be more than 600mm from overhead telephone, cable
television or other services, if present.

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The point of attachment must be capable of supporting the mechanical force that will be
placed upon it by the overhead cable(s). For all services, the mechanical force may be up
to 1kN along the service lines at the point of attachment. (Refer to clause 7.3.6 for
service bracket specifications).

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Where a customer requests an overhead line to a customer’s support pole, (ie free
standing meter enclosure or temporary builders supply) it is the customer’s
responsibility for providing a pole of adequate strength and height for mounting SA
Power Networks overhead equipment. This pole shall be identified with a permanent
tag (eg metal) stamped with ‘Private Pole’. The customers support pole must comply
with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000.
For further details, refer to Figure 7.4.

Figure 7.4: Customer Service Poles

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7.3.2 Over/Under Service

Where a customer is supplied via an over/under service on an SA Power Networks pole,

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the customer will be provided with a point of supply at the load side terminals of a
service protective device enclosure (generally a fuse box). The bottom of this enclosure
will be between 3.0m and 3.7m above ground level. For further details, refer to Figure
In situations where the consumer mains are installed before the over/under service is
installed, the consumer mains must be able to reach to a height of 3.7m on all faces of
the pole.
The customer is responsible for providing and maintaining all consumer mains and
equipment from the point of supply to the customer’s main switchboard.

Figure 7.5: Over/Under Services

7.3.3 LV Isolators on Pole
Where a customer is supplied via LV isolators on a pole, the customer will be provided
with a point of supply at the load side terminals of the LV isolators. These isolators are
normally installed below the LV crossarm. Depending upon the pole height, this will
generally be between 6.0m and 11.0m above ground level.
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The customer is responsible for providing and maintaining all consumer mains and
equipment from the point of supply to the customer’s main switchboard.
For further details, refer to Figure 7.6.

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Figure 7.6: Customer Service Poles

7.3.4 Consumer Terminals

The consumer terminals shall be:
Over/Under Services
At the load side terminals of the service fuse, on a pole nominated by the relevant SA
Power Networks Manager on or adjacent the property where supply is requested.
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Overhead Lines
At the load side terminals of the service fuse, mounted on the fascia or façade of the
customers building or structure.
Isolators on Pole

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At the load side terminals of the LV isolator, on a pole nominated by the relevant SA
Power Networks Manager on or adjacent the property where supply is requested.
Service Pit/Pillar
At the terminals or block inside the LV service pit/pillar nominated by the relevant SA
Power Networks Manager on or adjacent to the property where supply is requested or
from the nearest service pit if Council agrees to the installation of consumer mains in
the road reserve.
Terminals of a Pad Mounted Transformer
At the LV terminals of the LV transformer fuses or LV isolators inside the LV
compartment of a pad mounted transformer nominated by the relevant SA Power
Networks Manager on or adjacent to the property where supply is requested.
Service Fuse Enclosure within 10m of the Boundary
At the load side terminals of the service fuse nominated by the relevant SA Power
Networks Manager.
7.3.5 Point of Attachment Overhead Distribution Network
The Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 regulate
requirements for poles and posts including supports and structures used to support SA
Power Networks aerial lines.
All supports for service brackets used to support aerial conductors are required to
comply with the Act and Regulations. AS/NZS 3000 deals with the requirements of the
customer’s installation.
The point of attachment, whether it be a structure, an extension or strut attached to a
building or structure, or a private pole must be of sufficient strength to support the
specified service bracket load applied by the service cable as detailed in clause
(Strength Rating).
The point of attachment of an aerial service cable to a customer’s electrical installation:
• Shall be selected in accordance with this clause and the details provided in Figures
7.2 and 7.3.
• Shall be not less than 2.7m or higher than 4.0m from the ground.
• Will not be installed above verandas, carports and roofs.
• Must be located to limit the length of service line to 20m. Refer Figure 7.7.
• The service line route needs to consider site use ie private roadways carrying
commercial vehicles, site access and additional minimum height requirements in
accordance with Electricity (General) Regulations 2012.
• Shall be located on the foremost portion of any structure facing the pole or point
where the aerial service line originates, and in a position where the service lines can
achieve and maintain all clearances unless a more appropriate location is available.
SA Power Networks shall be consulted where:
• The customer’s maximum demand is greater than 63A on a single phase basis

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• An electrical installation on a corner allotment has potential to be service from either

• The service line would cross the boundary of an adjacent property
• The customer proposes SA Power Networks install a service pole

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• There is a possibility of the pole being relocated
• The point of attachment is proposed to be located on other than the foremost
portion of the structure facing the pole or point where the service lines originates
• Vegetation may encroach on the proposed service lines clearance space
• The service lines may pass over a roof or structure
• The required clearances and provisions of this section may not be achieved or
In all cases, the point of attachment must be located to achieve or exceed the minimum
service lines clearances detailed in this clause and the minimum aerial line requirements
in accordance with the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 are
maintained, and a clearance of 600mm from communications services is maintained at
the point of attachment.
Failure to consult SA Power Networks in the above cases and where clearances cannot
be achieved or maintained may result in refusal to permit and or maintain an overhead
Vegetation Clearing
Vegetation must be cleared from the service line in accordance with Schedule 1 Parts B
and C of Electricity (Principle of Vegetation Clearance) Regulations 2010.

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Figure 7.7: Stringing Tension Guidelines Point of Attachment on Customer Support Poles

A point of attachment can be installed on a customer’s support pole located on the
customer’s property to terminate a temporary or permanent SA Power Networks service
As a customer support pole forms part of an electrical installation, regulations applicable
to electrical installations include the standard of construction and permitted locations
for customer support poles, including private builder supply poles.

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The customer’s support pole must comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 and an
Electrical Certificate of Compliance, validly completed is required before a connection
will be made. Refer to Figure 7.4
The point of attachment on a customer support pole shall be located to achieve or

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exceed the required clearances and all other requirements of these Rules. Transformers
For the requirements relating to transformers or other SA Power Networks equipment
on customer premises, consult the relevant SA Power Networks Manager. Access to Point of Supply
Customers are required to provide unimpeded access to the point of supply at all times.
Overhead Supply Points
For a point of supply attached to a customer’s structure or a SA Power Networks pole on
a customer’s property, a clearance area of at least 1.5m in front and 600mm both sides
of the supply point shall be maintained to enable a ladder to be placed to gain
unimpeded, safe access.
The customer must not erect a structure (such as a carport) beneath the point of supply,
or have plants, trees or other obstructions which prevents access to the point of supply
from a location on the ground immediately beneath the point of supply.
Underground Supply Points
The customer is required to keep access to service pillars (or pits) installed on the
customer’s premises free from obstruction caused by fences or the like and maintain the
appropriate ground level around the pillar/pit and over service lines and consumer
mains. Refer Figure 7.8


Pit/Pillar 1m
Road Reserve
Property Boundary
Required operating work zone
Figure 7.8 – Service Pit Work Zone

For access, a work zone clear of obstructions with minimum dimensions of 1m x 1m

located immediately adjacent and at the same ground level as at the pillar/pit will be
adequate. For unusual situations, consult the relevant SA Power Networks Manager for
site requirements.
7.3.6 Service Brackets General
All service brackets required by these Rules shall comply and be installed to comply with
this specification and these Rules.

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No metal parts of the service bracket shall enter the service fuse enclosure. Provision
The customer shall provide, install and maintain a service bracket that complies with
these Rules at the point of attachment for the attachment of the service line.

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Service Bracket
For the purpose of this specification, there are two types of service brackets:
(i) Standard Service Bracket
A standard service bracket, which is supplied by SA Power Networks, is defined as
a bracket attached to a building or structure to provide a point of attachment for
the service line at the point where the bracket is fixed.
Refer to Figures 7.2 and 7.3.

(ii) Service Raiser Bracket

A service raiser bracket, which is to be supplied and attached by the customer, is
defined as a service bracket attached to a building or structure to provide a higher
point of attachment for the service line.
Refer to Figures 7.2 and 7.3.
The hook shall be a minimum of 10mm in diameter and constructed so as to retain a
service line grip on the hook throughout an arc of 360 degrees in all directions from the
normal without the service cable grip interfering with access to connection boxes or
removal of their covers.
The hook must be able to accept closed hole and hook type service strain clamps.
Strength Rating
All service brackets and hooks shall have a minimum installed safe working load (SWL) of
1kN without fracture or permanent deformation.
The hook strength rating must be met throughout an area contained in the vertical
planes 90 degrees either side of the bracket’s front vertical centreline and 60 degrees
above or below the bracket’s from horizontal centreline.
When installed in accordance with its installation instructions, service brackets shall be
of sufficient strength to withstand fracture or permanent deflection in excess of 30
Service brackets that are required to be accepted shall be clearly and permanently
marked with:
• Their strength rating (SWL); and
• Manufacturer identification.
These markings shall be readily and clearly visible to a person adjacent to the bracket
with the bracket in service.
Failure to follow this process will usually result in SA Power Networks refusal to connect
to the electricity supply until such time as the customer can provide evidence of

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Corrosion Resistance
The corrosion resistance of all components of a service bracket shall be not less than
that provided by galvanising in accordance with Australian Standard 4689 Hot Dipped
Galvanised (Zinc) Coatings on Fabricated Ferrous Articles; Australian Standard 4791 Hot

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Dipped Galvanised (Zinc) Coatings on Open Section Ferrous Articles; Australian Standard
4792 Hot Dipped Galvanised (Zinc) Coatings on Hollow Section Ferrous Articles; and
Australian Standard 1214-1983 Hot-Dip Galvanised Coatings for Threaded Fasteners –
ISO Metric Coarse Thread Series.
Prevention of Conductor Insulation Damage
There shall be no sharp edges and projections that the service or consumer mains cables
may come in contact with whether on external or internal surfaces. The connection box
mounting plate shall not protrude beyond the edge of the connection box.
The service line bracket shall be constructed and installed in a manner to enable the
service line and equipment to maintain clearance from the connection box and bracket
in situ. All connection box access covers must be able to be removed without the
necessity for the covers to contact the service line or equipment.
Provision for Earthing
Where single insulated consumer mains are installed, the raiser must be earthed in
accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000.
7.3.7 Aerial Service Lines Clearances Existing Service Lines
The customer is responsible to ensure that modifications to the property they occupy do
not breach the minimum clearances from ground, structures, objects, trees and
vegetation to the service lines supplying the property they occupy required by the Rules
and Regulations at the time of the service cable’s installation and the current Electricity
Act, Legislation and Regulations relating to line vegetation clearance. New and Replacement Service Lines
Unless advised otherwise by SA Power Networks, clearances for new and replaced aerial
service lines initiated by the customer must comply with the requirements of the

• These Rules
• The Electricity (Principles of Vegetation Clearance) Regulations 2010
The customer is responsible to:
• Provide a point of attachment and arrangements on their property to ensure the
clearances and conditions of these Rules, the current Electricity Act and Regulations
are achieved and maintained; and
• Ensure that modifications to the property they occupy do not breach the minimum
clearances require by these Rules and the current Electricity Act and Regulations
from ground, structures, objects, trees and vegetation to the service cable supplying
the property. Achievement and Maintenance of Clearances
Where the customer is unable to provide facilities for the aerial service line to meet and
maintain the required clearances within their property in accordance with these Rules,
the property shall be supplied by an underground service at the customer’s expense.

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SA Power Networks will make arrangements with the customer for appropriate
clearances to be met where the aerial service line is to be replaced in circumstances
other than by works initiated by the customer.
If the customer fails to maintain clearances prescribed by Electricity Regulations from

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vegetation within their property to the aerial service line supplying the property, SA
Power Networks may clear that vegetation in accordance with the Electricity Act and
Regulations at the customer’s expense.
The customer shall advise SA Power Networks where alterations to their property may
in any way affect the clearances required for an aerial service line.
In all cases where clearances can’t be achieved and maintained, the property shall be
supplied by means of an underground service at the customer’s cost.
7.3.8 Aerial Service Lines Sag
Aerial service lines will sag after installation due to temperature rise and construction
SA Power Networks will make appropriate allowances for this additional sag during the
provision of these service arrangements to maintain clearances in accordance with the
Electricity Act and Regulations.
Customers should make allowances for the maintenance of building and vegetation
clearances as set out in the Electricity Act and Regulations.
7.4 Service Protection
In general, SA Power Networks will provide the service fuses and carriers for the protection of SA
Power Networks service line. Refer to clause 7.4.5.
7.4.1 Customers Protective Equipment (TIR)
The customer’s protective equipment including the meter isolator must effectively grade
with the SA Power Networks service protection device. Customers are also advised to
install protective equipment to limit possible damage to their electrical installation or
equipment which may be sensitive to voltage variation, transients, loss of one or more
phases of supply or due to leakage current.
Refer to clause 6.5 and the Electricity Distribution Code.
To satisfy the Electricity Distribution Code, customers must control sustained overload,
short circuits, phase loading, power factor, transient current, harmonic current, inrush
current and other negative effects originating within the electrical installation to
minimise adverse effects on other customers and the distribution network.
Compliance with this clause and clause 6.7 will assist control of sustained overload,
short circuits and phase loading arising from electrical installations, and limit adverse
voltage fluctuations on other customers and the distribution network.
Further to the above, the customer must ensure that the installation is kept within the
required limits.
7.4.2 Application of SA Power Networks Protection Devices TIR) Enclosures (TIR)
• Enclosures containing SA Power Networks protective devices must have sufficient
stability and strength to withstand distortion and contain any energy which might be
caused in both normal and fault conditions.
• Where the service protective device(s) are to be installed in a metering enclosure, it
shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring Rules. The customer will

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provide facilities for the securing of the incoming consumer mains conductor(s) to
the panel.
• Metal enclosures which contain SA Power Networks service protection equipment
must be neutralised or earthed in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring Rules.

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In general, SA Power Networks metal enclosures containing service protection
equipment shall be earthed by a conductor, with a cross sectional area not less than the
consumer mains neutral conductor, connected to the main neutral conductor or bar.
The termination shall be labelled ‘Unprotected Mains Bonding Conductor’. Access (TIR)
Where the customer is required to make provisions for the service protection devices,
the position provided shall be free of obstruction and access must be continuously
available for SA Power Networks to safely operate on the device or devices at all hours. Location (TIR)
Enclosures containing the SA Power Networks service protection equipment must be
located in an exterior location that is accessible at all times.
The enclosure must be a minimum of 0.3m above the finished ground level and no
greater than 4.0m to the top of the enclosure.
Where the location is greater than 2.0m in height, then the clearance for ladder access
as stated in is applicable. Common Enclosure (TIR)
The electrical wiring associated with service protection devices installed in a common
enclosure with other electrical installation control or protective equipment shall be
segregated by barriers from that associated with such other equipment.
7.4.3 Security General
Service protection devices should be located and arranged to limit the ability of
unauthorised persons to interfere with and operate the device(s).
An acceptable method to restrict unauthorised interference is to locate device(s) other
than those associated with an overhead line mains within an enclosure fitted with a lock
in accordance with clause 4.7. SA Power Networks Operation
Where a separate enclosure is provided for the service fuse protection, the enclosure
shall be secured by means of a lock. The locking facility shall be capable of accepting an
SA Power Networks service fuse enclosure lock. Refer to clause 4.7.
Where the service fuses are installed within a meter enclosure, the customer may elect
to lock the enclosure with a ES or CM lock as shown in clause 4.7.
Subject to the agreement of the Responsible Officer, other methods of security may be
acceptable. Such other methods may include location of the device in an area restricted
to authorised persons and locking with a lock in accordance with clause 4.7.
Persons interfering with SA Power Networks seals or locks or operating service
protection devices other than in accordance with the conditions of these Rules may be
subject to action, including legal action.

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7.4.4 Operation (TIR) General (TIR)
Fuse cartridges for service fuses shall be supplied and installed by SA Power Networks.

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Service protection devices shall only be operated by:
• SA Power Networks; or
• Persons authorised by SA Power Networks. Emergency Services Personnel (TIR)
Emergency Services personnel should only operate service protection devices if so
authorised by their organisation.
Where the service protection device is operated by emergency service personnel, it
should only be operated to de-energise the electrical installation and shall not be
operated to energise or re-energise the electrical installation.
Where emergency services personnel de-energise an electrical installation, SA Power
Networks must be advised at the earliest opportunity. Licensed Contractor (TIR)
Only licensed contractors authorised by SA Power Networks are permitted to operate
service protection devices. Fuse removal by a Licensed Electrical Worker/Contractor (TIR)
Electrical Worker/Contractors must obtain authorisation to remove service protection
devices specific to that property. The service must remain de-energised until an
Electrical Certificate of Compliance is received by the electricity officer responsible .
Approval will only be given by Builders and Contractors ph.
1300 650 014, or for a fault condition Faults and Emergencies ph. 131366.
All calls will be voice recorded and noted in the appropriate system.
Approval will only be given for the following circumstances.
Emergency Operation:
• To prevent further damage to an installation or where immediate action is required
to make safe to permit repairs to occur to consumer mains or main switchboard.
• To permit alterations or repairs to occur to consumer mains or main switchboard.

Approval will only be given for the following service fuse arrangements where Service
rated at or below 100Amps:
• Overhead service mounted on a building in good condition (excludes damaged or
open wire services) and must be in an accessible location that complies with the
required clearances.
• Over/under service fuse box arrangement on a pole.
• Service fuse mounted on a meter panel.
Multiple customers will require the appropriate notification.
Note: It is the responsibility of the Electrical Worker/Contractor to ensure that they are
appropriately qualified and trained with a relevant Safe Work Method Statements.

TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
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TS 100: Electrical Design Standards for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to and including 33kV)

7.4.5 Service Protection Devices Services up to and including 500kVA Services up to an including 500kVA

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SA Power Networks will provide the service fuse(s). The customer will be
required to provide the meter isolator and under some circumstances
provide a service fuse enclosure. The service fuse enclosure is to be
installed at the boundary where supply enters the property or adjacent to a
pit etc. accessible and operational from the road reserve.
For larger properties within 10m of the connection point if supply is within
the property. I2t Characteristics of LV Fuses
Characteristics of low voltage fuses used by SA Power Networks as service
protective devices are given in AS/NZS 60269 Low Voltage Fuses – Fuses
with Enclosed Fuse Links (specifically Parts 1 and 3).
Pre-arcing l2t characteristics for fuses conforming to AS/NZS 60269 are
given in Table 7.6.
Details for larger services is available from the relevant SA Power Networks
Typical Time/Current curve for SA Power Networks service fuses are shown
in Appendix 2.

Fuse Element Rating

I2t min (A2 . s . 1000) I2t max (A2 . s . 1000)
(Prior to de-rating)
63A 9.0 27.0
80A 16.0 46.0
100A 27.0 86.0
Table 7.6 Services Greater than 500kVA

For larger installations where SA Power Networks does not provide low voltage service
protection, the customer will be required to provide single circuit breaker. This circuit
breaker will be the installations main switch.
The main switchboard shall be located within 10m of the connection point but not
within the SA Power Networks easements (including statutory easements), as shown in
Figure 7.9.
HV earth in MEN area may change clearances. Please refer to the relevant project officer
for clarification.

TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
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Figure 7.9

Refer also to 8.5.9 for unsuitable metering locations. The main switchboard cannot be
within 4m of the transformer to ensure a 4m separation between the transformer’s HV
earthing and the MSBs LV earthing. The MSB doors should open away from the
transformer to reduce the risk of shock from step touch potential.
If the transformer is located within a CMEN area, the main switchboard may be closer
than 4m provided a non-conductive wall or barrier is present to prevent step touch
The circuit breaker which is used in place of a low voltage service protection device
• have, or be installed with, a facility for preventing the handle to be operated when in
the ‘off’ position by an SA Power Networks padlock as defined in clause 4.7;
• have access to any adjustable settings capable of being restricted to authorised
persons by sealing or equivalent means;
• have all live terminals and connections enclose;
• will not have an auto – reclosing facility;
• if installed as a combined supply protection/load control device, the circuit breaker
shall operate so as to prevent the authorised service capacity being exceeded if
installed to control supply capacity in accordance with clause;
• if it is required by other standards that the essential services supply bypasses the
main service protection device, those circuits must be individually protected at the
main switchboard.
The circuit breaker required by this clause shall:
• comply to AS/NZS 3947.2:2002; and
• have an instantaneous tripping characteristic settable between 2xIN and 10xIN; and
• ensure grading, with the upstream (SA Power Networks) and downstream
(customer’s) protective devices; and
• have a rated short circuit current capacity equal to or greater than the prospective
short circuit current at the point it is installed; and
• where the current carrying capacity of the neutral is less than that of the associated
active conductors, then the circuit breaker shall have earth fault protection capable
of preventing over-current in the neutral conductor. (See Note).
Short circuit ratings and SA Power Networks protection characteristics are available
from the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
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Service & Installation Rules

1. It is suggested that the use of a circuit breaker that does not break the neutral with
current settings to trip at neutral current greater than maximum out of balance
current and less than neutral conductor current carrying capacity will satisfy the

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earth fault required.
7.4.6 Acceptable Applications Underground Supply
This clause covers the service protection requirements where supply is provided from an
underground service line or unfused service pit.
A customer shall supply an enclosure to accommodate the service protection devices.
The enclosure shall be installed at ground operating level at a minimum height of 0.3m
and in a position free of obstruction and where access is readily available for:
• manual operation of the service protection device(s) from ground level; and
• safe work on the service protection device(s).
Alternatively, for enclosures rated at 200A or less, the enclosure may be installed in a
location accessible by a service ladder and in all cases, the top of the enclosure must be
no greater than 4m from ground level.
All locks required to be operated to gain access to the service protection devices will be
the type approved by SA Power Networks. Refer to clause 4.7.
The enclosure must:
• have sufficient stability and strength to withstand distortion and contain any energy
which might be caused in both normal and fault conditions;
• be neutralised or earthed in accordance with A/NZS 3000 where the enclosure is
In general, metal enclosures containing service protection equipment shall be earthed
by a conductor, with a cross sectional area not less than the customer’s main neutral
conductor, connected to the main neutral conductor or bar.
Where the service protection device(s) are to be installed in a metering enclosure, it
shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000. The customer will provide facilities
for the securing of the incoming consumer mains active conductor(s) to the panel. Overhead Supply General
This clause covers supply from an aerial service line.
The customer shall provide mounting facilities for the enclosure of the SA
Power Networks service protection device.
The facility shall be located in a position free of obstruction and where
access is readily available for:
1. manual operation of device(s) from a service ladder and in all cases, the
top of the enclosure must be no greater than 4m and no less than 2.7m
from ground level; and
2. safe access to work on the device(s) in accordance with clause 7.3
(Overhead Distribution Network Areas). Supply to Customer Support Poles
SA Power Networks services can be attached to the customers’ support
pole in accordance with clause and Refer to Figure 7.4.

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Service & Installation Rules Supply from SA Power Networks Pole

This clause covers customer’s equipment mounted on SA Power Networks poles. Consumer Mains that Connect to Consumer Terminals Located upon the

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SA Power Networks will provide service protection devices and consumer
terminals on the pole for connection of the customers’ installation. Refer to
Figures 7.5 and 7.6.
Mechanical Protection of Consumer Mains
The consumer mains shall be mechanically protected in accordance with
AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring Rules. Consumer mains located on an SA Power
Networks pole shall be mechanically protected to a minimum height of
2.4m and a maximum height of 2.6m from ground level. The enclosure or
system shall be classified as WSX3 or better under AS/NZS 3013.
This mechanical protection shall be:
• a suitable enclosure attached by means of saddles or clamps in at least
two positions using either:
• galvanised steel bolts
• Hilti threaded studs or
• self-tapping screws
electrically bonded to the steel of the pole by a minimum bonding
conductor of 25mm2 attached to the steel of the pole and mechanical
protection by means of at least galvanised steel M8 bolts; or
• a suitable enclosure with steel mounting tags or studs welded to the
mechanical protection and attached to the steel of the pole in at least
two positions by means of galvanised steel bolts of at least M8 size (not
welded to the pole).
The protection and attachments shall be installed in a manner such as to
not cause a hazard to pedestrians or the link and able to be removed and
reinstated with the use of a standard tool. For SA Power Networks
purposes, a Hilti threaded stud or tapped hole (not self-tapping) of at least
M8 will also be deemed suitable for the electrical bond connection.
Where supply is from a timber or wooden pole then a junction box will
need to be provided at the top of the mechanical protection to allow for a
25mm2 bonding conductor connected to the consumer mains neutral.
Note: Band Strap, cable ties or similar systems are not deemed suitable for
securing of consumer mains mechanical protection. Customer’s Switchboard and Associated Equipment Mounted on SA Power
Networks Poles
Customer’s equipment, other than consumer mains, cannot be mounted on
SA Power Networks poles. SA Power Networks Manager Network Standards
& Performance may provide exemption to other utilities or public
authorities for specific applications.
Where an exemption is granted, the equipment must meet the
requirements of
No equipment other than consumer mains, and associated equipment, will
be permitted on HV poles with a transformer, SWER poles or any pole with
a switching device.
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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Supply Direct from Transformers

SA Power Networks will provide the consumer terminals at a low voltage transformer
bushing or isolating device as part of the transformer installation. The customer shall
provide and maintain adequate clearance and mechanical protection facilities

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appropriate for the transformer installation. Details are available from the relevant SA
Power Networks Manager.
In some circumstances, SA Power Networks may provide service protection devices
within the transformer installation.
Where the service protection devices are not provided by SA Power Networks as part of
the transformer installation, the customer shall make this provision as part of their
7.5 Isolating Devices
7.5.1 Meter Isolators (TIR) General (TIR)
Where an electrical installation has one or more customers, a meter isolator shall be
provided to individually isolate the metering equipment and outgoing sub-mains
(circuits) associated with each customer.
The intent of the meter isolator is to provide a safe and convenient isolation point for:
• electrical contractors to work safely on the customer’s installations;
• emergency situations; and
• the meter provider to service and maintain the metering installation.
This requirement is applicable to all new and altered electrical installations. For altered
electrical installations, refer to clause Features (TIR)
The meter isolator shall be a circuit breaker with its operational status clearly visible at
all times and operating mechanism accessible for local operation by the customer.
Meter isolators are to be lockable and have the terminals and load settings under SA
Power Networks or metering provider’s security seal. The isolator is required to isolate
the metering for a customer’s installation – including any CT chamber.
Provisions for the attachment of SA Power Networks security seal are required for all
terminal covers as well as the adjustment mechanisms where an adjustable circuit
breaker is used. The means of locking is required to be of adequate construction and
permanently attached to either the circuit breaker or its enclosure.
Wherever reasonably practical, the meter isolator shall be located immediately adjacent
the meter(s) or metering transformers which it isolates.
Where a large number of meter isolators are required, or for safe switchboard design
the meter isolators may be installed in a separate sealed compartment of the
switchboard. In such cases, the means of operating and locking each meter isolator shall
be accessible without the need to open escutcheon panels or break the security seal.
The orientation and spacing of the meter isolators shall be such that any locks will not
impede or obscure the operation or labels of any tenancies meter isolator or other
Each meter isolator shall be capable of being individually locked in the off (open)
position only. However, where safety services systems as defined in AS/NZS 3000 such
as fire detection, warning and extinguishing systems, smoke control systems, evacuation
systems and/or lifts are supplied through the meter isolator, then the meter isolator

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules

shall be provided with facilities for locking it in both the on (closed) and off (open)
Except where safety services exist, for all single and multiple residential installations, the
meter isolator shall be regarded as the main switch and shall be marked accordingly.

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Consequently, the enclosure housing this device becomes the main switchboard and the
MEN connection shall be made within that enclosure. Refer to AS/NZS 3000 clauses
2.3.3 and 2.3.4 and their associated sub-clauses. Rating (TIR)
The rating of the circuit breaker for the meter it isolates must be sized or adjusted as
close as practical to the maximum demand specified in the connection agreement
between the customer and SA Power Networks.
The meter isolator will be required to grade with the SA Power Networks service
protection device. Refer to clause and Appendix 2 for SA Power Networks
service fuse characteristics. Where approved motor starting prevents effective grading
with SA Power Networks service fuse, then the meter isolator circuit breaker may be
selected for effective grading for sustained overload protection characteristics only.
When selecting a suitable circuit breaker, consideration should be given to the
environment in which it is to be installed (ie high ambient temperatures may affect
some circuit breakers performance). Application (TIR)
The requirement to install a meter isolator applies:
• to all new installations including Whole Current (WC), Current Transformer (CT) and
High Voltage (HV);
• to existing installations where an alteration and/or upgrade has, or is being
undertaken, including:
 where an additional tenancy is added;
 where attendance is required to change metering where the maximum demand
has changed;
 where the meter enclosure or meter panel is replaced;
 where the consumer mains are upgraded due to the installation’s maximum
demand being increased or intended to be increased;
 an additional tariff is requested (eg feed-in tariff due to PV installation) and a
meter change is required;
 where the meter location is changes; or
 where the metering is changed from a CT to a WC or vice versa.
Notwithstanding the above, a meter isolator is not required to be installed on existing
installations in the following situations:
• the Retailer has requested a meter exchange and no alteration/upgrade to the
installation occurred (meter churn);
• a change in tariff is requested and no metering change is required;
• a change in tariff is requested and no electrical work has been conducted on the
consumer mains or main switchboard that will or would have required disconnection
from SA Power Networks’ distribution system;
• a CT or HV meter is changed at the customer’s request and there is no change to the
consumer mains, meter location, the authorised capacity, or the current/voltage
transformer ratio;
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• the meter is remote from the main switchboard;

• where only an additional tariff is requested and the meter is mounted on a SA Power
Networks’ LV pole;
• there are multiple occupancy installations with grouped meter positions. If an

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additional meter is added, a meter isolator is required for that meter;
• the electrical installation requires reconnection of supply, including reconnection
after 12 months, and no electrical work on the consumer mains or main switchboard
has been undertaken;
• where meter maintenance is only being undertaken;
• where consumer mains (installations > 100A) are repaired, relocated or extended to
a new supply point (ie junctioned in or to existing conductors or replaced like for
like). Installation (TIR)

Where a single customer has multiple meters due to tariff requirements, a single meter
isolator shall be used for isolation of that metering combination. (Refer to for the
additional requirements if 3 or more whole current meters are present).
Wherever reasonably practical, the meter isolator shall be located immediately adjacent
to the meter(s) or metering transformers which it isolates.
The meter isolator can be installed on the existing meter panel providing it is in a
serviceable condition, it doesn’t contain asbestos (refer 8.3.2) and it meets the
minimum space requirements as stated in 8.9.
Where a meter isolator has been installed to meet these requirements, an active link
shall be provided. The neutral link shall be mounted either on the rear of the meter
panel or within the enclosure behind the meter panel/meter isolator compartment.
Active links are required to be provided for multiple meters requiring connection to the
same phase (refer 8.13.3). Where there is insufficient room or the installation of a link
may cause other electrical hazards, this requirement need not be enforced.
7.5.2 Location and Access to Isolation Devices Properties which are the Subject of a Strata Plan or Community Title
Where the installation is to be, or is the subject of a Strata Plan or Community Title, all
metering isolation equipment, including meter isolators and panel isolators, installed
under the provisions of the Service & Installation Rules must be in a location which is
common property and accessible at all times through common property as defined in
the Strata Plan or Community Title.
Where there is no common land defined on the Community Title allocated for services,
an agreed location between all parties and complying with all requirements of clause
8.5.4 shall be used when supplied via a single connection point.
Where supplied by separate connection points, each single customer supply shall
comply with the requirements of 7.5.1. Properties which are not the Subject of a Strata Plan or Community Title
Where the installation has multiple customers and is not the subject of a Strata Plan or
Community Title, all metering isolation equipment, including meter isolators and panel
isolators, installed under the provisions of the Service & Installation Rules must be
located in a common area which is accessible at all times.

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 SA Power Networks 2017
TS 100: Electrical Design Standards for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to and including 33kV)

7.6 Safety When Working on or Near Distribution Network (TIR)

7.6.1 No Go Zone (TIR)
The Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 require specific

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clearances to the distribution network be maintained at all times. The Office of the
Technical Regulator (OTR) administers and provides information relating to the required
clearances to the distribution network.
Where the required clearances can’t be maintained, SA Power Networks must be
contacted to arrange the appropriate isolation or alterations to the distribution network
to achieve the required clearances. Refer to SA Power Networks website for further
details in relation to Network Access Procedure.
Customers and their agents must consider these requirements when planning any works
near distribution network and employ a safe system of work.
7.6.2 Underground Cables (TIR)
Any work carried out by a customer or a customer’s agent in the vicinity of underground
cables shall be carried out in accordance with clause 7.6.1.
Customers and their agents must contact ‘Dial Before Your Dig’ (telephone 1100) to
obtain information on the location of any underground assets before any works
involving excavations are commenced.
7.6.3 Transformers (TIR)
Under no circumstances shall a customer or a customer’s agent enter a
substation/padmount transformer enclosure or climb a pole without a specific written
approval and permission from SA Power Networks in accordance with the SA Power
Networks Network Access Procedure.
Where cables are to be installed on or in a substation/padmount transformer enclosure,
no excavation work greater than 0.3m within 3.0m of the substation/padmount
transformer enclosure shall commence before the route of the cable has been approved
by, and advice regarding the substation/padmount transformer enclosure earthing
system obtained from the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
Extensive earthing systems exist where ‘Single Wire Earth Return’ (SWER) distribution
transformers are installed. Refer to the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General)
Regulations 2012 for specific clearance details.
For further details of the procedure for excavation in the vicinity of SA Power Networks
equipment, refer to SA Power Networks Customer Information Brochure NICC-404,
which is available on the SA Power Networks website.
SA Power Networks must be contacted to locate the earthing systems and where
required to de-energise the transformer prior to trenching operations.
Unless specifically authorised by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager, the
• underground wiring; or
• wiring embedded in a concrete floor; or
• structural metalwork or metallic cladding which is in contact with the electrical
installation including switchboards and metering enclosures
must not be located within 4.0m of a steel pole supporting SA Power Networks HV
distribution network, or a transformer’s HV earthing system. Consumer mains can be
installed within this zone subject to all other requirements of sub-section 7.6.

TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
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Note that damage to a high voltage earthing system can cause an extremely hazardous
7.6.4 Poles and Aerial Lines (TIR)

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Any works carried out by a customer or a customer’s agent in the vicinity of overhead
lines or poles shall be carried out in accordance with 7.6.1 and the Electricity Act 1996
and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012.
Unless specifically authorised by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager, the
• underground wiring; or
• wiring embedded in a concrete floor; or
• structural metalwork or metallic cladding which is in contact with the electrical
installation including switchboards and metering enclosures
must not be located within 4.0m of a steel pole supporting SA Power Networks HV
distribution network, or a transformer’s HV earthing system. Consumer mains can be
installed within this zone subject to all other requirements of sub-section 7.6.
7.6.5 Service Pits/Pillars (TIR)
Any cables within a service pit/pillar shall be treated as ALIVE and shall not be handled
without taking appropriate safety precautions. Access to service pits/pillars is only
available via a Network Access Permit.
7.6.6 Supply Isolation (TIR)
SA Power Networks shall be contacted at the earliest opportunity to isolate supply
where required to enable work to be performed safely. Refer to SA Power Networks
website for further details in relation to Network Access Procedure.

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7.7 Consumer Mains

7.7.1 General (TIR)
All electrical wiring work associated with the installation and maintenance of consumer

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mains shall be carried out in accordance with the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity
(General) Regulations 2012, the Rules and AS/NZS 3000.
In accordance with clause 6.2.3, SA Power Networks reserves the right to determine the
location of the consumer terminals, and the method of termination of consumer mains
where they are not specified by these Rules. The type of consumer mains connected to
SA Power Networks equipment must conform to clause 7.1.3. Exclusion Zone (TIR)
Consumer mains are NOT allowed to enter into or be installed externally on a building
anywhere within the exclusion zone as indicated in Figure 7.10 below. The exclusion
zone applies to all installations where there is a gas meter box below the electricity
meter box or service fuse enclosure.

Figure 7.10 – Underground Consumer Mains Entry with and without gas meter

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Unprotected Consumer Mains (TIR)

Consumer mains which are not protected by short-circuit protection devices (eg service
fuses), must not be allowed to enter into or be installed internally in a building other
than within the vertical planes between ground level and the enclosure containing the

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service protective device(s).
Where this is prohibited due to the exclusion zone created by the installation of a gas
meter box or proposed gas meter box, the consumer mains shall enter as indicated in
Figure 7.10. Protected Consumer Mains (TIR)
Consumer mains which are protected by short-circuit devices (eg service fuses) may
enter into or be installed internally in a building other than within the exclusion zone as
indicated in Figure 7.11 when a gas box is present.
All connections must enter within the 500mm entry zones as per Figure 7.11.

Figure 7.11 – Protected Consumer Mains Entry with and without gas meter Unprotected Consumer Mains Transformers (TIR)

Where supply is obtained direct from a distribution transformer with no low voltage
protection at the connection point, then the main switchboard must be located in a
continuously accessible exterior location. Where the transformer is inside the building
then the main switchboard must be in a room immediately adjacent to, or directly
above, or directly below the transformer room. The transformer and the main
switchboard must be accessible at all times to SA Power Networks personnel.

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Service & Installation Rules

7.7.2 Size of Consumer Mains (TIR)

The size of the consumer mains should be selected with consideration to the
requirements of the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012,
these Rules and AS/NZS 3000.

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It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the conductor or lug used is
compatible with the connection point terminals. Refer to clause 7.1.3.
Where the connection point for any installation that is unprotected by an SA Power
Networks service fuse at the connection point, then to allow for various SA Power
Networks transformers, LV mains sizes and LV fuse ratings, the minimum size consumer
mains shall be 16mm2 copper cable.
Where existing consumer mains are relocated or ‘repaired’ by replacement with larger
conductors, the work may be considered as a repair and not considered upgrades for
the purposes of this document.
In this case, the capacity of the installation must be limited by a meter isolator (circuit
breaker) rated at no greater than the capacity of the consumer mains prior to the
repairs or the authorised service capacity whichever is the lesser.
7.7.3 Identification of Consumer Mains (TIR)
All conductors at consumer terminals and metering facilities shall be colour coded to
clearly and permanently identify each active conductor and the neutral conductor.
This includes:
1. The consumer terminals
2. The service protective devices
3. The incoming supply to the metering enclosure
(a) Neutral Identification:
In all cases, the neutral conductor shall be a black conductor or a conductor with
black sleeving. Any sleeving required is to be for 500mm from the termination
point(s) within the connection facility (eg service fuse enclosure, service pit/pillar) or
main switchboard or the entire exposed length of the conductor.

(b) Active Identification:

In all cases, the active conductor shall be an active colour as permitted by
AS/NZS 3000 or a conductor sleeved with an active colour as permitted by
AS/NZS 3000. Any sleeving required is to be for 500mm from the termination
point(s) within the connection facility (eg service fuse enclosure, service pit/pillar) or
main switchboard or the entire exposed length of the conductor.

(c) Phase Identification:

In the case of polyphase supplies, consumer mains are to be permanently identified
red, white and blue. Where the active conductors as identified above are not the
correct phase colours, a minimum length of 100mm sleeving in the correct phase
colour shall be used to identify the conductor at the termination point(s).
Insulation tape is not an acceptable means of identification.

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Service & Installation Rules

7.7.4 Joints in Un-Metered Consumer Mains

Joints in un-metered mains shall be made in such a manner as to deter unauthorised
access, interference or diversion of electricity supply, to the satisfaction of SA Power
Networks. For repairs to whole current installations including, extending or relocating

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consumer mains, then inline crimp sleeves with heat shrink and enclosed in conduit is
Where a junction box is used to make the joints, then the lid shall be glued shut with
screws covered in a hard setting 2-part epoxy compound or similar to prevent removal.
Any enclosure or link that contains un-metered terminations must have provision for SA
Power Networks security seal in accordance with clause 4.8.
7.7.5 Terminations (TIR)
Terminations of consumer mains shall be in accordance with the Electricity Act and
Regulations, and these Rules. Where termination methods are not specified in these
Rules, the relevant SA Power Networks Manager shall be consulted to determine
acceptable arrangements.
7.7.6 Underground Consumer Mains (TIR) Consumer Mains in Road Reserves (TIR)
Where underground consumer mains are to be located within a road reserve, the
customer must obtain approval from Council or any other relevant authority prior to
installation commencing. Consumer Mains on a Third Party Property (TIR)
Consumer mains can enter a service pit/pillar on a third party’s property where the
service pit/pillar is installed in the standard or an agreed location adjacent to the
property boundary. Refer to
For installations where the SA Power Networks service point is not in the standard or
agreed location and underground consumer mains need to cross a third party’s land, a
registered easement granted by the third party property owner for the installation of
consumer mains is required.
1. Such an easement is a private easement and SA Power Networks is not party to it.
7.7.7 Minimum Insulation Resistance (TIR)
The insulation resistance between conductors and between conductors and earth or
metallic sheath of consumer mains shall comply with the minimum requirements of
AS/NZS 3000.
7.7.8 Wiring Systems (TIR)
Consumer mains shall be installed in a manner that in the event of accidental damage
being sustained, the likelihood of a short circuit between conductors or earth will
operate electrical protection where this is fitted and minimise damage. To assist in
achieving this result, the following applies:
• The route of underground consumer mains shall, to the extent of which is
practicable, be selected so as to avoid distribution transformers earthing systems.
• Where any proposed unprotected consumer mains pass under any building or the
route is not obvious (point to point) from connection point to service fuse enclosure
then this must be changed to protected consumer mains.
• The consumer mains between the point of supply and the metering instruments will
be completely enclosed in an approved conduit or ducting. Enclosures will not be

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Service & Installation Rules

required for metal armoured cable, metal sheathed cable, neutral screened cable or
where other types of cables or conductors are readily open to view or located in
normally inaccessible places or underground.
• Metal and non-flexible enclosures, sheathing or armouring of the consumer mains

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must not be joined rigidly to SA Power Networks service protection enclosures.
• The connection of any wiring enclosure to SA Power Networks service protection
enclosure must be through adaptors etc that will enable convenient replacement of
the service protection enclosure.
• For all overhead services, the minimum requirement is:
• Neutral Screen cable, or
• wiring systems in:
 UV stabilised flexible conduit; or
 UV stabilised Black Nylon corrugated conduit.
• For over/under services, the minimum requirement is:
 UV stabilised flexible conduit; or
 UV stabilised Black Nylon corrugated conduit.
• It is recommended that precautions be taken to avoid moisture entering the building
via consumer mains enclosure.
• The requirements of other authorities for use of a common trench including
clearances and minimum depth are to be met.
Armoured cables, mineral insulated metal-sheathed cables, neutral screened cables and
metallic piping must not enter into SA Power Networks service pit/pillar.
7.7.9 Connections (TIR) Pit/Pillar Connections (TIR)
Consumer mains to be terminated in service pits shall be prepared and installed by the
customer’s agent in accordance with clause 7.7.3.
It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the conductor or lugs used are
compatible with the connection point terminals.
For installations with a maximum demand of less than 100A, stranded copper
conductors with a cross sectional area between 6mm2 and 35mm2 as single conductors
per phase or neutral will be suitable. Flexible cables must have ferrules installed. Refer
clause 7.1.3 for compatibility details.
For installations with multiple cables per phase, only one cable per phase or neutral is to
enter the pit.
The consumer mains cables for each electrical installation that are supplied from any
pit/pillar shall be identified with a permanent water resistant label at ground level and
left neatly coiled within the pit. The label shall be a minimum of 400mm from the cut
end of the tail provided for the connection.
The label shall be permanently marked specifying the lot or street number of the
premises it supplies or for street lighting, the location, direction and number of lights on
the circuit. Termination on a Distribution Pole (TIR) Work Practices (TIR)
Termination of consumer mains on a distribution pole must be carried out
in accordance with clause 7.6 and all applicable industry requirements.
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These include; but are not limited to the following:

• No Go Zone guidelines (refer clause 7.6.1)
• Clause 7.8.4 of these Rules

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The customer is responsible for the installation of the cables and
equipment to maintain a minimum clearance in accordance with the
Electricity Act and Regulations, SA Power Networks shall be responsible to
perform any works within the No Go Zone.
Cables and equipment shall be placed in a position such that they are least
liable to mechanical danger and shall not obscure a distribution pole
identification mark or number.
They must not impede the access to the pole for fixing of other consumer
mains. The relevant SA Power Networks Manager will determine under
what conditions other equipment may be attached to SA Power Networks
poles or structures.
Refer to clause for specific details on mechanical protection of
consumer mains.
7.8 Special Electrical Installations & Supply Arrangements
The following Rules apply for specific type of electrical installations and various supply
arrangements. For unusual installations or situations not specifically covered in this document,
the relevant SA Power Networks Manager must be consulted for any conditions or requirements
that may be applicable.
7.8.1 Limited Period Supplies Provision
SA Power Networks may, subject to supply being available and the payment of relevant
charges, provide a supply to an electrical installation for a limited period, eg building
The customer should ascertain that the supply can be made available, and the
conditions which would apply before commencement of any works.
Where a supply is provided for a limited period, it shall be disconnected at the time of
connection of the permanent supply or expiry of the limited period, unless prior
arrangements have been made by the customer for the retention of the supply and any
relevant additional charge paid. Customer’s Electrical Installation (TIR)
The Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 requires all
construction works to be carried out safely, whether new (under construction), altered
or being demolished and to comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000.
The electrical installation shall be constructed in accordance with the servicing and
metering arrangements as detailed in AS/NZS 3000 and these Rules and adequate
protection must be installed to prevent damage to SA Power Networks servicing and
metering equipment. Buildings in Course of Erection
Where an electricity supply is required to a building in the course of erection for
constructional purposes, supply may be given when the permanent consumer mains and
metering facilities are installed in their permanent position.

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The weatherproof meter enclosure must be installed in accordance with:

• the Electricity Act, Regulations, AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules and these Rules;
• the manufacturer’s installation instructions; and

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• be securely and rigidly fixed in its permanent position installed in a manner to
prevent excessive vibration or movement.
To limit additional costs, the electrical installation should be constructed in a manner to
avoid the necessity for further visits by SA Power Networks connection personnel; eg be
connected to permanent consumer mains and include provision for the permanent
metering equipment.

7.8.2 Multiple Occupancies Plan
A plan for any electrical installation proposed to contain multiple occupancies; ie more
than one separately metered occupancy, shall be submitted to the Responsible Officer
for approval prior to the intended commencement of the electrical installation.
The plan must show the meter locations in relation to the main structural features and
property boundaries, together with a schematic diagram indicating the proposed
control, isolation and metering arrangements of the electrical installation and
occupancies. Subdivision
Where a multiple occupancy property is subdivided, is intended to be subdivided, or has
potential for subdivision, consideration should be given in its original design to minimise
future rectification for it to comply with the requirements of the Electricity Act and
these Rules, particularly clause Unmetered Conductors
Customers’ equipment including devices that consume or measure electricity must not
be connected to any unmetered conductor. This does not include metering equipment
supplied by SA Power Networks or registered metering provider or equipment required
by 7.5 or for multiple customer installations.
Where unmetered sub-mains are intended to supply a separate group meter position,
then a lockable circuit breaker shall be provided at the origin of the unmetered sub-
Except as noted in the following paragraph, unmetered sub-mains or circuits shall be
completely enclosed in an approved conduit or ducting.
Enclosures will not be required for metal armoured cable, metal sheathed cable, neutral
screened cable or where other types of cables or conductors are readily open to view or
located in normally inaccessible places or underground.
Joints in unmetered sub-mains shall be made in such a manner as to deter unauthorised
access, interference or diversion of electricity supply, to the satisfaction of SA Power
Networks. No accessible joints or terminals will be permitted along the route of the
unmetered sub-mains. Any enclosure (junction box) must be permanently glued shut or
resin filled with no visible screws. Any pits installed for pulling cables in shall be filled
with sand or soil to meet the AS/NZS 3000 requirement for underground cables.
Where a junction box, enclosure or link contains unmetered conductors, provision of SA
Power Networks security seal shall be in accordance with clause 4.8. Sealing shall not
rely on holes to be aligned through nuts and threaded studs.

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Escutcheon panels, which provide access to unmetered sections or terminals of

switchboards, shall also be provided with sealing facilities. Metering
Metering is to be installed in accordance with Section 8 of these Rules and the Metering

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Code. The metering must be installed as close as reasonably practical (both physically
and electrically) to the point of supply.
Metering shall be located in groups at the origin of the tenancy sub-mains. Metering
must not be located within an individual tenancy unless prior written agreement has
been obtained from the relevant SA Power Networks Manager. Control (TIR)
The electrical installation for premises comprising a number of separately metered
occupancies shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000
and these Rules.
(a) Meter Panels and Occupancies
Each group of three or more whole current meters on a common panel which
share any phase in common requires a panel isolator per panel for isolation of the
entire panel in addition to the individual meter isolators required by clause This may be a circuit breaker installed to comply with the requirements
of clause
(b) Meter Isolator
The metering for each separately metered occupancy, shall be capable of
individual isolation from supply by means of a meter isolator installed in
accordance with clause 7.5. Supply Arrangement Diagrams (TIR)
Where there is a risk of incorrect identification of the occupancies supply arrangements,
including segregation between the electrical installations, occupancies unmetered
wiring and switchboards and metering, supply arrangement diagrams that comply with
clause 6.4 shall be installed and maintained. Labelling (TIR)
Labels that comply with clause 4.5 and remain clearly visible after installation of all
equipment shall be provided to:
• Any isolator installed as per clause (a) shall be labelled ‘PANEL ISOLATOR’ and
any isolator installed as per clause (b) shall be labelled ‘METER ISOLATOR’
(see Note).
• Each portion of the installation shall be suitably identified by means of permanent
labels at the isolating device, meter, switch, link, fuse or circuit breaker located at the
origin of the circuits and at their main control.
• Where a building is subdivided and a supply of electricity is given to occupiers of
individual rooms, suites, shops, flats or the like, a means of identification such as a
letter or number must be permanently marked on the main entrance door of each
room, suite, shop or flat and on each corresponding fuse, circuit breaker and
• Any protection device or isolator supplying essential services must indicate the
portion/s of the electrical installation it controls and be labelled in accordance with
clause 4.5.

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 SA Power Networks 2017
TS 100: Electrical Design Standards for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to and including 33kV)

Meter panels shall be labelled in accordance with clause 8.11.

1. Devices that provide multiple functions, eg as a main switch and meter isolator, shall
be labelled in accordance with these Rules in addition to the labelling requirements

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of AS/NZS 3000.
7.8.3 Equipment Installed on a Distribution Pole Use of Pole
Equipment shall not be installed upon a distribution pole unless the equipment installed
• Underground consumer mains and its associated service protection device and
consumer terminals as detailed in clause; or
• Installed in accordance with an agreement with SA Power Networks, the Shared Use
of Poles Code and these Rules.
Typical equipment that is subject to an agreement with SA Power Networks and
compliance with Shared Use of Poles Code includes:
• Electrical installations attached to poles for broadband transmissions and mobile
library supplies; and
• Parts of electrical installations containing other than consumer terminals and service
protection devices, eg circuit breakers, residual current devices or other control gear
and cabling that supply electrical installations such as telecommunications
equipment; and
• Lights, traffic signals, antennas, telecommunication/broadband cabling, signs,
banners, decorations etc.
Application for installation of equipment on a distribution pole should be made in
accordance with the appropriate process as outlined on our website at the earliest
opportunity after a decision to proceed is made.
In all cases, where equipment other than network assets are located upon a distribution
pole, the customer/person or body responsible for the equipment shall be responsible
for the installation, maintenance and liability associated with their equipment.
This shall include the removal and/or relocation of the equipment if it impedes use of
the pole by SA Power Networks, and the removal and reinstatement of their equipment
upon pole maintenance, relocation or replacement. Equipment Installation
Termination of underground consumer mains and a private overhead line shall be in
accordance with clause and clause 7.8.1 respectively and this clause.
The construction of any electrical installation or part thereof on a distribution pole not
covered by clauses and 7.8.4 shall be in accordance with the Electricity Act 1996
and Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 and AS/NZS 3000, the agreement as
established in the Code to install the equipment, and this clause.
Equipment attached to poles other than consumer mains requires MNSP approval.
Unless otherwise agreed with SA Power Networks, all electrical installation equipment
shall be located in a position such that the equipment:
• Is least liable to mechanical damage;
• Does not obscure a distribution pole identification mark or number;

TS 100: Electrical Design Std for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to & including 33kV)
Issued - June 2014
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• Maintains integrity and be appropriately spaced from network earthing conductors;

• Does not interfere with safe access to other equipment located on the pole.

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Consumer terminals installed on poles shall be located between 3.0m and 3.7m above
ground level.
Equipment other than cables attached to pole shall not be lower than 2.5m above
ground level. The installation of earth electrodes shall not be located within 4.0m of an
SA Power Networks pole or sub-station earthing systems in MEN areas.
7.8.4 Electrical Installations on Public Land (TIR) General (TIR)
Electrical installations supplied from and contained within public land shall comply with
this clause and the other requirements of these Rules. SA Power Networks must be
contacted prior to finalising any proposal to install an electrical installation on public
land. Points of Supply and Consumer Terminals (TIR)
The point of supply and consumer terminals for electrical installations supplied from and
located upon public land shall be nominated by SA Power Networks and shall, unless
otherwise agreed be:
• Within a service pit/pillar, normally at the boundary or adjacent to the portion of
land the electrical installation occupies; or
• The consumer terminals located between 3.0m and 3.7m where the electrical
installation is located upon a distribution pole or where underground mains originate
at the pole; or
In accordance with clauses 6.2.2 and 7.3. Labelling (TIR)
Electrical installation’s equipment located upon public and private land (eg a private
road) shall be labelled where there is a risk of incorrect identification between electrical
installation’s equipment and the distribution network.
Equipment that shall be labelled includes public lighting columns operated and
maintained by bodies such as Department Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI),
Local Councils and Body Corporate, and other equipment such as pillars and cubicles
where there is a risk of incorrect identification. Refer to clause 10.1 of TS101 – Public
Lighting Standard for Overhead and Underground Networks.
Labels shall include the responsible organisation and their contact telephone number
and be installed in accordance with clause 4.5.
7.8.5 Contiguous Land
Where supply has been provided to a property that comprises of contiguous land in
accordance with clause 6.2, and the electrical installation and/or occupancies wiring
extend into or across property, the customer or controlling body will not have rights
upon the land becoming non-contiguous rearrange the supply to comply with these
Rules and the Electricity Act and Regulations.

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7.8.6 Subdivisions General
A copy of any Plan of Subdivision should be submitted to SA Power Networks during its

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planning stage or as soon as a decision is made to proceed.
References that should be considered that may affect the subdivision’s design include:
• Clause 6.2 and the definition of property and points of supply
• Clause 7.3.5 and other Rules such as metering arrangements in Section 8
• The Electricity Act and Regulations
Consideration for a Torrens Titles subdivision should include provision of an individual
POS for each residential allotment with the service pillar being located in the standard or
agreed position to ensure the pillar can supply more than one allotment. Refer to
Where an electrical installation is being designed and the development, property or
building is of a type which may be subdivided, the design should be such as to minimise
rectification at the time of sub-division to comply with these Rules.
To assist with a subdivision or potential subdivision electrical design, it is recommended
that an electrical contractor; electrical design consultant or similarly qualified person be
engaged to assist with the design and development of the application.
Applicants should nominate proposed loadings for any proposed lot with a load above
63A and consider existing supply arrangements and the potential necessity for existing
arrangements to be altered where applicable, prior to presenting any submission. No Existing Electrical Installation or Supply
Where there is no electrical installation or supply within the area to be subdivided, the
application should include the proposed lots and the proposed loadings that have been
determined in accordance with clause Existing Electrical Installations or Supply
Where there is an existing electrical installation/s and supply within the area to be
subdivided, the application should include the proposed lots and proposed loadings that
have been determined in accordance with clause
Where an area is subdivided into individual lots and does not contain common property,
the point of supply and consumer terminals must be in accordance with clauses 6.2 and
6.3 and each electrical installation’s wiring shall not extend outside the property
boundary or common property, except if and where permitted by the Electricity Act,
Regulations and these Rules. Multiple Occupancies
Where a multiple occupancy is to be subdivided and contains common property, the lots
with access to the common property shall be supplied from and arranged such that the
consumer terminals, unmetered switchboards and metering equipment are installed in
common property in accordance with clauses 6.3, 7.8.2, 8.9 and 8.10, and all other
supply arrangements must comply with these Rules.
Where a multiple occupancy is subdivided and does not contain common property, the
point of supply and consumer terminals must be in accordance with clauses 6.2, 6.3 and
all the electrical installation’s wiring shall not extend outside the property boundary,
except if and where permitted by the Electricity Act, Regulations and these Rules.

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7.8.7 Unmetered Supplies

Suitable applications and additional requirements for unmetered supplies are described
in SA Power Networks Network Tariff & Negotiated Services Manual.

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The following general conditions apply to new or altered unmetered supplies:
• An appropriate load limiting circuit breaker with provision for SA Power Networks
security seal is to be used as specified in clause 4.3.5 of the Network Tariff &
Negotiated Services Manual.
• Where the service is not protected by a fuse at the point of supply, the customer will
provide suitable facilities for the installation of service fuses with consideration to
the location of the installation and the circumstances under which the device needs
to be accessed. Where a submersible fuse is required, the customer shall supply and
maintain the submersible fuse carrier and enclosure.
• SA Power Networks must be advised prior to any changes to the load characteristics.
• Approval must be gained (as appropriate) from any relevant authority for equipment
installed in the road reserve.
• Socket outlets are NOT permitted in any unmetered installation other than for an
approved Type-7 load.

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8. LV Switchboards, Service Equipment & Metering

8.1 Scope
These Rules apply to all new installations , and additions to existing switchboards, service

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equipment and metering of energy connected to SA Power Networks distribution network. Where
a situation arises where a Rule requires clarification, contact is to be made with the relevant
Responsible Officer. As of 1/12/2017 all new metering is the responsibility of the Retailer. Up
until, and including the 30 November 2017, the metering requirements are to be carried out in
accordance to the previous version of the Service and Installation Rule, which is available on SA
Power Networks website.
Refer to Section 9 – High Voltage Electrical Installations for Rules applicable to High Voltage
Metering. The metering standards are covered by the National Electricity Rules, Electricity
Metering Code, National Metrology Procedure and the Electricity Act 1996.
8.2 Tariffs & Metering
The customer or their agent should consult with the customer’s retailer at the earliest
opportunity in order to determine their Retail Tariff and metering requirements.
The metering will also need to meet the Network Tariff requirements. In some cases, the
customer or retailer can elect a Network Tariff (subject to eligibility criteria) and in some cases SA
Power Networks is required to assign a tariff.
Details of current Network Tariffs are available from the SA Power Networks website.
8.3 Metering Obligations
8.3.1 General (TIR)
Separate meter(s) shall be provided for each individual customer and/or customer’s
electrical installation.
The customer shall provide and maintain facilities in accordance with the applicable
Metering Regulations and Codes, the Electricity Act and these Rules to accommodate
the meters.
In general, this requires the customer to provide facilities that do not require the meter
provider to interfere with the facilities and wiring to install the metering, other than that
required to connect, fix and maintain the metering equipment.
8.3.2 Alterations & Additions
Where the customer initiates alterations, additions or relocation of existing metering,
facilities that are in accordance with these Rules shall be provided.
(eg where an existing timber, Masonite or asbestos meter board or panel exists, it shall
be replaced with a hinged insulated panel with appropriate clearances in accordance
with these Rules).
Asbestos material that may create an Occupational Health & Safety risk must not be in
the enclosure containing the meter. The entire enclosure and cables must be free of any
asbestos fibres and the panel must be in a sound condition. Repairs to the metering
facility may be permitted where asbestos exists provided that the change will not cause
any asbestos dust or loose fibres.
Where the location of the metering position is to be changed, it must comply with the
requirements of clause 8.5 of these Rules:
• Have sufficient space to adequately accommodate the intended equipment; and
• Have minimum wiring space complying with clause 8.13.1 at the rear of the board or

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8.4 Determination of Meter Type

Where the determined maximum demand of any separately metered portion of an electrical
installation exceeds 100A per active conductor, the metering will be of a CT meter type.

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8.5 Location
8.5.1 General
The National Electricity Rules requires that metering is installed as close as practicable to
the connection point.
The meter enclosure, in most cases, is the main switchboard and must be readily
accessible to provide efficient and effective isolation of electricity supply from the
electrical installation in emergency situations by persons such as emergency services
In addition, meters shall be located in accordance with these Rules to enable safe and
ready access in accordance with clause 8.6 for installing, fixing, reading, testing,
maintenance and removal of metering equipment without difficulty or hazard.
The meter isolator should be located:
• in a position as close as practicable to the public entrance to the property or
• in areas to eliminate the necessity to enter secured areas and rooms or areas that are
not normally entered by visitors or available for public access.
Clearances for meter panels shall be in accordance with clause 8.13.1 for Whole Current
Metering and clause for LV Current Transformer Metering.
Any gas meter, fittings, fixtures, enclosures or other obstructions installed below the
metering panel shall not project further than 300mm from the face of the wall on or in
which the metering panel is mounted.
Metering equipment is required to be installed outside hazardous areas defined in
Where a perimeter fence restricts access between the building and the public access
point, the metering equipment shall be:
• located to ensure convenient and safe access from the public access side of the
fence; and
• installed in a suitable vandal resistant lockable enclosure which is located in a
externally accessible part of the fence, which does not protrude outside the building
line; or
• subject to the approval of the Responsible Officer, where an access door or gate is
fitted, a lock shall be installed in accordance with clause 4.7. This lock shall be
accessible from outside the door or gate; or
• subject to availability and agreement between the customer and the meter provider
an alternative metering system may be installed by the meter provider. Additional
costs may be incurred in adopting this option.

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8.5.2 Single Residential

In individual residential installations, metering equipment shall be fixed outside the
building where the meter provider can gain access without hindrance.

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• exterior location in Principle Frontage area;
• location readily accessible, free from animals;
• security system not compromised (during normal business hours);
• minimum working and access clearances maintained;
• locks required to be operated are keyed to SA Power Networks master key system;
• metering enclosures are not permitted inside garages or carports.
Where the premises is on a larger allotment (greater than 1 hectare) the principle
frontage area should be utilised when the supply point is on or near the principle
frontage, where the supply is not from the principle frontage side an alternative meter
position may be used where safe and convenient access to the same extent is readily


Acceptable Location

Main Entrance


Suggested Meter Positions

Figure 8.1 Suitable Metering Locations for Single Domestic Installation with Single Frontage

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Figure 8.2 Suitable Metering Locations for Single Domestic Installation on corner blocks

Figure 8.3 Suitable Metering Locations for Single Domestic Dual Fronted Properties

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Figure 8.4 Suitable Metering Locations for Torrens Titles Allotments Main Public Access via Reserve

Figure 8.5 Suitable Metering Locations for Torrens Titles Allotments Main Public Access via Lane

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Meter enclosure built into
Meter enclosure built into
perimeter fence or low security
perimeter fence or low security
‘air lock’.
‘air lock’.

Figure 8.6 Suitable Metering Locations for Single Domestic Installations with High Security Perimeter Fence.

The design and structure of the building are such that the meter box cannot be located
within the 1.5 metres of the corner of the building (eg where windows are installed
within 1.5 metres of the corner of the building).

Figure (2)

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Non lockable personal access gate or gate locked with SA Power Networks master key

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Figure (3)

The building is constructed up to the ‘Principal Frontage Property Boundary’ and access
is available along a side walkway on the real property. The meter position should be
accessible to the same extent as the primary dwelling entrance ie between property
entry point and the front door. The building is built to all boundaries thereby eliminating
any access to the meter box except through a low security area.

Figure (4)

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8.5.3 Single Non Residential

Where practical, the metering enclosure shall be located in an exterior location as near
as practical to the connection point and where meter providers and Electricity Officers
can gain safe and unimpeded access.

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Consideration should also be given to selecting a location that does not compromise the
customer’s quarantine or security requirements.
Metering may be located inside a premise provided access is available during normal
business hours (8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday) only where agreed by SA Power
(Commercial, Industrial, Primary Production)
• location readily accessible, free from animals;
• security system not compromised (during normal business hours);
• minimum working and access clearances maintained;
• locks required to be operated are keyed to SA Power Networks master key system;
• not reliant on special keys, access codes, security cards, property manager or their
agent for access;
• location free from hazards (chemicals, machinery etc); and
• location free from quarantine restrictions.
Where the premises are built to the boundaries, and the premises will be accessible
during normal business hours (eg shop), an interior location is acceptable subject to safe
and convenient access being maintained. If the required access cannot be maintained,
the customer must arrange for relocation of the metering enclosure to a compliant
location at their expense.

Figure 8.8 Suitable Metering Locations for Single Non-residential Installation built to the boundary

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8.5.4 Multiple Residential Installations

Where an electrical installation is of a type which may be subdivided, consideration to
the metering and wiring arrangements should be made at the initial wiring stage to
design the electrical installation in accordance with clauses 7.8.2 and to minimise

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rectification in the event of subdivision.
Metering equipment shall, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Meter Provider
• to comply with this clause and clause 8.8 and in a position to which all occupants and
SA Power Networks have common right of access;
• with common property provided for the purpose or if no common property, then in
accordance with the Community Title Act 1996 and with ongoing unhindered access
for all Community Title owners and in accordance with all other requirements of
these rules; and
• be grouped at the main switchboard for the electrical installation; or
• at the origin of each tenancy sub-main and be grouped at a number of distribution
switchboard locations as determined by engineering considerations of supply. These
conditions include voltage drop as, for example, in the case of multi-storey buildings
The group meter position may be in a room, cupboard or alcove in a common area set
aside for the purpose which complies with clause 8.5 and not within a single occupancy.
The door/s of rooms and enclosures housing metering equipment shall be labelled
‘Electricity Meters’. If the door is to be locked, it shall be locked with a lock in
accordance with clause 8.8.2.
Refer to clauses 7.8.2 and for Rules applying to potential or proposed
Metering equipment associated with an installation that is to be or is the subject of a
Community Title or Strata Plan shall be installed in a location that is common property
and accessible through common property as defined in the Strata Plan or Community
Where an installation with multiple tenancies is not subject to Community Title or Strata
Plan, the metering shall be located in a common area that is accessible during normal
business hours.
• location area defined as a common area;
• access through common area;
• location readily accessible, free from animals;
• security system not compromised (during normal business hours);
• minimum working and access clearances maintained;
• locks required to be operated are keyed to SA Power Networks master key system;
• not reliant on special keys, access codes, security cards, property manager or their
agent for access;
• metering installed in a group or groups;
• accessible to each tenant supplied via the installed meters;

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• metering at origin of single customer sub-main; and

• metering enclosures are not permitted inside garages or carports.

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Figure 8.9 Suitable Group meter position for two units

Figure 8.10 Multiple units or homes with single supply point eg Community Titled development

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Refer to
clause 8.5.4

Figure 8.11 Multiple units or homes with multiple supply points eg Community Titled development.

Figure 8.12 High Density single supply Residential Installation

Meter box may be permitted

in a common low security
garage provided the
clearances are maintained
and any vehicle cannot be
parked within the clearance
zone – access via SA Power
Networks master key system

Figure 8.13 Multi story Residential Installation

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8.5.5 Multiple Non-Residential

Metering equipment associated with an installation that is to be or is the subject of a

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Community Title or Strata Plan shall be installed in a location that is common property
and accessible through common property as defined in the Strata Plan or Community
Where an installation with multiple tenancies is not subject to Community Title or Strata
Plan, the metering shall be located in a common area that is accessible during normal
business hours.
• location area defined as a common area;
• access through common area;
• location readily accessible, free from animals;
• security system not compromised (during normal business hours);
• minimum working and access clearances maintained;
• locks required to be operated are keyed to SA Power Networks master key system;
• not reliant on special keys, access codes, security cards, property manager or their
agent for access;
• metering installed in a group or groups;
• accessible to each tenant supplied via the installed meters;
• metering at origin of single customer sub-mains; and
• location free from quarantine restrictions.

Figure 8.14 Multi Non Residential Installation with single supply point

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Figure 8.15 Multi Non Residential Installation with multiple supply point (Torrens Title)

High Density Single Supply

Figure 8.16 High Density Non Residential Installation with single supply point

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Refer 8.5.5

Figure 8.17 Multi-story Non Residential Installation with group meters

8.5.6 Single Customer Rural Installations

These may be either domestic or non-domestic or a combination of both.
The metering enclosure shall be located in an exterior location as near as practical to the
connection point and where SA Power Networks officers can gain safe and unimpeded
access (not under carport). Consideration should also be given to selecting a location
that does not compromise the customer’s quarantine or security requirements.
For the purpose of this section, a property generally greater than 4,000 sq. metres (1
acre) and not located within a township boundary can be considered as rural.
8.5.7 Combined Residential – Non-Residential Use
(Single or Multiple Customers)
Where an installation is used or designed for both Residential and Non-Residential use,
the respective portions of the installation will need to be metered separately for
Residential and Non-Residential tariffs.
The metering will be installed in a group subject to the same criteria as single and
multiple residential.
8.5.8 Public Land
Where metering equipment is required to be installed on public land, it shall be located
in a secure enclosure or premise which is at least 2m from a SA Power Networks LV
service pole, 4m from the earthing of any High voltage infrastructure (ie HV pole,
transformers, switching cubicles) and maintaining the working clearances around service
pit/pillar as shown in Figure 7.8.
A lock shall be fitted to the metering enclosure entry in accordance with clause 4.7.

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8.5.9 Unsuitable Metering Locations

Metering equipment shall not be installed in the following locations:

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• Behind a security door or gate;
• Areas to which access is normally restricted for security, health or other reasons
including enclosed verandas and areas or yards which may be locked or house
• SA Power Networks easements;
• Within 4.0m of SA Power Networks high voltage infrastructure (eg poles,
transformers, switching cubicles);
• Areas intended for product display – such as shop windows;
• A carport or the area on the driveway side of a residential building where a carport is
likely to be constructed;
• On a single occupancy building, over an external elevated area which is greater than
3.0m above finished ground level at the point at which access is obtained;
• Above a gas meter, which is not suitably enclosed;
• Where the use of a ladder would be necessary;
• Over stairways, landings, ramps, in narrow passageways or in other confined spaces,
• Vehicle docks, car parks, driveways and factory passageways where the metering
equipment or a person working thereon would not be effectively protected;
• Positions in close proximity to or over machinery or open type switchgear;
• Locations liable to be affected by fumes, dampness, flooding, dust, noise, vibration or
other external factors of such nature as may cause deterioration of equipment or
unsatisfactory working conditions;
• Hazardous and wet areas defined in the AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules;
• Where ambient temperature is maintained in excess of 45°C;
• Where exposed to weather unless installed in a suitably approved enclosure;
• Where there is insufficient light under normal circumstances;
• In fire isolated stairways, passageways or corridors;
• Where access is restricted by vegetation;
• Where projections would pose a hazard; and
• Gender specific areas.
As metering equipment may produce a degree of noise, it should not be installed on a
bedroom wall.
8.6 Clearances around Meter Enclosure
8.6.1 Individual Residential Installations
A minimum horizontal clearance of not less than 0.6 metres shall be provided in front of
the meter box as shown in the figures below. In addition, an egress path of at least
600mm must be available in at least one direction. If the egress path is via the enclosure
door side, the door must be easily removable or be able to be secured in the fully open
position (180o).

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Figure 8.18 Meter enclosure clearance for individual residential installations

A minimum vertical clearance of 2 metres from ground level shall be maintained in this
clearance zone. The removable enclosure door must be capable of moving through an
arc of at least 120o.
8.6.2 Multiple Residential and Commercial Installations
A minimum horizontal clearance of not less than 0.6 metres, from any part of the meter
box or equipment, including doors enclosing the meter board, in any normal position of
opening, must be maintained as shown in the figure below.

Figure 8.19 Meter enclosure clearance for multiple residential and commercial installations

As per the individual residential installations an egress path must be in at least one
direction. This egress path must be at least 750mm wide and 1980mm high.
A minimum vertical clearance of 2 metres from ground level shall be maintained in this
clearance zone.
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8.7 Meter Enclosure Mounting Height

The top of a meter panel shall not be mounted more than 2.0 metres and the bottom not less

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than 0.7 metres from the ground floor or platform level.
Where a platform is required, the access to the platform, its size and any guard rails shall be
approved by SA Power Networks Manager.
Note: This level shall be correct at the time of connection.
8.8 Access
8.8.1 General
The customer must provide convenient and unhindered access to metering locations
and equipment, and all other supply related assets at the following times:
• Meter installation, reading and planned maintenance as a minimum, between the
hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday;
• At all times for supplying and metering fault rectification;
• At any other time agreed by SA Power Networks or meter provider and the customer
or customer’s agent.
Within a multiple occupancy electrical installation, all occupants shall have common
right of access to their occupancy’s metering equipment.
Unless otherwise agreed with SA Power Networks, the meter isolator shall be accessible
in areas to eliminate the necessity to enter secured areas and rooms or areas that are
not normally entered by visitors or available for public access.
Access to and the area around the metering equipment shall be kept clear,
unobstructed, safe and clean and free of rubbish.
Where metering equipment is installed in a room or area set aside for the purpose, such
room or area shall be provided with adequate illumination to AS/NZS 1680 for access.
Access to elevated positions shall be provided by an approved fixed stairway or ramp
and handrail. Access by means of a ladder is not acceptable.
Where a perimeter fence restricts access between the metering equipment and public
access point, the metering equipment shall be conveniently and safely accessible from
the public access side of the fence.
Alternatively, a gate in the perimeter fence that enables access to the meter position
may be locked with a lock in accordance with clause 4.7.
The customer shall ensure that access is not subsequently restricted or the location
otherwise rendered unsuitable.
Should this occur, the customer shall restore suitable access or arrange for the
relocation of the metering equipment at their expense.

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8.8.2 Locks
Where locks are considered necessary by the customer or are required by these Rules,
the customer shall arrange for the lock/s in accordance with clause 4.7 to be installed.

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Locks shall be used only on doors or gates which provide access to the property and/or
to an enclosure or room housing metering equipment, and shall be accessible from
outside the door or gate.
8.9 Metering Panels, Surrounds & Enclosures (TIR)
8.9.1 General (TIR)
Meter mounting facilities shall be provided:
• in an approved metering enclosure with the customer’s switchboard equipment; or
• on an approved surround; or
• within or on facilities that are acceptable to SA Power Networks;
• that is of a type and in a location, accessible and prepared for the meter installation
in accordance with these Rules.
However, facilities which meet equal or better outcomes than these Rules may be
considered in accordance with clause 2.7. Whole current metering enclosures and
surrounds that are intended to be stocked and marketed by Electrical Wholesalers and
similar distributors are recommended to be accepted for use in accordance with clause
4.4 prior to being manufactured or connected to supply.
All metering panels, enclosures, surrounds and supplementary equipment shall comply
• the relevant Australian or IEC Standard/s applicable at the time of manufacture;
• the relevant Electricity Regulations, Metering Codes and the Rules applicable at the
time of connection to the electricity supply network; and
• be suitable for use in normal service conditions of:
Ambient Air Temperature -
• Maximum 45oC
• Minimum -5oC
• Average 35oC (over 24-hour period)
• maximum altitude (above mean seal level) – 2000m.
• maximum temperature above ambient inside an enclosure – 15°C
8.9.2 Meter panels (TIR) Size (TIR)
Meter panels shall be of a size to adequately accommodate the metering equipment to
be installed upon it, and be of an equal or greater size than the meter panels dimensions
detailed in these Rules for the metering equipment to be installed subject to the
maximum dimensions detailed in clause 8.13.2 – Whole Current Metering – Meter
Panels and clause – LV CT Metering – Panel.
Consideration should be given to a larger size meter panel to accommodate:
• extra metering equipment for possible future tariff changes;
• extra SA Power Networks equipment such as service fuses;
• additional communication equipment as provided by approved meter provider; and
• meter isolator - refer Section 7.5.
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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Installation (TIR)

Meter panels shall be installed:
• within a suitable metering enclosure with the customer’s switchboard equipment; or

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• within a suitable meter only enclosure; or
• on a suitable surround; or
• on facilities that are acceptable to SA Power Networks.
The customer is required to provide suitable pre-drilled meter panels for fixing of
metering equipment and SA Power Networks service protection devices (where
required). Materials (TIR)
Meter panels shall be constructed of insulating material:
• to an equal or better standard than that required by the AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules for
switchboards; and
• suitable for its intended use and environment, including exposure to ultra violet
where exposed to daylight. Wiring Holes (TIR)
Meter panels shall be equipped with wiring holes:
• to suit each particular metering installation in accordance to this figures below; and
• to accommodate SA Power Networks service protective devices where required; and
• of a size to enable free movement of cables through the panel and termination of
conductor/s without damage to the cable insulation.

Table 8.3: Service Protective Device Panel Space and Drilling Requirements
Height (mm) Width (mm) No. of cable holes
Single Phase 210 55 1 top, 1 bottom
Two Phase 210 110 2 top, 2 bottom
Three Phase 210 165 3 top, 3 bottom





Figure 8.21 Meter panel hole spacing – Service protection devices

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Fixing Arrangements (TIR)

The meter panel shall be:

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• capable of being opened to an angle of not less than 60 degrees from the closed position with
all metering equipment installed;
• equipped with hinges;
• mounted on one vertical edge of the panel;
• constructed of a suitable non-corroding material that will maintain a structural and
dimensional fit after metering equipment has been installed;
• of a lift-off double off-set type for meter panels installed within enclosures;
• of a lift-off hinges for meter panels on surrounds;
• secured in the closed position by a metal fastener or fasteners which requires the use of a tool
to release. Wiring (TIR)
Meter panel wiring shall be wired in accordance with these Rules or the Metering
Provider specifications and the AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules.
Where other wiring passes behind the meter panel, it shall be located and secured in a
manner which maintains the required clear metering panel space (both front and rear).
This includes maintaining clear space for the meter wiring.
Unused meter panel wiring must be terminated in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 Wiring
Acceptable methods to comply with these requirements include the fitting of all
intended metering equipment to the panel at the same time, or to ensure unused wiring
is appropriately insulated and terminated at the rear of the panel or within a junction
8.9.3 Metering Surrounds & Enclosures (TIR) General (TIR)
Meter surrounds and enclosures shall be constructed:
• to accommodate a meter panel in accordance with these Rules;
• to have sufficient stability and strength to withstand distortion and contain any
energy which might be caused in both normal and fault conditions;
• any hinges or fixings used to support a meter panel will be of adequate strength to
support the weight of the panel and meters therein without sag of the panel when in
the open position;
• hinged meter panels must be capable of movement through an arc of not less than
60 degrees when metering equipment is fixed and connected. The movement of the
panel will not be obstructed in any way and the device used to retain the hinged
panel in the closed position must be in correct alignment when all necessary
equipment is mounted on the panel;
• access doors of the hinged type must have the hinges mounted on the vertical side.
Access doors of the sliding type must move horizontally; and
• means for securing the meter panel in the closed position must be accessible to the
hand where the means for securing it is removed to open the panel eg a screw or

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 SA Power Networks 2017
Service & Installation Rules Meter Surrounds (TIR)

Meter surrounds shall be constructed to the depth specified in clause 8.13.1 to
accommodate the meter wiring and to support the meter panel and be constructed:
• to the specifications of clause;

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• of sheet steel not be less than 1.2mm thick unless an acceptable strength is achieved
with a thinner sheet which is reinforced by the manufacturing process or design or
other material; and
• hot dipped galvanised with a coating weight of Z275 in accordance with AS 1397; or
• where painted, pre-treated in accordance with the paint supplier’s recommendation
and coated with a material such as power coating or baked enamel giving a hard
durable finish with a service life of not less than 20 years; and
• with characteristics equal to or better than steel where materials other than steel are
used. Meter Enclosures (TIR)
Meter enclosures shall take the form of a box type enclosure that accommodates the
meter panel, metering equipment and may also accommodate a switchboard.
Meter enclosures shall be:
• constructed with materials specified in clause and installed in a manner so
that the metering equipment is completely enclosed; and
• provided with a clearance as required in clauses 8.13.1 and
Metering equipment must not be exposed to weather, moisture, dust, vibration or
mechanical damage.
The customer will provide and maintain protection for the metering equipment, by
virtue of location or enclosure that provides suitable protection against hazards likely to
be present in the installed location.
(a) Type not Exposed to Weather or Adverse Environment
A meter enclosure not exposed to the weather may be constructed of any suitable
material and may or may not be equipped with a door subject to satisfying the above.
(b) Type exposed to Weather or Adverse Environment
Meter enclosures exposed to the weather or adverse environment shall take the form of
a box type enclosure equipped with a hinged door secured by an effective latch and be
of sufficient strength and design to withstand all reasonable elements of its installed
environment and be constructed:
• with ventilation and draining that will minimise condensation and provide for
draining of moisture that might collect in the enclosures;
• with a minimum degree of protection of IP23;
• with a hinged door fitted with:
 a latch that is easily unlatched to open the door, and which retains the door in the
closed position under all conditions that can reasonably be expected; and
 a retainer when the door is open and in a position to enable work to be
performed on the meter panel and equipment safely and without interference.
Alternatively, a door less than 0.5m2 which can be conveniently removed and
replaced will be acceptable;
 be fitted with a lock in accordance with clause 4.7 when installed in public land,
isolated and unattended locations and where locking is considered necessary by
the customer or otherwise required by these Rules.
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8.10 Equipment
8.10.1 Acceptance (TIR)
Refer to clause 4.4 for information regarding equipment acceptance and suitability of

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8.10.2 On Meter Panels or Within Enclosures (TIR)
Equipment installed on meter panels shall be mounted to allow sufficient space to
accommodate all equipment to be installed upon the panel in a manner which enables
connection, disconnection and reconnection of all wiring and access to all terminals
without dismantling other equipment, or creating a need to remove covers off
equipment other than that being worked upon.
Equipment must be securely fixed to meter panels in accordance with the Wiring Rules.
Fixing screws and fasteners should not protrude through the rear of the panel in a
manner that could damage conductors, or create un-earthed exposed metal.
Customer’s equipment installed on the metering panel shall not in any way compromise
or affect the integrity, accuracy or performance of the metering equipment.
With the exception of circuit breakers, unscreened magnetic devices such as
transformers shall not be installed on the meter panel.
8.10.3 Security Seals
SA Power Networks and meter provider’s security seals used in an electrical installation
shall be in accordance with clause 4.8.
8.10.4 Customer’s Equipment
Customer’s equipment including devices that consume or measure electricity must not
be connected to the supply side of the metering point.
This does not include metering equipment supplied by SA Power Networks or registered
metering provider or equipment required by, and 8.13.3.
8.11 Meter Panel Labelling (TIR)
All labels shall be in accordance with clause 4.5 and shall remain clearly visible after installation of
all equipment.
8.11.1 Single Occupancy (TIR)
Every single occupancy meter panel shall be equipped with a label in accordance with
clause 4.5 displayed on the meter panel indicating the correct street address.
The correct street address can be obtained from the local Municipal Council.
8.11.2 Multiple Occupancies (TIR)
Each multiple occupancy meter panel, shall be labelled with the correct street address
for each occupancy, and to indicate the relationship of meters, fuses and other
equipment supplied from the meter panel.
A corresponding marking shall also be made on the conductors for each occupancy at
the meter panel location to enable resent and future identification of conductors.
Additional labelling of multiple occupancies shall be in accordance with clause
8.12 Protection (TIR)
The customer shall provide adequate and reasonable protection to prevent any physical damage
to metering equipment.

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The metering equipment and facilities shall be adequately protected against both advertent and
inadvertent damage including; mechanical damage, vibration, effects of the weather, sea air,
corrosion, damage from vehicles, vandalism and spread of fire etc.
Examples of adequate protection requirements include:

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• Where metering is located within an area or in any position capable of being struck by vehicles,
suitable protective barriers shall be provided and installed by the customer; and
• Where metering is installed in a location that is protected from the weather, the metering
equipment shall be located:
 in a meter enclosure; or
 on a hinged meter panel mounted on a suitable metering surround; and
• Where metering is installed in locations exposed to the weather, the metering shall be
installed in suitable enclosures conforming to these Rules; and
 be constructed of galvanised steel or an equivalent material;
 have an IP rating suitable for the environment;
 installed in a manner to provide protection against vibration, vandalism, weather and all
other external factors; and
 may be locked with a suitable lock in accordance with clause 4.7.
8.13 Whole Current Metering
Whole current metered electrical installations shall comply with clauses 8.1 and 8.13 where
applicable, and the following requirements.
8.13.1 Clearances
Unless otherwise approved by the Responsible Officer, direct metered electrical
installations shall be arranged to meet the following clearances:
• A maximum height of 2.0m to the top of the panel space provided for metering
above the floor or ground;
• A minimum height of 0.7m to the bottom of the panel space provided for metering
above the floor or ground;
• A minimum of 175mm in front of the meter panel to the inner face of the door or any
internal projection where the meter panel is enclosed; and
• A minimum of 75mm behind the meter panel.
8.13.2 Meter Panels
Meter panels supplied in accordance with clause 8.3 and 8.9 shall be arranged to
accommodate the required combinations of metering and associated equipment as
detailed in clause and For arrangements other than those detailed in
the following clauses refer to the Responsible Officer for advice.

8.13.3 Equipment (TIR)

The customer’s agent shall arrange for the supply, installation and wiring of:
• Meter isolator in accordance with clause 7.5
• Sealable metering neutral link
8.13.4 Isolation of Metering Equipment
Supply to each occupancy metering shall be capable of being individually isolated.

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Service & Installation Rules Single Occupancy Metering

Single occupancy metering equipment shall be capable of being isolated by the meter
isolator. Refer to clause 7.5. Multiple Occupancy Metering

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The metering for each individual occupancy shall be capable of being individually
isolated by a meter isolator installed in accordance with clause 7.5.
• Panel isolator per panel may also be required, refer clause
8.14 LV Current Transformer Metering
8.14.1 General
Where in accordance with clause 8.4 current transformers (CT) metering is to be
installed, the applicable requirements of clauses 8.1 to 8.13 and the following rules shall
• The customer shall supply and install the current transformers and wiring loom and
provide adequate space, housing and facilities for the current transformers and
metering equipment as detailed in these Rules.
• NATA approved test results are to be provided for the revenue metering CTs.
8.14.2 Meter Panel Location and Access
The meter isolator and equipment shall be located in accordance with clause 8.4 and
accessible in accordance with clause 8.8.
Note that clause limits the distance between the meter panel and CT chamber
to the lengths specified in Table 8.12 in clause or as otherwise agreed by the
Responsible Officer.
The meter panel is not permitted in a location subject to varying high intensity magnetic
Heavy current carrying conductors shall not be installed behind or near the meter panel,
unless effectively shielded by an earthed metallic screen. Clearances
Unless approved by the Responsible Officer, CT metered installations shall be arranged
to meet the following clearances:
• The lower edge of the meter panel space shall be not less than 0.7m or greater than
2.0m above the floor or ground level.
• A minimum of 175mm in front of the meter panel to the inner face of the door or any
internal protection where the meter panel is enclosed.
• A minimum of not less than 75mm behind the panel.
Clear space for working on meters shall be in accordance with clause 8.9.
Unless effectively shielded by an earthed metallic screen from heavy current carrying
conductors, the following clearances stated in Table 8.8 shall be maintained between
the conductors and meter panel:

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TS 100: Electrical Design Standards for Underground Distribution Cable Networks (up to and including 33kV)

500 200

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1000 400 Interpolate for intermediate values
2000 600
3000 800
Table 8.8 – Conductors to Meter Panel Clearances Wiring
The meter panel shall be prepared and wired in accordance with Figure 8.23 and all
wiring shall be connected in accordance with Figure 8.22 and Figure 8.24
The responsibility for provision and installation of the wiring loom shall be in accordance
with clause

Figure 8.22 Current Transformer and busbar wiring diagram

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9. High Voltage Electrical Installations

9.1 Scope
This section provides information and requirements for connection of customer’s electrical

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installations at 7,600 volts (7.6kV) or 11,000 volts (11kV) whichever is available. The intent is to
ensure that customer’s electrical installation is safe for all personnel and operates in a manner
that does not adversely affect the SA Power Networks distribution network.
These requirements are additional to the requirements of the South Australian Distribution Code
and AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring Rules. They apply to new installations and also alterations and
additions to existing installations.
HV supply at 3.3kV or 6.6kV is no longer available. In general, alterations to existing installations
with supplies at these voltages must comply with these Rules. However, technical characteristics
will differ from those outlines in Table 9.1 in clause 9.4 below. Further information will be
provided by the SA Power Networks Manager.
Supply at 33kV or 66kV are beyond the scope of this document. For information regarding supply
at these higher voltages, the relevant SA Power Networks Manager must be contacted directly,
with specific details of the electrical installation and load requirements.
Switching and maintenance of high voltage installations must only be undertaken by
appropriately qualified and trained personnel.
In order for Market Participants to meet their maintenance requirements and the requirements of
the National Electricity Rules, safe access to the High Voltage Instrument Transformers is
necessary. Unless the instrument transformers can be electrically isolated from the installation,
isolation of the customers High Voltage installation is required at intervals prescribed by the
appropriate Market Participant.
9.2 Contractual Arrangements
A customer requiring a supply of electricity at high voltage shall be required to enter into:
• an Electricity Supply Contract with a Retailer; and
• a connection contract or a specific electricity distribution connection agreement.
9.3 Systems of Supply
SA Power Networks will negotiate the system of supply and the voltage of supply with regard to
the proximity of its relevant high voltage systems to the customer’s point of supply and the nature
of the customer’s load. One of the following nominal supply voltages may be made available:
• 7.6kV; 11kV; 33kV; and 66kV.
As most of the existing 7.6kV areas of supply are scheduled for conversion to 11kV, any customer
currently taking supply at 7.6kV should take this into account. The supply shall be made available
at a nominal frequency of 50 Hertz (cycles per second).
9.4 Preliminary Information
The customer should provide at the earliest possible notice (preferably 18 months) to their
selected Retailer and SA Power Networks of the intention to plan for a high voltage supply.
The following preliminary information shall be provided to SA Power Networks:
• A single line diagram of the proposed installation. (Refer Figure 9.1 at the end of this section).
• An overall site plan showing the location of the HV equipment;
• The preferred point of supply (new installation);
• The anticipated maximum demand (MVA) required for the installation;

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• Any proposed on-site generation;

• Any disturbing loads (eg large motors, arc furnaces, etc); and
• The HV metering design arrangements.

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The customer must obtain formal approval from the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
Negotiations for supply should precede detailed design work, placement of orders for equipment
and letting of contracts to avoid loss to the customer arising from designs or equipment being
found by the Distributor to be unsuitable for connection to the supply system. The characteristics
of the 11kV distribution network are detailed below.

System nominal voltage 11 kV r.m.s. phase to phase

System highest voltage 12 kV r.m.s. phase to phase

Frequency 50 Hz

Number of Phases 3

System neutral Solidly earthed

Earthing System (typical) CMEN (urban areas) / MEN (rural areas)

Maximum fault level 380 MVA (20 kA/ph symmetrical)

Supplied on request –
Short time current Fault clearing time of 0.5 s is applicable
(1.0 s for recloser protected feeders)

Power frequency withstand voltage 28 kV r.m.s.

95 kV peak (overhead lines)

Impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs wave
75 kV peak (underground lines)
Table 9.1 – Electrical Characteristics

9.5 Installation Design (TIR)

The installations supply, protection, earthing and metering arrangements shall be:
• Installed to the satisfaction of SA Power Networks. Details to be provided on application;
• Arranged to comply to the requirements of clause 6.5, the Electricity Distribution Code,
Metering Code and National Electricity Rules in respect to interference to SA Power Networks
supply system; and
• Comply with all applicable Regulations, Codes of Practice and these Rules.

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9.5.1 Power Transformers (TIR)

For compatibility with SA Power Networks equipment, transformers must comply with
AS 2374 – Power Transformers (all parts)/ It is recommended (but not essential) that
power transformers be purchased in accordance with the latest SA Power Networks

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power transformer purchase purchasing specification.
A copy of this specification is available on request from SA Power Networks Manager.
The high voltage winding configuration must be either:
• unearthed star; or
• delta
There is no limitation on the secondary (or tertiary) winding configurations.
9.5.2 Protective Equipment (TIR)
Protective equipment must comply with AS 1025 – High Voltage Switchgear and Control
Gear and AS 2067 – Switchgear Assemblies and Ancillary Equipment for Alternative
Voltages Above 1kV.
Equipment must be rated to withstand the conditions in which it is installed (refer Table
9.6 Conversion from Low Voltage to High Voltage Supply
When a customer seeks to convert their installation from a low voltage supply arrangement to a
high voltage supply arrangement, consultation with the relevant SA Power Networks Manager is
9.7 General Design (TIR)
9.7.1 Circuit Connections (TIR)
The normal supply arrangement for up to 4MVA is via a single high voltage supply. For
loads 4MVA or greater, multiple supply arrangements are required for reliability
Arrangements can usually be made for additional high voltage supplies where required.
Paralleling of high voltage feeders may be permitted subject to the conditions as
detailed in clause 9.7.2.
9.7.2 Control of Incoming High Voltage Supply (TIR)
The main control for each incoming supply shall consist of a single automatic circuit
breaker equipped with earth fault and over current protection capable of making and
breaking the maximum prospective fault currents on all three phases.
The main control circuit breaker shall:
• be located as near as possible to the customer’s point of supply; and
• prior to the metering transformers; and
• be readily accessible to authorised persons; and
• operate simultaneously in all active conductors; and
• be able to be locked in the open position. The locking device must be capable of
accepting an SA Power Networks padlock fitted with a 10mm shackle; and
• be provided with adequate means of isolation for maintenance purposes. This may
be achieved by rack-out circuit breaker.

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Normally, where more than one high voltage supply is provided to a customer, the main
circuit breakers shall be interlocked in such a manner that paralleling of the high voltage
supplies shall not be possible. Approved interlocking methods are:
• hard wired electrical interlocking; and/or

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• mechanical interlocking
In any case, the customer must notify the SA Power Networks Network Operations
Centre prior to transferring load.
Paralleling of high voltage feeders to provide a no break supply may also be considered,
if technically viable and will be subject to the installation of additional protection at the
zone substation and the electrical installation at the customer’s expense.
These contract conditions are to be a negotiated agreement with SA Power Networks
and included in a network connection contract.
9.7.3 Power Factor (TIR)
Power factor averaged over any 5 minute period must be maintained at better than
detailed in Table 9.2 or as specified in the SA Distribution Code at the time.

Maximum Demand Up to 100kVA Between 100kVA and 2MVA Over 2MVA

Voltage Leading Lagging Leading Lagging Leading Lagging

3.3kV 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.90 0.85

6.6 and 11kV 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90

Table 9.2 – Minimum Power Factor

9.7.4 Supply Disturbances (TIR)

Supply disturbances caused by the electrical installation must comply with AS61000
Part 3.7.
9.7.5 Voltage Unbalance Factor (TIR)
The customer must ensure that the load drawn by the electrical installation does not
cause the voltage unbalance factor at the service point, as defined in the SA Distribution
Code to exceed that set out in Table 9.3.

Time Period Maximum Voltage Unbalance Factor

Continuous 1%

5 Minutes 1.5%

Instantaneous 3.0%
Table 9.3 – Voltage Unbalance Factor

9.7.6 Safety Signs (TIR)

Safety signs must be installed as detailed in AS/NZS3000 – Wiring Rules. All signs must
comply with AS1319 – Warning Signs.

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9.8 Protection (TIR)

Prior to placing orders for equipment, the customer shall discuss the installations protection
requirements with SA Power Networks.

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The customer’s protection systems must be designed to coordinate with SA Power Networks
feeder protection. The settings applied to the protection relays shall discriminate with SA Power
Networks protective equipment to ensure that, for faults in the electrical installation, the
customer’s circuit breaker will operate before the SA Power Networks protective equipment by at
least 0.2s.
If SA Power Networks must modify its protection to grade with the electrical installation, the
customer will be charged for the full cost of that work.
As a minimum, the electrical installation must have a single main control for each incoming
supply. Refer to clause 9.7.2. This must have over-current protection initiated by protection relays
comprising at least two extremely inverse and instantaneous phase elements and one standard
inverse and instantaneous earth element.
More complex protection arrangements may be required in particular cases to meet acceptable
protection performance criteria depending on the electrical installation arrangement, the
Distributor’s system arrangement and the required protection performance levels. It is preferred
that current transformers for over current protection be located on the supply side of the main
circuit breaker.
Protection settings and equipment shall be subject to the acceptance of SA Power Networks prior
to commissioning. The settings of the protection relay shall be fixed by the SA Power Networks
security seal. Any modification of the settings shall be subject to the prior acceptance of SA Power
Networks. The protection relay labelling is to include a notice – ‘Settings only to be changed with
prior approval from the Distributor’.
In general, the customer’s primary phase fault protective devices for faults at the voltage level of
the supply shall detect and clear bolted short circuit faults in a time not greater than 100
milliseconds at the fault level nominated at the point of supply. Any proposed operating time
greater than 100 milliseconds shall be discussed with SA Power Networks at an early stage.
Details of the current SA Power Networks feeder protection settings may be obtained via the SA
Power Networks Manager.
Where the electrical installation, downstream of the main switch includes any length of overhead
line or equipment connected between any phase and neutral, Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF)
protection must be fitted which grades with SA Power Networks SEF protection.
Feeder protection settings may be changed from time to time. Customers with HV supply will be
advised of any permanent changes. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that correct
coordination with SA Power Networks feeder protection settings is maintained after being
advised of the changed by SA Power Networks.
SA Power Networks will not be responsible for any costs incurred in making such a change.
The customer is required to provide the SA Power Networks Manager with full documentation of
protection settings used as detailed in Table 9.4.

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The Customer’s High Voltage Service CB Protection Relay Settings

Phase Over current Earth Over current

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Relay Type x x
Current Pick-up Value in amps(A) x x
Time Multiplier Setting in (%) x x
Characteristic Description or Equation x x
Instantaneous Pick-up Value in amp(A)s x x
Table 9.4 – Protection Settings Detail

Supporting documentation is required if the customer uses relays that have not been previously
assessed by SA Power Networks.
9.9 Insulation Coordination (TIR)
The safety clearances, separation of live parts and insulation levels (impulse strength) shall be in
accordance with AS 2067 and AS 1824.1.
9.10 Short Time Withstand Current (TIR)
High voltage switchgear, conductors, associated equipment, and earthing systems shall be
capable of withstanding the maximum fault current, which may be imposed for duration of at
least one second, and in some cases for three seconds.
Actual fault currents and their maximum duration at any particular location on SA Power
Networks high voltage system will be made available upon request.
9.11 Earthing (TIR)
9.11.1 General (TIR)
The earthing system of the customer’s high voltage installation shall comply with
AS/NZS 2067 and these Rules.
In locations where SA Power Networks employs a Common Multiple Earth Neutral
(CMEN) system of earthing, the customer’s HV and LV earthing systems shall be installed
A single removable bonding point between the HV and LV earthing systems is required
at each HV/LV customer transformer. The customer’s HV earthing system shall be
connected to the SA Power Networks common neutral conductor via the customer’s
neutral conductor.
In locations where SA Power Networks employs a Multiple Earth Neutral (MEN) system
of earthing, the customer’s HV and LV earthing systems must be kept separate.
An approved earthing device is required to provide an earthing facility on the consumer
mains. A mechanism which is capable of securing the earthing device in both the open
and closed position, shall be fitted to the earthing device. The securing mechanism must
be capable of accepting an SA Power Networks padlock with a 10mm shacking and may
have provision for additional padlocks for the customer’s requirements.

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Special attention should be paid to the management of ‘step and touch’ potentials that
may occur under earth fault conditions associated with any earthing system installed
within an electrical installation. Particular attention should be paid to the separation of
independent earthing systems and the proximity of earthed infrastructure such as

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metallic fences and building to earthing systems so as to avoid the possibility of
hazardous step and touch potentials.
Earthed primary neutral windings are not permitted on any transformer of the nominal
supply voltage. It is recommended that the customer use Delta-Star transformers to
comply with this requirement.
All metallic substation fences, doors or enclosures should be connected to the earthing
system and a grading ring should be installed around the substation enclosure in
accordance with AS 2067. Reinforcing in the substation floor or walls should be
connected to the common earth terminal bar.
9.11.2 Size of Earthing Conductors (TIR)
Earthing systems shall be designed to withstand the maximum system design fault
current levels as specified in clause 9.10.
All conductors used within the electrical installation for combined or separate earthing
systems shall have a minimum equivalent copper cross-sectional area as follows:
• Sub transmission voltage earthing conductors: 66kV – 120mm2
• High voltage earthing conductors:
 33kV – 70mm2
 11kV – 95mm2
 7.6kV – 95mm2
• Low voltage earthing conductors: 120mm2
9.11.3 Earthing of Metering Equipment (TIR)
The enclosure of the meter, metering transformers and any metal supporting
structure/s shall be connected to the same earth grid as the Current Transformer and
Voltage Transformer secondaries.
The customer is responsible for providing earthing of the metering enclosure to the
requirements of AS/NZS 3000.
A suitable earth grid is required for all metering installations.
9.12 SA Power Networks Acceptance Requirements
The customer shall submit the following details for written acceptance prior to supply at high
voltage being made available:
• Final single line diagram;
• A schematic of the metering circuitry
• Agreed maximum demand;
• Main circuit breaker specification;
• Protection settings for main circuit breaker;
• Compliance to Distribution Code, eg Systems study etc;
• Copy of HV Metering VT and CT test certificates – refer to clause 9.13.3;
• Before final connection is made the customer must provide:
 The Network copy of the Electrical Certificate of Compliance;

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 A copy of:
o The installations HV operating procedures – refer to clause 9.15.1;
o Commissioning and test certificates as determined by the customer and as prescribed by

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AS/NZS 3000 which must include trip tests on the incoming circuit breaker – refer also to
clause 9.14;
o HV plant and equipment maintenance plan – refer to clause 9.15.2; and
o HV clearance to energise the installation.
9.13 Metering
The following high voltage metering requirements are applicable to single feeder high voltage
installations (up to 66kV) and are consistent with the National Electricity Rules, the SA Metrology
Procedures and the Electricity Metering Code.
Other high voltage installations such as dual high voltage feeders and cogeneration installations
will require additional provisions.
9.13.1 General Requirements
Metering equipment shall be installed by the Meter Provider in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Section 8 LV Metering and the following specifications. These
• A clear, illuminated (during normal business hours), paved and level space as
specified in clause 8.8, shall be provided in front of the metering position to allow
access for meter reading and to accommodate test personnel and their equipment. A
clear space of 1.0m deep is required in front of the meter position for safe access by
the meter provider and SA Power Networks personnel.
• Access must be direct (ground floor), or by stairs or lift. Ladder access is not
• Metering equipment must not be subjected to industrial contamination, extremes in
temperature, or vandalism.
• Enclosures must comply to the same requirements contained in clause 8.9.
9.13.2 Metering Instrument Enclosure Requirements Panel
The customer shall provide the meter panel/s and a suitable enclosure or surround for
mounting a lift-off hinged panel on which to mount the metering equipment.
A clear space of 2.1m high by 1.2m wide is required to provide access for mounting
metering equipment. See clause 8.5.
The minimum size meter panel for a single HV metering installation shall be in
accordance with 8.14.1.
Meter enclosures shall comply with clause 8.9. The door on meter enclosures shall be
labelled ‘Electricity Meters’. Enclosure
The customer shall install and maintain a metering instrument enclosure complying with
the requirements of clause 8.9.

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9.13.3 Metering Transformers Compliance
Voltage transformers shall comply with AS60044.2 ‘Voltage Transformers for

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Measurement and Protection’, and the current transformers shall comply with
AS 60044.1 ‘Current Transformers for Measurement and Protection’.
The transformers shall meet the performance requirements detailed in clause 9.4 (Table
9.1. For voltages other than 11kV, consult the relevant SA Power Networks Manager.
The metering transformers shall be solely for metering revenue purposes. The metering
transformers are to be mounted within the customer’s high voltage switchgear and shall
be acceptable to SA Power Networks.
The CT and VT nameplate data is to be duplicated and displayed in the CT/VT
marshalling point compartment.
Test certificates from a NATA registered laboratory shall be provided to SA Power
Networks and the relevant meter provider prior to installation.
The test certificate shall show conclusive evidence that the transformers comply with
the relevant Australian Standard specification. A copy shall be retained inside the
metering enclosure.
The following minimum information shall be written in English and be included on the
test certificate:
• Serial No.
• Make
• Rating
• Burden
• Class
• Specification
• Date of test
• Proof of compliance with high voltage insulation requirements
• Test ratio(s), Burden(s), Current(s), Voltages. Absolute values of Magnitude and
• Errors at each test point
• Statement of uncertainty in determination of errors. Transformer Layout
The following requirements apply to the transformers and their enclosure:
• The metering transformers must be mounted within a HV chamber which is able to
be placed under the SA Power Networks or the meter provider security seals.
• The layout of the transformers will be such that identification of transformer
polarities can be readily established, and such that there is ready access to the
secondary terminals of all transformers.
• No other devices apart from metering equipment (with the exception of anti-
condensate heaters) shall be located within the HV chamber.
• The voltage transformers will be permanently mounted within the metering HV

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• The secondary windings of the voltage transformers shall be protected with 32

Ampere HRC off set tag fuse bases fitted with 6 Ampere fuse links located at the test
marshalling point.
• To permit the required maintenance and inspection by the meter provider, the CTs

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and VTs shall be located immediately after the main incoming circuit breaker.
• Provision shall be made within the HV chamber for the bonding of all high voltage
conductors to earth, to facilitate disconnection of supply and work to be carried out
on the metering transformers.
• The current and voltage transformers shall be completely encapsulated with the
secondary terminal box part of the resin body of the transformer. Secondary Wiring
The customer is responsible for supplying suitable wiring and facilities for the
interconnection of the marshalling point terminals and the metering instrument
The following requirements apply in addition to the requirements of AS/NZS 3000.
• The secondary terminals of the metering transformers are to be connected to the
metering loom via a terminal strip at the marshalling point.
• The marshalling point must be readily accessible for safe access and inspection to the
same extent as required for a metering enclosure.
• The marshalling point shall also contain a suitable earthing bar to allow for the
earthing of secondary wiring circuits.
• A security cover must be provided for the terminals at the marshalling point. The
cover must be capable of being sealed in position with SA Power Networks or the
meter provider’s security seal so as to prevent unauthorised access. Refer clause 4.8.
• Secondary wiring from the marshalling point to the meter position shall be wired,
supplied and installed by the customer. The wiring shall be a maximum of 15m in
length with a standard 10 core 2.5mm2 wiring loom, labelled in accordance with
clause 8.14.7.
• A test block shall be provided on the same panel as intended to be used for the
metering instrument.
• The test block must have facilities for bridging of the CT secondary circuits and
opening of secondary VT circuits in order to facilitate meter testing and replacement.
• The test block must have a security cover and facilities for SA Power Networks or the
meter provider’s security seal.
• All metering secondary circuit terminals are to be screw type as specified in
• A schematic of the metering circuitry is to be supplied to the metering provider prior
to connection and a permanent copy shall be retained in the metering instrument
Refer to Figure 9.1 for the Typical HV Metering Secondary Wiring Diagram – 2 CT

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Figure 9.1 High Voltage metering secondary wiring diagram

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9.13.4 Access to Meters

Where other meter providers have metering installed in SA Power Networks’

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substations and require access to their metering, they must apply to SA Power Networks
Network Access group. SA Power Networks’ Network Access Procedure, Technical
Standard TS-085 and the Request for Network Access form is available at
Charges will apply for persons requiring access and they will be advised at time of
request for Network Access form has been processed.
9.13.5 SA Power Networks Connection Assets
Where the customer supply point is within a metering cubicle and SA Power Networks is
no longer designated as the Responsible Person or Meter Provider in MSATS, then this
cubicle will be the SA Power Networks connection point.
The designated Responsible Person is responsible for the testing and calibration of the
current and voltage transformers within the cubicle.
In some circumstances, SA Power Networks will request that the metering CT and VT be
relocated to an alternate position if SA Power Networks believes there is any risk to the
reliability of supply to the customer supplied from this supply point.
SA Power Networks may enter into contractual arrangements with the customer’s
Responsible Person for the testing, calibration and maintenance of current and voltage
transformers associated with the metering installation on a case-by-case basis.
9.14 Testing & Commissioning (TIR)
For all new or altered high voltage electrical installations, SA Power Networks requires that all
inspections and commissioning tests be carried out to ensure the installation complies with
AS/NZS 3000 and the SA Power Networks Service and Installation Rules.
In addition to the AS/NZS 3000 requirements, SA Power Networks requires:
• A copy of the completed Electrical Certificate of Compliance covering the installation;
• Proof of HV and earthing system testing conducted after installation of equipment on site;
• An SA Power Networks officer witnesses the commissioning tests of the customer’s protection
systems via primary injection test;
• NATA approved test results are to be provided for the revenue metering CTs and VTs.
The results of all tests shall be provided to the SA Power Networks Manager prior to connection
of the installation. These tests shall be performed by a competent testing organisation.
SA Power Networks will not connect the whole or any part of the installation unless a validly
completed Electrical Certificate of Compliance is provided.
Where any testing is carried out by SA Power Networks, the customer will be required to
contribute to the cost of the services provided. SA Power Networks may, on application from the
customer, carry out other specific testing of high voltage equipment at the customer’s expense.
Testing by SA Power Networks will only be done under conditions that allow SA Power Networks
personnel to use standard isolation and safe working procedures laid down for the operation of
similar SA Power Networks equipment.
This may involve completely de-energising the electrical installation, if proper provision has not
been made for safe operation or isolation.

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Service & Installation Rules

9.15 Customer’s HV Installation Operation & Maintenance (TIR)

9.15.1 Operating Procedures (TIR)

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SA Power Networks requires HV customers to have, maintain and use up-to-date HV
Operation Procedures and a trained operator.
The customer is responsible for providing suitably trained personnel to operate and
maintain the customer’s equipment, refer clause 9.1. Unless specifically contracted, SA
Power Networks will not provide personnel or equipment for such purposes.
SA Power Networks must be able to gain safe and unimpeded access to the main switch
at all times.
A single line wiring diagram showing all aspects of the high voltage installation shall be
provided in a suitable display enclosure adjacent to all control and isolating switches
within the electrical installation.
9.15.2 Trained Operators (TIR)
The customer shall ensure that high voltage switches, other than control switches
designated for the use of plant operators, shall be operated only be persons selected
and authorised by the customer for that purpose.
The customer shall ensure 24-hour availability of a suitably trained High Voltage
Operator to undertake switching operations on the high voltage assets as required by SA
Power Networks for the purpose of inspection of HV metering transformers, load
shedding, routine maintenance and emergency repair of the incoming high voltage
supply cable.
The customer must provide SA Power Networks with a current list of their authorised
high voltage operators. This list must be made available to the SA Power Networks’
Network Operation Centre.
9.15.3 Maintenance (TIR)
A customer who takes supply at high voltage shall ensure that the high voltage
installation is maintained in good order to ensure that any malfunction will not create a
hazard or cause interference to the SA Power Networks supply system.
The customer shall provide a written maintenance proposal for the Main Incoming
Circuit Breaker and protection system before supply is made available.
The customer must provide upon request, documentation of maintenance records as
evidence that the required maintenance has been carried out.

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Figure 9.2 Location of HV connection point

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10. Appendices
10.1 Appendix 1 – Single Phase URDs
The following localities are served by single phase padmounted transformers. It is not possible to

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provide three phase services within these areas without augmentation to the SA Power Networks
distribution mains.
Please note that some streets immediately adjoining those identified may be served from these

Suburb Name Street Name Street Name Street Name

Hallet Cove Valkyrie St

Reynella Lana St

Flagstaff Hill Portia St Emerald St Craigburn Dr

Cuillin Gr Daveys Rd Torresan Cr
Sarapta Ct

Aberfoyle Park Jaimey Gr Walters Cr

Nuriootpa Jones Munzberg

Gawler Myrtlebank Ct

Mount Gambier Tenison Heights Elm Ave, Chestnut Cl

Willow Av Jarrah St Millicent Rd
Casuarina Ct Jacaranda Ct Dino Pl
Lemana Ct Berrigan Ct Lark Pl
Jenkins St

Leigh Creek Coolabah St Coral Pl Belah St

Black Butt St Boobialla Pl Mulga St
Red Gum Pl Quandong Pl Mallee St
Kurrajong Pl Blackoak Dr Gimlet Pl
Ironbark Pl Myall Pl

Mount Barker Duffield St Murray St Acacia St

Fletcher Rd

Port Augusta West Crighton Dr McSporran Cr Butler Cr

Chinnery St McIntosh Cr Cole Cr
Taylor Cr Hardy Ct Freeman Ct
O’Reilly Ct Hobbs Ct

Pt Lincoln New West Rd

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Suburb Name Street Name Street Name Street Name

Smithfield Warooka Dr Morialta Dr Parachilna Ct

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Mora Cr Wahroonga Dr Adaluna Ct
Amaroo Ct Talia Ct Wilterna Dr

Para Hills
(including Cornwall Dr Kara Ct McGill Ct
Gulfview Heights)
Glenarbon St Parkeston Ct Nelson Rd
Yulinda Tce

Salisbury Downs Delta Ct Amsterdam Cr Karungi Ct

Lerida Cr Soria St Venlo Ct
Felicia Ave Breda Ct De Mille St
Elstree St

Parafield Gardens Eugene Cr Salas Rd

Mitchell Park Maldon Ave Constable Ct

Marion Hersey Ct

Belair McGregor Ct Redgum Dr

Pasadena Redgum Dr Dianella Ct Tacoma Bl

Dernancourt Orange Grove Ct Donnika St

St Agnes Sarina Farm Rd Tregrehen Ct Claridge Ct

Modbury North Carruthers Dr Rose Ct

Pooraka Duffield Dr Templer Ct Batten Ct

Palmer Ct Cowan Dr Henderson Ave
Lock Cr Rains Rd Davidson Ct

Windsor Gardens Brady Ct

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10.2 Appendix 2 – SA Power Networks Service Fuse Time/Current

Time/Current Curves for Typical SA Power Networks Service Fuse

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Sheet 1 – For Service Fuse Type – ME & MF (TIR)

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Sheet 2 – For Service Fuse Type – J (TIR)

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Sheet 3 – For Service Fuse Type – NH Size 2 (TIR)

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Sheet 4 – For Service Fuse Type – NH Size 3 (TIR)

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Sheet 5 – For Service Fuse Type – NH Size 4A (TIR)

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