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Adrian Hightower

Miss Skirtich
19 March 2018
English 10
Dante's Journey
"Inferno" was a book about Dante Alighieri journey to the 9 circles of Hell. During his

journey Beatrice sent him a guide through hell. His guide was name Virgil. Virgil show him

through hell and all the sinners. During this time Virgil showed being a great father figure. Dante

Alighieri portrays Virgil as a fatherly figure to Dante in "Inferno" by his righteous anger, acting

as protector, and showing pride

Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a fatherly figure to Dante in "Inferno" by his righteous

anger. Virgil acts as a fatherly figure by getting anger at Dante when he was crying because he

felt bad for the sinners. "Who derives to sorrow of God's judgement" (Alighieri 161). Virgil was

mad at Dante because he shouldn’t be feeling bad for the sinners. Another way this is shown is

when Dante tries to talk to the sinner when Virgil says not to. "To be blind and now their souls"

(Alighieri 53). He does not want Dante to be part of them or even talking to them. This is how

Virgil use righteous anger.

Additionally, Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a fatherly figure to Dante in "Inferno" by

acting as protector. Virgil protects Dante by telling Dante to cover his eyes when Medusa comes.

"Turn your head back and keep your eyes shut tight" (Alighieri 69). When Dante and Virgil went

into circle 5 they ran into medusa. She turns whatever she looks at into stone. Another way of

Virgil protecting him by sitting in between Dante and the Stinger of Geryon. "I will ride between

you and the tail" (Alighieri 76-77). When Dante said this, he was talking about putting Dante in

front of him so that if Geryon tried to sting him it would not hurt him. Virgil does not have a

humanly form so that is why it wouldn’t hurt him. This is how Virgil acted as his protector.
Finally, Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a fatherly figure to Dante in "Inferno" by

encouraging him. Virgil encourage Dante by given him a little push to go up the mountain. "He

seemed to reach some plan for he turned and open his arms and lifted me"(Alighieri 95). When

Virgil did this, he shown great father figure by help Dante up the mountain by helping him when

he couldn’t make it up the mountain.

Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a fatherly figure to Dante in "Inferno" by his righteous

anger, acting as protector, and showing pride. Virgil represented the perfect father figure. He

shows how to be a good father. He was always there for Dante whenever he need someone to be

there for him whenever he need

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