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The 13 Youth Key ASKs to the Government of Zimbabwe

During this phase, branded “Dawn of a new ERA”, the youth in Zimbabwe organised
through National Association of Youth Organisations (NAYO), National Youth Development
Trust (NYDT) and Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) have developed
thirteen key asks that they want considered by the new government.

Education and Skills Development

“We want an education that empowers us to get jobs and be active citizens. At tertiary
level, we want government supported internships and not to pay tuition during attachment”

Key Ask 1: Broader education that includes Civic education, Vocational and
Entrepreneurship training compliant with technological advancements; and
Key Ask 2: An Inclusive and sustainable education system and financing that considers
quality, affordability and the special needs of youth with disabilities.

Governance and Elections

“As young people we constitute more that half of the population and as such we want to
claim half of all posts in politics, if violence associated with electoral processes is removed
we can compete fairly and express ourselves much better”

Key Ask 3: Introduce a competency based youth quota system (50%) in political
representation at political party level, parliament and in government for effective youth
representation and participation in democratic processes and access to political decision-
Key Ask 4: Electoral and institutional reforms that ensure the delivery of free and fair
elections, accountable government, devolution and Zero tolerance to corruption; and
Key Ask 5: A well funded non-partisan youth run and youth led National Youth Council that
is independent from the Executive’s interference.

Land and Natural Resources Governance

“When the land redistribution was done we were very young and we didn’t get anything,
now we are old and we need land both for housing and farming, we see large tracks of land
being under utilised, we also want to benefit from our diamonds and other minerals”

Key Ask 6: Guided under the principle of “Use it or loose it” there should be a land audit
and redistribution programme aimed at promoting productivity and equitable land
ownership; and
Key Ask 7: Review of the mineral resource governance laws to improve on transparency
and accountability, ensure youth focused benefits from mining revenue through the existing
community share ownership trust schemes, support to the artisanal and small-scale mining
and local enterprise development.

Peace Building and Human Rights

“Even with a good constitution we still live under fear, we have not healed from past
injustices and we are yet to feel safe in our country especially during times of

Key Ask 8: A functional National Peace and Reconciliation commission that promotes
national healing and address the legacy of politically motivated violence and human rights
abuses; and
Key Ask 9: Realignment of laws to the constitution to make the bill of rights effectual,
ensure separation of power and detach partisan interests from state affairs.

Employment and Livelihoods

“We want jobs, we want to be supported to create jobs”

Key Ask 10: Creation of an enabling environment that acknowledges and supports the
informal sector and promotes the ease of doing business for both local and foreign investors
and business incubators; this may include the review of the indigenisation framework; and
Key Ask 11: Harmonisation of training institutions or skills development to ensure
provision of suitable skills for the labor market.
Health and Wellbeing
“Youth’s health issues are not prioritised, our health system primarily focuses on children
and the old people and this has left youth vulnerable”

Key Ask 12: Health financing should meet the Abuja declaration so as to ensure access to
affordable and quality public health care services and commodities such as sanitary wear
for girls; and
Key Ask 13: Promote youth health especially in the provision of rehabilitation for drug
addicts, recreation facilities for healthy lifestyles and sexual and reproductive health
including HIV.

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