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Postgrad Med J 2001;77:717–722 717


Non-hepatic hyperammonaemia: an important,

potentially reversible cause of encephalopathy
N D Hawkes, G A O Thomas, A Jurewicz, O M Williams, C E M Hillier, I N F McQueen,
G Shortland

Abstract Case reports

The clinical syndrome of encephalopathy CASE 1
is most often encountered in the context of A 20 year old man was admitted to a local hos-
decompensated liver disease and the diag- pital with two days of inappropriate behaviour,
nosis is usually clear cut. Non-hepatic clumsiness, drowsiness, memory loss, slurred
causes of encephalopathy are rarer and speech, and abdominal discomfort. Since the
tend to present to a wide range of medical age of 2 years he had suVered recurrent rectal
specialties with variable and episodic bleeding and investigation had revealed haem-
symptoms. Delay can result in the devel- orrhoids. Bleeding from his rectum had contin-
opment of potentially life threatening ued over the years but had been worse recently.
complications, such as seizures and coma. On examination he was confused. His
Early recognition is vital. A history of Glasgow coma scale score (GCS) was 15/15.
similar episodes or clinical risk factors Neurological and general examination was nor-
and early assessment of blood ammonia mal, with no stigmata of chronic liver disease.
levels help establish the diagnosis. In Investigations showed a leucocytosis (leuco-
addition to adequate supportive care, cyte count 22 × 109/l) and serum bilirubin level
investigation of the underlying cause of of 32 µmol/l. Other liver function tests, haemo-
the hyperammonaemia is essential and its globin, platelet count, serum electrolytes, glu-
reversal, where possible, will often result cose, clotting profile, arterial blood gas analysis,
in complete recovery. Detection of an and toxicology screen were normal. Cerebro-
unborn error of metabolism should lead spinal fluid examination (CSF) and computed
to the initiation of appropriate mainte- tomography of the brain were normal.
nance therapy and genetic counselling. Shortly after lumbar puncture his conscious
(Postgrad Med J 2001;77:717–722) level decreased (GCS 4/15). Plantar reflexes
became extensor and he developed tonic-clonic
Keywords: hyperammonaemia; encephalopathy; porto- seizures. At this point he passed melaena stool.
systemic venous shunt; urea cycle defect After transfer to our hospital his GCS score
was 6/15. The pupils were dilated but reactive
to light. Plantar reflexes remained extensor
Hyperammonaemia is a recognised cause of with no other focal neurological deficit. Upper
University Hospital of encephalopathy characterised by episodic con- gastrointestinal endoscopy was normal. Venous
Wales: Department of fusion and coma. Hepatic hyperammonaemia
blood ammonia was raised at 450 µmol/l (nor-
is usually seen in the setting of decompensated mal <80 µmol/l). A diagnosis of hyperammo-
N D Hawkes
G A O Thomas liver disease when the diagnosis is reasonably naemic encephalopathy was made.
straightforward because of accompanying signs Because of continued heavy gastrointestinal
Department of of chronic liver disease. However, there are a bleeding his encephalopathy worsened. He
Surgery number of non-hepatic causes of hyperammo- required ventilatory support and his intracra-
A Jurewicz naemia severe enough to cause confusion and nial pressure was found to be raised. A
Department of coma. These cases are rare, have diverse mesenteric angiogram demonstrated unusual
Neurology aetiologies, and as a result tend to present to portal vasculature with a large inferior me-
O M Williams many diVerent specialties. In addition, they senteric vein forming a direct mesocaval shunt
C E M Hillier may lack accompanying clinical signs, so the with the rectal veins and the systemic circula-
I N F McQueen doctor is presented with a confused or uncon- tion (fig 1); the portal vein was absent. His
Department of scious patient of unknown cause. Unless there inferior mesenteric vein pressure was raised at
Paediatrics is a high index of suspicion the diagnosis may 16 mm Hg. There was no evidence of hepato-
G Shortland easily be missed and the potential for reversibil- cellular failure and a liver biopsy was normal.
ity and cure lost. In view of continued gastrointestinal bleeding
Correspondence to:
Dr N D Hawkes,
Here we review non-hepatic hyperammo- and raised intracranial pressure emergency
Department of naemia and describe three cases that illustrate surgery was performed and a superior meso-
Gastroenterology, University important aspects of its pathophysiology and caval shunt formed reducing inferior me-
Hospital of Wales, Heath
Park, CardiV CF14 4XN, clinical management. In particular, these cases senteric vein pressure to 5 mm Hg. This
UK highlight the diverse nature of the condition stopped the gastrointestinal bleeding. He and the importance of establishing a diagnosis gradually regained consciousness and ammo-
Submitted 21 August 2000 and treatment strategy, borne out by the fact nia levels returned to normal. He was dis-
Accepted 15 February 2001 that all had a favourable outcome. charged home and remains well.
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718 Hawkes, Thomas, Jurewicz, et al

Figure 1 The early phase of the mesenteric angiogram (A) shows dense contrast filling the splenic artery (SA) and a
normal sized spleen. Exiting the spleen contrast flows via the splenic vein (SV) into a grossly enlarged inferior mesenteric
vein (IMV). The portal vein is not seen and there is no evidence of cavernous transformation of the portal vein or collateral
vessels. The filling of the inferior vena cava (IVC) on the later phase of the angiogram (B) confirms that the IMV forms a
lower mesorectal shunt with the rectal veins and systemic circulation.

Hyperammonaemia was thought to be due Full blood count, serum electrolytes,

to the massive gastrointestinal bleed resulting glucose, liver function, chest radiography,
in absorption of excess nitrogen—the ammonia abdominal ultrasound, and computed tomog-
generated bypassing the liver through a distal raphy of the brain were normal. Arterial blood
portosystemic shunt, allowing a significant rise gases showed mild hypoxia. CSF examination
in systemic blood ammonia levels. Although a was normal, except there was a CSF protein
liver biopsy was normal, the size of the nitrogen concentration of 1.67 g/l (normal <0.45 g/l).
load and extent of shunting was suYcient to An electroencephalogram (EEG) showed dif-
cause encephalopathy. The fact that the blood fuse non-specific abnormality. Cranial mag-
ammonia level fell and the patient recovered netic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed dif-
once the bleeding stopped supports this theory. fuse signal changes throughout the cerebral
The development of encephalopathy during a white matter consistent with cerebral oedema.
gastrointestinal bleed would be an unusual Over the next few days his conscious level
complication of portal vein thrombosis—the fluctuated. He developed left sided neglect
cavernous transformation and formation of with conjugate deviation of the eyes to the right
collateral vessels tend to maintain blood flow to and had several generalised tonic-clonic sei-
the normal liver, preventing its occurrence. At zures, treated successfully with intravenous
surgery, the portal hypertensive changes were phenytoin. His blood ammonia levels were 245
confined to the distal gastrointestinal tract with µmol/l. Urinary orotic acid and serum amino
varices evident in the ileum, colon and rectum, acid levels were normal.
supporting the fact that this was not a simple Hyperammonaemia was thought to be due to
portal vein thrombosis. No upper gastro- slow transit constipation allowing increased
intestinal varices or splenomegaly were seen, absorption of ammonia into the mesenteric
suggesting that the huge anomalous inferior blood supply, suYcient to overwhelm hepatic
mesenteric vein had eVectively decompressed excretory pathways. Despite lactulose and broad
the proximal superior mesenteric vein and spectrum antibiotics he continued to deteriorate
splenic veins preventing proximal hypertensive and required ventilation. Blood ammonia levels
problems. rose to 400 µmol/l. Two days later his
ureterosigmoidostomy was converted to an
CASE 2 ileal conduit. He gradually improved, ammonia
A 55 year old man was admitted to our hospi- levels returned to normal, and he has remained
tal with two days of progressive lethargy and well. A repeat cranial MRI scan was normal.
confusion. For the previous three weeks he had
taken codeine phosphate for back pain and had CASE 3
developed constipation. At 6 years of age he A 10 year old boy was admitted to a local hospi-
had undergone ureterosigmoidostomy for epis- tal with a two day history of headache associated
padias and bladder extrophy. Subsequently he with vomiting, agitation, confusion, and slurred
suVered intermittent bouts of confusion, al- speech. After a normal delivery and neonatal
tered personality, and lethargy. Investigations period, he subsequently suVered a sixth nerve
had found no cause. palsy (Duane’s syndrome) and a febrile seizure
On examination he had a GCS of 4/15 and a during infancy. Aged 3 years he had an
left sided hemiparesis. He was apyrexial, and unexplained episode of vomiting and lethargy
general examination was normal apart from his lasting six days; this resolved spontaneously. At
abdominal scar and epispadias. the age of 6 he was admitted to hospital with an
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Non-hepatic hyperammonaemia 719

episode of headache, vomiting, confusion, and µmol/l, respectively (normal <750 for both),
drowsiness associated with mild hyponatraemia serum ornithine level 15 µmol/l (normal >25),
and non-specific, excess slow wave activity on and a large urinary orotic acid peak.
his EEG. He had been treated with acyclovir for A diagnosis of late onset ornithine transcarb-
suspected herpes simplex encephalitis and after amylase deficiency was made. After a peak of
a quick recovery was discharged. 170 µmol/l venous blood ammonia returned to
On examination he was apyrexial with a GCS normal. He improved without requiring so-
of 15/15. He was disorientated in time and place, dium benzoate treatment. Dietary protein was
but not in person. He was slightly confused with gradually increased without a significant rise in
slurred speech. Neurological examination re- ammonia levels and he was discharged home.
vealed the longstanding sixth nerve palsy, Allopurinol loading tests and genetic analysis
increased tone in the lower limbs with hyper- confirmed both brothers and his mother
reflexia and bilateral extensor plantar responses. carried the same aVected allele in exon 2 of the
General examination was otherwise normal. ornithine transcarbamylase gene (located on
Full blood count, urea and electrolytes,
the X chromosome). His family received coun-
serum glucose, and clotting screen were
selling and advice on emergency management.
normal. Arterial blood gases showed a pH of
He has remained well but one sibling has
7.40 and serum bicarbonate level of 15.6
mmol/l (normal 22–27). Serum alkaline phos- required hospital admission.
phatase was 307 IU/l (normal 30–115) but liver In this case the precipitating event was not
function was otherwise normal. CSF examina- clear. This is not unusual in urea cycle enzyme
tion and computed tomography head were deficiencies, though an increased dietary nitro-
normal. Electroencephalography showed non- gen load or intercurrent infection may proceed
specific changes identical to those of his previ- clinical deterioration. A gradual onset of symp-
ous admission. Urinalysis registered “+++” toms is common to these disorders—a more
ketones. Serum ammonium and lactate levels abrupt presentation should lead to consideration
were raised at 156 µmol/l and 2.3 mmol/l (nor- of other causes of raised intracranial pressure.
mal 0.8–1.2) respectively.
Initial treatment with acyclovir, cefotaxime, Discussion
and dexamethasone did not result in clinical Amino acids, the products of endogenous and
improvement. He was transferred to our hospi- exogenous protein digestion, are degraded by
tal and started on a 10% glucose infusion (6 hepatic transamination and oxidative deamina-
mg/kg/min), to render him anabolic. Dietary tion to produce ammonia, which is then
protein was excluded. converted to urea and excreted by the kidneys.
A metabolic screen showed raised glutamine Any disruption to this cycle of nitrogen
levels in serum and CSF, 1345 µmol/l and 2103 excretion (fig 2) has the potential to cause

Systemic accumulation of
ammonia escaping liver

Usual sources of nitrogen

System System
bypassed saturated Endogenous
Protein Dietary protein

Pathological sources
Hepatic Additional nitrogen in
metabolism: gut lumen
via the urea cycle Amino acids and
ammonia absorbed
into portal circulation GI bleed


Excretion via the Urea-splitting

kidneys Gram negative

Portosystemic shunt:
for example haemorrhoidal veins, iliac Gut
veins, IMV, iatrogenic shunts
Figure 2 Schematic representation of the major sources of ammonia production and its excretory pathway
(GI = gastrointestinal, IMV = inferior mesenteric vein).
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720 Hawkes, Thomas, Jurewicz, et al

Table 1 Causes of non-hepatic hyperammonaemia

+ Inherited defects of the urea cycle enzymes + Portosystemic shunts†

+ Transport defects of intermediates in the urea cycle + Urinary
+ Organic acidurias Urinary diversion—for example, ureterosigmoidostomy and ileal conduit
+ Other metabolic causes Urinary tract infections
Hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia Subureteric injection for vesicoureteric reflux
Distal renal tubular acidosis + Haematological
Primary carnitine deficiency Following allogenic peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation
Fatty acid oxidation defects Multiple myeloma
+ Drugs Acute myeloblastic leukaemia, chronic myelocytic leukaemia
Chemotherapy—for example, 5-fluorouracil, asparaginase + Other
Sodium valproate Parenteral nutrition
Anaesthetic agents—for example, halothane, enflurane Muscular origin
+ Reye’s syndrome* Idiopathic

*Need to exclude inborn errors of metabolism as possible cause—for example, medium chain acyl-CoA deficiency.
†With normal liver function, as distinct from portosystemic shunts occurring in the context of chronic liver disease where resultant hyperammonaemia may be termed
hepatic hyperammonaemia.

hyperammonaemia and the clinical syndrome the cause of this vascular abnormality. The
of encephalopathy. most common cause of an absent portal vein is
Firstly, the cycle may not be able to handle a portal vein thrombosis at birth, secondary to
normal nitrogen load (for example, specific infection.7 Usually, if recanalisation has not
enzyme defect or liver cell failure resulting in occurred, this results in the formation of
poor hepatic function); secondly, though liver collateral vessels in the region of the portal vein
function is normal, excess nitrogen (for exam- which were not present in this case. Congenital
ple, from a gastrointestinal bleed or urinary absence of the portal vein8 or congenital
diversion) may oversaturate the liver’s excre- pancreatitis may also account for some of the
tory capacity; or thirdly, the nitrogen load may radiological findings. The formation of such a
bypass the liver, entering directly into the large inferior mesenteric vein may favour a pri-
systemic circulation via a portosystemic shunt. mary vascular malformation, although the
Encephalopathy is most commonly seen in presence of other congenital anomalies might
patients with liver cirrhosis where the problem be expected if this were the case.8 This situation
is due to a combination of decreased capacity is distinct from the extrahepatic shunting that
due to liver cell damage and portosystemic occurs, usually via multiple collateral vessels, in
shunting of the increased nitrogen load.1 2 chronic liver disease associated with portal
While hyperammonaemia is present in the hypertension, or from iatrogenic portosystemic
majority of patients with hepatic encephalopa- shunts, though hyperammonaemia results from
thy,3 this is not always the case and the under- the same mechanism of hepatic bypass.
lying neuropathophysiology remains the sub- Hyperammonaemia arising as a metabolic
ject of further research and debate.2 4–6 The complication of surgery to create a urinary
production of false transmitters, activation of diversion is well recognised.9–11 The longer seg-
central (ã-aminobutyric acid-benzodiazepine ment of bowel exposed to urine may explain
receptors by endogenous ligands, altered cer- why this arises more commonly after uretero-
ebral metabolism, disturbed activity of the sigmoidostomy than ileal conduits.12 Ammonia
Na+/K+ ATPase, and zinc deficiency with is formed in the colonic lumen, through the
deposition of manganese in the basal ganglia bacterial degradation of the large quantities of
have all been proposed as possible contributory nitrogenous componds excreted in the urine.
factors in the development of encephalopathy Production is enhanced by the presence of
in cirrhotic patients.2 urease-producing, Gram negative bacilli.13 14 As
Non-hepatic causes of hyperammonaemia the diversion retains its venous drainage,
may present with an identical clinical syn- ammonia crosses the colonic wall and is
drome (table 1). Though rare, the underlying absorbed into the portal circulation. In the
cause may be reversible, and potentially majority of patients, with normal liver function,
curable, or specific therapy in addition to the excess ammonia is excreted by hepatic
general measures to reduce hyperammonaemia metabolism—via the urea cycle (fig 3). How-
may be indicated—therefore prompt recogni- ever, hyperammonaemia suYcient to result in
tion may be lifesaving. encephalopathy may still occur even in the set-
The first case had a very unusual vascular ting of a patient with normal liver function.15
anomaly which behaved diVerently to classic Increased production of ammonia, sufficient to
portal vein thrombosis, both radiologically and over-saturate hepatic excretory pathways—for
clinically. No flow through the portal vein was example, after the action of urea-splitting bac-
seen on mesenteric angiography, the contrast teria or delayed colonic transit; direct diVusion
instead passing through a greatly enlarged of ammonia into the inferior vena cava bypass-
inferior mesenteric vein to form a large lower ing the liver (via the haemorrhoidal veins after
mesorectal shunt with the rectal veins and sys- urinary diversion or internal iliac veins in the
temic circulation—therefore despite normal case of a neurogenic bladder); and decreased
liver function, the significant protein load metabolic activity in asymptomatic females
absorbed into the mesenteric blood supply heterozygous for ornithine transcarbamylase
after gastrointestinal haemorrhage, was deficiency16 have all been proposed as possible
shunted directly into the systemic circulation, mechanisms to explain this observation in
via the inferior vena cava, resulting in hyperam- patients who have undergone diversion proce-
monaemia. It is a matter for speculation as to dures.
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Non-hepatic hyperammonaemia 721

I greater than 150 µmol/l are usually seen in

NH3 + CO2 Mitochondrion encephalopathic patients, blood levels do not
always correlate with the clinical grade of
encephalopathy. Interpretation of the result
II should therefore take into account the clinical
Ornithine Citrulline state of the patient as well the results of other
investigations, including a full metabolic screen
if an inherited error of metabolism is sus-
pected. Non-haemolysed, heparinised venous
samples processed rapidly in the laboratory
Ornithine Citrulline
give optimal results avoiding inaccuracies due
to sample storage. Reliable measurements
Cytosol using a specific ion selective electrode system
III Aspartate or an automated enzyme method are available
in most biochemical laboratories.22 Blood
Fumarate ammonia levels can be used subsequently to
Arginine Argininosuccinate
monitor the response to treatment once a diag-
IV nosis of hyperammonaemia has been estab-
lished, with clinical improvement usually paral-
Figure 3 The urea cycle: enzymes catalysing each step within the mitochondrial and leling decreasing levels. Investigation of
cytosolic compartments are shown.
underlying hepatic function or associated acid-
Inborn errors of metabolism highlight the base disturbance, for example, hyperchlorae-
important role of the urea cycle (fig 3) in the mic alkalosis in patients with urinary diver-
excretion of ammonia.4 Due to the interruption sions, is helpful. Electroencephaography
of urea synthesis hyperammonaemia occurs, features may suggest a diVuse encephalitis or
together with an accumulation of other meta- show evidence of epileptiform activity. Com-
bolic intermediaries, dependent on the point at puted tomography or MRI brain scans may
which the biochemical pathway is blocked. reveal cerebral oedema, though this is not a
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency is the constant finding.9 11 Astrocyte swelling, with
most common of these inherited disorders and high astrocyte glutamine concentrations, de-
is distinguished by the high level of urinary monstrable in experimental hyperammonae-
orotic acid, occurring as a consequence of the mia, may act osmotically to produce cerebral
diversion of carbamoyl phosphate via the oedema. Raised glutamine concentrations in
cytosolic pyrimidine synthetic pathway.4 The the CSF have also been recorded.4
majority of aVected males present in the Establishing the underlying cause is vital in
neonatal period and death is not uncommon preventing further episodes and planning
before the age of 1 year. However, there are a definitive procedures to reverse causative
number of reports of ornithine transcarbamy- factors. Such intervention is potentially cura-
lase deficiency presenting in older children or tive. During the diagnostic work-up, general
adults, including both homozygous male and measures are employed to reduce hyperammo-
heterozygous female patients.17–20 In the latter naemia as in the management of hepatic
group, ornithine transcarbamylase enzyme encephalopathy. Short term restriction of
activities may vary widely and symptoms often dietary protein, or substitution of animal for
occur during periods of physiological stress— vegetable protein sources and the use of
for example, childbirth, postoperatively, or non-absorbable disaccharides, for example,
during infective illnesses. Older patients have lactulose and lactilol (acting by their osmotic
an increased likelihood of dying at presenta- cathartic action) reduce the dietary and
tion, often due to delays in diagnosis.21 In most endogenous nitrogen load from in intestinal
cases, hyperammonaemia presents without lumen.2 Endogenous protein breakown may be
evidence of substantial hepatic dysfunc- further suppressed by a high oral carbohydrate
tion.4 18 20 intake or using intravenous 10% to 20%
The clinical features of hyperammonaemia dextrose with insulin, if needed, to control
are very variable and often episodic. Subtle blood glucose concentrations. Antibiotic treat-
personality changes, confusion, irritability, ment, for example, neomycin or metronida-
ataxia, or visual disturbances may be early zole, may be particularly eVective when infec-
signs. Vomiting, lethargy, and hyperventilation tion with urea-splitting bacteria is suspected.
are alternative presenting features. Early recog- Adequate supportive care, including ventila-
nition is often diYcult and because of this cases tion if coma develops, is essential to provide
present to a wide range of specialties and may time to clarify the underlying pathophysiology.
go undiagnosed. Untreated hyperammonaemia For patients with ornithine transcarbamylase
can lead to raised intracranial pressure, sei- deficiency, sodium benzoate may be beneficial.
zures, coma, and eventually death. Particular Given orally or intravenously, it is excreted as
attention should be paid to whether there have its glycine conjugate, hippuric acid, increasing
been previous episodes or a family history of nitrogen excretion. Sodium phenylacetate may
similar symptoms. Recognition in the history of also be eVective.4 In cases resistant to treatment
factors which may predispose to hyperammo- haemodialysis has been successful.21 Care
naemia (table 1) may also aid early diagnosis. should be taken in the hyperammonaemic
Routine investigations are often unhelpful patient with seizures secondary to raised
and measurement of blood ammonia levels is intracranial pressure as certain antiepileptic
the key to early diagnosis. Although values drugs, for example, sodium valproate, may
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722 Hawkes, Thomas, Jurewicz, et al

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Downloaded from on April 13, 2018 - Published by

Non-hepatic hyperammonaemia: an important,

potentially reversible cause of encephalopathy
N D Hawkes, G A O Thomas, A Jurewicz, O M Williams, C E M Hillier, I N F
McQueen and G Shortland

Postgrad Med J2001 77: 717-722

doi: 10.1136/pmj.77.913.717

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