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UNIMEX  BOC Commissioner filed MR – argued that CTA altered its decision
March 9, 2007 | Corona, J. | Tariff and Customs Code by converting it from an action for specific performance into a
money judgment. Unimex contended that the exchange rate
Summary: prevailing at the time of actual payment should apply
 CTA denied both MRs – both parties filed separate petitions with the
Doctrine: CA
 CA dismissed the BOC Commissioner’s appeal and granted Unimex’s
Facts: – BOC Commissioner was liable for the value of the subject
 Unimex shipped a 40 – foot container and 171 cartons of Atari game shipment as the same was lost while in its custody and that the CTA
computer cartridges, duplicators, expanders, remote controllers, parts, erred in using as basis the prevailing peso – dollar exchange rate at
and accessories to Handyware Philippines. Don Tim Shipping the time of the importation instead of the prevailing rate at the time
Corporation transported the goods with Evergreen Marine of actual payment pursuant to RA 4100 and that Unimex was entitled
Corporation as shipping agent to legal interest
 When the shipment arrived, the BOC agents discovered that it did  BOC Commissioner and respondent again filed their MRs –
not tally with the description appearing on the cargo manifest so Commissioner insisted that there was no liability and Unimex sought
BOC instituted seizure proceedings against Handyware and issued a payment of the goods value in euros not US dollars and demanded
warrant of seizure and detention against shipment that the 6% legal interest be reckoned from the date of judicial
 Collector of Customs issued a default order against Handyware for demand
failing to appear in the seizure proceedings and after an ex parte  CA denied the Commissioner’s MR but granted Unimex’s
hearing – forfeited the goods in favor of the government  Republic of the Philippines represented by BOC Commissioner
 Unimex filed a motion to intervene in the seizure proceedings – petitioned to the SC assailing:
Collector of Customs affirmed the goods’ forfeiture in favor of the 1. The first CTA judgment could not have been altered and
government should be final and executor
 Unimex filed a petition for review against petitioner Commissioner of 2. Laches has already set in – dismissed outright
Customs in the CTA 3. Legal interest imposed was erroneous
 CTA – reversed the forfeiture decree and ordered the release of the 4. Government funds cannot be charged with respondent’s
subject shipment to respondent subject to the payment of customs claim without corresponding appropriation
duties but Unimex’s counsel failed to secure a writ of execution to
enforce the CTA decision and filed separate claims for damages Issue: WON there was a modification of a final and executor judgment?
against Don Tim Shipping Corporation and Evergreen Marine NO.
Corporation – dismissed  Petitioner – once a judgment becomes final and executor it becomes
 Unimex filed a petition for revival with the CTA – prayed for immutable and unalterable so the CTA erred in ordering it to instead
immediate release by BOC of its shipment of payment of the pay the value of the goods
shipment’s value plus damages but the BOC Commissioner failed to  In the case at bar, parties do not dispute the fact that after the
file his answer and was declared in default decision became final and executor, the goods were lost while under
 BOC informed the court that the subject shipment could no longer custody of the BOC, which is a supervening event warranting the
be found at its warehouses modification of the CTA
 CTA declared that the previous decision could no longer be executed
because of the loss of shipment so it ordered the BOC Commissioner Issue: WON laches had set in? NO
to pay Unimex the commercial value of the goods based on the  Laches is the failure or negligence to assert a right within a reasonable
prevailing exchange rate at the time of their importation time, giving rise to a presumption that a party has abandoned it or
declined to assert it – principally a question of the inequity or
unfairness of permitting a right or claim to be asserted
 Respondent was not guilty of negligence or omission – from the
moment it intervened in the proceedings before the BOC up to the
present petition – respondent is diligently trying to fight for what it
believes is right. Even if there was a failure to file a writ of execution
it does not mean that it was sleeping on its right for it filed a case
against the shipping agent and/or sub – agent
 Laches cannot stall respondent’s right to recover what is due to it
especially where BOC’s negligence in the safekeeping of the goods
appears indubitable
 There is no denying that BOC exhibited
gross carelessness and ineptitude in the
performance of its duty as it could not even
explain why or how the goods vanished
while in its custody. With this, it is difficult
to exonerate petitioner from liability;
otherwise, we would countenance a wrong
and exacerbate respondent’s loss which to
this day has remained unrecompensed.
Issue: WON legal interest may be imposed for use of money or as
compensatory damages?

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