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Create a connection to the Access database by using Visual Basic .


The following step-by-step example describes how to create a connection to the Access database by using the Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET Server Explorer. The following example also describes how to use the OleDbDataAdapter class to retrieve data from
the database and to insert data into a DataSet object. This example also describes how to create new rows, how to add these rows
to the table, how to modify the data in the rows, and how to remove rows from the table in the Access database.

Create a Windows application in Visual Basic .NET

1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.

2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3. Under Project Types, click Visual Basic Projects.

4. Under Templates, click Windows Application, and then click OK.

By default, Form1 is created.

Open a connection to the Access database

1. On the View menu, click Server Explorer.

2. In Server Explorer, right-click Data Connections, and then click Add Connection.

3. In the Data Link Properties dialog box, click the Provider tab.

4. In the OLE DB Provider(s) list, click Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider, and then click

5. Click the Connection tab, and then click the ellipses button (...).

6. Locate the Access database testdb.mdb file that you created by following the corresponding path on your computer.

7. Select the testdb.mdb file, and then click Open.

8. In the Data Link Properties dialog box, click OK.

Retrieve data from the Access database by using the OleDbDataAdapter class

1. On the toolbox, click the Data tab.

2. Drag an OleDbDataAdapter control to Form1.

3. In the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard, click Next three times.

4. In the Generate the SQL statements panel, type the following Microsoft SQL Server statement, and then click Next:
Select * from Student

5. In the View Wizard Results panel, click Finish.

Note In the Do you want to include the password in the connection string? dialog box, click Don't include

6. Right-click OleDbDataAdapter1, and then click Generate Dataset.

7. In the Generate Dataset dialog box, click OK.

8. Add the following code to the Form1_Load event handler:

9. 'Fill retrieves rows from the data source by using the SELECT statement
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Display records that are retrieved from the Access database

1. Add a DataGrid control to Form1.

By default, DataGrid1 is created.

2. Right-click DataGrid1, and then click Properties.

3. In the Properties dialog box, set the DataSource property to DataSet11 and set the
DataMember property to Student.

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Add a row to a table in the Access database

1. Add a Button control to Form1.

2. Right-click Button1, and then click Properties.

3. In the Properties dialog box, set the Text property to Add.

4. Add the following code to the Button1_Click event handler:

5. Dim i, sno As Integer
6. Dim sname As String
7. Dim rw As DataRow
8. 'Add a new row to the Student table.
9. rw = DataSet11.Tables(0).NewRow
10. sno = InputBox("Enter the Roll no of the Student:")
11. sname = InputBox("Enter the Name of the Student:")
12. rw.Item("SNo") = sno
13. rw.Item("SName") = sname
14. Try
15. DataSet11.Tables(0).Rows.Add(rw)
16. 'Update the Student table in the testdb database.
17. i = OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(DataSet11)
18. Catch ex As Exception
19. MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)
20. End Try
21. 'Displays number of rows updated.
MessageBox.Show("no of rows updated=" & i)
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Update the rows of a table in the Access database

1. Add a Button control to Form1.

By default, Button2 is created.

2. Right-click Button2, and then click Properties.

3. In the Properties dialog box, set the Text property to Update.

4. Add the following code to the Button2_Click event handler:

5. Dim i, rwno As Integer
6. Dim colname As String
7. Dim value As Object
8. colname = InputBox("Enter the name of the Column to be updated")
9. rwno = InputBox("Enter the Row Number to be updated: Row No starts from 0")
10. value = InputBox("Enter the value to be entered into the Student table")
11. Try
12. 'Update the column in the Student table.
13. DataSet11.Tables(0).Rows(rwno).Item(colname) = value
14. 'Update the Student table in the testdb database.
15. i = OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(DataSet11)
16. Catch ex As Exception
17. MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)
18. End Try
19. 'Displays number of rows updated.
20. MessageBox.Show("no of rows updated=" & i)
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Delete rows from a table in the Access database

1. Add a Button control to Form1.

By default, Button3 is created.

2. Right-click Button3, and then click Properties.

3. In the Properties dialog box, set the Text property to Delete.

4. Add the following code to the Button3_Click event handler:

5. Dim i As Integer
6. Dim rno As Integer
7. rno = InputBox("Enter the Row no to be deleted: Row no starts from 0")
8. Try
9. 'Delete a row from the Student table.
10. DataSet11.Tables(0).Rows(rno).Delete()
11. 'Update the Student table in the testdb database.
12. i = OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(DataSet11)
13. Catch ex As Exception
14. MsgBox(ex.Message)
15. End Try
16. 'Displays number of rows updated.
MessageBox.Show("no of rows updated=" & i)

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