Three (3) Branches of The Government

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The Philippine Constitution is one which is _________, _______ and ________

Ans. Phil. Constitution is a written, conventional and rigid.
A . It can only be amended by: Steps in Amendatory Process: Proposal may be made by: (Art XVII,
Sec. 2)
a. Congress – acting as Constituent Assembly (Con-Ass) by a vote of ¾ of all its members (voting
b. Constitutional Convention = called either by: 1.) 2/3 vote of all the members of the Congress; 2.)
A majority vote of all members of Congress, with the question of whether or not to call a
constitutional convention to be resolved by the people in a plebiscite (Sec.3, Art XVII)
c. People’s Initiative = by a petition of at least 12 % of the total number of registered voters, of
which every legislative district must be represented by at least 3 % of the registered voters therein.
B. It can be revised by: Con-Con and Con-Ass. Initiative is not available for revision of the
2. It is the fundamental law of the land or the body of rules and principles in accordance with which
the powers of the sovereignty are regularly exercised. It is the Supreme Law of the land.
Ans. Constitution
3. The Philippines is a State for it is composed of: “PTGS” Ans. People, Territory, Government and
1. People = mass of population/ the inhabitants of the state.
2. Territory = includes not only the land over which the state extends, but also the rivers and lakes
therein, a certain area of the sea which abuts upon its coast and the air space above it. Territorial
sea = 12 nautical miles.
High seas = It is the body of water which is not cover or under the jurisdiction of any state
3. Government = it refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed
and carried out.
Administration = the body of men in whose hands the function of political control is placed for the
time being.
4. Sovereignty = the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience to its will from
people within its jurisdiction and
4. It is that definite or align portion of the earth’s surface which is the subject of the sovereignty
rights and interest. From the political stand, point, it is referred to as: Ans. Territory
5. It is a systematic study of the state and government. Ans. political science
6. A community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of
territory, having a government freedom from external control. Ans. State
7. It is the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and carried out. Ans.
8. A form of government in which political power is exercised by a few privileged class? Ans.
9. The Philippines is a democratic and _________ State. Ans. Republican
10. What branch of the government has the power to create laws being the foundation of police
power. Ans. Legislative
Three (3) branches of the Government
Legislative = the law making body. It is lodged in the Congress (Bicameral Congress) Consist of
the House of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Executive = that branch of the government which executes/implements the law. It is lodged in the
Office of the President. Divided into the National and local executives including the various
cabinets and administrative agencies.
Judiciary = interprets the law for administration of justice. Exercise Judicial power. It is lodge in the
Supreme Court and all other regular and special courts.
11. It is the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience to its will from people
within its jurisdiction and corollary, to have freedom from foreign control.
Ans. sovereignty
12. It is a form of government where the state confers upon the legislative the power to terminate
the tenure of the office of the real executive Ans. Parliamentary.
Other forms of government:
1. De Facto = a form of government that is not founded on constitutional law. It exists in fact but not
in law.
2. De Jure = a form of government that is founded on existing legal or constitutional basis.
3. Revolutionary = a form of government wherein the state is obtained by means of force.
4. Military = a form of government established and controlled by military authorities over a
beleaguered state.
5. Civil = a form of government that is run by elected civilian officials.

13. This is the inherent power of the State to enact laws designed to

promote the general welfare.

1. Power of Police 3. Power of Eminent Domain
2.Power of Taxation 4.Power of Expropriation 5.All of these
Inherent Power of the State
1. Power of Police – it is the power of the state to regulate individual’s rights and property for the
general welfare.
2. Power of eminent Domain = the power of the state to take private property for public use after
payment of just compensation.
3. Power of taxation = the power of the state to demand contribution from its people in proportion to
their income in order to raise government revenue.
4 Taxes = It is an enforced proportional contribution from persons and property levied by the law
making body of the state for the support of the government and all public needs.
14. ________________ is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure the
sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory.
Ans. A.F.P.
15. The renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy is one of the principles declared in
Ans. Fundamental law of the state (Constitution)
16. One of the principles declared in the Philippines Constitution is that civilian authority is:
Ans. at all times supreme over the military The State “guarantees full respect for human rights”.
17. The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. Ans. True
18. The following are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy,
EXCEPT: 1. Maintenance of peace and order 2.Protection of life, liberty and property 3. Promotion
of general welfare 4. Equal protection of the law??
1, 2, and 3 are essentials for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy.
19. Who among the following plays a vital role in nation building? Their physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual and social well-being should be promoted and be protected by the State. Ans. Youth
Woman enjoys equality with man.
20. The State shall promote ___________ in all phases of national development. Ans. Social
21. It is the basic social autonomous institution, which sanctity is recognized by the State. Ans.
Barangay = is the smallest political subdivisions.
22. The State values the dignity of every human persons and guarantees full respect for human
rights. Ans. True
23. It is the principle of law which hears before it condemns, proceeds upon inquiry and renders
judgment only after trial. Ans. Due Process of law
1. Equal Protection of law = principles of law signifies that “all persons subject to legislation should
be treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both in the privileges conferred and
liabilities imposed
2. Equipoise Rule = when the evidence of guilt and innocence are balance. The balance will be
break by the presumption of innocence.
3. Bill of Attainder = A legislative act which punishes without trial.
4. Hornbook Doctrine = An accused cannot be convicted for a crime that is not charged in the
complaint or information.
24. Who can issue warrant of arrest or search warrant. Ans. Judge
25. The following are legal grounds for arrest/detention:
Ans. a. Commission of a crime
b. Suffering from severe mental illness or disease requiring hospitalization or confinement.
Arbitrary detention = a crime committed by public officer who arrested and detained a person
without legal grounds.
Illegal Detention = a crime committed by private person who detains another without justifiable
cause and deprived said person of liberty.
26. Under this doctrine, police officer can seize articles or objects which inadvertently come to their
view without exerting any effort and which object is incriminatory to the possessor thereof: Ans.
Plain View Doctrine.
WARRANTLESS ARREST : (a) In flagrante delicto – caught in the act ; (b) hot pursuit – a crime
was in fact been committed & the arresting officer has probable cause based on personal
knowledge that the perrson to be arrested committed said offense ; (c) escapees ; (d) arrest after
rescue; (e) arrest by virtue of a bail bond.
WARRANTLESS SEARCH : (a) plain view; (b) consented search; (c) custom search; (d)
check-point; (e) sanitary and safety inspection.
27. The right of the people to be secured in their persons, houses, papers and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose _____: Ans. is
Doctrine of the Exclusionary Rule = illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible as evidence in court.
Fruits of the Poisonous tree doctrine = any evidence obtained as a result of an illegal confession is
likewise inadmissible.
28. What is one inherent value that the Filipinos displayed in their revolt against the Spanish and
Japanese conquerors?
Ans. Patriotism (love of one’s country to the extent of sacrificing his life for his country).
Nationalism = is the act of patronizing our own.
29. Refers to those non-dominant groups in our country which possess and wish to preserve ethnic,
religious or linguistic traditions or characteristics markedly different from the rest of the population.
Ans. Indigenous Cultural Community
30. Which of the following is not a political subdivision?
1. City 2. municipality 3. Barangay 4.Region 5. Province
31. Human rights secured by the constitution include: Ans. a. political, b. civil, c. social, d.Economic,
e. cultural
32. It is a declaration and enumeration of person’s rights and privileges which the constitution is
designated to protect against violations by the government or individual or group of individual. Ans.
bill of rights
33. Is an order in writing, issued in the name of the People of the Philippines, signed by a judge and
directed to a peace officer commanding him to search for certain personal property and bring it
before the court? Ans. Search warrant
Subpoena = writ order issued for the attendance of a person to testify (subpoena ad
testificandum)or to bring a document in court (subpoena ducestecum).
Writ of Habeas Corpus = a writ order directed to a person in custody of another to bring latter to the
court. (Literally – to bring the body)
34. Is meant such facts and circumstances antecedent to the issuance of a warrant sufficient in
themselves to induce a cautious man to rely upon them and act in pursuance thereof? Ans.
Probable cause
35. The recent government action to “restrict” media from airing anti-government issue is
considered by some sectors as violative of the: Ans. Freedom of the press
36. The people shall not be denied their right to organize especially for purposes not contrary to law.
Ans. True (Freedom of association)
37. It is the right of a person to have his home in whatever place chosen by him and thereafter to
change it at will, and to go where he pleases, without interference from any source. Ans. Liberty of
abode and travel
Violation of Domicile = illegal intrusion by public officer into the dwelling (domicile) against the will
of the owner/lawful occupant.
Trespass to Dwelling = illegal intrusion by private person into the dwelling of another without
previous consent.
38. It is the law which provides for the rights of a person arrested or otherwise under custodial
investigation? Ans. R.A. 7438
R.A. 4200 = Anti wiretapping law
R.A. 9745= Anti torture Act.
Act. 3815 = Revised Penal Code
R.A. 9165 = Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002.
39. Art 3, Sec 12 of the 1987 Constitution provides the a person arrested has the right to remain
silent, to be informed of the cause of his accusation and to have a counsel of ____? Ans.His own
Counsel de officio/ex-officio counsel = lawyer given by the government.
Counsel de parte/ ex-parte counsel = a private lawyer hired by the accused.
40. It is a security by a court required by a court and given for the provisional or temporary release
of a person who is in the custody of the law conditioned upon his appearance before any court as
required under the conditions specified? Ans. Bail
Kinds of bail: (a) Property bond, (b) Cash Bond, (c) Corporate surety bond, and (d) Release on
Recognizance. “PCCR”
41. An order issued by competent court, directed to the person detaining another, commanding
him to produce the body of the prisoner at a designated time and place, and to show sufficient
cause for holding in custody the individual so detained.
Ans. Writ of habeas corpus
42. It is the danger of being prosecuted for the same offense twice? Ans. Double jeopardy
43. It is a law which makes an act done before the passage of a law, innocent when done, criminal,,
and punishes such act. Ans. Ex post facto law
44. Principle of citizenship which is based on blood relationship . Ans. Jus sanguinis
Jus solis/loci = citizenship by land birth.
Naturalization = citizenship extended to an alien after certain period of residency.
45. The constitution mandates the Congress shall enact a law establishing a system whereby the
people can directly proposed and enact laws. This is known as: Ans. Initiative
provincial) Congressman
Not more than 250
20% party-list Senators
24 senators President
Vice President
At least 25 yrs old At least 25 yrs old At least 35 yrs old At least 40 yrs. old
3 years term and not more than 3 consecutive terms. 3 years term and not more than 3
consecutive terms. 6 years term but not more than 2 consecutive terms. 6 years term without
Vice-Pres. – 6 yrs but not more than 2 consecutive terms
At least 1 yr. residency. At least 1 yr. residency At least 2 yrs. residency At least 10 yrs. residency
N.B. “a resident of the Philippines for at least not less than two (2) years immediately preceeding
the day of the election.”
46. There are how many senators to be elected during national election? Ans. 12 senators.
47. What is the term of office of the senators? Ans. 6 years but not more than 2 consecutive terms
7 years without re-appointment (term of office of Commissioners of Constitutional Commission).
n.b. The house of representative shall consist of NOT more than 250 members, with 20% of which
are party-list representatives.
48. The declaration of martial law shall not suspend the operation and applicability of the Philippine
Constitution. This statement is : Ans. TRUE
49. What makes up the Commission on Appointments?
1. (3) Justices and 5 members of either House of representatives or Senate.
2. Senate President as the Ex-officio Chairman and twelve senators and twelve members of the
House of Representatives.
3. (3) Justices and 6 members of either House of representatives or Senate.
4. Senate President as the Ex-officio Chairman and ten members from both Senate and House of
50. The following are government officials are impeachable officers, EXCEPT:
1. The president and Vice President 2. Senator
3.Members of the Constitutional Commission 4.Ombudsman
5. Members of the Supreme Court
51. Which has the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment? Ans. House of
52. The President of the Republic of the Philippines can only be removed through the constitutional
process of: Ans. Impeachment
53. It is the check and balance power of the president to reject laws proposed by the congress/
1. Veto power 2. Pardoning power 3.Appointing power 4. Amnesty
54. The following bill shall originate exclusively from the house of representative: “APRIL”
a. Appropriation b. Private c. Revenue or tariff
d. bill authorizing increase in public debt e. Bill of local application
55. Which of the following is not a qualification to be a member of the Supreme Court?
1. Natural born citizen of the Phils.;
2. at least 40 year or age;
3. He must have, 15 years or more, been a judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice of law;
4. He must be a person f proven competence, integrity, probity and independence
5. at least 35 years of age.
56. Which of the following composes the Judicial and Bar Council:
a. Chief Justice , as ex-officio chariman
b. The Secretary of Justice
c. A representative of the Congress as –officio member
d.A representative of the IBP
e.A professor of law
f. a retired member of the Supreme Court
g. A representative of the private sector
57. How many Justice are there in the Supreme Court including the Chief Justice? Ans. 15 SC = 14
associate justices and 1 Chief Justice
CA = 69 Associate Justices.
SandiganBayan = 14 associate justice and 1 presiding justice.
58. The following are Constitutional Commission ,EXCEPT:
1. Civil Service Commission 3. Commission on Audit
2.Commission on Election 4. Commission on Higher Education
59. There are how many Commissioner under the Commission on Election? Ans. 7
Commission on Audit ( 3 commissioners)
Civil Service Commission (3 Commissioners)
Commission on Election (7 Commissioners)
60. The central personnel agency of the government is the :
Ans. Civil Service Commission
61. This Agency of the government has the power to investigate on its own or on complaint by any
person, any act or omission of any public officer, employee, office or agency when such act or
omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient.
Ans. Office of the Ombudsman
Hierarchy in the Government Officials
President 1 Presiding Justice and other Justices of the Court of Appeals, Solicitor-General (OSG
formerly 13.) 10
Vice President 2 Chairman of the Commission on Elections 11
Senate President 3 Cabinet Undersecretary 12
Speaker of the House 4 None currently 13
Chief Justice of SC 5 Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Chief of the
Philippine National Police 14
Cabinet Secretaries 6 15
Senators 7 Regional Trial Court Judges 16
Congressman 8 First Level Courts (Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Trial
Court in Cities and Sharia Circuit courts), added by Memorandum Order No. 297 signed by
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on March 2, 2009. 17
Associate Justice of SC 9
62. It runs a nationwide organization consisting of State prosecutors, regional prosecutors,
provincial prosecutors and city prosecutors tasked to undertake the investigation and prosecution
of cases involving violation of the penal and special penal laws.
Ans. Prosecution

Five (5) Pillars of the Philippine Criminal Justice System “LPCCC”. enforcement 2. Prosecution 3. Court 4. Correction 5.Community
63. Art 16, Sec. 6 of the 1987 Constitutions provides that—The State shall establish and maintain
one police force, which shall be national in scope and civilian in character, to be administered and
controlled by: Ans. NAPOLCOM
64. It is the prime mover, front line defender of criminal justice system. It plays a dual role in the Phil.
Criminal Justice System. Ans. Police
65. Otherwise known as the Clean Air act of 1999 which provides for a comprehensive air pollution
control policy? Ans. R.A. 8749
R.A. 9262 = Anti Violence against Women and their children Act.
66. It is the actual restraint of a person for the purpose of bringing him to the custody of the law?
Ans. Arrest
Warrant of Arrest Search Warrant
Validity No fixed duration 10 days
Execution 10 days 10 days
Return to the court Within 10 days Within 10 days
Service Anytime of the day and night Preferably during daytime
Possession Need not have
67. The entry Rank of a Police Non-commissioned Officer in the PNP is:
1. Police Officer 1 2. Police Inspector 3.Police aide
4.Police recruit 5. Patrolman
PNP Title Rank Military Equivalent
Commissioned Officer
Chief PNP P/Dir General (Chief of Staff) General
Deputy Chief for Admin P/Dept. Dir. General
Lt. General
Deputy Chief for Operation P/Dept. Dir. General
Chief of the Directorial Staff P/Dept. Dir. General
Director P/Director Maj. General
NCR Director P/Director
Regional Director P/Chief Superintendent Brgd. General
Provincial Director P/Senior Superintendent Colonel
P/Superintendent Lt. Colonel
P/Chief Inspector Major
P/Senior Inspector Captain
P/ Inspector 1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
Non –Commissioned Officer
SPO4 Master Sgt.
SPO3 Staff Sargent
SPO2 Technical Sargent
PO2 Corporal
PO1 Private first Class
68. It refers to the excessive use of force by policemen is popularly referred to as :
Ans. Police brutality
69. It is the forerunner of the Philippine National Police: Ans. PC-INP
Act 70 – Metropolitan Police Act. (Jan. 9, 1901)
Act 175 – Insular Constabulary
Act 255 – Philippine Constabulary
P.D. 765 – Integrated National Police
R.A. 4864 – Police Professionalization Act of 1966 (creates the POLCOM which later called the
R.A. 6975 – DILG Act of 1990. (also called the PNP Law)
R.A. 8551 – The PNP Reform and Reorganization Act.
R.A. 9708 –
R.A.9263 – BJMP and BFP Modernization Act.
70. Legally speaking, the term “criminal” refers to one who has:
Ans. been convicted by a competent court
71. The Chief of Staff of the Armed forces shall not exceed ___ years of tour of duty.
1. 2 years 2. three years 3. four years 4. six years
72. The Flag of the Philippines also called as the National colors shall be____>
Ans. red, white and blue, with a sun and three stars.
73. The fifth pillar of the Criminal justice system which accepts a convicted person who have
served his sentence. Ans. Community
74. Through lateral entry, a licensed criminologist may be appointed to the rank of:
Ans. Police Inspector
75. It is otherwise known as the Anti-Violence against woman and their children law? R.A> 9262 2.
R.A. 9003 3.R.A. 10175 4. R.A 10627
R.A. 10175 – Cyber Crime Prevention Act of 2012
R.A. 10627 – Anti Bullying Act of 2013
R.A. 9003 = Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
76. The Branch of Government which has the power to declare the existence of state of war?
Ans. Legislative
77. Who is the current Commission on Audit (COA) Chairperson?
1. Grace Pulido –Tan 3. Leila De Lima
2. Florencio Abad 4. Mar Roxas
78. The controversial Businesswoman allegedly the mastermind behind the pork barrel scam
amounting to 10 billion pesos?
1. Janet –Lim Napoles 3. Janet Lim
2. Lorna Kapunan (Janet’s lawyer) 4.BenhurLuy (Whistle Blower)
79. It is the Lum-sum appropriation in the annual General Appropriations Acts or the National
budget used to fund priority development programs as well as the projects of the government. An
amount of P200Million and P70 million are allotted a year for each senator and member of the
House of Representatives, Respectively:
Ans. Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)
Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) (to rump up spending and help accelerate economic
80. It is that pillars of the Criminal justice system which is not under the Executive branch?
Ans. Court
81. The current Chief of the PNP? Ans. Recardo conejo marquez
Rafael Crame (First Filipino Chief of the Phil. Constabulary
Cesar Nazareno (First /Chief of the Phil. National Police)
Henry T. Allen (First Chief of the Philippine Constabulary)
Antonio Torres = First Chief of Manila Police Department
82. It is otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002?
a. R.A. 7610 b. R.A. 9165 c. R.A> 6425 d. R.A. 9344
R.A. 7610 – Special Protection Against Child Exploitation and discrimination Act. (Child Abuse
R.A. 9208 = Anti Trafficking in Person Act.
83. What Department is the legal adviser of the Government?
1. DFA 2. DOJ 3.DOF 4. DILG
84. The Tax collecting Agency of the Government is the :
1. Bureau of Customs (Collects Tariff) 2. Bureau of Internal Revenue
3.Department of Finance 4. City/Municipal Treasurer
85. The overseer of all the infrastructure programs of the government is the: Ans. DPWH
86. In the election of officers of an organization, community or to an elective position in the
government, the candidate who gets the highest vote wins. This is in accordance with what
democratic principle/rule? Ans. Rule of Majority
87. The NAPOLCOM exercise what power over the PNP? Ans. Administrative Control and
Operation Supervision.
One (1) Ex-Officio Chairman (Sec. of DILG)
Four (4) Regular commissioners with term of office of 6 years without re-appointment.
88. The premier educational institution which trains the members of the PNP, BJMP and BFP?
Ans. Philippine Public Safety College.
89. Age qualification for regular recruitment in the PNP? Ans. 21 to 30 yrs old
Age Waiver: 20 and 31 to 35 yrs old
Compulsory Age of Retirement = 56 yrs. Old
90. How many percent of the PNP recruit should be women? Ans. 10%
91. Given automatic waiver for height? Ans. Members of the Cultural Minority
92. Highest Non-commissioned rank in the PNP? Ans. SPO4
93. The PNP is what unit of the Government? Ans. Bureau (the highest subdivision in a
94. The first book printed in the Philippines in the year 1593 is:
1. Noli Me Tangere 2. El Filibustirismo
3. La Solidaridad 4. Doctrina Christiana
95. Considered to be the chief executive of the ancient barangay and also the chief judge, law giver
and military head: Ans. Datu
96. During the Pre-spanish civilization, the Philipine Society was layered structure showing three
(3) clases: the nobles, the freeman, and the Slaves. The freemen were also called.
1. Maharlikas (Nobles) 2. Alipingsagigilid (slaves)
3. Timawa 4.Alipingnamamahay (serfs)
97. What is the famous battle where the Americans defeated the Spaniards which ended the
Spanish regime in the Philippines?
1. Battle of Corregidor 2. Battle of Manila Bay
3.Battle of Bataan 4. Battle of Laguna de Bay
98. The two known written codes in the pre-Spanish era are:
1. Maragtas Code (1250 AD) DatuSumakwel of panay.
2. Kalantiaw Code (1433 AD) (DatuKalantiaw)
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None
99. The first Spanish Governor-General in the Philippines was:
1. Miguel Lopez de Legaspi 2. Diego de los Rios
3. Mark Gil 4. Ramon Revilla
100. The attack of this place paved the start of Japanese invasion in the Philippines during the
World War II.
1. Pearl Harbor 2. Nagsaki 3.Hirosima 4. Port of Okinawa
Hirosima was bombed by U.S. using atomic bomb on August 6, 1945
Nagasaki followed on August 9, 1945, which led the to the submission of Japan on August 14,
101. El Filibusterismo is the sequel of Noli Me Tangere and like the first book it was written in
Spanish. To whom did he dedicate this second novel?
1. to his beloved parents 3. To the executed Filipino priests “Gomburza”
2. to the suffering of the Filipino people 4. To his love, Leonor Rivera
102. If ApolinarioMabini was the “Brain of the Revolution”, who was this equally illustrious Filipino
who was considered the “Brain of the Katipunan”?
1. Marcelo G. delPilar 3. Emilio Jacinto
2. Andres Bonifacio (founded the Katipinan) 4.Graciano Lopez Jaena
KKK—Kataas-taasang, Kagalanggalangan, katipunanngmgaAnakng Bayan.
103. The Chief of the Philippine Constabulary who became the President of the Philippines:
a. Fidel Ramos c. Emilio Aguinaldo
b. Rafael Crame d. Cesar Nazareno
104. The battle from which the Filipino-American troops surrendered which led them to the “Death
march”. Ans. Battle of Bataan
105. “Man of the Masses”. He promised to give the common tao justice.
1. Ramon Magsaysay 3. ElpidioQuirino
2. Carlos P. Garcia (Filipino First Policy) 4. Fidel V. Ramos (Phils. 2000)
106. The Late President Ferdinand Marcos put the country under Martial Law under what
Proclamation order? Ans. P.O.1083.
107. Who is the Current President of the Republic of the Philippines?
1. Pres. Benigno Simeon Cojuanco Aquino III
2. Pres. BenignoCojuanco Aquino Jr.
3. Pres. Benigno Simeon Cojuanco Aquino Jr.
4. Pres. Benigno “Noy-Noy” C. Aquino
108. Who is the current Secretary of the Department of National Defense?
1. Voltaire Gazmin 3. Sec. Mar Roxas
2. Amadeo Perez 4. Sec. Leila Delima
109. It is the Island which is the subject of conflict between China and RP.
1. Scarborough Shoal 3. Batanes Group of Island
2.South China Sea 4.West Philippine Sea
110. It is otherwise colloquially known as pork barrel?
Ans. Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)
111. The Name of the first female president and current president of South Korea?
Ans. Pres. Park Geun-Hye
Kim Jong-un = new leader of North Korea
112. Art II. Section 15 of the 1987 Phil. Constitution states that, the privilege of _______ shall not
be suspended , except in cases of invasion or rebellion when the public safety requires it.
1. emergency power 3. writ of habeas corpus
2. Martial law 4. Writ of Amparo
113. The following Senators are dragged in the case of Pork Barrel scam?
1. Juan Ponce Enrile 2. Ramon Revilla 3. Jinggoy Estrada 4. all of these
114. Who is current Commissioner of the BIR? Ans. Kim Henares
1. Sec. Leila de Lima (DOJ Sec.)
2. Sec. Proceso Alcala (Sec. of Agriculture)
3. Sec. Dinky Soliman (DSWD Sec.)
4. Chairman SixtoBrillantes (COMELEC Chairman)
115. Who was the principal accused order by the court for arrest for the mauling of actor/host
Vhong Navarro? Ans. Cedric Lee
116. P/Senior Supt. Conrad Capa who head the capture of Delfin Lee (president of real estate firm
Globe Asiatique Holdings INC.) and was ordered transferred to Visayas is a former head of what
Task Force?
Ans. Task Force Tugis
117. The international name given to Super typoon Yolanda which enter the Philippines Area of
responsibility on November 6, 2013 and killing more than 6,000 people in Cebu, Leyte, Samar and
Palawan. Ans. Haiyan
Agaton( Kajiki) BAsyang ( Lingling)
118. The WBO title for which Manny Pacquio and Timothy Bradley makes a rematch last April in
which Manny Pacquio regain the title by unanimous decision.
1. Lightweight 2. Welterweight 3.Heavyweight 4. Bantamweight
119. Who won the BinibiningPilipinas Universe for 2014.
1. Mary Jean Lastimosa
2. Kris Tiffany Janson
3. Yvethe Marie Santiago
4.Parul Shah
5. Mary Anne Guidotti
120. The Malaysian Plane which was declared missing in the Indian Ocean on March 16, 2014 .
Ans. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
121. First Filipino Figure Skater who join in the Olympic held in Russia – ans. Michael Martinez
122. The Archbishop of Manila-- Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.
123. The Pope who was canonize – Pope John Paul II.
124. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen) -- in
response to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine
125. The virus that creates treats in Saudi--- MERS Corona Virus.
126. The PMA cadet who was not allowed to graduate due to violation in their code of Ethics. ----
Cadet First Class Aldrin Jeff Cudia.
the republic of the phils. is? ans. presidential unitary type.
an institution through which the will of the state may be ascertained and expressed and its ends
realized is called? ans. government
the commission on appointment is composed of? ans. 12 representative and 12 senators
it is an allied science of fingerprint which embraces the four studies nf fingerprints. ans.
_is rolled away from the body of the subject.? ans. all fingers except thd thumb
fingerprint ink can be spread evenly on the class by means of? ans. fingerprint roller
impressions which are taken simultaneously on the finger car are known as? ans. plain impression
there are____ kinds of tented arches. ans. three.

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